EMWIS Flash N°87, February 2011
Released | 10/03/2011 |
EMWIS Flash - February 2011 Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism / Geo-Catalogue / UfM-Water |
In this issue N°87
1- Shared Environment Information System for Horizon 2020 research and
monitoring activities
2- 2nd Istanbul International Water Forum
3- EuroMed Ministerial meeting on industry to go ahead in May
4- European Commission, EIB and EBRD sign Memorandum of Understanding
5- EIB delivers record lending for climate action in 2010
6- Preparing for the 6th WWF: "Contribute to food security by optimal use of
7- Progress in joint efforts to depollute the Mediterranean by year 2020
8- Civil protection project to assess disaster risk reduction policies in the
9- Successful First International Seminar in Water, Energy and Environment
10- Successful consultation of WANA Forum on the Challenges of Water Scarcity in
West-Asia and North Africa
11- Greece joins cascade towards global water treaty
12- France: Launch of a platform on monitoring of water services
in small towns
13- France: Presentation of the new wastewater treatment plant in the city of Vence
14- France continues the implementation of human right to drinking water
15- Tunisia: Strengthening Tunisian-French cooperation in environmental and
sustainable development issues
16- Algeria to develop agricultural water
17- Iraq: Drinking water project for Amedi of $90 million
18- Turkey and Syria lay foundation stone of 'Friendship Dam'
19- Jordan: Lack of rain calls for emergency water plan
20- Jordan: Seawater greenhouse plan
21- Palestine: second project on wastewater reuse and treatment granted by AECI
22- Israel: Desalination plants part of Palestine agreement
23- Israel: Cabinet Approves Emergency Plan to Increase the Production of
Desalinated Water
24- The Blue Peace: Rethinking Middle East Water
25- New European centre on earth observation
1- The next meeting of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Monitoring and Research (RMR) sub-group will be enlarged to representatives ENPI-SEIS project from the Mediterranean Partner Countries. It will be organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) on 30 and 31 March in Cophenguen. The H2020 initiative aims at reducing of the polution of the Mediterranean sea. Its RMR sub-group that met last time in Athens at the end of 2008. The ENPI-SEIS project aims at the gradual extension of the Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) to European neighbours (South, East and Russia) over the coming 4 years and will build on available monitoring, data collection, institutional and infrastructural elements in the countries. ENPI countries have been asked to nominate representatives from authorities in charge of statistics and environment to take part in SEIS activities. At the first ENPI-SEIS meeting in November in Brussels, countries asked the EEA and the European Commission to consider inland water quantity as priority topic to be tackled by SEIS. The aim of this meeting is to start discussing the activities/actions needed for streamlining the available indicators, assessing them against H2020 priorities and building a process of bringing together these initiatives into a SEIS sustainable system to support improved reporting and compliance. The RMR sub-group will serve as platform for annual dialogue and review with the countries on these issues and will represent a key tool for the implementation of the ENPI-SEIS project. Further information on EMWIS website.
2- The first gathering of the Istanbul International Water Forum was realized in February 2009 as a preparatory meeting one month prior to the 5th World Water Forum and it was then planned to be organized every three years. The 2nd Istanbul International Water Forum, to be held 3-5 May 2011, is promising a broader field of study and a more diverse range of subjects. The Forum will primarily focus on the water-related problems of Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The water-related problems (drought, floods etc.) of Turkey will also be discussed in detail. The 2nd Istanbul International Water Forum will adopt a novel approach in accordance with the recommendations of the water experts in the focus regions. The Forum will provide a platform to bring together international organizations together with local experts with the aim to bring solutions to the water problems in question. The global water industry will also have a chance to present themselves at the Expo. The outcomes of the Forum will also provide valuable technical and intellectual input to the 6th World Water Forum, which will be held in 2012 in Marseille, France. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- The 8th Euro-Mediterranean ministerial meeting on industry will be held in Malta in May, in spite of the current events in the region, a meeting of the Working Party on Euro-Mediterranean Industrial Cooperation has decided – stressing the industrial cooperation process was more relevant and useful than ever. Discussions in Malta will focus on four topics: 1) Promoting partnerships and investment; 2) Improving innovation and the business environment; 3) Preparing and concluding Agreements on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Goods (ACAAs); and 4) Mobilising the business community to implement projects under the Union for the Mediterranean. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- A Memorandum of Understanding between the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was signed in Brussels last 1st March by European Commissioner Olli Rehn, EIB President Philippe Maystadt and EBRD President Thomas Mirow. The memorandum sets out a new framework for cooperation between the EBRD and EIB for their activities outside of the EU region. It aims to enhance the combined impact of the two banks' operations in the interest of both the beneficiary countries and the banks' shareholders. Strong cooperation and coordination will make the best use of the core competencies and comparative advantages of both organisations. Further information on EMWIS website.
