EMWIS Flash n°119, September/October 2014
Released | 19/10/2014 |
EMWIS Flash -
September/October 2014 |
DEMEAUMED 1st Progress Meeting, 18-19 September 2014, Barcelona
5- WEAM4i project General Meeting, 20-22
October 2014, Lisbon
6- OpIRIS project 2nd periodic Meeting, 13-14
October 2014, Volos, Greece
11- The Third Arab Water Week: Innovations &
Sustainable Solutions for the Water Sector in the Arab Region
14- EIP Water Conference 2014: 5 November in
16- Portugal: EPSU supports law to protect human and community
rights to water
25- Morocco - Denmark: Partnership for Water Management
29- Towards a circular economy: a zero waste programme for Europe
================================================= 1- The 15th EMWIS Steering
Committee meeting took place in the premises of Jucar River Basin Authority (Hydrographic
Confederation of Jucar) in Valencia (Spain) on 9 September 2014. It was
organised back to back with other
events: the expert meeting on the preparation of a Western Mediterranean Water
Strategy as part of the Western Mediterranean Dialogue (5+5); the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Water Forum
and the Mediterranean Preparatory Process for the next World Water Forum that
will take place next March in Corea; and the Steering Group meeting
of the project “Towards a Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform” that received
the Union for the Mediterranean label last April. The Presidency of EMWIS
Steering Committee was transferred from Italy, Mr. Walter MAZZITTI to Spain,
Mrs. Maria Ángeles
Ureña - President of the Jucar River Basin Authority. The General Director of
Water at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) Mrs. Liana ARDILES
LOPEZ opened the meeting with welcome messages and in the hope that EMWIS will
continue providing fruitful results and supporting Mediterranean countries in
building their national water information systems.
All participants agreed to grant the position of honorary President to Walter
Mazzitti for its cumulated 10 years at the Presidency of EMWIS Steering
Committee and its strong support and innovative ideas for the Mediterranean
water community. The new president highlighted EMWIS priorities for the coming
years. She concluded
the meeting by pointing out that, 18 years after the
ministerial conference in Marseille that launched EMWIS, water directors and the
National Focal Points are keeping their support to EMWIS and expressing their
will to continue working under the framework of EMWIS while contributing to its
projects and activities, in particular those related to the reinforcement of
national water information systems, and the Mediterranean Water Knowledge
Platform. She called on the direct involvement of the Southern countries to
ensure ownership, a renewed commitment and a direct involvement in regional
activities in the framework of the EMWIS Technical Unit. Further information on EMWIS
In this issue N°119 (www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash119)
1- 15th EMWIS Steering
Committee meeting, 9th September 2014 in Valencia (Spain)
The first Steering Group
meeting of the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform
The 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum
& the preparatory meeting on the Water Strategy for the Western Mediterranean
7- SAID 2nd Coordination Meeting &
technical visit, 21-22 July 2014, Malaga-Seville, Spain
8- Water Mnagement and Knowledge Sharing UNEP-GEMS/ R-KNOW: Water Management and
Water Quality Monitoring & Assessment in the Arab Region
9- PAWA project 2nd Stakeholder Workshop, 02 July 2014, Firenze, Italy
10- MED-3R Progress Meeting, 21-23
October 2014, Byblos, Lebanon
12- Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Ministers in charge of the Digital Economy
launch new digital cooperation initiatives
13- Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez: Launching of first Masters Programmes
15- Spain: Focus on water research and innovation
17- Cyprus: A look ahead at the future of agricultural production and water use
18- EU-Egypt water talks: Water scarcity at the centre of the discussions
19- France & Jordan: Cooperation in the water sector
20- Palestine: International donors pledge $5.4 billion to help rebuild Gaza
21- Lebanon: US$474 Million World Bank Support to Address Water Shortage
22- Syria: Providing much needed drinking water in the north
23- Tunisia: Signature of the contract on Institutional support to public
policies of water resource management for rural and agricultural development (PAPS-eau)
24- Tunisia: No appeasement in Djerba after the general strike to protest
against the solid waste problem
26- Future Earth: Sustainability for water, food and energy through integrated
water information and improved governance
27- Disaster Risk Reduction: On the way to WCDRR
28- Copernicus will improve the UN's agricultural monitoring activities
2- The first Steering Group meeting of the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform took place in Valencia (Spain) on 10 September, back to back with the EMWIS Steering Committee meeting. The project promoters, International Office for Water and Institut Mediterranéen de l'Eau, together with their technical support partners (EMWIS and MENBO) presented the sub-projects on reinforcing National Water Information Systems and developing white papers to support IWRM implementation and the related fund raising plan. The South Med pilot countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan) explained their current status of implementation and financing focusing on the national governance and inter-institutional coordination. Regional organizations such as the European Environment agency, Blue Plan, MedPol, the Arab League reaffirmed their commitment in the project. A first draft methodological approach for technical and economical assessment of water information system was also introduced. The meeting was also attended by EU countries (Spain, France, Italy, Malta) and by other South Mediterranean countries that expressed their willingness to take part in the regional activities or even for some of them in starting additional pilot implementation (e.g. Palestine). The project was also presented during the last ENPI-SEIS Steering Committee meeting in Copenhagen on 16-17 September where future priorities for implementing a Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) in the European Neighborhood were discussed. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- Based on the success of the participatory
