EMWIS Flash n°134 - Special edition "Summer 2017"
Released | 06/09/2017 |
- Sepcial edition ***Summer 2017*** |
In this issue N°134 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash134)
1-15th “EUROPE-INBO 2017” international conference for the Implementation of the European Water Directives
2- Meeting of the great rivers of the world taking action for water and climate international Summit Rome, 23-25 October 2017
3- 2nd Steering Committee of the ENI SEIS II South SM Project / 8th meeting of the H2020 Review and Monitoring (RM) Group, 16-18 October 2017, Barcelona
4- New report on freshwater use in Europe 2002-2014
5- 7th Water Expert Group
(WEG) Meeting, Barcelona 19-20 July: "There is a need for adequate data
to design informed policies"
6- SWIM-H2020 SM Regional Training on Decentralized
Water Management “Sharing of experiences from the implementation of the
EU Water Framework Directive"
7- Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform: regional training on water information systems
8- Smart Water @ Innovative City 2017 Nice, 5- 6 July
9- Mediterranean
Preparatory Process for the 8th World Water Forum, Brasilia 2018
10- Stockholm world water week 2017 "Universal Right: Everyone Would Have Access to Clean Water for $ 150 Billion"
11- Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers
12- Access to
water in future a huge challenge, warns EU Agriculture Commissioner
13- Electric' bacteria can purify sewage water - fast
14- Ministerial Conference on “Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation through Research and Innovation”
15- More European sites meet excellent bathing water quality standards than ever before
16- FAO starts a
three-country project on the use of non-conventional water for
sustainable integrated agri-aquaculture development
17- WEAM4i success story published by the European Commission!
18- 4PRIMA Stakeholder Forum: "Meeting for unlocking innovation to SMEs, industries, companies" Siena, 22 May 2017
19- demEAUmed Final Conference: Involvement of different stakeholders for the promotion of water re-use technologies in the tourism sector, May 18th 2017, Barcelona
20- SWOS at European GEO Workshop, 19-21 June 2017
21- Maghreb and West African countries prepared to apply SWOS products and services
22- VISCA: “Vineyards´ Integrated Smart Climate Application” kicks off
23- Life-ANADRY: Technical visit, and participation at the life- Infoday
24- Egypt: LE572
million allocated to improve water quality, drainage
25- Egypt adopts river banks natural filtration technology to deliver drinking water at low cost
26- Spain:Tagus river at risk of drying up completely
27- Czech Republic sludge and waste regulation
28- Jordanian Prince: Sharing water could lead to ‘warm peace’ with Israel
29 - Jordan: All water resources, facilities to be fully monitored by 2019
30- Jordan: Water Ministry says it lacks funding despite promised aid
31- Israel, Jordan and Palestine implement circular measures with the assistance of the SwitchMed programme
32- Albania to face water quality issues in coming years
33- EBRD provides a 120 million euros loan to the Morocco Saïss Water Conservation Project
34- Morocco to Build World Largest Desalination Plant
35- The Tunisian water crisis is caused by the lack of a participatory approach in resource management
36- Algeria: $ 35 billion for drinking water
37- Sea water pollution in Lebanon reaching dangerous levels
38- Italy drought: No water rationing in Rome
39- France: Presidents of basin committees "we won't be able to do everything"
1- The 15th “EUROPE-INBO 2017” International Conference will focus on
"the Implementation of the European Water Directives” by River Basin
District Authorities, from Wednesday 20th to Saturday 23rd September
2017, at the Grand Hotel Malahide, Dublin, IRELAND. The conference will
gather water directors, members of the International Network of River
Basin Organisations, EU institutions, water administrations, academics
and NGOs interested in the implementation of the Water Framework
Directive, and of its “Daughter and related Directives”. During the
different sessions, speakers from EU member states as well as Candidate
and Neighborhood Countries (Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucasus and
Central Asia and of the Mediterranean Basin) will share their
experiences on basin management. A Workshop dedicated to "Water data
management and electronic reporting" will take place on 20 September in
the afternoon. Four thematic round tables will cover: -WFD's upcoming
milestones (2019 Review, 3rd River Basin Management Plans) .../-
Adaptation to Climate Change: Pressures, Priorities, Insurances,
Impacts and Resilience /-Public Participation: Statutory
Consultation/-New Threats to Aquatic Environments: Degradation of
Natural Capital and Ecosystems, Emerging Contaminants and Hazardous
Substances, Micro pollutants including Plastics entering the
Food-Chain, Non-point Source Pollution, Hydromorphology, Alien Species.
Further information on EMWIS
IN BRIEF (Full news)
The Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea, in partnership with
UNECE(United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), the International
Network of Basin Organizations (INBO, Secretariat of the Global
Alliances for Water and Climate) and Aquamadre, will hold the
International Summit "Water and Climate: Meeting of the Great Rivers of
the World" from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2017 in Rome, Italy.