5- In 2010, the European Investment Bank (EIB) increased financing for climate action projects to EUR 19 billion, representing an impressive 30% of its lending in the European Union. The focus of EIB support for climate action projects remains energy (renewable energy and energy efficiency) and sustainable transport. The Bank made a successful effort to increase the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency in its portfolio. More than EUR 6 billion of financing supported renewable energy and over EUR 2 billion energy efficiency projects in 2010. National renewable action plans have proved to be an important enabler of investment in these areas and all three emerging technologies, wind, solar and biomass, were supported. In the transport sector, the EIB is playing a leading role in supporting the development of electric vehicles. Countries outside the EU received EUR 2 billion in climate action financing in 2010. Further information on EMWIS website.
6- This Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) are coordinating the preparation of the theme “Contribute to food security by optimal use of water” for the 6th World Water Forum, to be held in Marseille in March 2012. That forum has been conceived as the Forum of “solutions”. Twelve Thematic Priorities are addressed. Under each, a serie of targets translate the identified issues into concrete and achievable objectives at all levels. For each target, workable solutions will be proposed at the World water forum, and some of them demonstrated in the village of solutions of the forum. The preparation process aims to be as inclusive as possible and the forum committee organised two formal consultations (one in Marseille in June 2010, and one in Paris in January 2011), in order to screen likely recommendations, eventual targets and workable solutions. Each of the two consultations had about 400 participants, representing different stakeholders from various countries and regions of the world. FAO and ICID are undertaking a broader extensive consultation to collect the "voice" of stakeholders that could not participate in the first consultation meetings. Everybody can priovide its input thanks to a survey where you can comment on targets and join the preparatory process for the theme on “Contribute to food security by optimal use of water”. Further information on EMWIS website.
7- The Horizon 2020 initiative Steering Group held its 4th meeting in Amman on 22 and 23 February, Jordan gathering representatives of the Ministry of Environment in Jordan, the EU Directorate General for Environment, and member countries of the programme to review progress achieved by the initiative. A press release said the meeting was largely dedicated to the progress on the 3 Horizon 2020 components: - Major infrastructure investments for waste and water related facilities (investment sub-group); - Regional, sub-regional and national activities to build or strengthen institutional and individual capacities, sensitization and mobilization of civil society (capacity building sub-group); - Identifying indicators and scorecards to help Mediterranean countries produce reliable, comparable and timely statistical data and information to monitor progress in the depollution process (monitoring, review and research sub-group). The meeting was also the opportunity to outline the state of play with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and discuss perspectives for the future, including the current situation with the Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean (SWM) and the outlook for its adoption in the coming period as well as related and new UfM priorities and initiatives. The next phase of the Horizon 2020 initiative was also discussed. The Steering Group members consist of nominated focal points of the Ministries of Environment from the EU Member States and the ENP Partner Countries, other regional/international organizations active in the protection of the Mediterranean, International Financing Institutions, the European Commission, and other interested stakeholders, such as municipalities, regional networks, NGOs and the business sector. Further information on EMWIS website.
