EMWIS Flash n°142 - January - February 2019
Released | 15/03/2019 |
Geographical coverage | France, |
January - February 2019 |
this issue N°142 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash142)
1- Guidelines published by the
Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform
2- European Parliament public session on UN World Water Development Report: "Leaving no one behind"
3- Memorandum of Understanding signed between MEDRC and EMWIS/SEMIDE
4- New rules to promote water reuse in farming
5- UNECE support to implementation of Sustainable Development Goals kicks off in Montenegro
6- Closing the loop: Commission delivers a Circular Economy Action Plan
7- Implementation of Nature Based Solutions to tackle climate change: Focus on the Mediterranean region
8- FAO and PRIMA Foundation: new partnership to promote innovation
9- Fifth Arab Water Week 2019 Conference held in Jordan 03-07 Mar 2019
10- ENIS Regional Water workshop 22- 23 May 2019 Copenhagen, Denmark
11- SUPROMED: A new research and innovation action to improve the sustainability of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems (PRIMA Call 2018)
12- VISCA: Replicability of climate services from Wine-grapes to Olives & Cereals – Challenges, Requirements and Funding
13- Successful Final Infoday of Life-ANADRY project
14- HYDROUSA: An innovative
European project for regenerative & circular economy solutions
focusing on water
15- Circular-City: A wide scientific cooperation network investigating Nature Based Solutions, Vienna, 13-15 February 2019
16- Med-Greenhouses: Interreg Med Green Growth community workshop & Interreg Med capitalisation seminar in Thessaloniki, March 2019
17- Jordan: ICRC sign $25m deal to rehabilitate water infrastructure in host communities
18- Egypt: Housing Ministry draws up plan to maximize use of water resources
19- Italy could be forced to import olive oil because of extreme weather
20- Malta: Water taken from Maltese boreholes is up by 24%, and nobody is even paying for it
21- Lebanon: EU
Ambassador Christina Lassen meets with Minister of Environment Fadi
Jreissati and Minister of Energy and Water Nada Boustani
22- Spain: Produce growers in sunny south Spain brace for Brexit pain
23- Morocco to receive US $34.6m grant to support sustainable development
24- Tunisia: Sonede inaugurates 2 projects in the water sector in La Manouba
25- Tunisia: A new methodology for allocating irrigation water
26- France: The ministry of ecology and solidarity Transition and the ministry of Agriculture and Food together for the steering committee of the water Assizes
27 - Algeria:
institutional twinning on Integrated Water Resources Management comes
to an end
1- The Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform (MWKP) has
recently published several guidelines and state of play report. The
MWKP is an initiative labeled by the Union for the Mediterranean, that
aims to provide a common basis for the development of National Water
Information Systems (NWIS) and to deliver an assessment of water
resources management and use (drafting of a White Paper) by collecting
and exploiting data from the NWIS. Thanks to the support of the
Fondation Prince Albert II of Monaco, the French Ministry in charge of
Environment and the UfM Secretariat, the consortium partners have
prepared several reports to support the Mediterranean water
institutions: 1) Recommendations on legislative and regulatory
frameworks for the development of National Water Information Systems
(English and French); 2) a practical guide for implementing a national
white paper on water (French); and 3) a guide for developing National
Water Information Systems in the Mediterranean (English
and French). The later one has been prepared under the
patronage of UNESCO and is a Mediterranean adaptation of "Handbook of
Water Information Systems: administration, treatment and exploitation
of water data" published jointly by INBO
and UNESCO in March 2018 on the occasion of the 8th Forum World
Water. Further information on MWKP website
IN BRIEF (Full news)
2-The Members of the European Parliament (MEP) Water Group and the World Water Assessment Programme of UNESCO are co-organising a public session on the new UN World Water Development Report: “Leaving no one behind: sustainable water management and governance from a European perspective”. The event will take place on the 3rd of April from 16h30 to 18h30 at the European Parliament in Brussels (room JAN 6 Q 2). The 2019 edition of the UN World Water Development Report seeks to inform policy and decision-makers, inside and outside the water community, how improved water resources management and access to safe water and sanitation for all is essential for eradicating poverty, building peaceful and prosperous societies, and ensuring that ‘no one is left behind’ on the path towards sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS website
3- The Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector EMWIS/SEMIDE is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding “MoU” with The Middle-East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC). The MoU was signed on 15 January 2019 by Ciaran O Cuinn (MEDRC Director) and Manuel Menendez Prieto (General water Director of Spain, and EMWIS President). It describes how the parties shall cooperate, consistent with their respective mandates and interests, exchange for implementing water information systems and joint research projects in particular on non-conventional water resources as well as for capacity building in support of improved water resources management at regional and national levels. Further information on EMWIS website
4- MEPs "Members of the
European Parliament" want to secure the EU’s freshwater sources by
promoting water reuse in agriculture. Population growth, urbanisation
and tourism have all contributed to the water shortages and droughts
that are increasingly affecting many areas of Europe, especially the
Mediterranean region. Water sources are under stress and the situation
is expected to get worse because of climate change. According to an
estimate, by 2030 half of Europe’s river basins could be affected by
water scarcity. In order to secure Europe’s freshwater supplies for the