approach of the 1st Mediterranean Water Forum (Marrakech 2011), the 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum
(Murcia - Spain, 25-28/11/2014) is willing
to be a new step for the dialogue between all the stakeholders concerned by
water and environmental issues in coherence with all initiatives and programmes
currently running and to be implemented in the Mediterranean region. The topics
of this Forum are closely linked with the ones of the Mediterranean Regional
Process for the 7th World Water Forum (Daegu, South Korea – April 2015). Several
thematic sessions will be organized, in including one focusing on the
Mediterranean Knowledge Platform, and an exhibition area will bringing together all water stakeholders
(ministries, local authorities, professionals, ...) to introduce their knowhow
and experiences. The day of the 25th November 2014 will be dedicated to
Side-Events, such as the regional workshop on water demand management,
hydro-meteorological Day, new water technologies in Spain or the brokerage event
Murcia water. The website dedicated
to this 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum is now open for registration till next
November 10th. On the other hand, As announced last September in Valencia, the
next preparatory meeting on the Water Strategy for the Western Mediterranean
will be held on the 28th November, in Murcia, in the margins of the II
Mediterranean Water Forum. The aim of the meeting in Murcia will be to discuss
the Annex of the Strategy with the Action Lines. Further information on EMWIS
Limiting fresh water consumption in touristic Mediterranean resorts is the aim
of demEAUmed project, one of the water innovation project supported by the DG
Research of the European Commission. The first progress meeting of this project
took place between the 18th -19th September at the demonstration site in Hotel
Samba, LIoret de Mar in Girona-Spain. The 15 partners reviewed project progress
and the expected results in the next 6 months. Different presentations of the 8
innovative technologies for water treatments were illustrated and explained
during the meeting. Furthermore, the partners got the opportunity to visit the
demonstration site to see the water facilities of the hotel and plan the
location of the technologies. As most of the technologies are related to waste
water treatment targeting local reuse, the partners proposed to take part in
the Public
consultation launched by
the European Commission on Policy
Options to optimise Water Reuse in the EU.
(in 8 languages) for the characterisation of water use and management in hotels
is being carried out in all the Mediterranean countries. Further information on demEAUmed website.
6- The overall objective
of OpIRIS (Online Professional Irrigation Scheduling Expert System) project is
to build a knowledge-based system for online precise irrigation scheduling (OpIRIS)
using advanced results from previous EU research projects on water and fertilizers
productivity in fruit trees orchards and hydroponic productions in greenhouses.
The 2nd periodic meeting OpIRIS has taken place on October 13-14th, 2014 in
Volos (Greece). It was the occasion to discuss the progress of the project
activities, and the OpIRIS system tests to be carried out by the partners before
the end of the year. The participants had also the occasion to visit a
greenhouse in the region of Volos to check the irrigation system used and its
results. Further information on OpIRIS
7- Abengoa water organized a
progress meeting (SC) last July 21-22nd in Malaga & Seville (Spain) to discuss
the process of the project. The meeting was attended by the consortium partners
(ABEINSA, Abengoa Water, LW,Softcrits, Simbiente, Addition, Ubiwhere, UMA, IHP
GMBH, UT SEMMIDE, CMAyOT) as well as the state of art of each project
activities: specification of Decision Support System, Deployment
and evaluation of demonstrator,Integration of applications as well as dissemination and
exploitation of results.
Discussions focused especially on the technical aspect related to the deployment
of the demonstrator, and the installation of the sensors to collect the needed
data. The first day of the meeting took place at the Abengoa R&D Center located
in Seville. In the second day, the participants visited the demonstration site
Guadalhorce bassin (Guadalhorce-Guadalteba dam), where installations of
technology will be placed. During the site visit, the technical staff gave some
explanations on the different collected data and its frequency. Further
information on EMWIS
8- A Workshop on Water
Mangement and
Knowledge Sharing will
take place in Amman (Jordan) next November 26-27th, 2014. This event is jointly
organised by UNEP-GEMS, Water and Eye on Water Security and R-KNOW project. The
workshop will have a special focus on Water
Management and Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in the Arab Region taking into account the 2011 Arab Water Strategy.
But it will also raise awareness about the Regional
Knowledge Network on Water (R-KNOW), its four themes, its web portal while creating synergies and opportunities for networking and joint actions
that could be supported by Eye
on Water Security special initiative. Further
information on EMWIS
9- The second stakeholder workshop of the project "PAWA -
Pilot Arno Water Accounts" tool place last July 2nd, 2014 in Firenze
(Italy). The project is testing the application of the System of Environmental- Economic
Accounting for Water developed by the United Nations and destined to become the
standard reference for European assessments on the quantitative management of water resources.
