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Event The Herrenhausen Conference in Hanover, Germany, on May 6 to 8, 2019

The Herrenhausen Conference in Hanover, Germany, on May 6 to 8, 2019 will focus on food production in cities and elaborate why urban agriculture should be part of a sustainable urban planning in the future.

Given the global challenges of urbanization and limited resources, Urban Agriculture has become an important tool for a sustainable planning of cities since the Millennium. However, it is mostly unknown, that Urban Agriculture already has its history. This is where the Herrenhausen Conference on Urban Agricultural Heritage starts from. It aims at providing a first global survey of projects and initiatives dealing with traditional forms of food production in cities and shall lead to a better understanding and academic awareness of the issue. Experts from science, international organizations, and civil society will approach the Conference's theme from different angles. Reasons will be identified why valuable agricultural heritage must not be neglected or even destroyed. Based on this, the Conference organizers look forward to elaborating new perspectives for research and management in the field of urban agriculture.

"Urban Agricultural Heritage and the Shaping of Future Cities" is part of the Herrenhausen Conference Series initiated by the Volkswagen Foundation.

More Information on the conference can also be found on the website

Herrenhausen Conference
"Urban Agricultural Heritage and the Shaping of Future Cities"
May 6-8, 2019
Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, Germany


A detailed program can be found in the column on the right.

Session 1: Connecting Urban Agriculture and Cultural Heritage - Framing the Issues 
Session 2: Reporting from the Frontier - Two Cases 
Session 3: The Fed City 
Session 4: Genes and Memes, Spaces and Flows - Approaches to Urban Agricultures Future 
Session 5: Shaping the Future 
Session 6: Defining the Agenda for the Future of Urban Agricultural Heritage

Contact information n/a
Event type Conference
File link
Source ua-heritage
Geographical coverage Germany,
Address Hanovre
Target audience International
Period [06/05/2019 - 09/05/2019]
Status Confirmed
Working language(s) ENGLISH