years to come, MEPs voted in favour of a proposal for the reuse of
wastewater on 12 February. The new rules aim to promote the use of
treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation, which accounts for
about half of the water used in the EU every year. Increased water
reuse in farming could help reduce water scarcity. In order to ensure
safety of the crops, the new rules introduce minimum requirements for
water quality, require frequent monitoring and oblige wastewater
treatment plants to draw up risk management plans. Member state
authorities would issue permits for the treatment plants and check for
compliance of rules. Further information on
EMWIS website
5- Strengthening environmental
governance and the development of environmental policies both play an
important role in the achievement of many of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). On 11–12 February 2019, a UNECE expert
mission visited ministries and stakeholders in Podgorica to kick off a
project that will assist Montenegro in formulating actions to achieve
relevant SDGs. The assistance is based on the recommendations provided
in the Third Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Montenegro,
published out in 2014. The project “Evidence‐based environmental
governance and sustainable environmental policies in support of the
2030 Agenda in South‐East Europe” is supported by the United Nations
Development Account. Further information on
EMWIS website
6- Three years after adoption, the Circular Economy Action Plan can be considered fully completed. Its 54 actions have now been delivered or are being implemented. According to the findings of the report, implementing the Circular Economy Action Plan has accelerated the transition towards a circular economy in Europe, which in turn has helped putting the EU back on a path of job creation. In 2016, sectors relevant to the circular economy employed more than four million workers, a 6% increase compared to 2012. Circularity has also opened up new business opportunities, given rise to new business models and developed new markets, domestically and outside the EU. In 2016, circular activities such as repair, reuse or recycling generated almost €147 billion in value added while accounting for around €17.5 billion worth of investments. Further information on EMWIS website
7- On 22-24 January 2019, the city of Marseille hosted an international workshop co-organized by Plan Bleu, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, French Committee of IUCN, Conservatoire du Littoral, Tour du Valat, MedWET and Wetlands International. About an hundred participants (researchers, practitioners and policy makers of the Mediterranean region and European Union) were able to discuss on the benefits and challenges of implementing nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean region. Working sessions focused on NBS for cities, NBS for river basin management, NBS for coastal and marine ecosystems. All presentations are available online. Further information on EMWIS website
8- 19th February 2019, Rome, Italy – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Foundation for the Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA Foundation), a network of research and innovation institutions in 19 participating Mediterranean countries, are joining efforts to foster innovation, research, technology transfer and capacity development. Together, the two organizations will address challenges related to climate change, urbanization and sustainability, both in the Mediterranean region and beyond. The agreement formalizes collaborations between the two organizations in the field of e-learning, digital education, and capacity development as concerns the agro-food systems in the Mediterranean area. It also provides a legal framework for the co-organization of joint initiatives, workshops and opportunities to scale-up successful cases of innovation and research results. Both PRIMA Foundation and FAO have developed materials that will benefit from mutual integration and greater dissemination, including through online learning platforms. Further information on EMWIS website
9- Jordan Ministry of Water Secretary General Eng. Ali Subah said that Jordan has made great progress in enabling the water sector to meet the rapidly changing demands in water supply and sanitation networks, as well as rehabilitating and improving groundwater management, in addition to regulating the work of the sector especially in the efficient use of energy and introducing renewable energy to meet the high 40% costs of managing water. This came during the Fifth Arab Water Week 2019 Conference, under the title "Towards Sustainable Development in the Water and Sanitation", which was held under the patronage of HRH Prince Al Hassan Bin Talal. Eng. Khaldoun Al-Khamshan, Secretary General of the Arab Association for Water Utilities, said that the conference has become a forum for experts, decision-makers and the private sector working in the water and sanitation sector, pointing out that 19 international organizations and bodies will participate in this conference to discuss and propose new ideas and solutions. Further information on EMWIS website
10- The implementation of the principles and practices of
the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the ENP South
region is progressing. The ENI SEIS II South support mechanism has
recently issued a newsletter highlighting its latest regional and
national activities. Forthcoming activities have been defined within
the 2019-2020 work plan adopted at its last Steering Committee meeting
held in Vienna in October 2018. One of the objective is to prepare the
next H2020 assessment, using State of Environment and Development
report (drivers) and Quality Status Report (state). On the 22 and 23
May 2019, a regional water workshop will be organised at the European
Environment Agency in Copenhagen. This regional workshop will
focus on the progress with the production of H2020 water indicators and
preparation of related water thematic assessment in support to the
production of the 2nd Horizon 2020 indicator based assessment report.