A guidance document is under development by a working group of the Common
Implementation Strategy of the WFD. The workshop covered in particular the management and
organization of data on withdrawals and refunds of water and includes a session
of "training exercise" to illustrate and test data management system standard
proposed on the basis of data collected by local operators ( Publiacqua, New
Waters, Waters SpA) and from the provinces located in the study areas of the
basin (for agricultural and industrial uses). The experimental application of the standards of the SEEA-Water System
will allow the Arno
basin authority to include water balance issues in the next Management
Plan and, specifically, optimise the measures to be taken in accordance with the
objectives of the Water Framework Directive and the Blueprint to
safeguard Europe's waters. The PAWA project is implemented by ISPRA (leader), Arno River Basin Authority
and EMWIS. Further information on EMWIS
Byblos Municipality organizes the committee meeting of MED-3R project next
October 21-23th, 2014 in Byblos (Lebanon). « MED-3R Euro-Mediterranean Strategic
Platform for a suitable waste management » is a strategic project of the ENPI
CBC MED Programme included in the topic « Waste treatment and recycling ».This
90 % funded project by the European Union of a budget of 4,787,062 € brings
together 15 direct partners and 7 associated. This meeting will be the occasion
to present the planning of activities and its progress by each partner, the
methodologies for developing Waste Management Plans, and the follow-up of the
pilot actions. Technical visits are expected to Byblos & Blat pilot areas.
Further information on EMWIS
11- Under the umbrella of
the League of Arab States (LAS) and in partnership with the Arab Ministerial
Water Council (AMWC) and the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI),
the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) is organizing the Second
Arab Water Week. The Arab Water Week (AWW) is a distingushed regional meeting in
the Arab region which tackles water management issues through establishing
innovative partnerships and platforms of collaborative work on water issue in
the region. The importance of this meeting lies in providing a platform for
greater coordination among the existing network of key partners active in the
water sector in the region. The Arab Water Week (AWW) does not only provide an
opportunity to enhance communication flows, synergies and the sharing of
successful experiences, but as well, it will facilitate creating new
partnerships that complement and maximize the impact of on-going work in this
sector for the benefit all countries in the region. The next AWW will take place
next January 11-15th, 2015 in the Dead Sea (Jordan). Further information on EMWIS
12- Digital Economy Ministers, the UfM Secretariat, telecoms regulators,
development banks and EU institutions pledged closer cooperation to reap the
benefits of the digital economy for Euro-Mediterranean citizens, consumers and
businesses. Gathered in Brussels for the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
Ministerial meeting, participants agreed to forge closer ties on the use of open
data and e-government, and to step-up dialogue betweennational
telecoms regulators around the Mediterranean. They also agreed to
improve connectivity between scientific and research communities
and to work on a long-term eHealth cooperation strategy.
As such, the UfM provides a stable and pro-active political
framework for cooperation. Development banks can facilitate financial support
and incentives in key areas. Ministers also underlined the need to reach out more to
include civil society, bloggers, young entrepreneurs, digital champions and ICT
innovators both in the EU and in southern Mediterranean countries.
The EU is committed to helping
its Southern and Eastern neighbours in their paths to peace, democracy and
socio-economic development. Around €8.3 billion in EU funding is foreseen until
2020 for bilateral and regional programmes targeting southern Mediterranean
countries. Further
information on EMWIS
13- On 22 September, the Euro-Mediterranean
University of Fez has launched the first two Master Programmes on Renewable
Energies and Environmental Engineering accredited by the Ministry of Higher
Education of Morocco. The University also launched the “INSA-Euro-Méditerranée’’
Engineering School, co-developed in partnership with INSA Group -France and a
consortium of Universities from Morocco, Spain, Italy and Portugal. Further
information on EMWIS
14- The
European Innovation Partnership on Water - EIP Water in short - has taken a
central role on the European water innovation landscape, providing a platform
for all actors in the field of water and innovation. After the success of
the first EIP Water conference in November 2013 in Brussels, the EIP Water
Conference 2014 will take place on 5 November in Barcelona, the European
Innovation Capital 2014. The aim of the second Annual Conference of the European
Innovation Partnership on Water is to connect innovation demand and supply by: "Showcasing
impact" e.g. via presentations and exhibition of successful experiences; "Identifying demand
for innovation";
and Examining and addressing the gaps and barriers in innovation demand and
supply. Participants of the EIP Water Conference 2014 will
be water managers/launching costumers (innovation demanders) from the private
and public sector (cities, regions and EU Member States), water-using sectors
and innovation providers. Participants from other sectors related to innovation
development, uptake and financing are also encouraged to attend. The conference
is free of charge for participants. However, the costs of travel and
accommodation shall be borne by each participant and cannot be reimbursed by the
organisers. WEAM4i and
demEAUmed projects in
which EMWIS is involved will participate at this event. Further information on EMWIS
15- There is not a specific programme for water RDI, but water issues are funded
through the State Plan for Research, Development and Innovation. Other
Programmes related to Innovation, applied research or International activities
devote additional funds to water issues. The National Plan has always
represented the major opportunity for RTD funding at the national level,
although in the last 20 years the research funding capacity of the regional
governments has increased. The Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness
(MINECO) is the main governmental funding body for research and innovation, as
it owns and manages the “State Plan for Research, Development and Innovation” to
promote high-quality scientific research, training and career development in
science and technology, supports centres of excellence, research
infrastructures, technology transfer, innovation and science dissemination. With
a total budget for RDI activities of 430 M€ in 2013, the mission of the
Directorate General for Scientific and Technological Research of MINECO is to
coordinate and finance high-quality research in the full spectrum of scientific
and technological disciplines and support researchers’ training and research
carriers, as well as research infrastructures. This Directorate General also
promotes the internationalization of Spanish research through a number of
bilateral and multilateral programmes. Directorate General for Innovation and
the public Innovation Agency CDTI are responsible for the promotion of
technology development and innovation in the private sector, public-private
partnerships, technology transfer, and large national infrastructures. MINECO
supports basic, strategic and applied research on water science and technology
through annual competitive bottom-up calls. These calls will be coordinated with
the co-funded EC calls and with other joint calls of the Water JPI. Regional
governments within Spain have a significant capacity to fund research and
innovation. In the last years a number of regional research funding programmes
have evolved to provide basal funding to outstanding research groups or
institutes. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) is
responsible for water policy, plans and programmes devoted to water resources
evaluation and planning, water quality, sustainable irrigation management,
floods, and related issues in the context of the Water Framework Directive.
