EMWIS Flash N°94, October 2011
Released | 04/11/2011 |
EMWIS Flash - October 2011 Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism / Geo-Catalogue / UfM-Water |
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In this issue N°94
1- World Water Forum preparation, Collection of solutions
The 1st Mediterranean Water Forum, Marrakech, 19-20/12/2011
3- Water Think Tank - Territorial water governance in the Mediterranean, Monaco,
10 November 2011
4- Porto 2011 declaration: "EURO-INBO 2011" and General Assembly of MENBO
5- SWIM-SM Workshop on Sustainable Use of Non-Conventional Water Resources, 16
September 2011, Athens (Greece)
6- The Euro-Mediterranean University: How to move forward
7- New CBCMed project promotes a sustainable Mediterranean through audiovisual
EC Expert group on Water Scarcity and
Drought, Venice (Italy), 13-14/10/2011
European Innovation Partnership on water (EIP)
10- Harmonization efforts for the integrated management of the Buna/Bojana basin,
coastal area and aquifers
11- Europe: From efficient water use to quitting fossil fuels
12- Spain: Minister visits commissioned desalination plant in Almeria
13- Montenegro: Another step towards a shared vision for the management of the
Drin river basin
14- Turkey: European bank to fund climate adaption strategies
15- Egypt: Water challenges forcing a rethink on usage
16- Egypt: Water desalination revolutionised
17- Egypt: FAO Nile Information Products
18- Palestine: France launched a water supply project in the West Bank
19- Israel to focus on desalination to deal with water woes
20- Jordan: Integrating Jordan into the European Research Area
21- Tunisia: The AfDB Fosters Water Supply to Tunisia's Rural People
22- Tunisia: EU Announced 157 Million Euros in
aid for economic recovery and water resources management
23- Algeria: Water heritage exhibition and conferences to highlight work of REMEE project
24- UNESCO Cairo Office soon to release Groundwater Operational Management
25- Better Desalination Technology Key to Solving World's Water Shortage
26- Arab scientists call for joined up development research
27- First Indo-French Satellite for the Study of Water Cycles in the Tropics
28- UN-SPIDER’s RSO in Algeria provides maps of areas sensitive to
29- Satellite technology helps monitor water quality in lakes
30- Clarifying the limits of European coastal waters
31- World has 'enough water'
for future food needs
32- The International Center for Climate
Governace launches a new project: The Think Tank Map
33- Fresh water at the bottom of the Dead Sea
1- In the framework of the Mediterranean cross-continental process of the next World Water Forum, to be held in Marseille next 12-17 March 2012, 8 specific regional targets have been identified; we are now collecting contributions in order to present during the Forum the existing and/or innovative solutions, and to get commitments on their achievement (solution = case studies illustrating real solutions that are sufficiently relevant to be selected for the Forum). These "solutions" will form the basis for presentations and discussions at the Forum sessions. They will be further discussed during the First Mediterranean Water Forum in Marrakech (Morocco) on 19-20 December 2011. The eight Mediterranean Target Objectives are organized around 4 priorities: 1. Improving water demand management; 2. Use of non-conventional resources ; 3. Improving water governance; and 4. Urban and Industrial Wastewater collection and treatment. The identification and collection of solutions have to be done by the end of November 2011. You can send your proposals to the following email: info(at)ime.org (specifying the corresponding target objective) and they will be forwarded to the traget coordinators. Further information on EMWIS website.
2- The First Mediterranean Water Forum will be jointly organized by the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) and the State Secretariat in charge of Water and Environment of Morocco, and will take place in Marrakech (Morocco) on 19-20 December 2011. This events has two main components: the preparation of the Mediterranean cross-continental process for the 6th World Water Forum, and the effective setting up of the Mediterranean Water Forum which, beyond its first edition, should be established in a permanent manner so as to carry the voice of the Mediterranean water community. A Steering Committee has been set-up to prepare this event and the Mediterranean process of the WWF6. At the 1st Mediterranean Water Forum, discussions will be organised around the 4 priorities defined for the WWF6 and for launching the Mediterranean Water Forum. Side events will also be organised around thematic projects and initiatives such as the decision support system STRATEAU for water and territorial management. The Mediterranean Water Forum aims to become a permanent platform for the Mediterranean water community, it is expected to establish some basic principles accepted by all stakeholders. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- On November 10th 2011, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is organizing a symposium on “Territorial governance of water in the Mediterranean: what experience and what solutions for local actors?” in the Principality of Monaco. This symposium will be carried out in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the Plan Bleu and the International Office for Water (OIEAU) and Veolia Environnement, all of them founding partners of the Water Think Tank Méditerranée (WTT). Through four thematic workshops, the symposium will introduce the work of the Water Think Tank Méditerranée since its creation during the World Water Forum of Istanbul in 2009. The WTT wishes to contribute towards the integrated, concerted and coordinated management of water resources for the various categories of users in the Mediterranean region. Each workshop will gather 4 speakers. EMWIS President Mr. Walter MAZZITTI will introduce the symposium and the morning sessions. The debates will be animated by a French journalist, Yolaine de la Bigne, founder and chief editor of Néoplanète. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- The meeting "EUROPE-INBO 2011" was organized jointly with the 9th General Assembly of the Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations (MENBO) on 27-30 of September 2011 in Porto (Portugal) on the invitation of the Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Norte (Porto, Portugal). The conference took place six months earlier than the 6th World Water Forum in Marseilles - 12 to 17 March 2012 - hence, special attention was devoted to solutions for the Europe Region process. The conference highlighted the fact that transboundary agreements must be concrete and include provisions to actually manage and protect water resources and aquatic ecosystems. It is important that the aquifers are also included in this cooperation. It is desirable to accelerate the ratification of the "Water convention" by all countries in the UNECE region. All countries in the UNECE are invited to ratify the amendment opening the Convention to countries outside the region. "The joint process between the WFD and the EUWI" is a technical platform for collaboration between countries, that promotes the exchange of experiences, evaluations and discussions about regional differences using the WFD as a guideline. This process, tested successfully in the Mediterranean, can make recommendations exploitable by developing countries. It was therefore desirable to extend it to other regions, particularly in EECCA. The participants called also the EU Member States and the European Commission to define a "second generation" for the EUWI in close cooperation with partners from different regions, by introducing more support to improve mechanisms funding governance, management of transboundary basins and strategies of communication and participation. Further information on EMWIS website.
