EMWIS Flash n°120 - November/December 2014
Released | 23/12/2014 |
EMWIS Flash -
November/December 2014 |
Technical Unit Team Wishing You A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015
Getting closer to the Water Strategy for the Western Mediterranean
5- demEAUmed: Innovative waste water
treatments for tourism sector
11- MED-3R (MED-3R Euro-Mediterranean
Strategic Platform for a suitable waste management): From Byblos to Nice
24- Morocco: EU twining project on water
governance and integrated water resources management
================================================= 1- From 25 to 27 November 2014,
Murcia became the Mediterranean capital of Water with more than 250 participants
coming from all Mediterranean countries. During the opening ceremony of the
Mediterranean Water Forum, Charafat Afailal, the Moroccan Minister in charge of
water, reaffirmed the interest of the Kingdom for such exchanges
of know-how and experiences and to continue cooperation
following the the 1st Mediterranean Water Forum (December 2011 in Marrakesh,
Morocco). She also stressed
her commitment to the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform. The
UfM Deputy Secretary General for Environment and Water, Naser Tahboub
highlighted the need for continued efforts and stronger coordination to
tackle priority issues in the Mediterranean region, which is facing
growing pollution and water scarcity. He also emphasised the need to close the information gap and harmonise
accessible data for relevant regional actors as well as the need for
more concrete trans-boundary cooperation for the sustainable use of
resources in the region. The UfM Deputy Secretary General briefed the audience on the progress
of concrete actions currently undertaken by the Secretariat, including
the UfM-labelled project “Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform”. The project aims to contribute to sustainable policies for integrated
water resources management (IWRM) and climate change adaptation by
releasing a Mediterranean White Paper on Water in addition to the national
information systems. The Platform initiative was also discussed
during a dedicated session with the secretariat of the Union for the
Mediterranean, the Institut Méditerranéen de l'Eau (IME), MENBO, EMWIS,
GWP-Med and GWOPA. Finally, this 2nd edition of the Forum prepared the
Mediterranean regional contribution to the 7th World Water Forum that will be
held in Korea in 2015, where the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform will be
main focus of the regional process for the Mediterranean region.
Further information on
EMWIS website.
2- The first Steering Group meeting of the Mediterranean
Water Knowledge Platform took place in Valencia (Spain) on 10 September, back to
back with the EMWIS Steering Committee meeting. The project promoters,
International Office for Water and Institut Mediterranéen de l'Eau, together
with their technical support partners (EMWIS and MENBO) presented the
sub-projects on reinforcing National Water Information Systems and developing
white papers to support IWRM implementation and the related fund raising plan.
The South Med pilot countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan) explained
their current status of implementation and financing focusing on the national
governance and inter-institutional coordination. Regional organizations such as
the European Environment agency, Blue Plan, MedPol, the Arab League reaffirmed
their commitment in the project. A first draft methodological approach for
technical and economical assessment of water information system was also
introduced. The meeting was also attended by EU countries (Spain, France,
Italy, Malta) and by other South Mediterranean countries that expressed their
willingness to take part in the regional activities or even for some of them in
starting additional pilot implementation (e.g. Palestine). The project was also
presented during the last
ENPI-SEIS Steering Committee meeting in Copenhagen on 16-17 September where
future priorities for implementing a Shared Environment Information System (SEIS)
in the European Neighborhood were discussed. Further information on EMWIS
3- With the “Water and Innovation” programme launched at the end of the 7th
Framework Programme of Research (2007-2013), the European Commission is bringing
the most advanced research results from the laboratory to full scale
demonstration in real life situation. This initiative is now continuing under
the Horizon 2020, the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
(2014 to 2020) which is opened to participants from partner countries from the
South Mediterranean. Some of these research and innovation projects would bring
valuable contributions to the Green Med II programme, in particular for
Sustainable Water Management (SWIM II) and de-polluting the Mediterranean Sea
(H2020). A couple of these projects were disseminated during the side events
organised in the framework of the 2nd Med Water Forum, last November in Murcia,
Spain. Two of them were tackling for water/energy/food nexus: WEAM4i on water
and energy efficiency for irrigation, and Opiris for the optimisation of
irrigation. The SAID project is providing tools for smart management of water
infrastructures at river basin level. demEAUmed project is offering
technological solutions to reduce fresh water demand of the touristic sector in
the Mediterranean. Further information on EMWIS
4- After the last meeting the 3rd workshop on the water strategy for the western
Mediterranean organized back to back with EMWIS Steering Committee meeting in
Valencia, Spain, last September, a set of 13 priorities were defined and
participating countries were asked to provided details on relevant projects that
could fit in the future action plan. Valuable contributions were received. Based
on these inputs the Secretariat chaired by Spain and Algeria, is now updating
the documents, including the draft Strategy and its annex featuring the action
plan. The next preparatory meeting on the Water Strategy for the Western
Mediterranean is now foreseen in early 2015 with a Ministerial meeting to adopt
the Strategy later on during the 1st semester of 2015. Further information on EMWIS
5- demEAUmed is a Water and Innovation project co-funded by the European
Commission. It aims at closing the water cycle in Mediterranean touristic
resorts, thus reducing the water foot print of the tourism sector. The partners
coming from 7 EU countries will joint for their bi-annual coordination meeting
in Nice in January 2015. After one year of testing and preparation, 8 innovative
technologies for waste water treatment are now ready for implementation and
testing in large hotel, near Barcelona. An advance monitoring and control system
will also be implemented to allow the partners providing technologies to follow
their systems remotely. Results of testing will be integrated in a decision
support system in order to select and configure the most appropriate solutions
in other resorts depending on their water usages (consumption for green areas,
swimming pools, showers, toilets, kitchen, and laundry). Further information on EMWIS
6- The Senior Officials of the UfM member countries approved the adoption of
five new regional projects during their 6th Senior Officials Meeting this year,
which took place on 4 December 2014 at the headquarters of the UfM Secretariat,
in Barcelona (find brief summary of each project below). Additionally, one more
project related to youth employability and entrepreneurship was presented with a
view to its future UfM-labelling. 2014 has been the year to develop and
accelerate the UfM project pipeline. The number of UfM-labelled projects has
reached a figure of 29 and approximately 100 projects are currently under study
by the UfM Secretariat in an effort to strengthen operational cooperation and
provide answers to different socio-economic challenges in the region. Among the
5 approved projects there was a project on water integrity: “Water Integrity in
MENA”. Promoted by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), this
project aims to improve transparency and accountability practices in water
management in the MENA region by addressing poor governance structures; high
water demand and low levels of trust among different parties sharing the same
water resource; and limited institutional mechanisms for applying integrated
water resources management principles, which is leading to chronic water stress
in the region. The first phase will be implemented over a 4-year period in
Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. The Swedish International
Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has supported this project with a
financial contribution of 2.3 million Eur. Further information on EMWIS
AquaForMed, the Mediterranean Network of Water Training
Centres set up as one of the Commitments made at the 6th World Water Forum in
Marseilles, is continuing its development. Several requests for membership have
been received and work is progressing on the survey related to demonstrating
economic benefits of vocational training in the water sector. Any case study
from the water and wastewater sector would be welcome. Progress will be
presented at the 7th World Water Forum in Korea, April 2015, where AquaForMed
will be participating to the Thematic Process_Topic 4.5 - Enhancing Education
and Capacity Builiding, in order to promote training of water professionals as a
strategic issue for development of the water sector and durability of
infrastructures. For information please contact
info@aquaformed.org or check
AquaForMed website.