8- Directors General from Civil Protection Authorities of countries involved in the EU-funded Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters (PPRD South) met in Rome on 8 March 2011 to assess the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action in the Mediterranean and to review the contribution provided by the PPRD South Programme. It reviewed the Regional Risk Atlas and the Civil Protection Operational Manual produced by PPRD South to help increase the knowledge of exposure to disasters in the Mediterranean and inform about existing national and international prevention, preparedness and response capacities.The €5 million PPRD South Programme – which runs for three years and is managed by a consortium led by the Italian Civil Protection Department together with the French, Algerian, Egyptian Civil Protection Authorities and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) – is organising training workshops dealing with risks in the region such as wild fires, technological disasters, floods, earthquakes, epidemics and drought, among others. Further information on EMWIS website.
9- The First International Seminar in Water, Energy and Environment ‘ISWEE01’’ took place in Algiers (Algeria) on 1-3 March 2011. This event organized by the Algerian Centre for Development of Renewable Energy (CDER) gathered more than one hundred of Algerian researchers & international experts in the field of desalination, renewable energy, water, membranes & water treatment. On the other hand, the International Desalination Association organised a special all-day session entitled "Desalination For A Better World", which provided one of the first opportunities to hear information about the details of the Algerian desalination plan and the situation of the country’s desalination plants. Further information on EMWIS website.
10- WANA Forum initiative organised a consultation aimed at devising policy recommendations pertaining to transboundary water management in Amman (Jordan), from 22 to 24 February 2011. Water Security was a central theme of WANA Forum 2010, where regional experts warned that the wars of the 21st century will be fought over water. Climate change will only exacerbate problems in a region already stressed by lack of water, food and political and social unrest. Across the Arc of Crisis, from Somalia, Sudan and Egypt in Africa to Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan in West Asia, water scarcity in the region has already lead to drought and famine, loss of livelihood, the spread of water-borne diseases, forced migrations and open conflict. Water scarcity is closely linked to food and health security, making better water management a key stepping stone for poverty reduction and economic growth. HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal’s concept of a Community of Water and Energy for the Human Environment takes an integrated approach to water, hunger, climate, health and poverty, with a view to averting future conflict with concentric circles of cooperation. This consultation was the occasion for the WANA Forum experts to poursuit their efforts and finish the policy brief on water scarcity and drought in the WANA region to be presented in the next WANA Forum to be held next May in Amman (Jordan). Further information on EMWIS website.
11- Greece has recently become the 21stcountry to ratify a global water treaty designed to reduce conflict and guide joint management over rivers and lakes forming or crossing international boundaries. The ratification adds new momentum to efforts to bring United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (UN Watercourses Convention) into force. The Convention, adopted at the United Nations 13 years ago by an overwhelming majority, becomes effective once it has been ratified by 35 nations. France has announced its imminent ratification and willingness to actively promote the convention in Europe and beyond. Ratifications earlier this year include those by Nigeria, in September, and Guinea-Bissau, in May. Burkina Faso is likely to become the 22nd contracting state in the near future. According to Vangelis Constantianos, Executive Secretary of GWP-Mediterranean, “Greece’s initiative should serve as a strong encouragement for other European and neighbouring countries to join the UN Watercourses Convention as well.” For Dr. Fadi Comair, President of the Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations (MENBO), “The ratification of the UN Watercourses Convention by Greece is a very important step and we look forward for a speed entry into force of this convention which will underpin considerably the culture of peace and best practices of cooperation of Mediterranean countries on their shared water river basins”. Further information on EMWIS website.
12- The platform for exchange of experiences on monitoring water services in small towns is supported by the AFD (French Development Agency), the SEDIF (Syndicat des Eaux d'Ile de France), the AESN (Seine Normandie Water Agency) and GRET (Group for Research and Technological Exchange). It was initiated in partnership with the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). Open to all players involved in the public service of water, this platform aims to improve water supply services in small towns in developing countries. In small towns in developing countries, quality of drinking water supply service is not always satisfactory. Failures in service delivery occur for diverse reasons: institutional, technical, financial, organizational or cultural. To improve performance, transparency and sustainability of water services, mechanisms for monitoring these services have been tested in several countries, producing some very positive effects and contributing to the regulation of services. Further information on EMWIS website.