5- Sustainable management of non-conventional water resources is among the priority themes of EU programme on Sustainable Water Integrated Management -SWIM- in the Mediterranean. The use of non-conventional waters is already applied in many countries of the region, primarily through reuse of treated and untreated waste water including recycling of agricultural run-off, rainwater harvesting, desalination, etc, with a range of challenges and opportunities related to these. The Support Mechanism project of this proramme, the SWIM-SM, organised a workshop on 16 September 2011 in Athens, Greece, back-to-back with the Regional Conference on Advancing Non-Conventional Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean with the aim to: - Provide a briefing on SWIM-SM regional priorities in relation to the non-conventional agenda and contribute as a brainstorming meeting on the related parts of the upcoming SWIM-SM Inception Report; - Discuss SWIM-SM regional priorities on wastewater reuse as a key issue in the non-conventional agenda; - Discussing SWIM-SM regional priorities on desalination with emphasis on the possible formation of an Expert Group on Sustainable Desalination within SWIM-SM. Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) is a Regional Technical Assistance Programme launched by the European Commission to contribute to the extensive dissemination and effective implementation of sustainable water management policies and practices in the Southern Mediterranean Region. Further information on EMWIS website.
6- Ministers, academics and European Union officials as well as EMUNI network members and representatives of International Organisations have taken part in a seminar on prospects of the Euro-Mediterranean University organised by the parliamentary assembly for the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), working group for the Euro-Mediterranean University. The Seminar, attended by the League of the Arab states and the OECD, was an opportunity for EMUNI to listen and learn from participants’ diverse experiences and critics while calling for more constructive debate in the near future. EMUNI is an international university based in Slovenia. It is one of the six projects of the Union for the Mediterranean, which were confirmed within the common declaration, adopted in Paris, on July 13, 2008. It aims to contribute to harmonisation of higher education and research and contribute to lasting development of the wider social-economic and cultural environment in Euro-Med countries. On the other hand, the Mediterranean Universities Union, which is a network of 84 universities from 21 countries of the Euro Mediterranean Region, has launched a petition on line to European Commission to adopt ad ERASMUS and Leonardo da Vinci program for the MEDITERRANEAN Area. Further information on EMWIS website.
7- A new Mediterranean Cross-Border Cooperation project aims to enhance audiovisual cooperation and to inform the public on the environmental challenges in cross-border regions of the Mediterranean. The project – called JOUSSOUR – is funded by the EU in the framework of the ENPI-CBCMed programme. It held its first coordination meeting on 14 October 2011, in Tunis, at the ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) headquarters. A press release said the main objective of the project was the co-production of twelve documentary magazines realised by young professionals from the Euro-Mediterranean region. This series will be produced for both television and web. Among its purposes is the enhancement of audiovisual cooperation and informing the general public on environmental challenges. The ‘ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007/2013’ is a multilateral cross-border cooperation programme co-financed by the EU under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. Further information on EMWIS website.
8- This recent workshop of the EU expert group on water scarcity and drought held in Venice, was an excellent opportunity to bring together the different communities dealing at European level with water scarcity and drought issues in order to find common strategies and share knowledge and experiences. The EU Blueprint initiative and a certain number of indicators used for water scarcity monitoring at the EU level were also presented. There was a session devoted to the transfer of research results; a session on the standardisation activity of WMO-Reg VI which examined how to support the EU development of a common set of indices on the basis of the ongoing work of the regional task teams. The participants also learnt about a topic report on water scarcity and droughts issues in some EU river basin management plans as well as the activities of the Mediterranean working group on water scarcity and drought presented by EMWIS during that meeting. Further information on EMWIS website.
9- DG Environment organised a consultation workshop for the candidate European Innovation Partnership on water (EIP). The workshop was held on October 20th in Brussels. It was attended by more than 100 people in a fully-packed room. The workshop was opened by Peter Gammeltoft, Head of Unit for Water. The goal of the meeting was to get first feedbacks from water stakeholders on the governance, objectives and targets of the future EIP. WssTP strongly supports the EIP and made a clear statement during the session: the European Commission should aim at setting an efficient partnership for water. For WssTP, a successful EIP should come from the alignment and cooperation of existing water related initiatives that includes WssTP, ACQUEAU, EUREAU, the Water JPI and SUSCHEM as stated in WssTP Position Paper on “Boosting Research and Innovation Fundings for Water”. Further information on EMWIS website.
10 - Representatives of national, regional and local authorities, members from the private sector, academia, NGOs and civil society organisations as well as representatives of international organizations met on 11 July 2011, in Podgorica, Montenegro to prepare the development of the “Buna/Bojana Transboundary (Albania/Montenegro) Integrated Management Plan, a pilot activity to test as well as to demonstrate the implementation of a new Integrative Methodological Framework to be replicated in other parts of the Mediterranean. The meeting was organised within the framework of the MedPartnership and the Mediterranean Component of the European Union Water Initiative. Further information on EMWIS website.
11- Resource efficiency is a policy priority for Europe. However, across the region there are many different approaches to ‘doing more with less’, as shown by a survey of countries’ policies, carried out by the European Environment Agency (EEA). In coming years, societies will have to confront a huge challenge. While global population and economic production continue to grow, the resources supporting this upward spiral are finite. The United Nations (UN) recently noted that resource use will triple by 2050 if humans continue to use resources with the same degree of efficiency as we do currently. The European Commission’s recent Resource Efficiency Roadmap states that while “demand for food, feed and fibre may increase by 70% by 2050, 60% of the world’s major ecosystems that help produce these resources have already been degraded or are used unsustainably.” Such unchecked resource use will increase environmental destruction and inequality; and ultimately lead to the disappearance of the natural and mineral resources which support modern societies. To address this problem, countries across Europe have been working on strategies and policies to become more resource-efficient. For most countries, resource efficiency was seen as part of other strategies, including strategies related to sustainable development, environment, raw materials, climate change and economic reform. The sectors of energy and waste were the two most common areas for resource efficiency policies. Nonetheless, the survey showed that Europe still has a long way to go if it is to make comprehensive plans for resource efficiency. According to the results, only a few countries have policies addressing the more fundamental issue of consumption, instead attempting to improve technical efficiency. Further information on EMWIS website.
12- Spain's minister for environment and rural and marine affairs, Rosa Aguilar, visited the 20,000 m³/d Bajo Almanzora seawater desalination plant in Almería province on 20 September 2011 on the occasion of its commissioning. The reverse-osmosis plant, which cost € 75.9 million, aims to meet the growing demand for water resources, for agriculture and coastal villages, two key sectors for economic development in this part of Almeria. Developed by Acuamed, the state-owned water agency for this region, the Bajo Almanzora plant was co-financed by the European Union. Acuamed awarded the project to the joint venture formed by Befesa Construcción y Tecnología Ambiental, FCC Construcción y Servicios, Procesos Ambientales, and Aqualia Gestión Integral del Agua, to carry out construction, operation and maintenance for 15 years. Further information on EMWIS website.