The managers and representatives of the most important river basins of
the world, coming from all continents, will meet, for the first time in
Italy, in order to inspire a meaningful dialogue aiming at facing the
future of water, threatened by more and more frequent and violent
climate change and its dramatic consequences in terms of floods,
drought and degradation of ecosystems. The event is designed as a
milestone in the preparation of COP23 (Bonn, 6-17 November 2017) and of
the World Water Forum (Brasilia, 18-23 march 2018), two fundamental
events that give the occasion to promote the key role of water in the
international debate on climate change and in the decisions taken by
Governments on the future of our Planet. The summit will be a unique
occasion to match project proposals and financing opportunities and to
foster experience sharing between great river basin organizations,
local, national and regional administrations in charge of climate
change adaptation policies and water resources management, bilateral
and multilateral donors and other relevant institutions interested in
adaptation to climate change and basin management. Further information
3-The 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the ENI-SEIS II South Support Mechanism (implementation of the Shared Environmental Information System principles and practices in the Mediterranean Partner Countries) and 8th meeting of the H2020 (Reducing pollution of the Mediterranean Sea) Review and Monitoring (RM) Group to be held on 16-18 October 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. The meeting is joint organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the UN Environment/MAP Secretariat. The purpose of this meeting is to facilitate dialogue and communication with the project partners to enable smooth running of the activities and to secure the country perspective in the further implementation, in particular in view of the preparation of the 2nd Horizon 2020 indicator-based assessment. Further information on EMWIS website
European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters of the
European Environment Agency (EEA) has recently published a report on
'Use of Freshwater Resources in Europe 2002-2014 - An assessment based
on water quantity accounts'. The report is assessing renewable water
resources and water scarcity conditions across Europe based on the
results of European water quantity accounts (WA). The outputs of
European water quantity accounts are containing geo-referenced data and
information. The spatial scale is sub-basin and the temporal resolution
is monthly aggregated to the seasonal scale covering the years
2002-2014. You can find the outputs of the geo-referenced water
quantity accounts together with the water exploitation index on a
dynamic map. This report is a building block of the EEA water
accounts and a supporting document to the EEA’s CSI 018 “Use of
freshwater resources indicator, and discusses in more detail the status
of renewable water resources, water abstractions by environmental
assets, water use by economic sectors. Further information on EMWIS
5- Seventh Water Expert Group (WEG) Meeting was held in Barcelona on 19- 20 July 2017. This WEG meeting was the first meeting convened after the approval of the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Water last 27th April in Malta. Water experts agreed on five priority work areas to be developed as part of the UfM water growth: 1. water, energy, food, ecosystem nexus / 2. Water supply and sanitation / 3. climate change adaptation and water/ 4. Water employment and migration/ 5. Water governance and financing as a horizontal activity. These themes will be developed by the joint work of willing members states, co-chairs and the Ufm Secretariat with support from its partners including international organization, regional organization, civil society as well as donor community and international finding institutions. A specific policy discussion was held on the WEFE nexus, counting on contributions from international partners. During the meeting, it was also agreed that there is a need for adequate data to design informed policies as well as a priority to finance ongoing projects. In this context, SEMIDE presented the "Mediterranean water knowledge platform", that received the label of the UfM in 2014. It aims to strengthen the capacities of Mediterranean basin countries to produce valuable data on the status of water resources and their uses to optimize planning and water management in the context of climate change. Representative of Mediterranean countries (Egypt, France, Lebanon, Mauritania,Tunisia) confirmed that data is a priority at national and regional levels to deal with water scarcity and improve the research sector. Further information on EMWIS website
6- The 1st Regional Training on Decentralized Water
Management (DcWM) was successfully organized by the EU-funded
SWIM-Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism Project, on 24-25 July 2017, in
Brussels, Belgium.The Training introduced to Mediterranean Partner
Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco,
Palestine, and Tunisia) the concept and approach of the European
Union’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) as an instrument that promoted
water management at the River Basin scale. Different issues related to
Decentralized Water Management (governance, participatory approaches
and stakeholders’ engagement, groundwater related issues, large
inert-basin water transfers, data management) were addressed and
discussed. And finally, the main challenges/constraints faced by the
PCs around DcWM were raised and jointly discussed. More than 35 key
stakeholders, such as Representatives of Water & Irrigation
Ministries of the Partner Countries, Government Agencies and
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) along with Local Authorities,
participated in the training performed by the SWIM-H2020 SM Water
Experts. Further information on EMWIS
7- In the framework of the Mediterranean Water Knowledge
Platform, EMWIS and the International Office for Water (IOWater)
organised a 3 days training workshop from 14 to 16 June 2017 in Sophia
Antipolis, France. The workshops brought together institutional
representatives from Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon,
Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey. A
particular attention was given to SINEAU, the Tunisian National Water
Information System (NWIS) that was delivered last December. The
workshop covered the following issues: Institutional settings &
NWIS governance; Purpose and data content, technical
architectures, data enhancement and visualisation, cost estimation and financing. The
workshop was a real success with a lot of interesting discussion
between Mediterranean countries. The workshop was organised
thanks to the support of the French Ministry in charge of Environment
for the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform, as one initiative
contribution to Climate Change Adaptation.