13- Christian Estrosi, Deputy Mayor of Nice (France) and Lebigre Regis, Mayor of Vence (Nice) presented last February 7, a modernisation project for waste water treatement. The collection and treatment of wastewater are a priority in terms of environmental protection, public health, sustainable development and tourism economy. It is in this spirit and with this ambition that many projects of sanitation were initiated in the region of Nice, like the new WWTP of Vence. Currently, the town treats its wastewater in 2 treatment plans (Vosgelade and Malvan stations), which certainly meet European standards, but are close to saturation and unsuited to the changing population of the town on the horizon 2025. The local Sanitation Master Plan has advocated the construction of a new single station for treating the effluent of Vence, with a capacity of 28,000 population equivalents, expandable to 40,000 population equivalents for an estimated cost of 18 MEuros and a delivery in 2014. The objectives and qualities of this powerful new station, are at the forefront in terms of sanitation and exemplary in terms of environmental friendliness. Further information on EMWIS website.
14- To strengthen the solidarity in the domain of water and sanitation, France has just adopted a law to help the poor with a right to water and sanitaion for all. Today, inspite of rather low tarifs, the water and sanitation bill of about 2 Million households represents more than 3% of their total revenue. With this law, municipalities and water and sanitation service providers will be able contribute to a solidarity funds managed by province council that will provide grants to the poorest households for paying art of their water bill. Further information on EMWIS website.
15- The consolidation of the Tunisian-French cooperation in the fields of environment and sustainable development was the focus of the meeting between Mr. Mokhtar Jallel, Tunisian Minister of Agriculture and Environment, with Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, French Minister of the Environment, held last March 7, 2011 in Tunis. Mr. Jallel highlighted during the press conference, the high level of cooperation between the two countries in various fields related to the environment. The French minister stressed the need to intensify bilateral cooperation in various aspects of the environment, like sanitation, fight against pollution, coastal protection and waste management . She also highlighted the increase of activities on environmental protection in the inner regions and consolidating the decentralization. Further information on EMWIS website.
16- During an inspection visit to the wilaya of Souk Ahras (Algeria), Abdelmalek Sellal, Algerian Minister of Water Resources has issued an important message: "Our goal is not only to provide drinking water to citizens, but also to develop agriculture. " The wilaya of Souk Ahras does not have a resource problem, but it suffers from a problem of water distribution. The network losses are estimated between 30 and 40%, but rehabilitation works are in progress. The Minister launched the work of the dam of Wadi Djedra whose storage capacity will reach 35 million cubic meters. The construction was entrusted to the Algerian company GESI-TP which has a period of three years for delivery. This project will be the third dam in the wilaya of Souk Ahras, after that of Ayn Delia (76 million cubic meters) and Wadi Charef (153 million cubic meters). In this framework, the National Office for Irrigation and Drainage (ONID) contributes to the development of agricultural water. In 2015-2020, the goal is ambitious: 500 000 ha of large irrigation schemes spread in 280 000 ha to the north and 220 000 ha for the Saharan regions. Further information on EMWIS website.
17- Kurdistan Ministry of Municipality and Tourism sealed a contract for construction of drinking water project for Amedi area within Dohuk province. The minister, Samir Abdullah Mustafa, singed the contract priced at 90 millions U.S. Dollars with the Lebanese Ster Group and Homan Ederson companies according to a statement issued by the ministry. With this project getting underway, the town of Amedi and the townships of Deraluk, Sarsing, Qadash, and Bamarne, as well as four surrounding villages will receive 2,400 cubic meters of drinking water per hour on average. The project will become operation in almost two years. Amedi area, 70 km northeast of Dohuk, 467 km north Baghdad, encompasses five townships including Bamarne, Deraluk, Sarsing. Further information on EMWIS website.
18- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended last February 6th, a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a dam on a river that flows from Syria to Turkey in a long-delayed project, promising that it will help strengthen cooperation with Syria. Erdoğan said Turkey was also working on other cooperation projects such as building a high-speed rail line between the two countries, establishing a joint Turkish-Syrian bank and linking the natural gas networks of the two neighbors. “Today, the Asi River ceases to be a border line that separates us, that sets us apart, as it becomes a border line that brings us closer.” The dam’s potential uses in the future are not limited to irrigation and flood prevention purposes. Erdoğan said Turkey and Syria will also jointly use the electricity that the dam produces. It will also be possible to carry out fishery activities and water sports and other recreational activities. The costs of the dam’s operation and maintenance will be covered by the two countries, and each will have an equal share of the responsibility. Erdoğan, who later flew to Aleppo for talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said the construction of the dam was also a result of his government’s policy of “zero problems with neighbors” that has led to a radical transformation in Turkish-Syrian ties from enmity to cooperation in almost every field. Further information on EMWIS website.