MAGRAMA’s capacity to fund research and innovation has been traditionally
smaller than that of MINECO. Further information on EMWIS
16- On 9 October the Portuguese national
parliament will vote for a law that should protect the human right and community
rights to water and prevent privatisation of water supply companies in Portugal.
The law is a proposal of the coalition “Agua de Todos” that has collected over
40.000 signatures in Portugal last year to do this proposal. Portuguese trade
unions – EPSU (European Federation of Public Service Unions) affiliates – have
supported this initiative and are part of the Agua de Todos coalition. EPSU has
supported the unions and people in Portugal in their campaign and hopes the
parliament will vote in favour of the proposed law. Further information on EMWIS
17- Sustainable water use and adaptation to
climate change are challenging issues for the agricultural sector in Cyprus.
This issue was discussed at the final public event of the AGWATER research
project. The meeting was co-organised by The Cyprus Institute and the
Agricultural Research Institute and was attended by more than 60 participants
from different disciplines related to agriculture and water resources. During
the last 2.5 years, AGWATER consortium
developed new digital datasets, including an agro-ecological characterization, a
soil map, and climate datasets for the past and the future. The researchers also
analysed the effect of climatic conditions on potato and barley yields from
long-term agricultural experiments. Climate change projections indicate that the
average annual rainfall for 2020-2050 could be between 1 and 15% lower than in
1980-2010. On the other hand, temperatures are projected to increase by 1.5
degrees. These data are currently used to analyse the effect of different policy
and economic scenarios on agricultural production and water use in Cyprus for
the period 2020-2050. Recommendations
included a better implementation of European policies and careful selection of
crops and crop varieties for the future. The AGWATER Project was co-financed by
the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the
Research Promotion Foundation. Further information on EMWIS
18- The issue of water scarcity has been at
the centre of the EU-Egypt Water Talk co-hosted by the Delegation of the
European Union to Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and
Irrigation in Alexandria. In all, 150 experts, academics, senior civil officials
and project managers from donor agencies took part, discussing joint integrated
investment planning in the water sector, improved practices in water resources
management, master planning the irrigation and drainage network for more
efficient use of water resources, and the role of water awareness in changing
water use habits and water saving. The EU has supported overall institutional
reform and sector reform through the two phases of the Water Sector Reform programme, with an overall budget of €200 million as a direct grant. EU-Egypt water talks are funded by the Water Sector Reform Programme-II
(WSRP-II). Following the success of WSRP-I, both the Egyptian government and the
European Commission agreed to allocate an additional grant of €120 million as
phase two of Egypt's WSRP (WSRP-II) to take place between 2011 and 2015, and be
disbursed on the basis of a new set of jointly agreed reform benchmarks. The
overall objective of the WSRP-II is to support the Egyptian government in its
reform programme of the water sector in accordance with the objectives of the
National Water Resource Plan 2005-2017 (NWRP 2005-2017), and of the recently
adopted Water and Wastewater Sector Development Policy (WWSDP). Further
information on EMWIS
19- Jordan’s Ministry of Water and Irrigation
signed recently a 22.8 million-euro loan agreement with the French Embassy to
finance the water sector in the northern regions of the Kingdom. The funds will
go towards improving the water services and helping meet the water needs of
Syrian refugees. The funding will also cover the cost of reducing water leakage and
securing pumps for a number of wells. Jordanian Minister of Water and Irrigation
Dr. Hazem Nasser said that the French support
and cooperation, especially in the water sector, has reached over the past few
years 135 million euros, noting that France extended funds worth 60 million
euros to the Jordan water company – to be used for the building of a new water
network in the poor areas of Amman, and installation of modern meters with the
objective of replacing 50 percent of existing meters. The
French government will also finance the construction of a pipeline between Abu
Alanda in south Amman and Khaou in Zarqa, which is the first phase of supplying
Zarqa and the northern region with water through the Disi project at the cost of
48 million euros. Caroline Dumas, Ambassador of France in Jordan, pledged
support to the water sector in Jordan and exchange of expertise in the use of
technology in water treatment plants, agricultural and industrial purposes,
reduction of water wastage and management of wells and groundwater basins.