"Water Management and Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in the Arab
aimed at identifying the prevailing challenges at
national and regional levels in water quality data
acquisition and sharing. This aspect also includes
monitoring, assessment and reporting taking into account
the 2011 Arab Water Strategy. Among
many objectives, this workshop helped raise awareness and
reinforce collaboration & networking among relevant
stakeholders regionally and globally and later created
synergies and opportunities of networking for joint future
action. R-KNOW project participated at this workshop and it
was a good opportunity to present its network and activities, including papers
on issues such as: Sustainable and Innovative Technologies, Climate Change &
Water, Water governance and the Water, Energy, water and Food Nexus. Further information on EMWIS
9- The third Workshop of the PAWA Project "Pilot Arno Water Accounts" was
organised in Rome on 1 December 2014. This project is funded by the European
Commission / DG Environment for a pilot action on the Arno river basin for the
calculation of the water balance according to the international System for
Economical Environmental Accounting for water (UN SEEA-Water) with a monthly
time range and at sub-river basin level. The first results obtained within the
project PAWA were presented to all the National, Regional and Interregional
Basin Authority of Italy. The workshop was opened by Bernardo DE BERNARDINIS,
the President of ISPRA (the Italian Agency for Environmental Protection and
Research), who stressed the importance of this pilot initiative and its
willingness to implement this approach in other Italian river districts. Other Italian Basin Authorities also presented their activities related to the
preparation of water
balance and in conclusion a round table allowed to share the lessons learnt from
the various
initiatives that have been developed at European, national and local level. Now, the PAWA
team is focusing in using the water accounts simulations for the optimal selection of
measures to fight against water scarcity. These measures are foreseen to be integrated in the
nex version of the river
basin management plan.
The PAWA project is funding by the
Directorate General Environment of the European Commission (DG ENV), with the
aim of promoting preventive actions on European basins against desertification
through a sustainable management of water resources. The Coordinating entity is
the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), and the
main partners are: the Arno River Basin Agency (ARBA), Italy and the
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
(EMWIS/SEMIDE), France Further information on EMWIS
The 4th Meeting of OECD Water Governance Initiative was held
in Paris on 24-25 November 2014. The meeting allowed to: Discuss recent developments in the Global Water Agenda,
especially the preparatory process of the 7th World Water Forum
(Korea, 2015) and progress on negotiations related to post-2015
SDGs; Peer-review OECD draft reports on “Water
Governance in Brazil”, “Stakeholder Engagement for Inclusive Water
Governance” and “Water Policies for Future Cities”; Share views and suggestions on the first draft of OECD
Principles on Water Governance; Brainstorm (in working groups’ meetings) on a set of policy
indicators for each of the 12 principles on water
governance; and Share experience on water governance reforms,
initiatives and events. The experience of PAWA project (Pilot
Arno Water Accounts) was highlighted as a good practice for
water governance at basin level, indeed the water accounts provided a support
the participation of the stakeholders in their developments as well as for the
selection of relevant measures. Further information on EMWIS
11- MED-3R: « MED-3R Euro-Mediterranean Strategic Platform for a suitable waste
management » is a strategic project of the ENPI CBC MED Programme included in
the topic « waste treatment and recycling ». This 90 % funded project by the
European Union of a budget of 4,787,062 € brings together 15 direct partners and
7 associated. Last October 21-23th, 2014, Byblos Municipality (Lebanon)
organized its committee meeting to discuss the planning of activities and its
progress by each partner, the methodologies for developing waste management
plans, and the follow-up of the pilot actions. The participants could carry out
technical visits to Byblos & Blat pilot areas. The next committee meeting will
be organized by the Direction of waste management at Nice Cote d’Azur Metropole
(France) in Nice together with the 2nd MED-3R technical visits in Nice from
Monday the 19th to Thursday the 22nd of January 2015. The technical visits will
allow the participants to see the waste collection organization over the
Metropolitan territories, and they will have the opportunity to see an animation
on packages selective sorting, the waste-to-energy plant at Ariane, the sorting
center of bulky items in Nice, Valazur; as well as Veolia’s composting platform
for green waste at Carros. This monitoring committee will be also the occasion
to assess the deliverables produced by the partners (sites diagnostics,
feasibility studies, waste management plans, capitalization of lessons learnt
and good practices, and the operations in the pilot actions including the
awareness & communication campaigns as well as the calculations of quantitative
and qualitative indicators). Further information on MED-3R
12- With over 150 attendees, the
joint WssTP-ERRIN H2020 Brokerage & WG event concluded at the last
week of November in
Brussels. The first day of the event was
dedicated to Horizon
2020 (the new Research and
Innovation programme of the European Commission), having
as an aim to facilitate
networking between members
for collaborative projects, as
well as to foster the creation
of consortia for the upcoming
Horizon 2020 calls and other EU
funding opportunities. Panos
Balabanis from the DG RTD of the European Commission, Anna Casagrande from the
National Contact Points and Eric Vos from Water Campus Leeuwarden participated
in the first sesssion , giving their own perspective on the lessons
and experiences learnt from the 2014 calls. On 27th of November, Pascal
Dauthuille, chair of the WssTP iTAB (Innovation & Technology Advisory Board) opened
the 2nd day of the event, highlighting the importance of WssTP working
groups for the functioning and implementation of WssTP strategy. Further information on EMWIS
13- How to achieve a better
compliance with water laws in the South Mediterranean countries was at
the focus of a
2 days policy dialogue in Athens, Greece on 14th and 15th of October