19- The Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation is currently drafting an emergency water plan in light of an "unprecedented absence of rain", according to a government official. This plan will identify available sources of drinking and irrigation water in response to the poor rainy season, which has negatively affected the country's water storage, an official said. The ministry announced last week measures to address the water shortage caused by the late rainy season. Such measures included reducing irrigation water to farmers in the Jordan Valley, securing additional water resources such as privately owned wells and reducing water loss. The ministry has stressed that the public water supply will remain unchanged and that the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) will continue to provide water in accordance with the water distribution programme. The Kingdom’s major dams currently hold 37 per cent of their total capacity, compared to 32 per cent during the same period last year, according to ministry figures. Normally, 30 to 40 per cent of water stored in the Kingdom’s dams is held as a strategic reserve to ensure a continuous supply of water to farmers in the event of a dry year. Further information on EMWIS website.
20- Seawater greenhouses, solar power plants and other new green technologies will be brought together in Jordan in an attempt to turn its desert into a producer of crops, fresh water and electricity. The governments of Jordan and Norway signed an agreement last month (11 January) to build a 20-hectare demonstration centre near Aqaba on the Red Sea. They will work with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) and the Sahara Forest Project (SFP), an environmental technology group based in Norway, to start building the centre in 2012, and expect it to be operating by 2015. The project would channel sea water into the desert where 'greenhouses' would be able to grow crops without any need to pipe fresh water. This is achieved by evaporating the seawater on grilles at the entrance to the greenhouse so that the air which is entering becomes moist and cool. As it leaves the greenhouse the air is then exposed to heating and cooling, at the end of which pure water condenses out and can be used to water the greenhouse crops. The concentrated solar power plant, which uses the sun's heat to create steam that drives a turbine to produce electricity, would power the greenhouse and in turn be cooled by greenhouse water. The world's first commercial example of a seawater greenhouse, a 2,000-square-metre unit in Port Augusta, Australia, harvested its first crop of tomatoes in December 2010. Further information on EMWIS website.
21- The Spanish Agency for International Development & Cooperation (AECI) has granted CENTA Foundation grant worth € 450,000 to carry out a new project in the Palestinian Territories, particularly in Hebron. The objective is to design and implement a comprehensive system of treatment and reuse of wastewater in the vicinity of Wadi Al Aroub between the refugee camp and Al Aroub Shuyukh Al Aroub population in Hebron. The local partner will be the Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ). Although the project area is endowed with a supply network, but presents a significant sanitation service gaps. In addition to addressing this problem, with the introduction of a system adapted to the context of the area, it is intended that the target population can also have an extra supply of water for agricultural irrigation in conditions of optimum quality and quantity. Also, the action will improve the environmental quality of the environment, highly degraded due to discharges of untreated sewage that run through dry riverbeds, which is a major source of disease for the population. Further information on EMWIS website.
22- Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement on 4 February 2011 agreeing on improvements in water, sewerage and electricity in Palestinian areas, following a meeting with Tony Blair, representative of the "Quartet" (USA, the United Nations, Russia and the European Union). The improvements according to Netanyahu, were intended to make Gaza independent of Israeli infrastructure by helping to develop their electricity plants, water and sewerage treatment. According to Blair, there is also full approval for all the sanitation and water treatment plants necessary for Gaza, with the Government of Israel agreeing to facilitate and support the entry of construction materials to enable projects to be completed on schedule. Further information on EMWIS website.
