EMWIS Flash N°99, April 2012
Released | 25/04/2012 |
EMWIS Flash - April 2012 Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism / Geo-Catalogue / UfM-Water |
In this issue N°99 (www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash99)
1- African Water Week 2012, Cairo, Egypt
2- Prince El-Hassan Bin Talal leads liquid peace initiative for Iraq, Jordan,
Lebanon, Syria and Turkey
3- Indicators to monitor progress on depolluting the Mediterranean Sea
4- First European Citizens’ Initiative on water launched on April 1st
5- France: Observatory of public water and sanitation - Overview of services and
6- Egypt: New study analyzes options for rural wastewater treatment
7- Morocco: UNECE launches Environmental performance review
8- Morocco aids drought-stricken farmers
9- Tunisia: 20 families to take water in hostage in Fernana
10- Water scarcity may add to instability in Africa
11- Climate change: Understanding Rio+20
12- UNDP Announces International Platform for Global Water Solidarity
13- Water risk tool developed for businesses
14- Outcomes of the Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Research and Innovation
1- The Africa Water Week (AWW-4) is organized by the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) together with the Egyptian Ministry for Water Resources and Irrigation. It is held annually in keeping with the decision of the AMCOW to institutionalize AWW in order to build momentum on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) water and sanitation targets by 2015, and the 2025 Africa Water Vision. This is in line with AMCOW’s belief that adequate and equitable access to water and sanitation makes a critical contribution to Africa’s progress towards sustainable growth and development. The 1st Africa Water Week (AWW-1) was held in Tunis, Tunisia in 2008 with theme “Accelerating Water Security for the Socio-Economic Development of Africa; the 2nd Africa Water Week (AWW-2) with the theme “Carrying Forward the Commitments of the Sharm el Sheikh AU Summit on Water and Sanitation: a Sprint to Finish” was held in Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa in 2009, while Ethiopia hosted the 3rd Africa Water Week (AWW-3)in Addis Ababa in 2010 with the theme: “Implementing the Africa Water Vision and meeting the MDG target: Challenges and Opportunities in Water and Sanitation.” The 4th Africa Water Week (AWW-4) will be hosted by Egypt from the 14th – 18th May 2012, comes at a time that greater attention is being focused on the nexus between water and growth and development, hence the decision to call back attention on how far the continent has exploited water resources to grow Africa’s economies given the sectoral linkages with agriculture, energy, transport, environment and health. The AWW-4 will also celebrate the AMCOW 10th year anniversary. Further information on EMWIS website.
2- Way back in 2010 a group of high profile water researchers and dignitaries from the Middle East met in Switzerland to find ways of making liquid peace. Diplomacy works through slow channels, but a new group of ministers and VIPs from around the region have agreed on long-term water cooperation. Chaired by Jordan’s Prince Hassan bin Talal the group hopes to transform water into an instrument of cooperation between nations with their own internal problems, problems which could worsen with more water shortages. The countries are Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. The group was launched in Amman on April 1o this year and includes Yasar Yakis, the former Foreign Minister of Turkey, and Mohammad Chatah, the former Finance Minister of Lebanon. Others from Iraq and Syria will represent in due course. The group is supported by the Government of Switzerland, in cooperation with the Strategic Foresight Group, a think tank based in Mumbai. According to the Strategic Foresight Group, this so-called High Level Group was formed on the basis of the Blue Peace report (2011), published by them not long after the Swiss meeting back in 2010. The Group analyses dangers arising from depletion of water resources and the report has suggested that a special mechanism be formed for sustainable management of water resources between five countries: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. Recommended is exchange and calibration of hydrometric data, development and dissemination of new technologies, among other measures. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- On 18 April 2012 at the UfM secretariat in Barcelona, prior to the H2020 steering committee meeting held on 19 April, the sub working group on indicators agreed on a 1st set of indicators to monitor the progress of depolluting of the Mediterranean Sea. These indicators will be used for the preparation of the 1st regional assessment report to be issued in June 2013 and then updated every 5 years. The preparation of these indicators will also be supported by pilot data flows in the country thnaks to the support of the ENPI-SEIS initiative. For each of the 3 priority areas (waste, waste water, industrial emissions), policy questions and supporting indicators were agreed. For this 1st assessment, the priority was given to already available indicators with some flexibility on the geographical areas to be covered, but it was recommended to cover river catchment areas discharging the Mediterranean Sea. the indicators selected are linked to DPSIR framework and streamlined with ongoing processes in the region. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- On April 1st a new legal tool entered into force in the European Union (EU) to increase the citizens participation in the decision making process. The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a democratic tool for citizens to set the EU political agenda. The city of Brussels is already supporting this initiative that requires the collection of 1 million signatures in more than 7 European Members States (www.right2water.eu). The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) is sponsoring this ECI together with a broad range of European organisations (European Anti-Poverty Network, European Environmental Bureau..). Public sector trade unions are demanding the EU institutions to keep water and sanitation out of the internal market rules and to declare Water and sanitation as a Human Right. Further information on EMWIS website.