2014. Organized in the framework of the EU-funded
Sustainable Water Integrated Management – Support Mechanism
(SWIM-SM), the activity brought together 31 experts and NGOs from 7
South Mediterranean countries, who reviewed the current enforcement
issues and gaps their countries experience, deliberated possible policy
options, identified measures to improve conformity including capacity
needs, and suggested guidelines for countries of the region towards
better application of rule of law in the water sector. Participants praised the meeting for its structure and high level presentations, its
dynamic discussions and very vibrant participation. Facilitation and
interventions by the experts were commended and lessons learnt were
deemed useful. On the other hand, SWIM-SM
published a report and a set of guidelines intended to assist
legislators and government officials from the South Mediterranean
countries in the design and administration of a regulatory environment
for the safe "managed aquifer recharge (MAR)" with adequately treated
wastewater (or reclaimed water). SWIM-Sm is also helping in assessing
the cost of water resources degradation & remediation in
Mann River and Lake Mar as well as assessing Lebanese decision makers in
prioritizing investments to reduce the degradation of the Litani River Basin. Further information on EMWIS
14- National representatives in charge of Environmental
Policy from more than 20 Mediterranean countries joined participants from
international financial institutions, regional organizations and other key
stakeholders in adopting a strategic document outlining the key objectives over
the next 5 years for the H2020 Initiative for a cleaner Mediterranean as regards
investments in pollution reduction, review and monitoring, capacity building and
research. Hosted by the Co-presidency of the Union for the Mediterranean — the
European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan — and with support from the
UfM Secretariat, the meeting was organized last December 17th in Barcelona in
direct follow-up to the recommendations outlined in the Ministerial Declaration
on Environment and Climate Change held in Athens on 13 May 2014 to draft and
adopt a work programme for the H2020 Initiative’s second phase (2015-2020). With
a clear indication from the Ministers to step up efforts, the
unanimously-adopted document recognizes the need to reinforce investment
activities in pollution reduction, with a wider thematic scope, information
sharing and closer cooperation and synergies. The document adopted was the
result of collaborative work between the UfM Co-Presidency, the UfM Secretariat,
UNEP/MAP, the European Environment Agency and the European Investment Bank (EIB).
While training activities were particularly well received by participants,
country representatives stressed the critical importance of responding to
concrete needs on the ground and ensuring linkages with other programmes and
projects in the same areas. Increased coordination and information sharing
within the pollution reduction sub-group (led by EIB and UfM) with a particular
focus on project preparation will help to yield tangible results in this regard.
Further information on EMWIS
15- The first consultation workshop of the Water Policy Dialogue in Palestine, within the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) labelled project “Governance &
Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector” was held in close cooperation with
the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), on 13 November 2014, in Ramallah. With
more than 40 key stakeholders from the government, private companies and banks,
research institutes and academia, media and the Civil Society, the workshop
marked the official launch of the Policy Dialogue to be conducted by the Global
Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med,) within the period 2014-2015. The
Policy Dialogue will allow building a common understanding and a shared
consensus on the main obstacles to private sector involvement in Palestine’s
water sector and identify concrete actions to overcome them. The launch of the
Palestinian Water Policy Dialogue came soon after the Project’s 1st Regional
Conference that was organised on 28-30 October 2014, in Athens, Greece, in close
collaboration with the EU funded “Sustainable Water Integrated
Management-Support Mechanism” (SWIM-SM) Project. The next Regional Conference
within the “Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector” Project
is scheduled to take place during the latter part of 2015 with the aim to
reinforce further the regional dialogue and exchange of experiences by sharing
the findings of subsequent national Policy Dialogues, including the one in
Palestine. Further information on EMWIS
16- Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal inaugurated, last November 9th in
Oran (432-km west of Algiers), the Al Mactaa sea water desalination mega-station
in the East of Oran’s administrative center. Following the explanations given by
the officials of the sector, the Prime Minister insisted on the quality of the
water that will be served to the citizens. This installation, which is
considered as one of the biggest in the world using the reverse osmosis process,
has a daily production capacity of 500.000 m3 of water, a quantity aimed at
meeting not only the needs of the province of Oran but also those of the
bordering provinces such as Mascara, Tiaret, Mostaganem and Relizane. The HOMA (Hyflux
Operating Maintenance Algeria) company was created for the management of the
station. The company concluded a contract with TMM and should manage the Al
Mactaa station for 25 years. Further information on EMWIS
17- Before its visit to Holland, Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Hossam Moghazy attended a meeting of the Egyptian-Dutch
Advisory Council for Water. Moghazy led Egypt's delegation during the meetings
which took place on Thursday 11/12/2014. The meetings tackled a number of
important issues about future cooperation between the two countries in the field
of water resources. In pre-departure statements, Moghazy stressed the necessity
of making use of the Dutch expertise in development plans and renewable energy.
Further information on EMWIS
18- The European Innovation Partnership on Water - EIP Water in short - has
taken a central role on the European water innovation landscape, providing a
platform for all actors in the field of water and innovation. After the success
of the first EIP Water conference in November 2013 in Brussels, the second EIP
Water annual Conference took place on 5 November in Barcelona, the European
Innovation Capital 2014.