13- On 29 September 2011, in Podgorica, Montenegro, a National Consultation Meeting gather all the water stakeholders to discuss and elaborate on management issues, needs and actions for the sustainable management of the Drin river basin. The Montenegrin National Consultation Meeting was the third in a series of meetings within the Drin Dialogue process. A consultation meeting involving all countries (Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro) sharing the basin will be organized later in November 2011. Water quality, development of tourism and hydropower were among the issues debated, as were the recurrent serious floods of recent years. The establishment of a joint commission to enhance transboundary cooperation for the sustainable management of the extended Drin basin was suggested as an important step to take. On the following day (30 September 2011), the 4th Drin Core Group Meeting discussed the results of the national consultation. The Drin Core Group agreed on a text for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Riparians reflecting a Shared Strategic Vision for the joint management of the transboundary Drin basin. It is planned that this MoU will be signed by Ministers during a meeting in Tirana at the end of November. Back-to-back with the above mentioned meetings, an H2020 CB/MEP training was organized in Podgorica on the “Effective involvement of NGOs and Media in the implementation of the H2020 Initiative”. Further information on EMWIS website.
14- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, are to fund a yearlong study designed to help local and international businesses in Turkey to adapt to climate change. The study will focus on shifts in precipitation, the temperature, the availability of water resources, sea-level rise and other resource challenges including energy efficiency. The data will help identify technology gaps and barriers towards adaptation, as well as identify climate investment opportunities. “It is essential that long-term investment decisions and business plans start to consider the consequences of climate change,” said Terry McCallion, EBRD’s director for energy efficiency and climate change. “The related risks and opportunities are less well understood; there was a good start to implementation of climate change mitigation investments — including those related to energy efficiency and renewable energy. “Consequently, it is important for the International Financial Institutions to co-operate and work together with governments, to raise awareness in the private sector. This will be an important study in that regard.” EBRD has worked in Turkey since 2009 and focuses on renewable and sustainable energy, small business development in the regions, agribusiness, municipal, environment and other infrastructure. To date it has spent nearly €1 billion on about 30 projects aimed at developing the private sector. Further information on EMWIS website.
15- Leaking water pipes, evaporation and a rapidly growing population may be significant concerns for those trying to manage and plan water supplies in Egypt, but compounding such problems – and forcing Egyptians to rethink how they use water – is the threat posed by downstream countries which also want to take more water from the Nile, say observers. “Egyptians have to adapt to less water every day,” said Rida Al Damak, a water expert from Cairo University. Egypt has a population of about 85 million, and receives an annual Nile water share of 55.5 billion cubic metres, according to experts. Around 85 percent of that water is used in agriculture, but a lot simply leaks away. According to a 2007 research paper by Fathi Farag, an independent water expert, Egypt loses two billion cubic metres of water to evaporation, and three billion cubic metres to grass growing on the banks of the Nile and on river islands. Around 40 percent of the remaining water – used domestically and in industry (2.3 billion cubic metres) – is lost to leaking pipes and drains, while 2.5 billion cubic metres are used to generate electricity, the paper says. Further information on EMWIS website.
16- The chairman of the Holding Co. for Drinking water and Sanitation in Egypt has confirmed that the new cheap technology will boost cultivation in Sinai and the Western Desert. General Sayyed Nasr told the press that we have a team of university professors and agricultural experts to thank for this breakthrough. It has also been disclosed that they are now looking at ways to reduce the cost of water desalination even further, to only 2 Egyptian Pound (0.25 €) per cubic metre, mainly using solar cells. According to Gen. Nasr, the new water desalination technology will help irrigate millions of acres in the Western Desert and Sinai Peninsula, without having to use Nile water. Fortunately, the revelation of this new technology coincides with the intense talks the Egyptian Government has been engaged in with other Nile Basin states over river quotas. The issue of the Nile water developed into a huge headache under Hosni Mubarak's regime, which arrogantly mishandled suggestions by African countries to redistribute the water. Now that Mubarak's regime has gone, the situation is far less tense. During his recent visit to Cairo, Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi dispelled Egyptians' fears about their water quota, while he and his Egyptian counterpart witnessed the signing of several joint co-operation agreements. Further information on EMWIS website.
17- FAO's "Information Products for Nile Basin Water Resource Management" project has established modern hydrological monitoring and reporting systems across the Nile Basin, helped government authorities harmonize data-gathering, and produced a series of comprehensive surveys of water use and agricultural production. The products, presented at the 3rd Nile Basin Development Forum, held in Kigali, are finally publicly available and they include reports, manuals and posters. The $5 million Information Products for Nile Basin Water Resource Management project was financed by the government of Italy as the last of three projects it funded in the region for a total investment of $16 million. Further information on EMWIS website.
18- Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, French Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Housing, visited Israel and the Palestinian territories on 31 October and 1 November. The Minister inaugurated a water supply project that must meet the demand of 25,000 Palestinians in the depressed area of Maythaloun, near Jenin (northern West Bank). "Here in the Palestinian territories, water is a key issue: it's one of the key issues in negotiating a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine," said Mrs Kosciusko-Morizet in presence of the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Salam Fayyad. The Minister noted that "the average water consumption of the Palestinians barely reaches 70 liters per day per person, less than 100 liters recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)." The project of water supply is funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) with a budget of 10.6 million euros. Water is the main area of intervention of France in the Territories, with an investment of nearly 100 million since 1998. According to the minister, Maythaloun project - where 62% of households live below the poverty line - "shows in a very concrete way the contribution of France, on the ground to support the construction of infrastructure and institutions in the Palestinian state. " Further information on EMWIS website.
19- Israel will have to invest NIS 200 (€40) billion over the next four decades in the development of water installations, but will also be in a position to do so without raising the cost of water to the consumer, according to the blueprint plan for water development recently approved by the Water Authority Council. The plan also proposes the creation of desalination plants on offshore man-made islands because of the difficulty in finding land for building such plants on the beaches. Based on the new plan, expanding the availability of water in Israel will focus on desalination plants. This will make it possible to draw less water from natural water sources, thereby allowing them to be restored to higher levels. The focus on desalination also lessens the risks posed by higher reliance on water resources like Lake Kineret. The amount of water allocated to agriculture will not drop, however it will be based on purified sewage and non-potable water drawn from water holes. The plan proposes forging ahead with the goals set by the government, reaching 750 cubic meters of desalinated water in a decade, or double the current capacity. Beginning in the next decade, it will be necessary to double desalination capacity again - by 2050. The calculations in the plan show that Israel will require an additional 1.5 billion cubic meters of water, in the coming years, beyond that which is available to it. A third will be used to supply Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. The Israeli government already has a goal of 750 million m³/year by 2020, but will have to double that figure before 2050. This is based on a likely consumption per person of 96 m³ in spite of an expected rise in living standards. Further information on EMWIS website.