5- For the first time since its launch in November 2009, the observatory on public water and sanitation services, implemented by the French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments (ONEMA), presented a report and online access to public data on the organisation, management, prices, quality and performance of services. The first annual report covers the year 2009. It was established from data available in October 2011: 4214 drinking water services and 4281 sanitation collective services, respectively covering 70% of the population for public water supply and 59% for public sanitation. Further information on EMWIS website.
6- While Egypt has made good progress in urban sanitation, access to wastewater treatment in rural areas lags far behind, a recent study showed. The study analysed the cost-effectiveness of a range of wastewater treatment options in terms of the relative health benefits these are likely to generate for downstream farmers and consumers. The study, conducted by the University of Leeds, UK, in partnership with the World Bank and the Holding Company for Water and Waste Water, discussed the benefits of differing strategies for wastewater management in Lower Egypt using Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis (QMRA). Only 18% of rural households had a sewerage connection in 2008, resulting in widespread discharges of untreated domestic wastewater in agricultural channels. Simple improvements to existing domestic sanitary facilities could have significant benefits at a relatively low cost. The challenge is to work out what investment strategies make the most sense in terms of service delivery to consumers and farmers, health benefits and cost effectiveness. The World Bank has been supporting Egypt’s reforms in the water supply and sanitation sector and continues to support improved access to sustainable rural sanitation services in Egypt, given its strong linkages to health and environment. Further information on EMWIS website.
7- The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has announced it will carry out an Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Morocco, at the request of the Moroccan Government. The review will focus on air pollution, water and waste management, and biodiversity and protected areas, among other issues. The review, which will be carried out in collaboration with the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), will take place in September 2012, while the report will be concluded in 2013. It is the first UNECE EPR to be conducted outside of the UNECE region. The review will focus on providing recommendations to improve policy making, planning and implementation, and financing projects and programmes, among others. Further information on EMWIS website.
8- Morocco is taking action to help farmers suffering from the drought. Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane on March 27th met a delegation from the Moroccan Agriculture and Rural Development Confederation to discuss a plan to help farmers and save livestock. The government plans to implement a 1.53 billion dirham (about 140 MEuro) programme for the affected areas. The government will waive customs duty on imported barley, implement a livestock assistance programme, supply seed, boost subsidies granted for certified seeds and ensure that insured farmers whose crops and legumes have been harmed are compensated for their losses. Benkirane stressed the importance of adopting a participatory approach based on co-ordinating the efforts of different departments and operators within the sector in order to find appropriate solutions to various issues. The Moroccan agricultural season has been troubled due to cold weather earlier this year and the onset of a drought. Farming in the kingdom provides the main source of income for 80% of the rural population and 14-20% of the country’s GDP, according to figures from the finance ministry. The growth forecast of 4.2% anticipated by the government for 2012 must be revised downwards, according to Central Bank Governor Abdellatif Jouahri. The president of the National Association of Agricultural Investors, Abou Baker Belkora, said that the drought was just one element of the “structural problems” affecting the agricultural sector. Badri said that the Moroccan government is hoping to increase the contribution made by the agricultural sector to the GDP from an average of 74 billion dirhams to somewhere between 100 and 174 billion dirhams by year 2020. “This will create 1.5 million new jobs and double incomes for nearly 1.5 million inhabitants of rural areas,” he said. Further information on EMWIS website
9- Nearly 20,000 families, living in the mountainous areas around the Jendouba Governorate, may be deprived of drinking water this summer. At the origin of this risk extremely bothersome, "six families that block, since one year, the completion of the work for a water filtration station at Fernana town, requiring Tunisian society of exploitation and distribution of water (SONEDE), to employ their children in this public institution. " More than 204,000 people in mountainous areas are concerned by the realization of this vital project which will enable the governorate to achieve a connection rate of rural drinking water of 97.6%. The realization of this project requires the installation of 178 km pipeline, the construction of 11 water tanks, nine pumping stations, a filtration plant and the installation of distribution networks for 20 villages. The total cost of this project is 80 million dinars (40 MEuro). 60 million dinars will be allocated as a loan by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, the rest will be financed by the Tunisian state. Further information on EMWIS website.