The EIP Water conference attracted well over 400 participants from all over
Europe and beyond. The presentations are now available on the EIP Water
slideshare account. The Summary of a "Market study on water innovation opportunities in
four African countries" - Angola, Mozambique, Algeria, and Morocco - was
presented by Professor Nunes Correia of the Portuguese Water
The conference also marked the launch of the 3rd Call for Expressions of
Commitment to establish an EIP Water Action Group; please do not
hesitate to check out the call and its details at EIP Water website. Further information on EMWIS
19- According to the United Nations World Health
Organization, over half of the world’s population now lives in cities and this
figure will continue to grow, especially in less developed regions. Therefore,
delivering safe water and sanitation in cities will be key to securing
sustainability for human, economic and environmental prosperity in the future.
On Tuesday, 28 October, six organizations joined forces to tackle this issue in
Marseilles (France). Through the signature of a Partnership Agreement,
UN-Habitat’s Global Water Operators’ Partnership Alliance, ICLEI - Local
Governments for Sustainability, United Cities and Local Governments, the Daegu
Gyeongbuk Development Institute, the National Committee for the 7th World Water
Forum and the World Water Council committed to work together to address the
important role that local and regional authorities and operators play in
managing and providing water and sanitation for their populations while
safeguarding water resources and to support cities in rising to this challenge.
This Partnership Agreement will serve as an important stepping stone for the
preparation and organization of the Local and Regional Authorities Conference of
the 7th World Water Forum, which will take place 12-17 April 2015 in
Daegu-Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea and towards the Habitat III conference on
housing and sustainable urban development in 2016. The partnership with these
key players will allow for greater mobilization of local and regional
authorities and water operators and will help make their voices heard in the
Post-2015 Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Further
information on EMWIS
The Economist's 2014 World Water Summit, where the world's leading thinkers on
water policy, management, irrigation, technology, economic development,
sanitation and hygiene and water-related risks gathered in London to catalyze
action in response to the looming global water crisis. Driven by the event theme
– Time for Action – speakers from the private sector, government, academia, and
associations provided the rationale and recommendations for pushing progress to
a new level, stimulating private sector involvement and smart partnerships, and
raising the profile of and activity supporting water stewardship across all
sectors of society. John Parker, who writes on global trends in the environment
for The Economist, moderated the summit. The event kicked off with a video message by Prince
Charles, who reminded attendees about the importance of sustainable water
management, accepting responsibility for and properly managing water, and
measuring what matters. He stressed that the sector should move toward
"enlightened water diplomacy" and "fair pricing regimes." In a special appeal to the private sector,
deputy secretary-general Eliasson requested that firms actively engage with
the United Nations Global Compact to "advance corporate water stewardship and
better sanitation practices" and contribute to efficient water use, water
treatment and desalination. Further information on EMWIS
21- The Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)
released on December 9th, 2014 the recommendations of its seventh
annual conference held in Amman, which addressed food security in
Arab countries. The recommendations were finalized by a high-level
committee of experts and officials who participated in the
conference. AFED secretary
general Najib Saab announced the recommendations, which call for
filling the gap in food production, amounting to US$36 billion
annually, by enhancing land productivity, irrigation efficiency and
regional cooperation. While recognizing the importance of political
stability and security in this regard, the recommendations pointed
out to the role of food security in creating jobs and supporting
political and social stability.
Further information on EMWIS
22- A new network focused on achieving food, water and energy
security was launched at UNESCO Headquarters by the
International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP) and the Australian
National University (ANU)-UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and
Transboundary Water Governance. The Food, Energy, Environment and
Water (FE²W) Network is ‘bridging the silos’ across the fields of
food, energy, environment and water, which are essential to human
wellbeing and to environmental health, to improve living conditions
worldwide. FE²W is a network of individuals
from academia, the private and public sectors, and civil society,
who wish to facilitate the dialogue between disciplines and sectors. The FE²W Network will serve to compile main messages to
decision-makers. FE²W actions aim at improving how to manage
systemic risks and shocks across these systems. Further information on EMWIS
In Morocco, agriculture is a strategic sector, economically and socially. It
plays major roles in terms of food security and nutrition, supply for
agro-industry, employment, integration into the international markets,
stabilization of populations in rural areas, and sustainable development. The
Green Moroccan Plan (GMP), launched in 2008, is the governmental strategy which
aims to stimulate the agricultural sector. It intends to reform agriculture and
promote its integration in the international market, and heighten sustainable
growth. The implementation of the GMP is based on two pillars and several cross
cutting programs. The first pillar concerns the highly productive, intensive and
market connected agriculture, and the second pillar concerns the strengthening
of small holder farmers by promoting intensification of crops where appropriate,
and the reconversion to more adapted crops with respect to ecological conditions
and markets demand. The cross-cutting programs deal with water economy, land
tenure, farmers organization, market access, free trade agreements in which
Morocco is involved, and investment mobilization. In total, the GMP is made of
1500 projects requiring more than 10 billion USD for implementation until 2020.
The National Irrigation Water Saving Program (PNEEI) is considered to be one of
the main programs of the GMP, since still 77 percent of irrigated areas are
surface irrigated (MAPM, 2012). The PNEEI aims at saving water irrigation
through the conversion of surface irrigation to drip irrigation on nearly
550,000 ha towards 2020, with an investment of 4.5 billion USD. Further information on EMWIS
Following a call for proposal opened to all EU countries, a consortium led by
France (IOWater) with Spain as junior partner has been selected to implement the
twinning project “Governance and integrated management of water in Morocco”.
This project is launched within the framework of the programme “Achieving the
Advanced Status” promoting the strengthening and the partnership between the
European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco, with respect to the implementation of
the Morocco-EU Neighbourhood Action Plan (2013-2017). The overall objective of
the twinning project is to support the improvement of river basin management in
Morocco. The specific objective is to strengthen the institutional,
organisational and technical capacity of the Department of Water of the Ministry
for Energy, Mines, Water and the Environment in the field of integrated river
basin management. Further information on EMWIS
25- The world’s population is
expected to reach over 8 billion within the next 15 years. According to
United Nations
estimates, we will need 30% more water, 45% more energy and 50% more
food by 2030. Mankind must thus start considering the interdependencies
of these three sectors, a relationship known as the water-energy-food
nexus. Water is needed for almost all forms of energy production and
power generation; energy is required to treat and transport water, and
both water and energy are needed to produce food. One key to face our
growing demands is the climate-related variable soil moisture.