Further information on EMWIS website
11- The results
of first PRIMA call section 1 were published on 25 January 2019. 9
projects were selected for funding out of the 21 proposals
pre-selected. SUPROMED "SUstainable PROduction in water limited
environments of MEDiterranean agro-ecosystem" is one of them. It was
submitted under section 1 Farming Systems / by a multidisciplinary team
of ten partners from five countries Spain (UCLM, ITAP, HISPATEC),
France (SEMIDE), Greece (UTH, 3DSA), Lebanon (DIFAF, ULFA) and Tunisia
(INRGREF, INGC). The main objective is to enhance the economic
and environmental sustainability of Mediterranean farming systems
through a more efficient management of water, energy and fertilizers.
SUPROMED is combining different models and tools: water, energy and
fertilisation management models, meteorological and climatic tools in
order to develop, implement and validate an end user’s IT platform
aiming to provide effective advice for more efficient crop management.
SUPROMED will start in October 2019. Further information on EMWIS
12- The EC funded VISCA project (Vineyards Integrated Smart Climate Application) has been running almost 2 years, developing models and tools for vines growers to adapt their practices to Climate Change in the short, medium and long term. Demonstrations are going on in Italy, Portugal and Spain. But of project is to evaluate the replicability potential in the wine sector in different countries globally as well as to evaluate the replicability of the tool in other agricultural sectors such as olive trees, cereals, etc. This evaluation involves also exploring EU funding mechanisms for further deployment. During VISCA 2nd Stakeholders’ Workshop (Naples, December 2018) where end-users and members from the Project Advisory Board participated, a session on replicability was organised to gather inputs on the challenges, requirements and funding for the replicability of VISCA. See the full article on the replicability session on VISCA Website.
13- A successful Final Infoday of Life-ANADRY project took place on 26 February at Murcia Science Park. During the day more than 100 people attended representing technicians from the public sector, private companies and research centers who were interested in knowing the technology. Joaquín Ruiz manager of ESAMUR made the opening statement of the day and he highlighted the importance of projects such as Life-ANADRY in the region. Pedro Simón explained the management of sludge carried out by ESAMUR and other ongoing projects of the company. The presentation of results of Life-ANADRY project was carried out by Javier Sánchez (DAM) and Enrique Aymerich (Ceit-IK4) on behalf of all project partners. In the second session of the event, several studies and projects related to the management of sludge, biomethane and agronomic valorization were presented. Further information on Life-ANADRY website
14- Organised by UT SEMIDE, the European project HYDROUSA – which aims to provide innovative and nature inspired solutions for Mediterranean islands in terms of water / wastewater treatment and management through closing water loops and boosting agricultural and energy profiles – held its 2nd General Meeting on 31st January- 1st February 2019 in Nice at the Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen (C.U.M). The meeting brought together the project consortium, composed of 27 partners and direct stakeholders coming from French and other European Islands to discuss the implementation progress of the project. The project organized a stakeholder’s session during the afternoon of 1st February to collaborate with stakeholders from the replicability sites coming from Porquerolles and ZlarinIslands (Croatia) represented by SMILO network (Sustainable Islands network launched by Conservatoire du Littoral) and Elba Island (Italy). The meeting was also attended by two Advisory Board members, Prof Michael Scoullos, Chair of GWP-Med and MIO-ECSDE (Greece), and Florent Chazarenc, Research Director at IRSTEA (France). They both appreciated the overall dynamic of the project, the positive energy of the 60 participants and they gave recommendations for future activities. Further information on HYDROUSA website
15- More than 170 participants
representing 36 countries out of 38 involved in the "Circular City"