10- The worsening problem of water scarcity may contribute to political instability in sub-Saharan Africa, said John Kufuor, the head of a World Bank-affiliated effort to improve living conditions in poor countries. “People migrate to find water anywhere if there’s a scarcity situation,” Kufuor, a former president of Ghana who now leads the Sanitation and Water for All partnership, said recently in an interview in Washington. “People have fought wars to access water,” he said. The organization includes more than 30 developing countries, the United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Competition for water in the next decade will fuel instability in parts of Africa, South Asia and the Middle East that are important to U.S. national security, according to a U.S. intelligence report released last month. Nations will be more likely to use water as a bargaining chip in international negotiations, according to the report. Kufuor, 73, received the World Food Prize in 2011 for his work to alleviate hunger in Ghana, the West African nation that he led from 2001 to 2009. Water supplies and sanitation conditions may be more important than food security in poorer countries partly because of the public-health risks they pose in growing urban areas, he said. The sanitation and water partnership meets at the World Bank every two years. Further information on EMWIS website.
11- A Nobel laureate, a Swedish environmentalist’s idea, the “doughnut” concept, Scandinavia’s sense of social capital, measuring the quality of life, and valuing the oceans are just some of the things trending in the run-up to the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development due to be held on 20-22 June 2012. Rio+20 will look at how economies have grown at the expense of natural resources and human capital since the last Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, when the concept of “sustainable development” gained currency. The idea of growth meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” has not gained much traction since the 1992 conference - largely because countries continued to equate development with economic growth, and sustainable development languished as a fringe environmental concern, says a UN-commissioned study. Twenty years later, “sustainable development remains a generally agreed concept, rather than a day-to-day, on-the-ground, practical reality,” says a report by the UN High-level Panel on Global Sustainability. Since 1992, alarm bells on several interconnected factors with a far-reaching impact on growth, resources and the quality of life - accelerated man-made climate change, population growth, increasing numbers of hungry people, rapidly depleting and more expensive fossil fuels, and a decline in food production - have been ringing louder. Further information on EMWIS website.
12- The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has launched the Global Water Solidarity Platform, which is aimed at promoting decentralized cooperation in the water and sanitation field. It provides a space for local authorities and organizations to cooperate in actions to solve water and sanitation challenges, for example, by developed country municipal water authorities contributing 1% of the revenue or budgets of developing country municipalities, to support the improvement of water and sanitation services in the municipalities. The initiative, supported by France and Switzerland, connects local authorities and organizations to take action to solve water and sanitation challenges. It was presented at the 6th World Water Forum held in Marseille, France, from 12-17 March, where 20,000 participants gathered to address the water crisis. The development of the Platform involved a group of 25 institutions including local, regional and national authorities, international and multilateral organizations, water operators, non-governmental organizations, private organizations, and prominent public figures. Further information on EMWIS website.
13- WWF and DEG (Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft) have developed a water risk tool that enables businesses and investors to build a picture of where they have greatest risk from water shortages, and how to work with other water users and local authorities in order to increase water security in regions of concern. The tool uses data from 235 countries and territories, provides interactive maps and case studies, and uses company-specific information to analyse water risk. Businesses can have a serious impact on water resources that are already overstretched in many regions. Roughly 40 per cent of the world’s population lives in river basins that experience severe water scarcity during at least one month of the year; the UN estimates that, by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population could be living under water stressed conditions. Further information on EMWIS website.
14- The historical changes taking place in the Southern Mediterranean region since December 2010 call for a focused, innovative and ambitious response from the European Union. Throughout 2011, the European Commission has established the Neighbourhood countries of the European Union as a key priority and has developed a new strategy, which can be found in two Joint Communications of the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (COM (2011) 200 and COM (2011) 303). Research and Innovation play a major role in promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth and job creation. The development of a Common Knowledge and Innovation Space (CKIS) linked to smart growth and the EU's Innovation Agenda is one of the aims of the new strategy of the EU. The CKIS is meant to cover policy dialogue, national and regional capacity-building, cooperation in research and innovation, increased mobility opportunities for students, researchers and academics. In this context, a high-level conference was held by the European Commission's Research and Innovation DG, in consultation with other departments, the European Parliament, the EU Member States and the Mediterranean countries. The water session concluded by listing the key next steps: 1) Adopting the Mediterranean Water Strategy and Action Plan which will provide the financial and instrument framework for the future; 2) Partnerships to create conditions for competitive research in water use efficiency, use of nonconventional waters, risk management; and 3) Regional join funding for trans-basin cooperation and regional water innovation programme. Further information on EMWIS website.