Another workshop
focusing on exchange of experiences and financing NWIS, will be
organised on 18-19 October in Barcelona with the secretariat of the
Union for the Mediterranean. Further information on EMWIS website
8- In the frame of Innovative City 2017 Forum in Nice on 5 and 6 July, the International Office for Water (IOWater) organized a session on "Smart water, innovation for better water management ", explaining how to equip the urban infrastructures with an advanced capacity of data collection treatment in order to allow Self-regulation of urban systems and to anticipate dysfunctions. The session presented smart metering, natural water retention measures (NWRM) and the Mediterranean Sustainable Cities Platform. It was followed by a round-table that provided a better understanding of how innovative technologies and eco-engineering renew the approach of water in the city and highlight the integrated approach at the territorial scale. The Innovative City 2017 was dedicated to the "Smart City". It gathered nearly 3,500 participants, 250 speakers and 150 exhibitors. Further information on EMWIS website
9- The 8th World Water Forum will be held in Brasilia on 18-23 March 2018. The Regional Process dedicated to the Mediterranean Region is coordinated by IME and UfM secretariat. To prepare this process and the Mediterranean contribution to the WWF8, the 3rd Mediterranean Water Forum will be organised at the end of 2017 or early 2018. This Forum was launched in Monaco on 11 July 2017. The key topics have been identified so far: Water and Climate change mitigation; Integrated sanitation for all; Water for Energy; Treatment and reuse technologies; Managing and restoring ecosystems for water services and biodiversity; and Finance for sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS website
10- World Water Week is the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues. In 2017, World Water Week addressed the theme “water and waste: reduce and reuse”. Over 3,000 individuals have participated in the Week. According to a World Bank's report presented during the week, States should increase their spending on universal access to drinking water and sanitation by four. The goal is to reach a total of USD 150 billion. Investments must be better coordinated and targeted to guarantee services to the most vulnerable people. Providing access to water in cities could also generate economies of scale, according to the World Bank. Recovery of costs would therefore be rapid. Further information on EMWIS website
11- Agriculture Ministers from across the EU met on May 23 2017, together with representatives from major EU agriculture stakeholders, during the Maltese Informal Council of Agriculture Ministers to discuss the interrelationships between water as a scarce resource, climate change and their impact on agriculture. The roundtable session was addressed by both the EU Commissioner for Agriculture Mr. Phil Hogan, as well as the Maltese Commissioner responsible for the Environment, Mr. Karmenu Vella. During the discussions it clearly emerged that vulnerability to scarce water resources and the onset of climate change adaptation are a main challenge to agriculture in the EU. It also emerged that increased resilience in the agricultural sector is key to sustainability and to increasing agricultural sector competitiveness, apart from the aspect of social contribution and sensitivity to the environment. EU Agriculture Ministers also debated how a robust water governance framework integrating all users of water, not least the farming sector, needs to be an important consideration in the EU’s efforts to adapt to climate change and protect natural resources. Further information on EMWIS website
12- Sustainable water management must be at the very top of the political agenda, said European Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Phil Hogan. He told an informal meeting of European Union agriculture ministers in Malta that 2016 was the hottest year on record and a new high for the third year in a row. “We are approaching this debate from a position of strength — namely the hard-won global consensus outlined in the COP21Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals,” he said. “We have a strong impetus for action and a clear framework for moving ahead. But the challenge remains enormous.” Noting the UN describes water as “a lifeline for humanity”, Mr Hogan said this is certainly the case in the context of delivering sustainable food security. Further information on EMWIS website
13- Harnessing bacteria that produce electricity and break down organic waste, a European research project is developing a new, environmentally friendly way to purify sewage water in small communities. It may look like a park, but an experimental plant in Carrión de los Céspedes, near Seville, is full of wastewater from the nearby town. Yet the air doesn’t smell like sewage. The water is purified the natural way, by underground microorganisms – a traditional method improved by recent research. Researchers on the iMETland project use bacteria that produce electricity when breaking down organic waste. Further information on EMWIS website
14- Common research and innovation programme in the
Mediterranean: on 4 May
2017(Malta), Ministers of the Euro-Mediterranean adopted a
Declaration which takes stock of progress made in
Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, looking ahead towards the
implementation of the major initiatives in the area including PRIMA.