COST action CA17133, came together at Boku university in Vienna for a
3-days workshop, 15-17 February 2019. One of the core objective of this
workshop was the preparation of a state of art paper on Nature Based
Solutions for circular city around the following 5 topics: build
environment, Sustainable Urban Water Utilisation, Resource Recovery,
Urban Farming and Transformation Tools. In addition, some 70 projects
were presented during poster sessions, all being summarized in
a booklet available on Circular City website. The scientific
network is also organising training, summer schools, short term
scientific missions and conference grants. Further information on
Circular City website
16- On 6 March 2019 the Interreg
MED Green Growth community organized a Thematic Working Groups
Workshop in Thessaloniki, Greece. More than 60 people
participated at the event. Four Thematic Groups (Production and
Consumption: Resource efficiency /Production and Consumption: Smart and
Green Public Services/ Waste prevention & management/
Competitiveness and innovation) have been organized and it was the
occasion for the 14 Green Growth projects to work closely
together and exchange ideas for the benefit of the MED area as a whole.
Med-Greenhouses was one of the contributing projects, focusing on innovation in greenhouses agriculture. The
event was held back to back with the Interreg MED Capitalisation Plan
workshop organised by the joint secretariat of the interreg Med
programme on 7th March 2019. During the workshop the 10 programme
communities presented their activities and capitalization focus groups
has been organized on the development of the Mediterranean
capitalization strategy and action plan. Further information on Med_Greenhouses website
17- The Jordan Ministry of Water
and Irrigation (MWI) and the International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC) on 5 March signed an agreement and a memorandum of
understanding to rehabilitate the infrastructure in refugee-hosting
communities. The $25-million memo was signed by Water Minister
Raed Abul Saud and head of the ICRC delegation in Jordan, Jurg Montani.
The ministry's plans aim to counter the exceptional conditions that the
Kingdom is experiencing as a result of hosting hundreds of thousands of
Syrian refugees, in cooperation with the international organisations
and donors, along with the ICRC, Abul Saud said. He added that the
ministry's plans aim at developing the quality and supply of drinking
water and preserving available resources while rebuilding the main
water distribution grid. Further information on
EMWIS website
19- Italy could soon be forced to
import olive oil to stem a dramatic decline in production, a climate
scientist has warned, as extreme weather events wreak havoc with
harvests and threaten a shortage of one of the country's most essential
culinary products. Bad weather and frost have crippled the olive oil
industry in recent months, causing a 57% drop in production over 2018
and costing the sector almost 1 billion euros ($1.13bn). The fall has
forced oil farmers onto the streets in protest this year, calling for
aid and new measures to reverse the trend. But extreme weather caused
by climate change is likely to further damage the sector and could
force Italians to look abroad for olive oil, according to Riccardo
Valentini, director of the Impacts Division at the Euro-Mediterranean
Center for Climate Change. Further information on
EMWIS website
20- The equivalent of an
impressive 115 million bottles of mineral water (of the standard
two-litre variety) gets pumped up from just four Maltese boreholes each
year, statistics from the Energy and Water Agency show. Each borehole
is pumping over 50,000 cubic metres annually, three of which were in
excess of 60,000 m3. The four boreholes account for a minimum of 9% of
all groundwater extracted by metered boreholes, but in Malta, users are
still not expected to pay for extraction of water from the national
water table. Altogether, there were 245 commercial boreholes in
operation in 2018, water extraction decreased from 644,893 m3 in 2017
to 527,294 m3. But another 2,873 boreholes used for agricultural
purposes saw extraction increase from 1.44 million m3 in 2017, to 2.06
million m3 in 2018. Globally, it means metered groundwater extraction
increased by 24% from 2.1 million m3 in 2017 to 2.6 million m3 in 2018.