15- Mr. Khatim Kherraz, the coordinator of EMWIS National Focal Point in Algeria and the General Director of "Constantine-Seybousse-Mellegue" hydrographic basin agency was just nominated New Executive Secretary of the OSS (Sahara and Sahel Observatory) based in Tunis. He succeeds Mr. Chedli Fezzani. Further information on EMWIS website.
16- Vacancies at UEA: Deadlines 11 and 4 May. The School of International Development at the University of East Anglia is recruiting a senior chair in International Development and Environment. Applications are invited also for the post of Lecturer in Environmental Science and Policy in the School of Environmental Sciences, and the post of Reader in Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences. Further information on EMWIS website.
17- Palestine: Water supply report for the Year 2010/2011 published. This report is one of the reports presented recently by PWA to highlight its activities within the water sector, and to illustrate the water resources supply and demand gaps in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. This report includes a different set of indicators showing the acute water crisis in the availability of water for Palestinian communities, with figures and facts on the status of Palestinian water supply and demand and it shows the difference in water consumption rates within Palestinian governorates. Further information on EMWIS website.
18- Palestine: "New report 'Down the Drain": Palestinians throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory face severe restrictions in accessing adequate water and sanitation. While the Palestinian authorities, with support from donors and EWASH agencies, have been working to improve Palestinian access to safe and adequate water and sanitation services, Israeli policies and practices have hindered both the development of the WASH sector, geared towards long-term sustainability, and the delivery of humanitarian aid. Further information on EMWIS website.
19- ISWEE’11 Proceeding is now available online: Water resources development and management in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have been driven by the highly specific characteristics of climate, geography and the resource itself. Further information on EMWIS website.
20- 2012 GLAAS report released: Risk of sanitation and water supply services slipping behind - Additional and targeted resources required: The GLAAS report presents data received from 74 developing countries, up from 43 in 2010; and from 24 bilateral and multilateral agencies covering 90% of global official development assistance funds. Along with a chronic lack of technicians and skilled labour, countries report insufficient staff in place to operate and maintain sanitation and drinking-water infrastructure. Data suggest that funding allocations may not be sufficient to fund routine operation and maintenance. For example, one in three countries highlighted that revenues are insufficient to cover operating costs for urban utilities. Only 7% of external support is directed at maintaining services. All these factors put sustainability of water and sanitation systems at risk in many countries. Despite the global financial crisis, the total amount of development aid for sanitation and drinking-water increased by 3% between 2008 and 2010, to US$ 7.8 billion. Further information on EMWIS website.
21- Climate change: Coping versus adapting: People often use “coping” and “adapting” interchangeably in the context of disaster response - an issue the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seeks to address in its new report. Disaster risk management includes both coping and adapting, and the two concepts are central for adaptation to climate change in both research and practice, says the IPCC in the full-length version of its special report entitled Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). . Further information on EMWIS website.
22- Harnessing clean energy for irrigation in water-scarce northern Patagonia: This report from Argentina’s Fundación Bariloche shows how solar and wind power are being used to pump well water and power irrigation systems in water-scarce northern Patagonia. Further information on EMWIS website.
23- "Theory and practice of water law" by Alan Saout: This book allows all water practitioners either technicians, politicians, managers, industrialists, environmentalists, lawyers, academics or anyone interested in water law and its implementation, to fully understand the developments in recent months. Further information on EMWIS website.
24- "Anthrop'Eau - water anthropology narrated to hydrologists, engineers and water professionals": One of the goals of this book is to sensitize policy makers and water professionals to the contributions of anthropology in development projects, appeared before the Rio Summit. Further information on EMWIS website.
25- The new book "Climate disruption and water resources" by Nguyen Tien Duc is the first analysis of the effects of climate change on water resources. Further information on EMWIS website.
26- The UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) announced the launch of the ninth issue of its Bimonthly Publications Review both in English and Spanish. Further information on EMWIS website
27- STREAM Newsletter April 2012: STREAM - Sustainable Technologies and Research for European Aquatic Management - is a FP7 funded project running in 2011-2012 dealing with dissemination of water technologies research. Further information on EMWIS website.