20 - The Royal Scientific Society (RSS) / Environment Monitoring and Research Central Unit (EMARCU) have launched a new project funded by the European Commission (EC) entitled: “Integrating Jordan into the European Research Area- IJERA”. The IJERA is coordinated by RSS and brings together three partners namely; the Higher Council for Science and Technology from Jordan, Europe for Business (EFB) from the United Kingdom, and ENEA from Italy. The project’s implementation will be conducted over a period of 24 months aiming at strengthening the capacities of EMARCU at RSS while fostering it as an international centre of excellence in water research in the region. The project will also reinforce the cooperation capacities and research activities in Jordan’s water sector by defining water research priorities to respond to socio-economic needs as well as facilitating Jordan’s participation in European water research initiatives and inclusion in Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation Area. Further information on EMWIS website.
21- The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Tunisian government signed last 19 October a financing agreement of 183 million Tunisian dinars (95 million). This funding aims to support increased access to safe water in rural areas, a priority for Tunisia. The loan agreement will contribute to the program Tunisian drinking water supply in rural areas. The program includes the construction and rehabilitation of networks of water supply and capacity building network management and infrastructure. The program will be implemented through the Directorate of Agricultural Engineering and Water Exploitation (DGGREE) and the Regional Commissary for Agricultural Development (CRDA). It will benefit the rural population's poorest 20 governorates. Further information on EMWIS website.
22- The EU/Tunisia Task force announced last September 30, 2011 two major financing agreements totalling a donation of 157 million euros from the European Union to support Tunisia’s transition to democracy. The task force was created to coordinate European and international support for Tunisia during its transitional period. EU financial assistance to Tunisia could reach as much 4 billion Euros for the 2012-2013 period. Of the two agreements announced, the first provides 100 million euros to the Tunisian government to accelerate economic growth by supporting various government stimulus programs. The second agreement of 57 million euros will support public policies for managing water resources in agricultural and rural development. Overexploitation of clean water sources has threatened groundwater in particular. Programs will aim to bring government resources and workers together with civil society organizations and citizens. Further information on EMWIS website.
23- The project “Rediscovering together the water heritage in the Mediterranean region” (REMEE), implemented under the EU-funded Euromed Heritage IV programme, organised an exhibition and a series of conferences around the theme “Memory of water in the Mediterranean” last 15 October 2011 in the Algerian capital Algiers. The exhibition consisted of 19 bilingual panels (French and Arabic) highlighting the value and ingenuity of the techniques used in the field of water heritage. All illustrations/ posters were provided by REMEE partners and highlighted the many common elements related to knowledge and practices of water heritage around the Mediterranean. An 80-page guidebook was available to visitors. The event included also a series of conferences focusing on the one hand on the presentation of the Euromed Heritage 4 Programme and the REMEE Project and their results, and on the other hand on the experiences gained by civil society actors in the field of preservation and promotion of heritage in Algeria. These sessions were followed by a debate on the role of civil society in the promotion of heritage. With a budget of €850,667 over a period of two and a half years, REMEE aims to promote the preservation of vernacular heritage linked to water management in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and raise public awareness, particularly among the youth, of the value of this heritage and the need to protect it. Further information on EMWIS website.
24- Within UNESCO Cairo Office (UCO) supported the preparation of the Groundwater Operational Management toolkit to improve the integrated water resources management policies and strategies in the Arab region. The toolkit focuses on compiling, collecting and documenting field, practical and operational experiences of groundwater management of the aquifer systems in the Arab region. The toolkit, prepared by a group of Arab experts, covers experiences in shallow and deep aquifers besides the existing transboundary aquifers in the Arab region and includes 12 technical modules covering the hydrogeological and groundwater operational management fields, namely: groundwater origin, occurrence and flow; planning for the management of groundwater development, investigations for managing groundwater development, groundwater potential, wells and well fields design; implementation, development of wells; monitoring and evaluation systems, groundwater and water well pollution, management of groundwater development; institutional and legal approaches for managing groundwater development; and awareness for appropriate management of groundwater development. Currently, UCO is working on developing multimedia CD/DVD and website for the toolkit on Groundwater Operational Management. Further information on EMWIS website.
25- Over one-third of the world's population already lives in areas struggling to keep up with the demand for fresh water. By 2025, that number will nearly double. Some countries have met the challenge by tapping into natural sources of fresh water, but as many examples -- such as the much-depleted Jordan River -- have demonstrated, many of these practices are far from sustainable. A new Yale University study argues that seawater desalination should play an important role in helping combat worldwide fresh water shortages -- once conservation, reuse and other methods have been exhausted -- and provides insight into how desalination technology can be made more affordable and energy efficient. For years, scientists have focused on increasing the membrane's water flux using novel materials, such as carbon nanotubes, to reduce the amount of energy required to push water through it. In the new study, Elimelech and William Phillip demonstrate that reverse osmosis requires a minimum amount of energy that cannot be overcome, and that current technology is already starting to approach that limit. Instead of higher water flux membranes, Elimelech and Phillip suggest that the real gains in efficiency can be made during the pre- and post-treatment stages of desalination. Elimelech cautions that desalination should only be considered a last resort in the effort to provide fresh water to the world's populations and suggests that long-term research is needed to determine the impact of seawater desalination on the aquatic environment, but believes that desalination has a major role to play now and in the future. Further information on EMWIS website.
26- Arab scientists want their countries to undertake regionally coordinated research into sustainable development, saying that policies established almost 20 years ago, after the 1992 Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, have largely failed. At a workshop held to discuss Arab scientists' approaches to the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, to be held in Brazil next June, they also expressed fears that the conference's emphasis on the green economy might leave science on the sidelines. About 40 natural scientists, social scientists and engineers from the Arab states attended the workshop in Egypt, 12–14 October, jointly run by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and UNESCO (the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Their conclusions, presented at the Rio+20 Intergovernmental Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Arab Region, 16–17 October — also held in Egypt — consisted of a call for policymakers to recognise, support, and facilitate the work of scientists in the region, and make better use of their knowledge. The Regional Science and Technology Workshop for the Arab States was one of five regional workshops for Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and Europe organised by ICSU and UNESCO. On the other hand, the 1st Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine symposium took place in Kuwait last 17-19 October, and gathered young Arab and American scientists from differents fields: water, renewable energy, agriculture, and diabetes, with the participation of the Arab World Academy of Young Scientists (ArabWAYS). In the water section, the focus was given to the adaptation to climate change, virtual water, water scarcity and drought, desalination, IWRM, using satellite date to monitor groundwaters, etc. Further information on EMWIS website.