Further information on
EMWIS website
21-EU Ambassador Christina Lassen in Lebanon met separately with Minister of Environment Fadi Jreissati and Minister of Energy and Water Nada Boustani, wishing them success in their new appointments. The meetings were the opportunity to discuss the ministers' respective plans and to raise a cross-cutting issue, climate change, which has serious implications on Lebanon's economy and its people. The European Union is leading on climate action worldwide, engaging with various partners to address this common challenge, and advocating for a green transition that goes hand in hand with job creation, food security, public health and sustainable growth. Further information on EMWIS website
22- A
corner of southern Spain with a sunny desert climate sent about 314,000
tons of fresh fruit and vegetables last year to the United Kingdom,
where shoppers are willing to pay more to have out-of-season produce on
their tables. Tomatoes, zucchini, watermelons, cucumbers and lettuce
flourish in Spain’s southeastern Almeria province when northern Europe
still faces weeks or months of winter shivers. It is a business worth
millions of euros every year to Spanish farmers, and Britain’s
impending departure from the European Union could snatch a lot of it
away. By throwing up borders with the 27 countries remaining in the EU,
Brexit could bring long waits for trucks at customs posts while their
loads wither or rot. The prospect of U.K. import tariffs and volatile
exchange rates also is setting off alarms among farmers, workers and
officials on the Mediterranean coast. Further information on
EMWIS website
23- The government of Morocco is
set to receive US $34.6m grant from Germany to support sustainable
development. The signing of the arrangements which took place between
Morocco’s Minister of Economy and Finance Mohamed Benchaaboun and the
German ambassador to Morocco, Goetz Schmidt-Bremme intends to support
renewable and electric energy, water supply, and desalination of
seawater. Further information on
EMWIS website
24- On 27 February 2019 , Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed made a trip to the northern governorate of Manouba. He visited the Ghedir El Kolla complex for the commissioning of two new projects in the water sector. The first project is a water treatment plant designed to purify 100,000 m3 of water every day for the people of Grand Tunis, and the second project is a sludge treatment plant with a capacity of 1 million m3 per day. The Tunisian Prime Minister presents the latter project as “a pioneer in the field of sludge treatment , since it is equipped by modern technologies, and it will valorize resources in efficient way”. Further
information on
EMWIS website
25- A new methodology for allocating water resources for irrigation has just been implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries in Tunisia. It consists of replacing the annual management plan by a multi-year management plan covering a period of 7 years, to distribute the surpluses of rainy years over dry years, thus ensuring constant allocations to farmers. During a national workshop held on February 25, Samir Taieb Minister of Agriculture Water Resources and Fisheries also reported that the agricultural department has started preparing the launch of the 2050 Water Strategy Study which is expected in March 2019. This study will prepare the long-term vision of the water sector in Tunisia. Further information on EMWIS website
26- National water debate in France: François de Rugy Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, Didier Guillaume Minister of Agriculture and Food and Emmanuelle Wargon, State Secretary to the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, gathered on February 12 for the second time, the steering committee of the "Assises of water". Announced in November 2017 by the President of the Republic, the Assises of water is a consultative body for local elected representatives, water stakeholders at national and local levels through basin committees. These sessions are organized around two sequences: The first one, which took place from April to August 2018, focused on the issues of water supply and sanitation networks and resulted in 17 measures to boost investment in water and sanitation networks. The second one, launched in November 2018, aims to help territories become more resilient to climate change by addressing qualitative and quantitative aspects of water resources management. This steering committee was the opportunity to install 4 working groups, around 3 essential themes for water management: SAVE (piloted by Mr. Hervé Paul), PROTECT (led by Ms. Célia Blauel), SHARE (co-led by Luc Servant and Florence Denier-Pasquier). A cross-cutting working group will also address nature-based solutions. It will be chaired by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Further information on EMWIS website
27- The closing event of the institutional
twinning on Integrated Water Resources Management took place in Algiers
on 9 February 2019. This two-year Twinning started in February 2017 and
is part of the support programme to the implementation of the
partnership agreement between the European Union (EU) and Algeria
(P3A). The main beneficiary was the National Agency of Integrated Water
Resources Management (AGIRE) that received support from Belgium and
French experts on a wide range of issues such as: aquifer contracts,
information systems, metering, communication strategy. Further
information on EMWIS
28- Pr. Mohamed Sadiki elected
President of the CIHEAM Governing Board: He is, currently Secretary
General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural
Development and Forests of the Kingdom of Morocco, he has been elected
President of the CIHEAM Governing Board during the 141st Governing
Board meeting of the Organisation. He will succeed Pr. Masum Burak at
the end of his term as from 1 April 2019. Further information on
EMWIS website
29- Alessio Satta has been oppointed
the new MedWet Coordinator. Alessio holds a European Ph.D. on ‘’Climate
Change Science and Management’’ from the Ca’ Foscari University of
Venice. He brings to MedWet a wealth of experience of more than 15
years on issues related to climate change and sustainable development
policies and governance, with more than ten years working on
international development assistance to the Mediterranean countries.