28- The ENVI-Med regional programm first call for proposals: This French cooperation initiative for countries in the Mediterranean Basin is designed to encourage and strengthen high-level scientific and technological cooperation in the region as well as research networking on sustainable development and understanding the environmental operation of the Mediterranean Basin. ENVI-Med aims to initiate multilateral cooperation by supporting the mobility of researchers as part of joint research projects and seminars, workshops and regional scientific conferences. The programme is focused on Mediterranean countries in partnership with France. Deadline for submitting applications: 12 June 2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
29- The French Water Agency "Rhone Mediterranean and Corsica" calls for projects to fight against water leaks on drinking water systems. It is open to communities from April to August 2012. With 10 million Euros, it targets the leakage reduction projects on drinking water systems and economies of water in public buildings. Interested are called to submit their declaration of intention by next June 15 and final issue in August. The Water Agency will fund the selected projects by 50%. This call for projects also gives body to the key measure of national adaptation to climate change in 2011: reduce by 2020 20% water withdrawals. Further information on EMWIS website.
30- The sixth LIFE+ call for proposals was published on 13 March 2012, with up to €276 million available for co-financing of projects under three headings: Nature and biodiversity; Environment policy and governance; and Information and communication. Project proposals should be sent to the relevant national authority no later than 26 September, 2012. National authorities will then send them to the European Commission by 2 October, 2012. Please note that applicants must only use the eProposal tool to create and submit proposal(s) under the 2012 LIFE+ Call for Proposals. Further information on EMWIS website.
31- A tender for €1 million programme for information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats (ENPI South2012/S 65-104845) has been launched: The 2011–2014 programme for information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats aims at facilitating informal exchanges and open dialogue between junior and mid-ranking diplomats who are directly involved in the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and of the Union for the Mediterranean. Deadline for receipt of applications: May 2nd, 2012 (16:00), Central European Time. Further information on EMWIS website.
32- Water project tender in Jordan to be released end of April 2012: The Millennium Challenge Account-Jordan (MCA-Jordan), a Jordanian company in charge of managing the Millennium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) $275.1m grant to Jordan, is preparing to launch a tender end of April 2012 seeking contractors with design/build expertise in water and wastewater to implement its Water Network Project, one of three other projects the grant will be financing. At present, an estimated 52% of the potable water supply in Jordan's Zarqa Governorate is lost through leaks in the water transmission and distribution network in addition to other losses attributed to administrative matters. The Water Network Project will be implemented to decrease Non-Revenue Water (NRW) and increase average hours of water supply. The Water Network Project's Request for Bids, expected to be released in April 2012, will become available on MCA-Jordan's website and at its procurement agent, Government Tenders Directorate's (GTD) offices. Further information on EMWIS website.
33- SOWAEUMED (Network in Solid Waste and Water Treatment between Europe and Mediterranean Countries) is a 3 years Coordination Action whose main goal is to establish a sustainable cooperation platform for forming strategic partnerships between scientists, scientific managers, policy makers, technology transfer and industrial experts between EU Member States (MS), Associated States (AS) and the Mediterranean Region States (MED), concerning the development and implementation of solid waste and water treatment technologies. The second SOWAEUMED workshop ( Marrakech, Morocco, 23-26 May, 2012) aims to reinforce research links with leading universities, institutes and industrial companies in the Mediterranean countries in waste and water treatment technologies and promoting an efficient transfer of the generated knowledge to the industry. The deadline for contributions , is April 25th. Further information on EMWIS website.
34- Call for Papers of the Journal of Remote Sensing - Special Issue "Earth Observation Technology Cluster: Innovative Sensor Systems for Advanced Land Surface Studies": This special issue focuses on innovative technology used in remote sensing of the terrestrial or land surface. Deadline for submission of papers: 31/05/2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
35- Call for abstracts for the International Conference « Innovation in service of Environment » : This fifth international conference organized by CITET, will be a forum for innovating research work exchange and research applied to the environment in particular with regard to the following topics: - Patterns of production and sustainable consumption; - Innovation and transfer of environmentally sound technologies; - Impact of the environment on health. Abstract submission deadline: 30/04/2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
36- Call for abstracts for the 8th Annual LC/MS/MS Workshop on Environmental Applications and Food Safety: Deadline for registration and abstract submission: May 1st, 2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
37- Call for abstracts for the 1st International Symposium on water resources in arid and semi-arid regions. The Faculty of Science and Technology within the University of Sultan Moulay Slimane - Beni Mellal together with the GeoAfrica sciences Society organize this symposium in 14-16 November 2012. Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 30, 2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
38- The days of the International Office for Water (OIEAU): Macrophytes, skills transfer and Sensors (Paris 24 May - Limoges 5 June - Paris 19 June). Further information on EMWIS website.