Further information on EMWIS
20- UfM representatives presented the Desalination Facility Project as priority
water intervention for Gaza Strip to international community gathered at Cairo
International Conference on Palestine “Reconstructing Gaza”. With the aim to
address the deepening humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, the Governments of
Egypt and Norway together with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas hosted a
pledging conference in Cairo on 12 October. The Conference was opened by H.E.
President Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and President Abbas. High-level
interventions included UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, US Secretary of State
John Kerry, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, Secretary-General of the
League of Arab States Nabil El-Araby, Foreign Minister of Jordan Nasser Judeh,
Foreign Minister of Italy Federica Mogherini, Foreign Minister of France Laurent
Fabius, and Quartet Representative Tony Blair. The conference achieved its
objective of strengthening the Government of Palestine’s ability to rehabilitate
and reconstruct the Gaza Strip by securing 5.4 Billion US Dollar in financial
pledges, as well as by presenting an unified call for improved access of
materials to Gaza through existing channels negotiated by the United Nations.
President Abbas personally met with UfM representatives to discuss the progress
on the Desalination Facility project and requested the UfM Secretariat to
catalyse it both technically and financially together with other key partners.
Further information on EMWIS
21- A US$474 million World Bank Group project,
called Water Supply Augmentation,
will address the chronic and severe water shortages faced by over half of
Lebanon’s population residing in the Greater Beirut and Mount Lebanon area who
receive an average of only three hours of water per day and resort to illegal
wells, expensive tanker trucks and bottled water for their home use. The Islamic Development Bank and Government of Lebanon will provide parallel
financing of US$128 million and US$15 million respectively. The project will
finance the construction of hydraulic infrastructure, including the Bisri dam
near the existing Joun reservoir, and associated storage to ensure water
security to the Greater Beirut and Mount Lebanon area. National agencies will
benefit from technical assistance in the implementation of international best
practices for dam safety, sustainable water resources management and environment/social
impact mitigation. The project will be implemented over nine years to allow for
startup work ahead of construction, and two years of operation and maintenance.
Further information on EMWIS
22- Over the past four years, the conflict in
Syria has left many children and their families without access to clean drinking
water. Now, volunteers with the UNICEF’s partner, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent
are installing water tanks for families affected by the fighting, in the eastern
Aleppo governorate. The first of ten planned water tanks, which hold 70,000
liters of water, or enough for 900 people, was installed earlier this month in
Al Bab. Volunteers spent seven hours setting up the UNICEF water tank and
standpipe, all of which are now functional. The water system in Al Bab has
experienced frequent interruptions related to the ongoing conflict. The new
water tank will provide stable access to safe water for all children and their
families in the community. Further information on EMWIS
23- Tunisian Agriculture Minister Mr. Lassad
Lachaal, and Ambassador & Head of EU Delegation in Tunis Mrs. Laura Baeza
attended last Septembre 24th, 2014 the signing ceremony of five
services contracts that will
bring during two years, a high level of expertise for capacity
building of public administration in the field of water management. These
studies will address the assessment of
the national programme on economy of irrigation, the formulation of a
new national strategy for water and soil saving, and the organizational development
of the national water company (SONEDE). On the
other hand, last September, 29th, 2014, the European Union has awarded a grant
of one million Euros to the Institution of Research and Higher Education
Agricultural "IRESA" to support innovative actions for 30 months. These six projects worth $ 5.8 million, or about 13
million dinars are developed in the framework of the EU support programme for water resources management for rural and agricultural development (PAPS-eau).
The overall objective of this program funded by a grant of 57 million euros, is
to support the
Tunisian Government in better integration of the problems of resource saving
and water demand management with an integrated approach. Further information on EMWIS
24- Djerba Island in Tunisia was paralyzed by
a general strike at the airport until October 1st, 2014. A mobilization to
protest against the solid waste problem collected at the island. If no solution
is found, the Djerbiens threatened to suspend payment of taxes. This is the
first time that this peaceful island, at the east of Tunisia, began a general
strike. Anger due to wastes that are processed since 2012, but simply buried or
burned in street corners. Result: The "bac" boat connecting the island to the
coast, and air traffic was suspended."In twenty-five years I have
never seen it," is surprised Bouzaffara Monem, an employee of the national
carrier Tunisair. "The strike has cost money, but our health and our future are
at stake. On what tourism we are talking in such an environment? ". Discussions
with the authorities began in April 2012, closing the only landfill on the
island, Guellala. "It was badly exploited, standards not being met," says Naceur
Bouabid spokesman for the Crisis. "Successive governments only make empty
promises," he charged. Proposed solution: to get garbage controlled on the
continent, to Bouhamed discharge, but again the people refused. All necessary
means "will be immediately mobilized" to clean Djerba if an agreement is reached
for the site of a solid waste dump, said in a statement the government.