Commissioner Moedas during the Euromed Ministerial Conference in Malta
defined PRIMA as "the most ambitious innovation programme in the
Mediterranean Region". Further information on
4Prima website
15- More than 85% of bathing water sites monitored across
Europe in 2016 met the most stringent ‘excellent' quality standards —
meaning they were mostly free from pollutants harmful to human health
and the environment, according to the annual bathing water quality
report published today. Over 96% of bathing water sites met minimum
quality requirements set out under European Union rules. The report
from the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA)
confirms a positive 40-year trend of increasingly cleaner water at
beaches and swimming spots across Europe. The assessment compiled
analyses of water sampled at more than 21 000 coastal and inland
bathing sites and gives a good indication where the best sites with the
highest water quality are likely to be found this summer. Bathing water
is sampled and monitored for contamination by faecal pollution from
sewage or livestock. Further information on EMWIS
16- The Food and Agriculture Organization for the United
Nations (FAO) organized inception meetings in Muscat, Algers and Cairo,
as a start of the three-country (Algeria,
Egypt and Oman) project on the use of non-conventional water
for sustainable integrated agri-aquaculture development in the Near
East and North Africa region. This project will be gathering relevant
stakeholders linked to inland aquaculture and water management in arid
lands. In Cairo the meeting was opened by FAO Egypt representative,
Hussein Gadain, who exposed that: “this project aims to coordinate,
promote and develop national potential on effective smart-water
integrated agriculture-aquaculture production in the region, enhancing
rural employment and food security, while keeping the crucial
sustainable use and conservation of the aquatic resource.” Further
information on
EMWIS website
17- WEAM4i project (Water &
Energy Advanced Management for Irrigation) has facilitated, supported
and speeded up the development and deployment of innovative solutions
to water, energy, food challenges by demonstrating them in 3 EU
countries: Portugal, Spain and Germany leading to promising results. The European
Commission recently published a success story article about the project
under the title: ‘Water,
energy, food – everything is increasingly connected’. The article
features an interview with WEAM4i technical coordinator who reports on
the objectives, achievements and results of WEAM4i project. Further
information on WEAM4i website
18- The preparatory action for PRIMA implementation is organising Stakeholders Forums in different countries. The second PRIMA was held at the University of Siena,
Italy. This Forum aimed at engaging industrial actors in the
Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation on food and water themes.
The work sessions organized during the event, were characterized
by business case presentations and debates focusing on the current
issues of innovations implemented in agri-food by companies supporting
sustainable development. Sixteen business cases focusing on
sustainability across the Mediterranean were illustrated.106 person
participated at the event, the main participants were NGO delegates
from the Med area; national corporate association representatives from
both Med shores; corporate delegates; policy makers; academic
representatives; corporate and financial advisors; private companies’
representatives, including also young entrepreneurs and
start-ups. Further information on 4PRIMA
19- Safe water reuse in the water sector was explained at the
demEAUmed Final Conference held in Barcelona on May 18th 2017. Results,
benefits and opportunities of demEAUmed technologies in managing,
treating and recycling water were presented by demEAUmed partners and
discussed with different experts from the tourism and environmental
sectors. More than 50 participants joined the event and representatives
of the participating companies, hotels and educational institutes
included: Suez Environnement, CTM, the University of Girona, IVL,
Robinson, the Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona, Melia Hotels International,
the African Water Facility, and CEDEX. One of the aims of the
conference was to involve different stakeholders to demonstrate and
promote innovative technologies to reduce the impact of tourism sector
on the environment. A booklet and
a video presenting project results are now available.
Further information and presentations of the event on
demEAUmed website
20- The European GEO Workshop took place in Helsinki between 19-21 June 2017. The conference brought together European stakeholders interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS). The SWOS team participated at the workshop and organized the session on Earth Observation of Wetlands: European Projects and the new GEO-Wetlands Initiative. During the session the GEO-Wetlands Initiative and related European projects on wetland monitoring and conservation were presented and discussed with representatives from the European Commission, research organizations, NGO’s and the private sector. The SWOS project took the leading role in fostering the development of a community portal for Earth Observation and wetlands. Further information on SWOS website
21- Tour du Valat, EMWIS and Wetlands International jointly
organised a 3 days training session in Rabat Morocco from 22 to 24 May
2017. It allowed to train French speaking users coming mainly from
Maghreb and West African countries in how to use earth observation data
for wetland and water monitoring, based on the products developed by
SWOS project. 14 users from 5 countries Algeria, Mali, Morocco, Senegal
and Tunisia took part in the training. They were representing the
General Directorates for forest from Algeria and Tunisia, the Tunisian
NGO for nature conservation ATPNE-Korba (Association Tunisienne pour la
Protection de la Nature et de l’Environnement de Korba), the river
basin agencies of Oued Sebou (Morocco) and Algerois (Algeria), Wetlands
International regional offices from Mali and Senegal, the Scientific
Association For Water Information System (SAWIS), the Regional Africa
Center on Space science and technologies (CRASTE-LF) and Senegal River
Basin Organisation (OMVS). Further information on
SWOS website
22- VISCA (“Vineyards´ Integrated Smart Climate Application”)
is a new R&I project co-funded under the Horizon 2020 programme for
a period of 3 years. The project has started in May 2017. VISCA will
provide a Climate Service (CS) and Decision Support System (DSS) that
integrates climate, agricultural and end-users´ specifications in order
to design medium- and long-term adaptation strategies to climate
change. The project will be validated by real demonstrations with
end-users, who are included in the consortium, on three demo sites in
Spain, Italy and Portugal (Codorniu,
Mastroberardino and Symington). The kick-off meeting of VISCA
took place on May 10th-11th 2017 in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Spain. During
the meeting, partners presented the roadmap of the work packages and
project activities throughout the duration of the project (36 months).