39- Call for applications for the Ninth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute 2012): Deadline for applications: 01 June 2012. Further information on EMWIS website.
40- The Water Security Research Centre at the UEA announced the opening of applications for two Water Security courses with entry in 2012. MSc Water Security (September 2012 – September 2013) & Water Security Short Course (28 May - 4 June 2012). Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/28 - 2012/05/03] European Membrane Society-Middle East School, Riadh, Saudi Arabia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/24 - 2012/04/26] International Water Footprint Training Course, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/23 - 2012/05/11] UNESCO-IHE Training: Water Transport and Distribution I, Delft, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/06/11 - 2012/06/29] International Water Law Scholarship Programme, Dundee, Scotland, UK
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/06/11 - 2012/06/29] International Training of Trainers on Wetland Management 2012, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/06/06 - 2012/06/08] 2ème Edition du Salon International de l'Eau: HydroGaïa, Montpellier, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/06/05 - 2012/06/08] "Ecorient 2012" : Premier salon international dédié aux technologies environnementales et au développement durable, Beirut, Lebanon
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2012/06/05 - 2012/06/08] Global Symposium: The 1997 UN Watercourses Convention – What Relevance in the 21st Century?, Dundee, Scotland, UK
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2012/06/05 - 2012/06/08] ECWATECH-2012 - International Water Forum "Water: Ecology and Technology", Russia
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2012/06/05 - 2012/06/07] The first international conference on Water Resources of Al Jabal Al Akhdar: Reality & Prospective, Al Bayda City, Libya
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2012/06/04 - 2012/06/05] Colloque international sur la « Gestion Intégrée des ressources en eau : rôle , organisation et traitement de la mesure », Constantine, Algeria
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2012/06/03 - 2012/06/05] ACWUA’s 5th Best Practices Conference: Utilities Perspective on Water Resources Management in the Arab Region, Muscat, Oman
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2012/05/28 - 2012/06/02] BALWOIS 2012: Firth International Conference BALWOIS 2012 on Water, Climate and Environment, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/24 - 2012/05/25] 3rd European Water Conference, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/23 - 2012/05/25] Water Loss Europe Conference, Ferrara, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/22 - 2012/05/26] Second SOWAEUMED Workshop: Innovative Technologies for Solid Waste and Water Treatment “Exchange of best practices and knowledge transfer between Europe and Mediterranean countries” - ITS2WAT-2012, Marrakech, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/22 - 2012/05/25] Green week 2012: Water, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/21 - 2012/05/24] GwFR'2012: International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Prague, Czech Republic
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/15 - 2012/05/17] SWEEP-Net - 2nd Regional Forum on Integrated Solid waste management, Marrakech, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/15 - 2012/05/17] The International CIPA Conference - The 18th International Agriculture Exhibition, Tel Aviv, Israel
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/14 - 2012/05/18] African Water Week 2012, Cairo, Egypt
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/13 - 2012/05/18] World Congress on Water, Climate & Energy 2012, Dublin, Ireland
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/12 - 2012/05/15] Resilient Cities 2012: 3rd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, Bonn, Germany.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/11 - 2012/05/11] Matinale des Pôles - Présentation du Pôle EAU, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/05/10 - 2012/05/12] 2ème Colloque International Sur la Gestion et la Préservation des Ressources en Eau (CIGPRE 2), Meknes, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/28 - 2012/05/03] European Membrane Society-Middle East School, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), Riadh, Saudi Arabia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/26 - 2012/04/26] La IIième Édition du colloque « Pour une Gestion durable de notre Territoire », Beyrouth, Lebanon
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/25 - 2012/04/26] 3rd Workshop on Water & Adaptation to Climate Change in Transboundary Bassins: Making adaptation work, Geneva, Switzerland.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/25 - 2012/04/27] 1st International Conference on the Design, Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of Urban Water Systems, New Forest, UK
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/24 - 2012/04/26] EDS Conference on Desalination for the Environment Clean Water and Energy, Barcelona, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/24 - 2012/04/26] TIAC’12 - IV International Conference on Technology Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers / III International Symposium on Coastal Aquifers and Desalination Plants, Alicante, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2012/04/23 - 2012/04/26] Conference and Exhibition on "Desalination and the Environment": Clear water & energy, Barcelona, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
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