Meanwhile, Djerbiens threaten to stop paying their taxes. Further information on EMWIS
25- The issues of water management and the
challenges of climate change have been at the center of talks in Copenhagen
between the Moroccan Minister Delegate to the Minister of Energy, Mines, Water
and Environment, responsible on Water, Charafat Afilal, and the Danish
Environment Minister, Kirsten Brosbøl. At this meeting, which is part of a work
tour that a Moroccan delegation started on Wednesday October 1st from to the
Scandinavian kingdom, both sides expressed the desire to promote bilateral
cooperation on these crucial topics for socio-economic and sustainable
development. The panel on the management of water resources, emphasis was placed
on sanitation and wastewater treatment as well as flood prevention systems. Further
information on EMWIS
26- Future Earth has awarded 8 new Fast Track
Initiatives and Cluster Activities a total of US$850,400, fully supported by the
US National Science Foundation. The new initiatives build on areas of research
strength in the existing Global Environmental Change (GEC) projects and
programmes, and are intended to kick-start integrated activities and strengthen
interdisciplinary collaboration. The 8 new initiatives are: Exploring nitrogen
in Future Earth; Scientific support for IPBES knowledge generation; What is
urban? Global urbanization as viewed from multiple scientific domains; Bright
spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene; Global biodiversity monitoring, prediction
and reporting; Extreme events and environments from climate to society; Linking
earth system and socio-economic models to predict and manage changes in land use
and biodiversity; Sustainability for water, food and energy through integrated
water information and improved governance. Seed funding has also been awarded to
two groups of complementary proposals, one on polar issues, one on climate
research and services for Africa. Further information on EMWIS
27- The upcoming Third World Conference on
Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in Sendai, Japan, in March 2015 is expected to
result in a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (Hyogo Framework for
Action 2 - HFA-2). To prepare this event, UN-SPIDER and several partners have
approached selected government agencies requesting their support to ensure that
specific texts on the use of Earth Observation and Space-based information find
their way into the HFA-2 resolution, as it has already been done in the pre-zero
draft. On the other hand, A delegation led by ICSU as the organising partner of
the UN Science and Technology Major Group took part in the first meeting of the
preparatory committee for the 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk
Reduction. The two-day meeting in Geneva this week is intended to prepare
for the March 2015 conference in Sendai, Japan, where governments are due to
approve a new global framework to reduce disaster risk to replace the current
Hyogo Framework. The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 sought to build the
resilience of nations and communities to disasters. The Science and
Technology delegation brought together a broad coalition of organizations
including the Inter Academy Partnership (IAP), the Global Young Academy, the
UKCDS, Public Health England and the Science and Technical Advisory Group of the
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) as well as experts
from Latin America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. The Science and
Technology Major Group focused its interventions on a statement agreed in March
2014on establishing an international science advisory mechanism for disaster
risk reduction to strengthen resilience for the post-2015 agenda. In a joint
statement, the UN said it “supports the proposed creation of an international
science advisory mechanism to strengthen the evidence base for the
implementation and monitoring of the new framework. Further information on EMWIS
28- The Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has been
using Earth Observation technologies in its activities for more than a quarter
of a century. The Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) of the
Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) monitors the
supply and demand of food in every country in the world on a continuous basis,
and provides timely warnings of imminent food shortages, drought occurrences,
hunger and famine at sub-national, national and/or sub-regional levels. The
system collects and archives information from many different sources. It makes
use of remote sensing technologies and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to
identify regions experiencing unfavourable crop growing conditions and food
supply shortfalls, as well as identifying areas and/or populations that may be
prone to food insecurity. The Copernicus constellation of Sentinel satellites,
the first of which was launched into orbit on the 3rd of April 2014, is expected
to contribute to the improvement of the FAO-GIEWS Earth Observation-based
monitoring system by: greatly enhancing agricultural monitoring through timely
access to essential data and information (throughout the agricultural season);
improving crop masks and the development of crop specific masks (maize, rice,
pastures, etc.) which are expected to improve the correlation between vegetation
indices and yield; enhancing the ability to improve production forecasts that
are essential for early warning purposes through establishing a robust
time-series; and improving the accuracy of estimates relating to food production
by allowing for better delimitation between irrigated and rain-fed crop areas.