27- Megha-Tropiques, the first Indo-French climate satellite, has been launched on 12 October 2011 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. This is the first time that a satellite is used to help study atmospheric water cycles and energy fluxes in the inter-tropical region. Megha-Tropiques thus aims to improve our knowledge in tropical climatology. A collaboration between the two national spatial agencies, the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (National Centre for Space Studies-CNES) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Megha-Tropiques emerged from a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation on this mission, which was signed in November 2004. A cooperation agreement was signed on 8 September 2011 in Washington between CNES and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to integrate data from Megha-Tropiques with those of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM). GPM will be an international network of satellites dedicated to the global study of precipitation that will eventually cover most of the planet. A similar agreement will be signed soon between ISRO and NASA. Megha-Tropiques is the first mission of its kind to observe the Earth and will cover countries other than India and France. This collaboration will increase the scientific impact and fame of the Megha-Tropiques, and is, in a way the first satellite of the entire GPM constellation. Further information on EMWIS website.
28- In the framework of the preparations for the 10th session of the Conference of the State Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) held from October 10 to 21, 2011 in the Republic of Korea, the Algerian Space Agency, the UN-SPIDER RSO in Algeria, took part in the Regional Preparatory Meeting conducted from 5 to 8 September 2011 in Algiers. The Regional Preparatory Meeting was co-organized by the executive Secretariat of the UNCCD and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The Algerian Space Agency, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Water and Forest Administration, helped launching the implementation of an action plan to combat desertification which will be led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. For this purpose, it provided maps of areas sensitive to desertification based on satellite data. At the end of the meeting, it was concluded that awareness of national and regional decision-makers regarding the issue of desertification needs to be raised. Also, a framework for better regional cooperation should be established so as to facilitate sharing of space-based data and related expertise. Further information on EMWIS website.
29- New research reveals how scientists can monitor water quality in European lakes using sensors mounted on satellites. The technique is a promising and cost-effective new tool to classify and monitor the ecological status of lakes more reliably under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Chlorophyll-a is a pigment in phytoplankton (microscopic aquatic green plants and algae) that harvests sunlight, enabling phytoplankton to grow. Monitoring the concentration of chlorophyll-a in European lakes as an indicator of ecological health (or phytoplankton population) is an important part of the WFD. In most European countries, sampling of chlorophyll-a in lakes is limited to a few locations and samples per year, depending on the budget and workforce. However, scientists know that changes in chlorophyll-a concentration occur over small distances (hundreds of metres) and short timescales (days to weeks). Therefore, relying on these occasional and quick measurements to assess the biological health of a lake is likely to lead to errors. The EULAKES scientists used over 200 satellite images to estimate chlorophyll-a concentration in inland waters for a region in the European Alps, covering 12 different sized lakes. The satellite images were acquired between 2003 and 2009 by the MERIS (MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) sensor on board a European Space Agency satellite. The scientists identified features of the lakes that are difficult to detect with conventional sampling, such as short-term fluctuations in chlorophyll-a, sewage inflow (points of high nutrient input and persistent high chlorophyll-a) and rapidly changing conditions in the smaller lakes caused by wind mixing. The scientists recommend that remotely sensed measurement of chlorophyll-a should be exploited for more reliable monitoring of water quality in European lakes under the WFD. By establishing protocols to interpret the data, the technique could also ensure consistency between different Member States. Further information on EMWIS website.
30 - Researchers attempting to establish the limits of coastal waters in Europe have found that national declarations of coastal waters contain a number of inconsistencies regarding the definition from the Water Framework Directive. In particular, the national declarations over estimated the area of coastal waters by almost 12% overall, which could affect the results of ecological assessments required by several major EU environmental policies. A consistent and accurate definition of ‘coastal waters’ would help researchers and policy makers carry out the ecological assessment of national marine environments required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). .urther information on EMWIS website.
31- There is enough water in the world's rivers to meet the demands of the expanding global population, but the rivers have to be better managed, according to a series of studies released recently at the 14th World Water Congress in Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. The key problem for water use is not scarcity but inefficient use of supplies because of poor governance and regulation, concludes a special issue of the Water International coordinated by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research's Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). The studies analysed economic and demographic conditions; hydrology; agricultural systems and the influence of institutional factors on water availability and use in nine major river basins in Africa, Asia and Latin America. They found that, in many areas, water production can be substantially increased without harming the environment. In Africa, for example, most cropland is rain-fed and only four per cent of available water is captured for crops and livestock. But a lack of strong institutional arrangements limits access to resources, to finance, or the markets that prevent farmers from developing land to its full potential, the studies found. To improve water use and food production, research and policies should consider agriculture, food systems and water as a holistic system, and balance the needs of all users. Policies should also look beyond crops and take into account water's often neglected role in livestock farming and fisheries, which are important for local diets and livelihoods. For example, freshwater fisheries support 900,000 people in the Niger basin and 40 million people in the Mekong for at least part of the year. Further information on EMWIS website.
32- The Think Tank Map is a new observatory, developed by the International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG), that provides an overview on the think tanks active in the field of climate change governance, allowing in-depth studies about their influence on policy and facilitating their networking activities. The continuous development of new research strands in the fields of climate change and sustainable development is matched by the constant growth of the number of organizations that investigate them. The Think Tank Map is an important resource for researchers, institutions, experts and policy makers; it allows them to find out readily useful information about the entities around the world active in tackling the issue of climate change. The Think Tank Map consists of a series of interactive maps on which the locations of all the think tanks that are part of the observatory are pinpointed. It is possible to display all the think tanks on the map, or just the ones working in a specific field of research, or to look up the ones located in a particular country. For each think tank, the relevant information about its current projects and activities are presented. The changes through time in think tanks, their scope and activities, will be matched by continuous updates to the Observatory, thus transforming it into a barometer that will reflect how the think tanks’ influence on policy makers is evolving. Further information on EMWIS website.
33- Rivers and streams—most notably the Jordan River—once regularly infused fresh water into the Dead Sea. The basin has no outlet, so water escapes only by evaporation. As fresh water evaporates, salty minerals dissolved in the water get left behind. Over time, this process made the Dead Sea much saltier than ocean water. The lake's saltiness means that larger organisms such as fish and frogs can't survive in the Dead Sea. But a high concentration of magnesium also makes it surprising to find microbes in the lake. This year, Israeli and German divers braved these waters loaded with salt and made a revealing discovery: sources of fresh water spring, more than 30 meters deep in craters 15 meters wide and 20 meters deep, crowned by unusual geological formations, according to an article in "Scientific American". They filmed the geological and biological treasure. And what is more surprising, according to an article in National Geographic, is the ability of these bacteria in freshwater sources in resisting the extremely salty water of the Dead Sea. Further information on EMWIS website.