23- Israel approved last 31 January 2011 an emergency plan to increase the production of desalinated water by operating desalination facilities around the clock. This is in order to deal with the crisis in the water sector and ensure the orderly supply of water to residents of Israel, while maintaining existing sources of water. Increasing the quantity of desalinated water will lead to the production of approximately 420 million cubic meters in 2013, a larger quantity than that drawn annually from the Sea of Galilee. The decision, which was led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was made in light of the continual decline in the supply of natural water in Israel, which stems from both the considerable drop in the amount of precipitation and the utilization of water that has accumulated in reservoirs. It was decided that the Water Authority will work to reduce the effects of pollution and to rehabilitate the sources of water in Israel. It was also decided to advance a plan to establish reservoirs of treated wastewater for use by a number of agricultural communities. Prime Minister Netanyahu directed that a proposal to build an additional desalination facility in Ashdod, as well as additional steps to deal with the crisis in the water economy, be submitted for Cabinet approval. Further information on EMWIS website.
24- The Middle East is likely to plunge into a serious humanitarian crisis due to depletion of water resources, unless remedial measures are introduced urgently, says a new report. The Strategic Foresight Group prepared the report, “The Bue Peace”, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and input from almost 100 leaders and experts from Israel, the Palestine Territories, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Turkey. The report assesses the principal challenges linked to the trans-border management of resources. At present a factor of division and tension, water harbours the potential of becoming an instrument of peace and cooperation. This emerges as the report’s central thesis. Subsequently, it compiles a list of ten recommendations, calculated in the short, medium, and long terms, which are aimed to lead to pragmatic solutions. Further information on EMWIS website.
25- The University of Leicester (UK) is going to launch a "Centre of Excellence in Earth Observation Research Training" with the aim of teaching and training researchers to use the latest satellite technologies to tackle environmental issues. The centre is supported by the "Initial Operations Network for Earth Observation Research Training" (GIONET) project and funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme and the Marie Curie Programme. GIONET project wishes to develop new and better methods for research, for addressing disaster relief, as well as for monitoring climate change, environmental disasters and land cover change. At the same time, it seeks to satisfy the demand for more researchers and skilled personnel for the European observation programme "Global Monitoring for Environment and Security" (GMES). During a period of four years, 14 young researchers will be trained in satellite remote sensing. In particular, each student is expected to work on a research project and make a practical impact on the ability to monitor the planet from satellite. For instance, a current research topic under the GIONET spotlight is the monitoring of the Congo rainforest. Further information on EMWIS website.
26- The Co-Presidency of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) has announced the appointment of Dr. Lino Cardarelli as interim Secretary General of the UfM Secretariat. He is succeeding to Dr. Ahmad Masa’deh, who resigned effective 28 February 2011. Dr. Cardarelli who serves on board of the Secretariat as Senior Deputy Secretary General for Projects Funding Coordination and Business Development Division, will be managing the Secretariat until the appointment of a new Secretary General. Dr. Cardarelli said he and his colleagues were committed to making the Secretariat “a true success story that will serve our people on both shores of the Mediterranean.” Further information on EMWIS website.
27- The Jury of the “Water for Life” Best Practices Award met on Wednesday 2 March 2011 to select the Award winner’s best practices for each category. The winners and finalists will be announced on World Water Day, 22 March 2011. Please do not contact the Award Secretariat about the results before this date as no additional information will be provided on the selected best practices. Further information on EMWIS website.
28- Call for GWP SC nominations 2011: There will be five vacant positions on the GWP Steering Committee (SC) to be filled for the November 2011 Steering Committee Meeting. Of these three will be selected from global candidates (who can be self nominated or proposed). Self-nomination or nomination by any member, partner or donor of GWP should be submitted no later than Monday 21 March, 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
29- TWAS Prizes 2011: The "TWAS Prizes" are awarded to individual scientists in developing countries in recognition of an outstanding contribution to knowledge in eight fields of science: agricultural sciences, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics, medical sciences and physics. Nominations for the 2011 prizes must be submitted to the address shown below by 31 March 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
30- Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Zuhair Fayez Partnership, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: The candidate will act as a senior hydraulic engineer/modeler with at least 15 years of applicable hydraulic engineering and modeling experience. Further information on EMWIS website.
31- A second revised and expanded edition of Prof. J. Ganoulis' book "Risk Analysis of Water Pollution" will be useful for water resources practitioners, researchers and students interested in risk and uncertainty as a support for water quality decision-making processes. Further information on EMWIS website.