Soil moisture influences agricultural processes as well as global water
and energy cycles. Copernicus satellites provide a cost-efficient source
of information to support the monitoring of water-energy-food
nexus issues. Satellites deliver global soil moisture data at high
temporal resolution. They also provide coherent, reliable and unbiased
information about soil moisture conditions in regions where such data is
otherwise inaccessible or unavailable. Satellite-based soil
moisture data support the monitoring of droughts and floods. Such
information is essential for optimising water supply, energy
generation and food production to achieve sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS
26- The Uganda WASH sector has been
using a set of 11 ‘Golden Indicators’ to measure its performance for
more than 10 years. While the information provided by the Golden
indicators is useful for national-level planning and identifying general
problems around rural water supply, it is not detailed enough to guide
district-level planning or to enable District Water Offices to take
corrective action. As a supplement to the Golden Indicators, the Service Delivery
Indicators (SDIs) developed under the Triple-S initiative enable the
user to make a more in-depth analyses of the factors that underlie
performance in rural water services delivery at minimum cost and with
minimum technical support. This policy brief describes the SDIs, how they can be applied, and
expected benefits, based on pilot testing in Lira and Kabarole
districts. Further information on EMWIS
27- ESA's SMOS satellite has clocked up more than one billion kilometers
orbiting Earth to improve our understanding of our planet’s water cycle. Marking
its fifth birthday, all the data collected over land and ocean have been drawn
together to show how moisture in the soil and salinity in the ocean change over
the year. Carrying a novel sensor, it captures images of ‘brightness temperature’.
These images correspond to microwave radiation emitted from Earth’s surface and
can be related to soil moisture and ocean salinity, which are two key variables
in Earth’s water cycle. The data that has been collected by the satellite has
been used to show, among other things, how the moisture in the soil changes with
the seasons around the world and in different geographical locations. This data
has also been used to show monthly differences in sea-surface salinity with
respect to the average salinity. On the other
hand, the novel satellite measurements are also helping regions lacking the
appropriate technology in forecasting and monitoring events such as drougths and
crop yields. Further information on EMWIS
28- In a world where global average
warming reaches 4°C above pre-industrial level, summer temperatures are
expected to be up to 8°C warmer in parts of Algeria, Saudi Arabia and
Iraq by the end of the century. Climate change will place already scarce
water resources under intense pressure in the Middle East and North
Africa (MENA) region,with major consequences for human life and regional
food security. In countries—such as Jordan, Egypt and Libya—crop yields
could drop by up to 30 percent by 2050 if temperatures rise by 1.5 to
2°C. All capital cities in the region could face many more exceptionally
hot days each year. Compared to the rest of the world, the MENA region
will disproportionally suffer from heat extremes.
Dramatic changes are affecting people around the world already, damaging
crops and coastlines, and putting water security at risk, according to a
new World Bank report, Turn Down the Heat: Confronting the New Climate
Normal. However, the worst changes could be avoided by holding warming
below 2°C, the report says. Climate-related pressure on natural resources and subsequent migration
might increase the risk of conflict. Rising sea-levels—another projected
effect of global warming as polar ice caps melt—could cause billions of
US dollars-worth of damage to cities like Alexandria, Benghazi and
Algiers, and to Egypt’s Nile river basin.
Declines in agricultural productivity will have strong repercussions for
economic growth and social stability. The World Bank Group believes that
economic development and climate protection can be complementary.
Technological and behavioral changes are urgently needed to mitigate the
harmful effects of global warming and reverse present trends. Further information on EMWIS
29- Morocco: Mr. Abdellah EL Mahboul was nominated New General Secretary at the
Ministry Delegate to the Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment, in
charge of water last December 5th, 2014. Further information on EMWIS
30- It was announced on December 18th, 2014 that Mr Johann-Dietrich Wörner will
be the next European Space Agency (ESA) Director General, for a period of four
years starting on 1 July 2015. He will succeed Jean-Jacques Dordain, whose term
of office ends on 30 June 2015. Further information on EMWIS
31- UNESCO-IHE Vice Rector to serve on Global Agenda Council on Water: Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook,
Vice Rector of UNESCO-IHE, will serve on the World Economic Forum's
Global Agenda Council on Water 2014-2016. The World Economic Forum is a
not-for-profit Foundation committed to improving the state of the world.
The provision of water services is a core development issue that needs
the appropriate political and financial attention. 783 million people
still do not have access to clean water and almost 2.5 billion to
adequate sanitation. Further information on EMWIS
32- MEDRC Regional Research Scholarships Announced: Palestinian, Omani, and
Jordanian Researchers Supported. MEDRC announced details of
the successful research projects to be funded under the 2014 Regional
Research Support Program. This program supports exceptionally talented
researchers from MEDRC Member States in the MENA region. . Further information on EMWIS
33- "2015 IAHR Awards - Call for Nominations": IAHR members are
invited to submit nominations for the Arthur Thomas Ippen Award, Harold
Jan Schoemaker Award, and M. Selim Yalin Award. These awards will be
presented at the 36th IAHR
World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 28 – July 3, 2015. Deadline:
January 15, 2015. Further information on EMWIS
34- Take up the 7th World Water Forum Challenge: The "World Water Challenge" is
open to anyone who wants to propose optimized solutions to the world’s
challenging water issues. The key water issues were selected during the first
part of the contest and you are now invited to submit your solution, which must
be based on scientific and technological means. 10 outstanding solution
providers will be invited to present their ideas during the 7th World Water
Forum. The five best solution providers will receive additional awards and the
Grand Prize will be handed out to the winner at the Forum’s World Water
Challenge Awarding Ceremony. Applications close on 30 January 2015.