34- "Jordan: Eng. Musa Al Jamaani new Minister of Water and Irrigation (who replaced Eng. Mohammad Najjar): A Royal Decree was issued on Monday 24 October approving a new government in Jordan led by Awn Khasawneh. Among the new Jordanian government: Yassin Al Khayyat: Minister of Environment, Ahmad Al Khattab: Minister of Agriculture, Ruwaida Maayteh: Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Basem Rousan: Minister of Information and Communications Technology, Jafaar Hassan: Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Yahia Kasabi: Minister of Public Works and Housing, and Abdul Latif Wreikat: Minister of Health. Eng. Mousa Al-Jamaani has been Jordan Valley Authority Secretary General. Holds a Master Degree in Civil Engineering with emphasis on planning and managing water sources from Colorado University in 1989. He held the position of Acting Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General at Jordan Valley Authority. He is member of various boards of directors. Further information on EMWIS website.
35- UNESCO Director-General appoints a new Director of the Division of Water Sciences and Secretary of IHP: Mr Abdin Mohamed Ali Salih has been appointed by the Director-General as the Director of the Division of Water Sciences and Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP). Further information on EMWIS website.
36- "The Chartered Institution of Water and
Environmental Management (CIWEM): New President nominated":
CIWEM has just announced that David
Wilkes has taken over from
Gerard Morris as CIWEM
President 2011-2012. David Wilkes is a graduate of the
37- "Call for Candidates: GWP is seeking nominations and applications for its Technical Committee": GWP will appoint up to two new members as of 1 January 2012. Technical Committee members are appointed by the Steering Committee for a term of three years, renewable once. Candidates should be world leaders in one or more aspects of the practice of water resources management. Nominations and applications should be submitted by 11 November 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
38- The Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP-II) is a five year cooperative agreement implemented and managed by the Public Health Institute in partnership with CDC Development Solutions and Management Systems International. GHFP-II is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). This programme is looking for an "Environmental Health Advisor". All online applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm Eastern Time November 15, 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
39- IWA seeks Programme Officer for the Nairobi office: The International Water Association (IWA) is the global network of 10,000 water professionals spanning the continuum between research and practice and covering all facets of the water cycle. If you are interested in this position, send a cover letter and CV/ resume by 25th November 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
40- Nominations are now open for the 5th Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW). The prize is aimed at recognizing the efforts of scientists, inventors and research organizations around the world in water related fields. Last date for submission of applications is January 31, 2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
41- A new book: “Turkey’s water policy. National frameworks and international cooperation” has just been edited by Aysgül Kibaroglu, Waltina Scheumann, and Annika Kramer. The book is a unique undertaking that brings together Turkish and international authors – practitioners and academics – covering all aspects of water management. To understand Turkey’s position to international water law, the national policies and socio-economic circumstances that impact water resources management need to be considered. Further information on EMWIS website.
42- Hydro Electricity France, the first union of small hydropower producers, publishes, with the technical and financial support of ADEME, the guide "Towards the hydroelectric plant of the XXI century", Directed by a scientific committee comprising professionals in the industry, Onema and Cemagref, it is co-signed by on behalf of MEEDDEM by Odile Gauthier, director of water & biodiversity and Pierre-Marie Abadie, energy director. Further information on EMWIS website.
43- The website "Carteau": Water and aquatic environments, panorama of Research and Development" is online. French Research units or organizations identified as likely to work in the field of water and aquatic environments were included in the database "Carteau. Water and aquatic environments: an overview of research and development actors. " The database currently comprises nearly 190 public research units, 50 private companies, 130 research institutions, 70 collective structures, 30 programs and 500 research projects. Further information on EMWIS website.
44- Is it necessary to review the pricing of drinking water? The subject has become hot and may occur with more and more acute in many communities in the coming months: should change the pricing of water and in what sense? "The tiered pricing of drinking water in France - France and solutions in the world" by Henri Smets, revisits the different methods of charging for water and proposes new solutions. Further information on EMWIS website.
45- African water atlas launched in French:
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has
published a French version of its 'Africa Water Atlas', a compendium of maps,
satellite images and 'before and after' images that reveals the vulnerability of
the continent's water resources. The atlas contains more than 300 maps and
satellite images, around 500 charts and hundreds of photographs. UNEP said on
its website that it undertook the production of this atlas at the request of the
African Ministers' Council on Water and in cooperation with the African Union,
European Union, US Department of State, US Geological Survey and other
collaborators. Further information on EMWIS
46- Tenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification - Summary & Analysis: The tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to theUN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP10) convened from 10-21 October 2011, in Changwon City,Gyeongnam Province, Republic of Korea. Further information on EMWIS website.
47- Second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters: This Second Assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the status of transboundary waters in the European and Asian parts of the UNECE region, covering more than 140 transboundary rivers, 25 transboundary lakes, about 200 transboundary groundwaters and 25 Ramsar Sites or other wetlands of transboundary importance. Further information on EMWIS website.
48- "Sustainable Water for the Future: Water Recycling versus Desalination": This book is part of a series on sustainability. Specifically, it deals with the issue of sustainable water use. Further information on EMWIS website.
49- The Future of Seawater Desalination: Energy, Technology, and the Environment: A paper co-authored by William Phillip of the University of Notre Dame's Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Menachem Elimelech, Robert Goizueta Professor of Environmental and Chemical Engineering at Yale University, appearing in the journal Science offers a critical review of the state of seawater desalination technology. Further information on EMWIS website.
50- The price of water, Nicolas Firmann (Environmental Evaluation and policies) Fribourg, May 20, 2011: According to Fauquert G. M. (2007), there is no "fair price" due to water, but a "fair process" to define the price of this resource. To determine the price, we need to know the total cost incurred by the water services and sanitation. Although the price of water does not fully cover these costs, pricing can finance part of the maintenance and replacement or extension of infrastructure necessary for its operation and its treatment. This funding is very important to provide good quality service to users. Indeed, if they are satisfied with the service, they will fund more. (OECD, 2010). Further information on EMWIS website.
51- Twin2Go newsletter nr 4 - Synthesizing research for adaptive water governance: Over more than two years the Twin2Go project has reviewed, consolidated, and synthesised research on integrated water resources management in basins around the world. Twin2Go has further promoted the sharing of research results with practitioners and high level decision makers through a series of successful policy dialogues. Further information on EMWIS website.
52- UN Climate Change Conference October 2011 - Summary & Analysis: The UN Climate Change Conference took place from 1-7October 2011 in Panama City, Panama. Further information on EMWIS website.
53- A JMP Technical Task Force Meeting on “Monitoring progress in water supply and sanitation – challenges in urban settings” took place in Kenya from 6 to 9 June 2011. The final report of the meeting is available now online. Further information on EMWIS website.
54- The World’s Water Volume 7: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Further information on EMWIS website.