32- Water heritage in the Mediterranean region reflects the way rural and urban populations coped with the scarcity of water, and how they organised local structures around water management. This is part of a series of features on projects funded by the EU, prepared by journalists and photographers on the ground or the ENPI Info Centre available in English, French and Arabic. Further information on EMWIS website.
33- The DG Research of the European Commission has just added and updated 46 projects funded under FP7 in the following research areas: Biodiversity, Marine, Sustainable development, Cultural heritage, and Dissemination. Further information on EMWIS website.
34- The Business Monitor International's Egypt Water Report has been researched at source, and features latest-available data covering public and private sector investment in all major Water projects, including desalination, water table management, storage, transportation and network expansion. The report features 5-year industry forecasts through end-2015, company rankings and competitive landscapes covering leading multinational and national water companies; and analysis of latest industry news, trends and regulatory developments in Egypt. Further information on EMWIS website.
35- Water security depends on forests and wetlands: Forests and wetlands regulate water availability and serve as natural water purification systems. Forests help route water in a watershed by stabilizing soils, which allows water to enter them, and also regulate soil erosion. Further information on EMWIS website.
36- Recent developments in the concept of the water footprint have begun to provide indications of both our direct and indirect water use as consumers and producers. The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business. This book offers a complete and up-to-date overview of the global standard on water footprint assessment as developed by the Water Footprint Network. Further information on EMWIS website.
37- The Journal of Flood Risk Management provides an international platform for knowledge sharing in all areas related to flood risk. The journal promotes ideas across a range of disciplines where flood related research is being carried out, and provides content ranging from leading edge academic papers, to applied content, with the practitioner in mind. Further information on EMWIS website.
38- The report on the meeting of 8 February 2011 of the EP Intergroup Water on “Water and Regional Development” with Commissioner Johannes HAHN key note speaker, is available. Further information on EMWIS website.
39- Understanding water demand and consumers’ capacity for change is essential in underpinning water demand management and water efficiency programmes. However, a qualitative study published in CIWEM’s Water and Environment Journal shows that users are generally unaware of their own water consumption and that individual perceptions of changes in behaviour are constrained by habit and lack of knowledge. Further information on EMWIS website.
40- The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNCCD and the Global Risk Forum GRF Davos invited to a Special Side Event on occasion of the World Economic Forum WEF 2011 in Davos, Switzerland. Proceedings are now available. Further information on EMWIS website.
41- The right to sanitation in national laws: The purpose of this collective work is to show that sanitation is the subject of many rights and obligations in domestic law regarding the collection and disposal of excreta and sewage, which compensates for the lack of detail in applicable texts of the international law. Further information on EMWIS website.
42- "ENPI-MED CBC: call for strategic projects announced": The Joint Management Authority announced that the call for proposal on strategic projects for Cross-Boarder Cooperation in the Mediterranean will be launched in April 2011. These projects will involve a minimum of four partners representing four different countries, of which at least one EU Mediterranean Country and one Mediterranean Partner Country. Their budget range from a minimum of € 2 million up to a maximum of € 5 million. Budget announced for this call about € 37 million. Water management will be one of the priority topics with 2 sub-themes: i) Quantity and quality of supply, with a focus on alternative water supplies and wastewater re-use; ii) Efficient use of water resources, with a focus on agricultural use. The following partner countries have signed a Financing Agreement with the European Commission : - Egypt - Israel - Jordan - Lebanon - Palestinian Authority - Syria - Tunisia. These countries are now fully eligible to receive Programme funds. All the Financing Agreements have been countersigned by the Joint Managing Authority. Further information on EMWIS website.
43- ENPI CBC-MED call for proposals on standard projects: Call for proposals on standard projects (one-step open procedure) focusing on the four Programme Priorities. Indicative launch date: September 2011. Indicative amount allocated: € 33 million. Further information on EMWIS website.