Further information on EMWIS
35- Water-Energy-Food Emerging Scholars Award - 1st Prize Funded Invite To
Oxford University Workshop: The Global Water Forum announced the launch of the
2014 Emerging Scholars Award. In 2014 the Award will be linked to a workshop at
the University of Oxford: ‘Water, Food and Energy: Understanding and Managing
the Risks and Trade-offs’ that will take place in June 2014. The author of the
winning entry to the Award will be invited to participate in this exclusive 4.5
day intellectual retreat attended by 35 leading researchers and water
practitioners. First prize will include a travel grant (return economy travel
valued up to AU$1500) and coverage of accommodation and venue expenses.
Applications open on January 22nd 2014 and close on April 22nd 2014.
Further information on EMWIS
36- Scholarship to study MSc in Flood Risk Management: The Erasmus Mundus
Programme in Flood Risk Management starts annually each September for a duration
of 24 months in the following locations: Delft (the Netherlands), Dresden
(Germany), Barcelona (Spain) and Ljubljana (Slovenia). Existing masters
programmes on floods offered in the European Union cover many technical aspects
but lack integration. This programme follows the holistic approach and is
explicitly designed to cover a wide range of topics - from drivers and natural
processes to models, decisions and socio-economic consequences and institutional
environment and is therefore an important advance in water education for Europe.
Application deadline: For applications for the scholarship category "partner
countries" the deadline of application is : 6 January 2015 and
for applicants from scholarship category ""programme countries" the deadline of
application is: 25 January 2015. Further information on EMWIS
37- 8 PhD positions in Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling (Universität Tübingen,
Germany): The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Integrated
Hydrosystem Modelling” at the Universities of Tübingen and Hohenheim (Germany),
and Waterloo (Canada) targets at developing and applying numerical models of
flow and reactive solute transport in coupled hydrosystems comprising of
land-surface and subsurface compartments. These models are needed to assess the
impacts of environmental change on water quantity and quality at catchment
scale. The IRTG offers a structured PhD program at the German partner
universities with joint international training and supervision. The main work
place is in Tübingen; a six-month research stay at Waterloo is integral part of
the training. Application Deadline 31 Jan 2015. Further
information on EMWIS
================================================= 38- World Water Council position paper on
water in post-2015 Development Agenda: The World Water Council considers the
formulation of the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) to be an endeavor of the
highest importance to ensure a prosperous and equitable future for humankind. As
part of this, the Council encourages the UN to move forward towards the new set
of Sustainable Development Goals, and the development of a SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) Sustainable Development Goal on
Water. In this effort, the World Water Council is compelled to reiterate its
message that no development can occur without the necessary water security to
nurture sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS
website 39- "Thirsty Energy: Securing Energy In A
Water-Constrained World": Thirsty Energy, the first publication of the
Energy-Water initiative, introduces the energy-water nexus, examines the water
requirements of power generation and outlines some potential technical and
institutional solutions for improving the management of the nexus. Further
information on EMWIS
website 40- The recently released ECN publication
'Understanding the Energy-Water Nexus' can be downloaded now. This report begins
by reviewing the current thinking reported in the existing literature on the
"Energy-Water-Food Nexus". This report aims to inform local and regional
decision-makers responsible for the development and implementation of policies
related to energy and water resource systems. Further information on EMWIS
website 41- "Renewable energy brings water to
all": More than a billion people in developing countries have no access to safe
drinking water. Population growth, pollution and over-exploitation have all
contributed to water scarcity. An EU-funded project is working on developing a
solution: a simple, low-cost, user-friendly water purification system which
converts contaminated water into quality drinking water using renewable energy
without any chemicals. Article from the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre
available in English, French, Arabic and Hebrew. Further information on EMWIS
website 42- Preventing waste is a top priority of
waste policy in the European Union with potential economic and environmental
benefits. Check out our new report on waste prevention programmes across Europe.
The EEA report ‘Waste prevention in Europe’ shows that by the end of 2013, 18 of
31 countries had adopted waste prevention programmes as required by the EU Waste
Framework Directive. The EEA will regularly assess waste prevention programmes
under this legislation. Further information on EMWIS
website 43- Costing water services in a refugee context - methodological report: UNHCR aims at improving the
budgeting of post-construction expenditure for the provision of water in
camps, in particular those in post-emergency situations. This report
presents a methodology to cost water services that has been adapted from
the life-cycle costs approach (LCCA) initially developed and tested in
regular settlements and which has currently been adopted by more than 80
organisations across the world. Further information on EMWIS
website 44- "A Dam Revival, Despite Risks: Private Funding Brings a Boom in
Hydropower, With High Costs": While some dams in the
United States and Europe are being decommissioned, a dam-building boom
is underway in developing countries. It is a shift from the 1990s, when
amid concerns about environmental impacts and displaced people,
multilateral lenders like the World Bank backed away from large
hydroelectric power projects. Further information on EMWIS
website 45- The Use of Space-based Information for Flood and Drought Risk Reduction: The official report on our United
Nations/Germany Expert Meeting on the Use of Space-based Information for
Flood and Drought Risk Reduction in Bonn, 5-6 June 2014, is now
available in all six UN languages (English, Spanish, French, Arabic,
Chinese, Russian). Further information on EMWIS
website 46- WssTP newsletter, November 2014: Special article by Pavel Misiga, Head
of the Water Unit, European Commission. Further information on EMWIS
website 47- EUWI Multi-stakeholders forum report and presentations at the World
Water Week 2014 are now available. Further information on EMWIS
website 48- Why should water and climate policy mix? The Alliance for Global Water
Adaptation (AGWA) has just released a brief new video about why global
water and climate policy should be working together - for mitigation and
adaptation, for communities and ecosystems, for nations and livelihoods. Further information on EMWIS
49- Call for proposals: "Acting for the water
resource". Lyonnaise des Eaux calls for proposals "Action on water
resources" aims: to support and encourage innovative initiatives to save
resources, reduce the impact of
human activity on water resources, promote good ecological status of water
bodies to better protect the environment and biodiversity, share water data to
make available to all the information on water resources (quality, access
points, origin, etc.), anticipate the consequences of climate change on water
resources, and better integrate issues related to water in urban development.