They also discussed with the end-users their requirements and
expectations of the VISCA Climate Application tool. Furthermore, the
technical issues related to the concept were reviewed to meet these
requirements. Finally, partners had the chance to visit the Codorníu
facilities who hosted the meeting. Further information on EMWIS website
23- Life-ANADRY (Dry anaerobic digestion as an alternative
management & treatment solution for sewage sludge) is a European
project co-funded by the European Commission under the LIFE program
(LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency project application). On 23
May 2017, Life-anadry project organized a technical visit and
consortium meeting at Alguazas (Murcia). It was the occasion to discuss
the progress of the project and discuss the upcoming activities to be
carried out.
During the meeting NEEMO and life-ANADRY partners visited the
prototype and discussed its functionality. Furthermore, the project has
recently published the official
video in two languages: English and Spanish. Further information on Life-ANADRY
24- The Egyptian Ministry of Planning approved additional allocations
of LE572.5 million (27MEuro) to improve the quality of drinking water
and sanitation services across Egypt. Minister Hala el-Saeed said in
statement that these allocations will help the development of the water
and sanitation sector infrastructure, which will positively improve the
lives of citizens. LE272.5 million has been approved within the plan
for the current fiscal year 2016/17 to start the sewage treatment and
purification plant in Abo Rawash, to start work on the project, at the
request of the Ministry of Housing. LE300 million has been approved to
support the sector of drinking water and sanitation at the Ministry of
Housing as an additional allocation under the 2016/17 plan. Of this,
LE200 million is allocated to replace and renovate potable water and
sewage plants in Egypt’s governorates, and LE100 million to supply cars
and necessary equipment. Further information on EMWIS
25-As Egypt continues to make every effort to improve the living conditions of its inhabitants and in line with the National vision of Egyptian development 2030, under the auspices of the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development and the Ministry of Local Development, Dr. Mostafa Medbouli – Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban communities, and Dr. Hisham Al-Sherif -Minister of Local Development inaugurated the national conference “River Bank Filtration (RBF) for Drinking Water Supply in Egypt”, organized by the United Nations Human Settlements Program in cooperation with the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation. Five UN organizations (UN-Habitat, UNIDO, UN-Women, ILO and IOM) have collaborated with the support and cooperation of the Ministry of Local Development and Minya Governorate to develop an example of integrated local development based on the combined protection and empowerment approach for local communities and administrations. As part of the project’s objectives of supporting and developing the infrastructure, the project was able to provide clean drinking water with innovative technology to 150,000 residents of Al Adwah and Maghagha centers in Minia governorate in less than 6 months and at a cost of less than 5% of the cost of water delivery using traditional technology. Further information on EMWIS website
26- The Tagus river, the longest in the
Iberian peninsula, is in danger of drying up completely
as Spain once again finds itself in the grip of drought
Miguel Ángel Sánchez, spokesman of the Platform in Defence of the
Tagus, said “the river has collapsed through a combination of climate
change, water transfer and the waste Madrid produces. The Tagus, known
in Spanish as the Tajo and Portuguese as the Tejo, rises in Aragón in
northern Spain, passes close to Madrid and forms part of the border
with Portugal before flowing into the sea at Lisbon. En
route, it is dammed no fewer than 51 times in Spain alone. Further
information on EMWIS
27- The Czech Republic has adopted a new sewage sludge
regulation 437/2016 requiring that by 2020 sludge has to be hygienised
to demanding levels before land application. Low temperature drying or
pyrolysis, for smaller wastewater treatment plants, and drying then
combustion or gasification, for larger WWTPs, seem likely options. A
new waste law is also under preparation which is expected to push
towards resource recovery from sewage sludges. Some 60 million € of EU
regional development Operational Program funds has been allocated for
this year and next year to developments in these areas. The Environment
Ministry press statement mentions use of phosphorus recovery as an
innovation to develop to reduce landfill (see press
release 1/8/17) and the call specifies
among eligible projects “construction / modernisation of heat treatment
plants for sewage sludge … including phosphorus recovery”. Further
information on EMWIS
28- An influential Jordanian prince has told a London audience including the Israeli ambassador that sharing water in the Jordan Rift Valley would help lead to a “warm peace” between the countries. Prince El Hassan bin Talal, who is chairman of the United Nations Secretary-Generals’ Advisory Board on Water & Sanitation (UNSGAB), said water was one of several areas of cooperation envisaged in the 1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty, but that the reality had fallen “very, very far short”. Further information on EMWIS website