55- At the end of its last session in September 2011, the UN Human Rights Council adopted without a vote a resolution on the rights to water and sanitation. The Human Rights Council acknowledged with appreciation the third annual report of the Special Rapporteur, on National Plans of Action for the Realization of the Rights to Water and Sanitation. The Council also welcomed the Special Rapporteur’s of good practices on the rights to water and sanitation. These two documents by the Special Rapporteur are available now. Further information on EMWIS website.
56- "Water Data from The World’s Water, Vol. 7 Now Available": For more than a decade, the biennial report "The World's Water" has provided key data and expert insights into our most pressing freshwater issues. Further information on EMWIS website.
57- "Water Ethics Newsletter - October Issue": The October issue of the Water Ethics Network Newsletter is now available. Further information on EMWIS website.
58- The Ceres Aqua Gauge: A Framework for 21st Century Water Management report was released recently by Ceres in collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Irbaris and the IRRC Institute (Executive Summary attached). It aims to bridge the gap between investors and companies by offering a framework for better water risk management, and guidance on developing water strategies. Further information on EMWIS website.
59- New Article on the Environmental Impact of the Bottled Water Industry: The bottled water industry, specifically, makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy. A 2009 study sponsored by the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) found that the industry contributes just under one percent of GDP, or $129.1 billion in output, including salaries and benefits, federal, state and local taxes and state sales taxes on the consumer side. Bottled water sales slumped in 2008 and 2009 during economic low points but rebounded in 2010. Reports indicate a 4.5 percent increase in sales between 2009 and 2010. Further information on EMWIS website.
60- Implementing the Right to Water – An Action Plan for Trade Unions. Further information on EMWIS website.
61- ESdat, Environmental Database Management Software, offers environmental standards in Excel format for both users and non-users of the software. Assessment of soil, water and air quality often requires environmental regulatory compliance checks against one or more local, national, or international environmental standards that specify a maximum or minimum concentration that should occur for a compound. Further information on EMWIS website.
62- On September 6th, EUREAU, with the help of WssTP, organized a seminar on “Resourceful Water” in the European Parliament. On this occasion, the official sixth scientific publication of WssTP on “Water and Energy: Strategic Vision and Research Needs” was presented. Further information on EMWIS website.
63- International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, No. 21, 10 Nov 2011 is available now. Further information on EMWIS website.
64- The UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) has just produced the fifth issue of its Bimonthly Publications Review both in English and Spanish. Further information on EMWIS website.
65- UN Freshwater Agreements Initiative Newsletter: This edition highlights progress on ratifications, the outcomes of important regional events and exciting activities planned ahead of the 6th World Water Forum. Further information on EMWIS website.
66- Call for project on "ICT for efficient water resources management: ICT-2011.6.3": Water management enabled by ICT is a new and promising area with the objective to integrate real-time knowledge on demand and supply across water distribution networks and water sources. The work to be done calls for partnerships between ICT equipment providers, software companies and water authorities. Targeted outcomes: ICT-enabled solutions for integrated water resources management (IWRM), involving as key building blocks: innovative demand management systems, decision support systems and data management technologies. The proposed ICT solutions shall involve robust and proven technologies permitting a holistic approach towards IWRM, and possibly include new data management technologies with realtime predictive capability demand forecasting, advanced metering, real-time communication of consumption patterns, adaptive pricing, and/or combined energy and water management schemes. Deadline: 17 January 2012, at 17:00.00 Brussels local time. Further information on EMWIS website.
67- "ENPI CBC-Med: Update regarding the second call for standard projects": The Programme will launch its second call for standard projects in December 2011. The Application Pack of the call will be proposed for approval to the participating countries on the occasion of the fifth Joint Monitoring Committee scheduled in Malta at the end of November. The launching of the second call for standard projects will be supported by a series of information events to be held in the eligible territories. Dates and locations will be communicated on the Programme website. On the other hand, The first Projects Selection (Strategic projects) Committee (PSC) took place in Cagliari on 24th, 25th and 26th October. The PSC, made of the representatives of the countries participating in the Programme, examined and approved the outcomes of the administrative check and qualitative assessment related to the 300 Concept Notes submitted under the call for strategic projects. The next step of the selection process is set at the end of November (Malta on 28th, 29th and 30th November) when the Joint Monitoring Committee, Programme governing body, will take the final decision regarding the Concept Notes invited to present a Full Application Form. By mid-December, the Joint Managing Authority will inform all the Applicants about the results (administrative check and qualitative assessment as the case may be) of this first selection process step of the call for strategic projects. Further information on EMWIS website.
68- The 3rd edition of the
International “Water and Film” Events will take place in Marseille during the
6th World Water Forum. At this occasion, the International Secretariat for Water
invites all movie directors, producers, water stakeholders, youths and all
citizens who which to express their views on water issues to participate in this
competition. The leitmotif of this 6th Forum is “The Time for Solutions”. What
better than images to show all the wonderful solutions that do exist, the local
and regional solidarity actions led throughout the world, the simple idea of a
man, woman or child that made all the difference or even a funny story that
portrays that water is an essential issue for all human beings and its
environment? The competition is open to all and there are no admission fees.
Deadline for registration is November 30th 2011. An
International Jury will give out 16 awards (27 600 $US in prizes) during a
special ceremony at the 6th World Water Forum (12-17 March 2012). An online
public vote for the VidéEau category will also be opened on Dailymotion a few
weeks before the Forum. Further information on EMWIS
69- "Call for solutions:
International Workshop/Overflowing rivers and flash floods in the Mediterranean
Area: Solutions to cope with the Risks":
On the road to the 6th World
Water Forum, the Water Supply Company of Marseille is organizing an
International Workshop on "Overflowing Rivers and
Flash Floods: Solutions to cope with the Risks". Being the most frequent water-related
disaster, floods could potentially affect 525 million people in the
Mediterranean area by 2050. The aim of the International Workshop is to present
concrete and sustainable solutions which contribute to preventing and reducing
human as well as material damage caused by floods in the Mediterranean region.
Solutions can either have already been implemented or be totally innovative.
Solutions should be sent by
5 November 2011. A scientific
committee will review your solutions and select the most promising ones. They
will then be presented and debated during the International Workshop. The
conclusions will be delivered to the United Nations High Level Expert Panel on
Water and Disasters (HLEP/UNSGAB) and presented during the
6th World Water Forum of Marseille in March 2012. Further information
70- Call for abstracts for the Sixth Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference (JIChEC 06): The Sixth Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference (JIChEC 06) will be held in Amman/Jordan on March 12-14, 2012. The contributed research papers will be subjected to peer reviewing. The conference also accepts case studies presenting unit/process/plant development which will appear in a separate proceeding volume. Submission of Abstracts has been postponed to Dec. 31, 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
71- WASH Media Awards 2011-2012- Call for paper: The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) welcome entries for the fourth edition of the WASH Media Awards. All entries must be received no later than 1st April 2012 together with a duly filled in entry form. Further information on EMWIS website.