Further information on EMWIS
29- The European Commission adopted the Communication "Towards a circular
economy: a zero waste programme for Europe" and annex to establish a common and
coherent EU framework to promote the circular economy. Turning Europe into a
more circular economy means: boosting recycling and preventing the loss of
valuable materials; creating jobs and economic growth; showing how new business
models, eco-design and industrial symbiosis can move us towards zero-waste;
reducing greenhouse emissions and environmental impacts. As part of the circular
economy package, the Commission also adopted a legislative proposal to review
recycling and other waste-related targets in the EU and annex. Achieving the new
waste targets would create 180 000 new jobs, while making Europe more
competitive and reducing demand for costly scarce resources. Circular economy, saving resources
and creating jobs are the main themes of Green Week 2014, the biggest annual
conference on European environment policy. Further information on EMWIS
30- Palestine: New Head of Palestinian Water
Authority. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a presidential decree last
August, which requires the appointment of Mazen Ghoneim, new head of the
Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) (with the degree of Minister), succeeding
Shaddad Attili. Ghoneim has served as Under Secretary of the Ministry of Local
Government, before the President issued his decree. On the other hand, another
presidential decree appointed Dr. Shaddad Attili a minister in the Negotiations
Affairs Department, responsible on the water chapter in the final status
negotiations. He will be also an Advisor for water and environment to the
Palestine Liberation Organization. Further information on EMWIS
31- Mrs. Julia Martinez is the new Technical
Director of the New Water Culture Foundation (Spain): Julia is a founding partner and member of the 100
signatories experts "European Declaration for a New Water Culture". She has
extensive national and international research experience in integrated water
resources management and sustainability of water from interdisciplinary
perspectives. Further information on EMWIS
32- The French Government, in recognition of his outstanding contribution in the
field of water-environmental sciences, has granted last summer the title of
“Knight of the Academic Order” to Jacques Ganoulis, Professor Emeritus at the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Consultant UNESCO/IHP, Paris and
Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair/INWEB. Prof. J. Ganoulis is the author/editor of
numerous scientific publications on sustainable water resources management,
climate change and particularly of the books: Transboundary Water Resources
Management: a Multidisciplinary Approach (WILEY, 2011) and Risk Analysis of
Water Pollution (WILEY, 2009; 2nd edition; translated into Chinese). Further
information on EMWIS
34- Advisor in Transboundary Water
Management, Nile River Basin: The
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is recruiting an Advisor in
hydropolitics/political economy and natural resource governance, specifically
related to the Nile River Basin. Deadline for application: Friday
17 October, 2014. Further information on EMWIS
35- 3 PhD research positions available on Transboundary Water Cooperation: These three PhD positions will be recruited
through Uppsala University, and will be part of the Research School of the
UNESCO Category II International Centre for Water Cooperation. Deadline:
Nov 3, 2014. Further
information on EMWIS
================================================= 36- “Water
Scarcity, Security and Democracy: A Mediterranean Mosaic”:
A new – much awaited - book by the Cornell
University, the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future and the Global Water
Partnership-Mediterranean has been published in September 2014. Like its title
foretells, the book is a mosaic on its own; of stories, insights, questions and
answers on water in the Mediterranean. Further information on EMWIS
website 37- "World Water Council: Water, the key
for global development": The World Water Council released in November 2013 a
position paper in favor of a dedicated Sustainable Development Goal on water
within the Post-2015 framework and identifying water as a pre-requisite for
all development by underlining above all the cross-cutting role of water
in supporting development to eradicate poverty. Further information on EMWIS
website 38-
"Practical Action Paper: Optimizing road design for water harvesting":
There is a need for closer integration of
watershed and road-building programmes. With 5.5 million kilometres of roads in
sub-Saharan Africa alone, and road building continuing to be one of the largest
public investments, the potential of roads for water harvesting is great.
Further information on EMWIS
website 39- GWP has been requested by the UN
Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) to support the preparations for the
Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in March 2015 in
Sendai, Japan. With inputs from its partners, GWP led the development of a brief
on Water and Disaster Risk. The brief states that water is key in managing
disaster and addressing climate change impacts, because water is the medium
throught which most climate impacts and many disasters such as droughts and
floods are felt. To recognize this reality and to respond accordingly is
essential. Further information on EMWIS
website 40- Water, Energy and Food Nexus in the Arab Region: An interesting paper on
the water-energy-food NEXUS authored by Dr. Waleed K. Al-Zubari – Chairperson of
Water Resources Management at the College of Graduate Studies, Arabian Gulf
University (AGU), Bahrain. The paper brilliantly summarizes the most important
issues affecting the Arab Countries and it is a must read for understanding the
challenges posed by water scarcity, food insecuity and reliance on non-renewable
energies. Further information on EMWIS
website 41- "Quantitative risk assessment of the
effects of climate change on selected causes of death: 2030s and 2050s": WHO
releases a quantitative assessment of the health impacts of climate change. This
constitutes an update and a further development of the assessment that was first
published by WHO for the year 2000, now with a wider range of health impacts,
and projections for future years. Further information on EMWIS
website 42- Space-based Information for Flood and
Drought Risk Reduction: The technical report of our recent United
Nations/Germany Expert Meeting on Space-based Information for Flood and Drought
Risk Reduction is now available on the UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal. Further
information on EMWIS
website 43- The Scientific Association for Water
Information System (SAWIS) has just published its first magazine issue (WIS MAG).
(Available in French). Further information on EMWIS
44- Call for proposals: "Acting for the water
resource". Lyonnaise des Eaux calls for proposals "Action on water resources"
aims: to support and encourage innovative initiatives to save resources.
Thematic Programme "Action to water resources" aims to: reduce the impact of
human activity on water resources, promote good ecological status of water
bodies to better protect the environment and biodiversity, share water data to
make available to all the information on water resources (quality, access
points, origin, etc.), anticipate the consequences of climate change on water
resources, and better integrate issues related to water in urban development.