44- The 2011 LIFE+ Call for Proposals was published by the European Commission on 26 February 2010. The fifth LIFE+ call for proposals was published on 26 February 2011, with up to €267 million available for co-financing of projects under three headings: nature and biodiversity; environment policy and governance; and information and communication. Project proposals should be sent to the relevant national authority no later than 18 July, 2011. National authorities will then send them to the European Commission by 9 September, 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
45- Request for Proposals (RFP) - Consulting services for the support of 2 technical working groups: The Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA), as a regional center of excellence, will partner withwater supply and wastewater utilities in Arab countries to provide best practice service delivery to their customers. ACWUA had initiated interdisciplinary Technical Working Group (TWG) comprising of qualified experts from ACWUA members to study and discuss specific issues at different high priority areas of the water sector. With the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), ACWUA is soliciting technical and financial proposals to provide consulting services for the support of two of its working groups; namely: Utilities Management Technical and the Utilities Reform. The deadline for proposals submittal is 24th of March 2011 at 14:00. Further information on EMWIS website.
46- "African Union Research Grants: 2011- Open Call for Proposals": The African Union Commission is seeking proposals for research. The programme is financed through the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the ACP Group of States under the ACP Research for Sustainable Development Program of the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Envelop. The First Call for Research Projects and Proposals will be limited to the following science and technology strategic priority actions: Post-harvest and Agriculture; Renewable and Sustainable Energy, and Water and Sanitation. The deadline for submission of proposals is April 30, 2011 at 1700 hours (+3 GMT) Addis Ababa time. Further information on EMWIS website.
47- CIWEM, with the support of EWA and ASTEE, is organising an International Event in Lille looking at Water Management in Europe. The event will take place on 12th and 13th October 2011. The call for presentations deadline is Friday 8th April 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
48- Call for abstracts for the first International Conference on Water and Environment - WATEIC- 2011-: Aware of the socio-economic importance of water management and protection of the environment, the pole of competences on water and environment (PC2E) and its partners, through the organization of this first edition of the International Conference on Water and Environment (WATEIC-2011), aim to promote innovation, capacity building, dissemination and promotion of research and the creation and strengthening of networks of exchange and cooperation. WATEIC provides an excellent opportunity for scientists, industrials and professionals in the environmental and water fields to challenge and inspire the water and environmental community by sharing knowledge and best practices. 30th March 2011: Deadline for abstract submission. Further information on EMWIS website.
49- Call for abstracts : "The Management of the Guarani Aquifer System: An Example of Cooperation" - 21-23 September 2011, São Paulo. Deadline for Abstracts: 30 April 2011. The conference “The Management of the Guarani Aquifer System: An Example of Cooperation” provides this opportunity and the organisers invite researchers, consultants and water management experts to submit an abstract for one of the three sessions of the conference: (1) An assessment of the scientific knowledge on the GAS; (2) Current use and protection of the Guarani Aquifer System; (3) The GAS and regional cooperation. Further information on EMWIS website.
50- Call for papers for TIAC’12 - IV International Conference on Technology Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers / III International Symposium on Coastal Aquifers and Desalination Plants: Deadline for receipt of summary: October 31, 2011. Further information on EMWIS website.
51- New Master's degree in Water Security, for October 2011 offered by the University of East Anglia. Further information on EMWIS website.
52- [2011/04/04 - 2011/04/07] 4-Day Advanced Course on Pre-treatment, Membrane Fouling and Scaling. Further information on EMWIS website.
[2011/04/08 - 2011/04/10] Le VIème Congrès International QPE-TVR 2011 : Qualité des Produits et de L’Environnement, Traitement et Valorisation des Rejets et Effets sur la Santé Humaine, Mahdia, Tunisia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/04/06 - 2011/04/07] Water and Environment 2011: CIWEM's Annual Conference, London, UK.
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/03/30 - 2011/03/31] H2020 Review Monitoring and Research sub-group meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Further information on EMWIS website.
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/03/15 - 2011/03/16] Rencontre Technologiques Européennes : "MID'EAU" - La ressource en eau est un enjeu majeur pour notre avenir, Toulouse, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2011/03/08 - 2011/03/11] Water, Energy Technology and Environment exhibition –WETEX 2011, Dubai, UAE.
Further information on EMWIS website
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