29- By the end of 2019, the Jordan Kingdom’s 500 water resources and facilities will be monitored by cameras and control systems to safeguard the water infrastructure from violations and sabotage, according to an official at the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. The plan is part of an ongoing effort to monitor the country’s strategic water resources around-the-clock in order to detect malfunctions and violations. Today, some 120 strategic water resources are currently subject to continuous security monitoring. The ministry will start installing a “comprehensive technical and security surveillance system” on the King Abdullah Canal, as well as three main dams, within a month, the official added. The water resources and facilities, including dams, wells, pumping stations and reservoirs, are now being connected via cameras and control systems to a recently established centre at the ministry, in order to monitor and remotely control the operations of the water resources. “In light of the current regional instability, linking water resources and facilities which are situated at the Kingdom’s borders with Syria and Iraq is our top priority, in order to protect them from individual or collective acts of sabotage, such as pollution or explosions,” the official, who preferred to remain unnamed, told The Jordan Times. Further information on EMWIS website
30- The Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation only secured 19 per cent of funds required to sustain water and wastewater services to Syrian refugees and local communities hosting them this year, a senior government official said on Sunday 1 July 2017. A total of $220 million has been allocated for this year's water and wastewater projects, under the 2015-2017 Jordan Response Plan for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Minister of Water and Irrigation Hazem Nasser said. "… However, until today, the ministry has only received 44 million dollars of the allocated funds for this year. This is affecting the level of services provided to host communities, as well as to Syrian refugees," Nasser told reporters during a press meeting. In 2016, a total of $275 million were allocated to the ministry under the plan, dubbed by ministry officials as "a resilience plan for the water sector". Further information on EMWIS website
31- Pilot projects promoting sustainable consumption and
production launched in Israel, Jordan and Palestine with the support of
the EU-funded SwitchMed programme are running effectively. These
projects will set examples and have the potential for upscaling through
replicating and deepening in other locations. The SwitchMed sustainable
consumption and production programme aims to promote a switch by the
Mediterranean economies towards sustainable consumption and production
patterns and green economy, including low-emission development, through
demonstration and dissemination of methods that improve resource and
energy efficiency. It also seeks to minimise the environmental impacts
associated with the life cycle of products and services and, where
possible, to promote renewable energy. Further information on EMWIS
32- The quality of the
tap water in Albania is expected to deteriorate in the coming years,
Albania's national water council said Monday 21 August in a report. The
council named climate change and global warming as factors.
Besides this, the report noted that constant drought may lead to
landslides, which could cause water supply pipes to crack and allow for
the water to be contaminated. Changes in the quality of water in the
future will have a negative impact on ecosystems, human health,
credibility, and operating costs of water services, the national water
council stressed. Meanwhile, the report said that with sea levels
rising, the salt would mix with the groundwater, something which has
already started to happen near Lezha and Lac (northwestern Albania).
Therefore, experts of the council suggested in the report that the
quality of water required immediate attention to prevent significant
impact on the health of people, agriculture, ecosystems relating to
water and the environment in general. Albania is rich in water
resources as it has a large coastline in the western shore while seven
main rivers run from east to west in Albania. Further information on EMWIS
33- The EBRD is providing a €120 million loan to the Saïss
Water Conservation Project in Morocco that
will help protect the country’s agricultural sector from the impact of climate change. The
EBRD’s financing for the project for the construction of irrigation
infrastructure is also supported by a co-financing grant of €32 million
from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The project includes a water transfer
(100Mm3/year), switching
from highly unsustainable groundwater to the use of sustainable surface
water and improving
access to best-practice and efficient irrigation techniques. Further
information on EMWIS
34- After launching the world largest solar complex, Morocco is busy working to construct the biggest desalination plant in the globe, a landmark project to cost €309 million. The plant, to be built by Spanish company Abengoa in the city of Agadir, will be able to provide 275,000 m3 of desalinated water per day. The facility’s production capacity can be expanded to up to 450,000 m3/day. This project is supported by Moroccan Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE), the Ministry of agriculture and the ministry in charge of water. Further information on EMWIS website
The water crisis has become a reality in Tunisia. However, the water
shortage experienced by Tunisians for more than two years is not only
due to climate change, but also to the unequal water resources distribution, wastage and
mismanagement, officials from Tunisia's Union of Agriculture and
Fisheries (UTAP) and the Ministry of Agriculture acknowledged at a
national conference on the water crisis in Tunisia. They recognized
that participatory management in particular for planing and investments
are necessary to improve significantly the situation. Further
information on EMWIS
36- The urban grouping of Zelboun, Ain Douz, Ouled Benziane,
Beni Mester and Tizghanit in the wilaya of Tlemcen (Algeria) will
benefit from a new project for the rehabilitation of the drinking water supply network. For
these densely populated areas, 5000 m3 / day of water will be pumped
from the Honaïne water desalination plant. Further information on EMWIS
37- Activists and scientists are increasingly concerned
about water pollution in Lebanon and request action from the
government, which has not acted on the urgent situation so far.