Deadline: December 31, 2014. Further information on EMWIS
50- Call for proposals for Free FORMOSAT-2
Satellite Imagery: The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing (ISPRS) calls for proposals for free FORMOSAT-2 satellite data. This
research announcement provides an opportunity for researchers to carry out
advanced researches and applications in their fields of interest using archived
and/or newly acquired FORMOSAT-2 satellite images. Up to ten proposals
will be selected by a reviewing committee. Each selected proposal will be
granted 10 archived images and/or data acquisition requests free of charge. All requested image acquisition shall be before
December 31, 2014. Further information on EMWIS
51- "European Innovation Partnership on Water: New Action Group applications":
Action Groups (AGs) are at the core of the European Innovation Partnership on
Water (EIP Water) and operate as voluntary multi-stakeholder groups; these are
the central element of EIP Water's implementation phase. Action Groups work with
their partners to develop, test, scale up, disseminate and stimulate the uptake
of innovations by the market and society for major water-related challenges.
This call has a specific focus, see for full details the Guideline for
Application. European Innovation Partnership on Water Call opened at 5 November
2014. Deadline for submission: 31 January 2015. Further information on EMWIS
52- ACQUEAU Open Call: ACQUEAU Open Call supports projects in water sector twice
per year (Autumn session and Spring Session). The first session for the next
year will start at the beginning of 2015: the project outline (PO) deadline will
be on 15 January 2014. Further information on EMWIS
53- Call for PEER Research Pre-Proposals 2014/2015 [Water]: The National Academy
of Sciences (US) is announcing a new funding opportunity which USAID is offering
to a range of developing country researchers. Focus areas which may be of
particular interest to you and your colleagues relating to water include: 1)
Global call for proposals on water resource management; 2) Transboundary Water
Research in Central and South Central Asia; and 3) SERVIR: environmental
management and climate change resilience. Submission deadline is:
January 9th, 2015 11:59 P.M. (U.S. Eastern Standard Time). Further
information on EMWIS
54- ERANETMED Open Call for projects: ERANETMED is an ERA-NET dedicated to the
coordination of research and innovation in the area of societal challenges in
the Euro-Mediterranean region. It was established in October 2013 and shall end
by September 2017. The main aim is to enhance Euro-Mediterranean co-ownership
through innovation and competitive research in the societal challenges of the
region. The project aims at reducing fragmentation of programming in the
Mediterranean region by increasing coordination among national research programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and Mediterranean
Partner Countries. Joint call on RENEWABLE ENERGIES, WATER RESOURCES and their
connections to the MEDITERRANEAN REGION was launched in November. Deadline for
submission of proposals: 2 February 2015, 5 pm (CET). Further information on EMWIS
55- Nexus issues Open e-Consultation: Towards the establishment of the
“Mediterranean Nexus Network”. This Targeted stakeholder consultation is a
pre-step for the establishment of the “Mediterranean Nexus Network”, and it is a
part of the research work of Ciheam-Bari experts in view of the 3rd Arab Water
Forum context. Interested entities and persons are invited to read the
consultation document, Research paper at
Bonn Nexus Knowledge platform and the manuscript analysis before answering
the questionnaire. This consultation is addressed to operational stakeholders
active in one or more of the following three sectors Water, Energy and Food (in
Agriculture) and to organisations, bodies and public administrations related to
these sectors (National Authorities, Universities, Academia, Research Center,
Industry Consultation Body, NGOs.etc). The consultation does not specifically
target private citizens. Further information on EMWIS
56- Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Remote Sensing of Environment on
Landsat 8 Science Results: With the launch of the Landsat Data Continuity
Mission (LDCM) in February 2013, the already unprecedented Landsat global record
continues and could reach 50 years or longer in length. LDCM, renamed, Landsat 8
when the mission was declared operational in May 2013, is based on several
technological advances that are providing more and higher quality multispectral
data than previous Landsat missions. In addition, Landsat 8 includes new
multispectral measurements that are expanding science and applications. The
proposed special issue will address Landsat 8 systems performance, data
characteristics and quality, advances in land and water characterization
associated with the improved Landsat 8 imaging systems, evidence of new or
improved applications resulting from Landsat 8’s advanced capabilities., and the
extension of time series and broad area analyses engendered by the enhanced
temporal and geographic coverage afforded by Landsat 8 operations. Deadline for
submission of abstracts for initial screening: January 23, 2015.
Further information on EMWIS
57- Call for abstracts for the 17th IWA International Conference on Diffuse
Pollution and Eutrophication - 13–18 SEPTEMBER 2015 | Berlin, Germany: The
conference theme will focus on the different perspectives of research on diffuse
pollution of aquatic systems, aiming the diffusing of knowledge throughout
scientific and administrative borders. Deadline for abstracts submission:
28 February 2015. Further information on EMWIS
58- Call for contributions to the UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2015:
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social
Affairs prepared a Prototype Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) in