72- Call for abstracts for the New Prospects and Challenges for Science and Education in the MENA region: This conference to be held in Marrakech (Morocco) next 9-11 March 2012; addresses a very timely topic- new prospects for science and education in the MENA region in light of the recent developments in the Arab world. Abstracts submission deadline: December 15, 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
73- Call for abstracts for the 3rd International Interdisciplinary conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resources Management: Water Resources and Changing Global Environment (HydroPredict2012). This conference will take place in Vienna (Austria) next year: 24-27/09/2012. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 February 2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
74- Call for papers for the 4th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures: the 4th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures will be co-located for the first time with the 11th Water Congress (February 6-8, 2012, Porto), which is the largest Portuguese event on hydraulics and water resources, organized every two years by the APRH. Papers submission deadline: 01 December 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
75- Singapore International Water Week 2012 – call for papers: The Water Convention during next year’s SIWW (1-5 July 2012) has published its call for papers brochure. Submission deadline for abstracts 15 November 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
76- Call for papers for the Eighteenth technical days of the French Committee of Hydrogeology of the International Association of Hydrogeologists: Resources and management of coastal aquifers: The conference has as main objectives, to carry out an advanced state of the art of coastal aquifers, operation, management and protection of ground water along shore, in France but also in the countries of the Mediterranean region. Deadline for receipt of submissions is November 15, 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
77- Call for Papers for the conference on Water Security, Risk & Society, to be held next April 2012, in Oxford: The closing date for abstract submission is 18 November 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
78- Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - Improving Irrigation Performance: This short e-Learning course aims to help improve you understanding of how some of the irrigation water management challenges can be addressed through involving private sector participation, as an alternative to government managed irrigation. The course helps break through the jargon and myth around PPP, especially when it applies to irrigation water management, to understand its core features, the differences between various PPP models, and how a well-designed PPP can help overcome problems with government-provided irrigation services. Application ends on: November 24, 2011, and the course will take place in the period: "01/12/2011 - 15/12/2011". Further information on EMWIS website.
79- [2011/10/30 - 2011/11/03] ACWUA 4th training course: "Planning and Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants", Amman, Jordan: Under the Water Utilities Management Capacity Building Program (WUM-CBP), the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) announced the 4th training course titled “Planning and Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants”. This course aims at familiarizing the wastewater engineers with the proper and suitable wastewater treatment plants planning and design issues. Deadline for applications: 16th October, 2011. Early entries have first priority. Further information on EMWIS website.
80- [2011/11/28 - 2011/12/01] International Capacity Building Symposium: Strategic Planning in the Water Sector, London, UK.
Further information on EMWIS website.
81- [2011/11/07 - 2011/12/11] E-learning course: Sector Governance in Urban Sanitation, Online.
Further information on EMWIS website.
82- [2011/11/07 - 2011/11/11] Intensive short desalination course from UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2011/11/30 - 2011/12/03] Second International Conference on “Groundwater Resources Management: Adaptation Measures to Water Scarcity”, Irvine , California, US.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/30 - 2011/12/02] International conference : "Geo-spatial information: Effects & Impacts of Climate Change in Africa", Rabat, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/28 - 2011/11/30]
Regional Seminar: "For a sustainable management of our territory",
Beirut, Lebanon
Further information on EMWIS
[2011/11/23 - 2011/11/25] Reconciling Health and Environment: a challenge for sustainable development in MENA region? - Realities and prospects, Amman, Jordan.
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2011/11/23 - 2011/11/25] International conference of GIS International College of Territorial Sciences « Founding territorial sciences », Paris, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/23 - 2011/11/24] Energy storage by pumping: Challenges and Opportunities, Lyon, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/22 - 2011/11/22] Water & City - What water management in an ultra-urbanised world? , Paris, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/22 - 2011/11/25] United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Risk Management “Best Practices for Risk Reduction and Rapid Response Mapping”, Beijing, China.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/21 - 2011/11/25] The Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders - UfM Open Days, Casa Llotja de Mar, Barcelona, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/21 - 2011/11/24] HELP International Symposium 2011 "Building Knowledge Bridges for a Sustainable Water Future", Panama city, Panama.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/21 - 2011/11/23] The 3rd Edition of the International Congress Waters, Waste and Environment (EDE3), Fez, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/21 - 2011/11/22] The 3rd International Symposium "RE-WATER", Brunswick, Germany.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/20 - 2011/11/23] 2nd Arab Water Forum & Exhibition : "Living with water scarcity", Cairo, Egypt.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/18 - 2011/11/19] Earth Observations for the Social Benefits of Balkan Areas, Post-GEO Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/17 - 2011/11/17] Expert workshop ”Socio-economic cost-benefit analysis in accordance with the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD): A methodological approach for assessing the benefits of measures”, Kiel, Germany.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/16 - 2011/11/18] Forging Targets and Solutions for Rivers and Water Ecosystem Restoration, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/16 - 2011/11/18] “Bonn 2011 Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus –Solutions for a Green Economy” conference - Workshop : Decentralized water management systems: Sustainable Water Industry in France and Germany: Towards a “Paradigm Change”, Bonn, Germany.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/16 - 2011/11/17] Professional Environmental Education for Sustainable Development: Plugging the Hole, Birzeit, West Bank, Palestine
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/15 - 2011/11/17] WATEC Israel 2011, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/14 - 2011/11/15] Raising awareness and enhancing the adaptive capacity of water planning and management to climate change impacts, Paris, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/14 - 2011/11/16] 7th Algeria Electricity & Water Expo 2011, Algiers, Algeria.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/13 - 2011/11/15] International Workshop on the use and assessment of water resources, Biskra, Algeria.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/10 - 2011/11/10] Water Think Tank 2011 - Territorial water governance in the Mediterranean: "What experiences, what solutions for local actors?" , Monaco
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2011/11/09 - 2011/11/10] Union for the Mediterranean: First Ministerial Meeting on Sustainable Urban Development, Strasbourg, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/07 - 2011/11/10] World Capital for Water and Youth: Towards the preparation of the World Youth Parliament for Water, Douai, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/05 - 2011/11/06] First seminar on the multidisciplinary and multisectoral environment (PSNEMM), Oran, Algeria.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/11/04 - 2011/11/04] UEA & ICID Water Security Seminar, London, UK.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/10/31 - 2011/11/04] Young Scientist Workshop, International Water Week, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website
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- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to:
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- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector
in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions,
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