Further information on
EMWIS website
30- Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Literature Review : This literature review provides an overview of key
Nexus concepts and tools that can be applied in policy and practice. It
aims to be a resource for professionals responsible for Nexus relevant
decisions either in planning, financing or implementation. It aims to
provide an overview of the literature covering the WEF Nexus topic,
with a discussion on how the approach can be effectively implemented on
the ground. The review also aims to summarise ongoing WEF Nexus
initiatives and regional applications of the WEF Nexus in Southern
Africa, the MENA Region, Central Asia, Latin America and the Niger
Basin.In addition, this review provides a summary of recent research
findings on key topics of relevance to the assessment of the Nexus and
Nexus interventions. Direct links to the original documents and
websites are provided, allowing the reader to access the original
publications to learn more about the methods and tools of interest.
Further information on
EMWIS website
31- FAO report on the "linkages between migration, agriculture, food security and rural development":This report looks into the reasons why people migrate from rural areas. The main goal of this title is to deepen understanding of the relations that exist between agriculture, food security and rural development. Further information on EMWIS website
Enhanced wetland monitoring, assessment and indicators to support
European and global environmental policy has just been released as the
final policy report from EC funded H2020 SWOS project (Satellite
Wetlands Observation Service) that was completed at the end of 2018.
The report summarises how SWOS can
ensure a better understanding of wetland ecosystems, and
thereby help to trigger further policy
developments by improving key elements for wetland management. Further
information on SWOS
34- The Joint Monitoring Committee of the programme ENI CBC MED has selected 7 out of the Programme 11 priorities for the call for strategic projects. The budget available is approximately €68 million. The call for strategic projects will be launched indicatively by the end of March and will be supported by a series of information events in all participating countries. The chosen priorities and related EU financial allocation are available here. Further information on EMWIS website
35- FMSH and
UNIMED promoting the call for applications “Postdoctoral fellowships:
South Mediterranean – France”. Under the umbrella of the partnership
between the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) and
UNIMED it has been launched the call for the short-term Postdoctoral
mobility Programme Atlas 2019. The Programme offers short-term
Fellowships for young researchers native of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan,
Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Syria and affiliated to a
University member of UNIMED, to realise a research stay of 3 months in
France. The deadline to apply is the 17th March 2019. Further
information on
EMWIS website
36- Towards Circular Cities – Nature based solutions project
partners are looking for papers to be submitted from the
following areas: Built Environment/ Sustainable Urban Water
Utilisation/ Resource Recovery/ Urban Farming/ Transformation Tools.
The selected articles will published in the Journal Blue-Green Systems
by IWA Publishing. Deadline for paper submission: 1 June 2019. Further
information on EMWIS
- 25-26 March 2019, a two-day intensive course on solar driven desalination and water purification Gathering the water and renewable energy communities, Algiers, Algeria. Further information on EMWIS website
- FAO developped an e-learning platform for courses for professionals working in food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable management of natural resources. The platform provides learners with free access to content that can interest them and support them in their job. The courses cover a wealth of topics of global interest. They offer content for self-pace learning as well as materials for trainers and references to existing bibliography and online resources. Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2019/06/17 - 2019/06/20] 17th "Europe-INBO 2019" International Conference for the Implementation of the European Water Directives
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2019/05/08 - 2019/05/10] International Groundwater Resilience to Climate Change and High Pressure Conference
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2019/04/08 - 2019/04/08] Closing Conference of the SWIM-H2020 SM project in Brussels Further information on SWIM-H2020 website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
PROJECTS (Projects database)
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Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data
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relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European
Commission, and much more ...
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