Lebanese TV network LBCI published a picture June 19
showing a large polluted area of sea water along the
coastline of Beirut, which then quickly appeared on Lebanese
social media networks. A video
shared June 1 by the Lebanese Transparency
Association, a nongovernmental organization fighting
corruption, also showed how badly polluted the sea water is a few
meters below the surface. Although this problem is not new, it
seems to reach a new level every year, polluting even underground
currents. Further information on EMWIS
38- In July 2017, the Lazio region had mulled a measure to
stagger water supply shutdowns in certain neighbourhoods of the capital
for eight hours a day. The region's rationing threat followed the
decision to stop withdrawing water from Lake Bracciano, close to Rome,
because it had dropped to such a low level that it risked sparking an
environmental disaster. Acea, the utility firm which runs Rome's water
system, had slammed the stop on using water from the lake as
"unnecessary" and said that the move left it no choice but to cut
off supplies to residents. But after pressure from Mayor Virginia Raggi
and Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, water will flow as normal in the
capita – at least until end of September. Further information on EMWIS
39- Presidents of Basin Committees and Water Agency Directors and their representatives were received in August at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition by the Minister Nicolas Hulot. The context is difficult both at the climate and financial levels. The Presidents reminded the Minister about effectiveness of water management at river basin scale. They also reminded the enormous challenges faced by river basin authorities in France: achieving 100% good water status by 2027, as requested by the EU water framework directive; successful transfer of management to local authorities as requested by GEMAPI law; expanding skills to biodiversity management; responsibilities on the renewal of networks and the fight against leakages; and finally climate change adaptation. Further information on EMWIS website
40- Eric TARDIEU, 47, Chief Engineer (Ingénieur en Chef des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts), was appointed General Director of the International Office for Water - OIEau, Paris, on 1 July 2017. Former student at the Ecole Polytechnique and Doctor in Process Engineering, Mr. TARDIEU began his professional career at the Water directorate in Cher province (Center of France, 1997-2000), then at the Regional Directorate for Industry, Research and Environment in Basse-Normandie region (2000-2003), the General Secretariat for Regional Affairs (SGAR) of the Prefecture of the Lower Normandy Region (2003-2004) and Assistant Director General in charge of economic development, employment and international affairs at Toulouse Metropole. Eric TARDIEU succeeds Jean-François DONZIER, who has created the OIEau in 1992 and whose exceptional commitment for 25 years has allowed the association to grow strongly and gain international notoriety. Further information on EMWIS website
41- Vacancy: The Global Water
Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med) is seeking to hire a
Communications Officer that will undertake related activities in the
framework of the work programme of the Global Water Partnership -
Mediterranean (GWP-Med) in Southeastern Europe, and the Thematic areas
of (i) Transboundary Water Resources Management; (ii)
Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus. Deadline for application: 24
September 2017. Further information on EMWIS
42- Brussels, 24 May 2017: Europe’s
water sector gives an insight into its achievements and challenges in
Water Matters, a publication from EurEau. Featuring views from Karmenu
Vella, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs
and Fisheries, and Micheal Dantin MEP, as well as EurEau’s key policy
drivers and member associations, this compressive review lays out the
issues facing Europe’s water sector at the outset of the EU’s review of
water legislation. Further information on EMWIS
43- A Commission Staff Working Document on Agriculture and Sustainable
Water Management in the EU has recently been published. The
document is available on CIRCAbc
. Further information on EMWIS
44- The West Asia - North Africa (WANA) Institute published on 5 July
2017 a report on: " Decoupling national water needs for national water
supplies": Insights and Potential for Countries in the Jordan Basin".
Jordan and Palestine face extreme water scarcity and potential food
insecurity. These conditions threaten human security and the natural
environment. This report compares the water allocation and management
experience of Jordan, Palestine and Israel using the lens of economic
and resource decoupling to highlight trends and opportunities to
circumvent limits on natural water resources. Further information on EMWIS
45- World water week Stockholms 2017:
"Beyond Scarcity Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa" a
New World Bank report maps out actions needed to prevent water scarcity
from impacting future growth and stability in the Middle East and North
Africa. Further information on EMWIS
47- Pre-announcement of the third joint transnational ERANETMED (research) call that will be co-funded by the following agencies: ANR (France), ASRT (Egypt), BMBF (Germany), CIHEAM Bari (Int. Org.), CNRS-L (Lebanon), DGRSDT (Algeria), HCST (Jordan), MESRSFC (Morocco), MESRST (Tunisia), MIUR (Italy),MINECO (Spain) RPF (Cyprus), STDF (Egypt), TUBITAK (Turkey) is now available. The call will be on focus on fostering sustainable water management for the economic growth of the Mediterranean region. Research teams from the countries that will co-fund the call are eligible for funding, unless otherwise specified in national rules of funding agencies which will be published on the official launch of the joint call. Research teams from other countries are eligible provided that they fund their own involvement. Launching of the call: 15 May 2017. Deadline for submission of proposals: 14 July 2017. Further information on EMWIS website
48- Call for projects, French Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica water agency : saving water in agriculture. The water agency is launching a call for projects to encourage farmers to save water by modernizing their water infrastructure and implementing water-saving technologies. With a budget of 5 million euros, it is open for 2017 as part of the calls for projects of the regional rural development programs (RDPs). Further information on EMWIS website
49- Water agency Adour-Garonne launches a new call for projects - "Cities and Smart Territories for Water / Smart water City": intended for policy actors cities and territories. They will be able to run until 15 November. The objective is to finance projects with an innovative vision of water management, contributing to the sustainable future of the basin and its resilience. The Agency is mobilizing 15 million euros for this major action. Further information on EMWIS website