2014 which drew upon inputs from a range of stakeholders, including the UN
system and members of scientific communities across the world. The preparations
for the next Global Sustainable Development Report, to be submitted to the third
session of the HLPF in June 2015, are now underway. The present call aims to
provide individual scientists and research institutions a unique opportunity to
highlight issues, research findings or solutions – in the form of briefs - that
they would like to bring to the attention of policy makers. One chapter of the
Report will be dedicated to these contributions. The briefs should be less
than 1,500 words. It should be factual and based on peer-reviewed literature. It
is recommended to highlight a number of key messages from the current scientific
debate for the attention of policy-makers. The deadline for submissions is
31 December 2014.
Further information on EMWIS
59- Call for abstracts for the International conference: ILDAC2015 - ‘Integrated
Land & Water Resources Management in the Dry Areas under Climate Change’ to be
organized by the Arid Regions
Institute (IRA) and its partners in Djerba, Tunisia next May 11-14th,
2015. Receipt of extended abstracts: December
31st, 2014. Further information on EMWIS
60- First Announcement and Call for Papers of the First International Congress GEOMATICS I SEE mapping and spatial analysis of Socio-Economic and Environmental
Indicators (I SEE) for sustainable and regional development to be held in
Tataouine (Tunisia) next 25-26 March 2015. It will be organized by: the Tunisian
Association of Geomatics (ATG) and the Moroccan Association of Young
Geomaticians (AMJG). This conference aims to make available to stakeholders in
the regional development reliable and relevant data. January 10,
2015 is the deadline for registration and abstract submission. Further information on EMWIS
61- UEA MSc Water Security & International Development - Applications now
accepted: The Water Security Research Centre
at the University of East Anglia is delighted to inform you that we’re
now accepting applications for the September 2015 intake of the MSc
in Water Security and International Development. Drawing upon the skills and experience of researchers in the Schools
of International Development and Environmental Science, the 12-month Water
Security and International Development MSc offers world-class
education in water security policy and science in developing country
contexts. Further information on EMWIS
62- "Applications for MSc Water: Science and Governance": The Department of Geography,
King’s College London is accepting applications for MSc Water: Science
and Governance and scholarships are available to eligible candidates. A new
scholarship for the 2015-16 academic year is being offered.
The department also offers bursaries to eligible applicants. Further information on EMWIS
63- [2015/01/14 - 2015/01/15] 2 Days Training on Water Integrity: This course is
one of the back-to-back activities that will be held during the 3rd Arab Water
Week 2015 (Dead Sea, Jordan). Interested participants are required to register
separately to attend this course. Course Deadline: 1 January 2015. Further information on EMWIS
64- [2015/01/14 - 2015/01/15] 2 Days Training on Groundwater Modeling in Arid
Regions: Back-to-back with the 3rd Arab Water Week 2015 (Dead Sea, Jordan).
Interested participants are required to register separately to attend this
course. Further information on EMWIS
[2015/02/03 - 2015/02/03]
Seminar on Water and Climate: How should scientists and
policy makers talk to act? Paris, France
Further information on EMWIS
Further information on EMWIS
website Further information on EMWIS
[2015/01/26 - 2015/01/27]
2nd General demEAUmed Meeting, Nice, France
[2015/01/21 - 2015/01/22]
MEDSPRING 1st Meeting on Euro-Mediterranean Projects
Dialogue to Enhance Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Barcelona, Spain Further information on EMWIS
[2015/01/19 - 2015/01/22]
Second technical visits of the MED-3R project in Nice and
its monitoring committee, Nice, France Further information on EMWIS
website Further information on EMWIS
website Further information on EMWIS
FP4-FP7, H2020, UfM, ENPI South, ENPI CBC Med, INTERREG, etc.)
In this issue N°120 (www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash120)
Successful 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum on the road to the 7th World Water
Steering Group meeting of the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform
3- EU water research and
innovation tackling Mediterranean challenges
6- “Water Integrity in MENA” project approved by the UfM
7- AquaForMed:
the progress of the Mediterranean Network of Water Training Centres
8- R-KNOW: Participation at "Water Management and Water Quality Monitoring and
Assessment in the Arab Region" workshop
9- PAWA: 3rd Workshop on water accounting at basin level, Rome
10- 4th Meeting of OECD Water Governance Initiative
12- WssTP-ERRIN H2020 Brokerage & WG event hailed a great success
13- SWIM-SM activities and policy dialogue days in Athens on October 2014
H2020 Initiative sets ambitious objectives to
boost protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution
15- Palestine: Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector
project: Official launch of the Water Policy Dialogue
16- Algeria: Al Mactaa sea water desalination mega-station inaugurated in Oran
17- Egypt: Irrigation Minister attended Egyptian-Dutch water council meeting
EIP: Connecting water innovation demand and
19- Major City Networks Partner for a Water-Secure World
2014 World Water Summit: Time For Action On The Global Water Agenda
21- AFED announces its 7th annual conference recommendations: Food security supports
political stability
22- Launch of the Food, Energy, Environment and Water (FE²W) Network
The Green Morocco Plan: An Innovative Strategy of Agricultural Development
25- Soil moisture data for global challenges
26- Service delivery indicators : a tool for improving rural water services
27- Five years of soil moisture, ocean salinity and beyond
28- Climate Change to Bring More Heat Waves and Water Shortages in the Middle
East and North Africa
[2015/02/08 - 2015/02/10]
The Second edition of the New Developments in IT & Water
Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS
[2015/01/29 - 2015/01/29]
International workshop Botín Foundation/Rosenberg International
Forum on Managing drought and scarcity in semi-arid lands: the cases of
California and Spain, Madrid, Spain
[2015/01/28 - 2015/01/29] 16th Water
Carrefour: Crossroads of local water management, Rennes, France
Further information on EMWIS
Further information on EMWIS
[2015/01/20 - 2015/01/21] 5th Nano4water Cluster Workshop: “Recent
Advances in Nanotechnology for Water Treatment“, Barcelona, Spain
Further information on EMWIS
[2015/01/15 - 2015/01/17] 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza
Conference. Water and Sustainable Development: From Vision to Action.
Zaragoza, Spain
[2015/01/14 - 2015/01/17] 4st Edition of SITeau
- International Conference on: "Water, Industry and Green Economy",
Casablanca, Morocco
[2015/01/11 - 2015/01/15] The Third Arab Water Week: Innovations &
Sustainable Solutions for the Water Sector in the Arab Region, Dead Sea,
PROJECTS (Projects
ABOUT EMWIS (Priorities,
Key dates,
Neighbourhood Policy)
Arabic, Spanish & Italian)-
Water glossaries
Documentary database,
Funding for water,
Key emwis-flash-ndeg100-may-2012-1uments,
Water Legislation)
contacts, organisations & information sources)
Union for the Mediterranean) &
Mediterranean Water
Information Mechanism
Water scarcity,
wastewater reuse,
satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to:
23113 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription,
click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector
in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions,
Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will
also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med
Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the
previous issues in
our website.
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to
improve it Contact
the EMWIS Technical Unit.