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News Water-Energy-Food Nexus Literature Review A Review of Nexus Literature and ongoing Nexus Initiatives for Policymakers

This literature review provides an overview of key Nexus concepts and tools that can be applied in policy and practice. It aims to be a resource for professionals responsible for Nexus relevant decisions either in planning, financing or implementation. It aims to provide an overview of the literature covering the WEF Nexus topic, with a discussion on how the approach can be effectively implemented on the ground. The review also aims to summarise ongoing WEF Nexus initiatives and regional applications of the WEF Nexus in Southern Africa, the MENA Region, Central Asia, Latin America and the Niger Basin.

In addition, this review provides a summary of recent research findings on key topics of relevance to the assessment of the Nexus and Nexus interventions. Direct links to the original documents and websites are provided, allowing the reader to access the original publications to learn more about the methods and tools of interest.

This literature review was prepared under the umbrella of the “Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme” co-funded by BMZ and European Union (EU) and implemented by GIZ in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and in the Niger basin, by Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) / International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Central Asia and by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. It summarises the currently available state of the art, addressing the conceptual understanding of the WEF Nexus and the application of the concept on the ground. A focus was placed on the implementation of the Nexus concepts in the focal regions addressed by the “Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme.”


  • Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview of the Nexus concept and its historical development,
  • Chapter 3 discusses employing the Nexus approach,
  • Chapter 4 provides a brief summary of the Urban Nexus concept,
  • Chapter 5 analyses reports which describe the analysis or implementation of the Nexus within the five target regions and
  • Chapter 6 contains a bibliography of selected literature

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News type Inbrief
File link
File link local WEF_Nexus_Literature_Review.pdf (PDF, 1665 Kb)
Source of information water-energy-food
Geographical coverage Germany,
News date 14/01/2019
Working language(s) ENGLISH