50- Programme ENI CBC Med, a call for standard projects was launched on 17 July , with different priorities including: Support sustainable initiatives aimed at finding innovative and technological solutions to increase water efficiency and encourage use of non-conventional water supply; Reduce municipal waste generation and promote source-separated collection and the optimal exploitation of its organic component; Incorporate the Ecosystem-Based management approach to ICZM into local development planning, through the improvement of intra-territorial coordination among different stakeholders. Deadline for submissions 9 November 2017. Further information on EMWIS website
51- 2017 Joint Transnational Call funded under IC4WATER: Proposals are invited on the topic “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”, organised around two challenges: 1. Multiple pressure effects on ecosystems and ecosystem services as well as effective mitigation – adaptation tools and assessments for implementing the water related targets of the UN SDGs / 2. Developing accessible solutions for clean water management to address UN SDG6 targets and associated SDGs. Consortia should include a minimum of 3 partners from 3 different participating countries. Researchers from other countries can also participate at their own costs (commitment needed for being associated to a consortium applying to the Water JPI 2017 Joint Call). Planned Timeframe: - 1st stage – Deadline for submission of pre-proposals: 2 November 2017, 17h00 (CET) - 2nd stage – Deadline for submission of full proposals: 17 April 2018, 17h00 (CET) Further information on EMWIS website
52- Young Water Fellowship Program: The Program aims to empower young leaders from low and middle income countries to implement projects to tackle water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH), water pollution and water scarcity issues, by offering them an intensive training program, seed funding grants for their projects, and mentoring support by senior level experts during one year. This program will bring about in its first edition (2017) 10 young community leaders capable of successfully designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive water projects that significantly improve living conditions in their communities, while contributing to the achievement of SDG #6 (water and sanitation for all). Further information on EMWIS website
53- Call for Papers: 2018 World Water Congress and Exhibition. The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018 Programme Committee is looking for contributions under the session themes to present global best practice, advances in fundamental science, innovative research, policy developments, and solutions to challenges faced by water professionals worldwide. Presenting is a valuable opportunity to meet members of the community of world-leading water professionals. Check the Call for Papers for the 2018 World Water Congress & Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan. Further information on EMWIS website
54- Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform: Call for Papers Special Issue on “Food-Energy-Water Nexus”. This special issue of "Resources, Conservation and Recycling" will provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange to advance the understanding of current state of FEW systems and emerging methodological techniques on FEW nexus modeling that will lead to guiding and developing sustainable and resilient FEW systems. Full paper submission deadline: September 30, 2017. Further information on EMWIS website
55- During the World Water forum, March, 18-23RD,2018, there will be a space dedicated to films produced by communities around the world, with the theme water sharing. All stakeholders could send their ideas and experiences on WATER SHARING – documentaries, fiction, experimental or animation short films (up to 2/3minutes) can be submitted. To participate, fill out the application form – available from March 15th to October 1st, 2017. Further information on EMWIS website
- 30/11/2017] Training on " Technical management of a
composting unit" Oganized by IOWater.
Objectives: be aware of the regulations and objectives of a
composting unit (biowaste, DV, sludge, co-composting). Control the
operation, monitoring and quality of the product.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/09/18 - 2017/09/22] Training on " Management of drinking water and sanitation projects " Oganized by IOWater.
Objectives: Acquire the basic skills required for project management /Use cost estimation and risk assessment techniques/Understand the techniques for planning and monitoring project progress. Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/12/12 - 2017/12/14] Conference on Water Governance in MENA and wider Mediterranean region - Barcelona 12-14 December 2017
[2017/12/11 -2017/12/11] Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in the Middle East: The Nile Basin case
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/12/06 - 2017/12/08] IWRM Congress 2017: Integrated Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development Challenges "case of arid regions"
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/11/30 - 2017/11/30] WWT Water Industry Technology Innovation Conference
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/11/09 - 2017/11/10] Water and tourism symposium
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/11/06 - 2017/11/09] Congress On Groundwater And Global Change In The Western Mediterranean,
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/10/30 - 2017/11/03] Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW)
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/09/27 - 2017/05/28] 2017 EIP Water Conference.
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/09/21 - 2017/09/24] 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food & Environment , Chania, Crete, Greece
information on EMWIS
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/09/20 - 2017/09/21] International Conference:Urban
Green Infrastructure - Connecting People and Nature for Sustainable
Further information on EMWIS website
2017/09/20 - 2017/09/22] 19th annual bioecon conference "Evidence-based environmental policies and the optimal management of natural resources"
Further information on EMWIS website
[18/09/2017 - 19/09/2017] International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Actors and Implementation
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/09/12 - 2017/09/14] Water Technology & Environment Control Exhibition & Conference
Further information on EMWIS website
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/09/11 - 2017/09/13] Water
challenges in WWI century: Role of economics, statistics and asset
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/09/05 - 2017/09/08] International
Conference on Research for Development ICRD 2017
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/08/27 - 2017/09/01] World Water
Week in Stockholm
Further information on EMWIS website
[2017/08/21 - 2017/08/25] 7th
International Symposium for Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control
Further information on EMWIS website
PROJECTS (Projects database)
South, ENPI CBC Med, INTERREG, etc.)
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- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the
water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are:
Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data
Administration. You will also find updates on: international events,
relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European
Commission, and much more ...
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