Deadline: December 31, 2014. Further information on EMWIS
45- Call for proposals for Free FORMOSAT-2
Satellite Imagery: The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing (ISPRS) calls for proposals for free FORMOSAT-2 satellite data. This
research announcement provides an opportunity for researchers to carry out
advanced researches and applications in their fields of interest using archived
and/or newly acquired FORMOSAT-2 satellite images. Up to ten proposals
will be selected by a reviewing committee. Each selected proposal will be
granted 10 archived images and/or data acquisition requests free of charge. All requested image acquisition shall be before
December 31, 2014. Further information on EMWIS
46- Call for Applicants for SSEESS Planning Grant for Sustainable Solutions:
This planning grant aims to enable scientists to produce project proposals
targeting one or several of five development challenges prioritized by UN
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). The grant can be used to cover
the cost for travelling, workshops, meetings, etc. when at least one natural or
social scientist affiliated with a Swedish research institution and one of
his/her partners from the developing country/region concerned are working
together on the project proposal. Grants of maximum SEK 100 000 each will be
awarded for a six-month period, starting on 1 February and finishing on 15
August 2015. Last admission date: 14 November 2014. Further
information on EMWIS
47- Call for PEER Research Pre-Proposals 2014/2015 [Water]: The National Academy
of Sciences (US) is announcing a new funding opportunity which USAID is offering
to a range of developing country researchers. Focus areas which may be of
particular interest to you and your colleagues relating to water include: 1)
Global call for proposals on water resource management; 2) Transboundary Water
Research in Central and South Central Asia; and 3) SERVIR: environmental
management and climate change resilience. Submission deadline is:
January 9th, 2015 11:59 P.M. (U.S. Eastern Standard Time). Further
information on EMWIS
48- Call for abstracts for the Second edition
of the New Developments in IT & Water Conference: Information Technology (IT)
enabled solutions for integrated urban water management are the key to realizing
a significant reduction in water consumption, environmental emissions and costs,
and an improvement of water quality and control of installations. Today, water
management only addresses autonomous parts , leading to a highly segregated
water sector. Deadline
to submit an abstract is extended to Monday 13 October. Further
information on EMWIS
49- 2nd Call for Abstract and Invitation: The
International Symposium on "Water Pollution and Environmental Impacts in the
Mediterranean Basin", November 24-27, 2014, Sousse, Tunisia:
This International Symposium is the
second to be organized in Tunisia and may bein the entire Arab World. It is held
in the framework of the German-Tunisian jointresearch project EMPOWER Tunisia
carried out by the Technical University ofBraunschweig (TUBS, Germany), the
National Research Institute for RuralEngineering, Water, and Forestry (INRGREF,
Tunisia) and the Higher Institute ofAgronomy Chatt-Meriem (ISA CM, Tunisia).
October 15, 2014:
Deadline for abstract submission.
Further information on EMWIS
50- The UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in
its 40th Session (October 2013) requested the High Level Panel of Experts for
Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), to prepare for its 42nd session in 2015 a
report on: "Water and Food Security". As part of its report elaboration process,
the HLPE is now launching an e-consultation to seek inputs, suggestions,
comments on a V0 Draft of the report. This e-consultation will be used by the
HLPE to further elaborate the report, which will then be submitted to external
expert review, before finalization and approval by the HLPE Steering Committee.
To participate to the e-consultation, please visit the e-consultation website,
or send directly your contribution to the HLPE Secretariat at cfs-hlpe@fao.org.
Contributions are welcome in English, French and Spanish. The
e-consultation will run until 31st October
2014. Further information on EMWIS
51- Extended date for abstract submission to GLOBAQUA-CYTOTHREAT-ENDETECH-SCARCE Workshop"Pharmaceuticals in wastewaters and
surface waters under multistressors situation: Fate, Adverse effects, Risks and
Removal Technologies" to be held on 2-3 December 2014 in Barcelona, Spain. Last
day for abstract submission has been extended to 24th
of October. Further information on EMWIS
End July, the European Commission has launched the Public Consultation on Policy
Options to optimise Water Reuse in the EU. The
consultation will run until 7th November 2014. The questionnaire is open for
stakeholders and citizens and it is highly relevant for water authorities in
charge of River Basin Management Plans. It takes about 10 mins to respond.
Further information on EMWIS website
54- I.S.RIVERS 2015 International Conference call for papers. Deadline on the
30th of October 2014: ISRivers (22-26 June 2015 - Lyon, France)
is an international conference focused on the research and actions in the
service of large rivers, both natural and highly human. Further information on EMWIS
55- United Nations online course on
Introduction to Water Diplomacy (17 November - 14 December 2014): The purpose of
this course will first be to raise awareness on the current state of freshwater
resources worldwide and the need for adequate diplomatic solutions to stimulate
cooperation around the way the resource is managed. It will provide knowledge
resources, circumstantial experiences, and a cadre of tools to water-relevant
stakeholders so as to enhance their ability to assess, prevent, and respond to
the tensions arising from situations of water scarcity and mismanagement
worldwide. Further information on EMWIS
================================================= Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/12/11 - 2014/12/11]
The water innovation conference: WaterinnovatioNH,
Amsterdam, Netherlands Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/12/03 - 2014/12/03]
Water, inter-territorial reform - Grenoble,
France Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/11/26 - 2014/11/27]
WssTP annual Brokerage and WssTP Working Groups,
Brussels, Belgium
[2014/11/25 - 2014/11/28]
2nd Mediterranean Water Forum 2014, Murcia, Spain
[2014/11/25 - 2014/11/27]
National Days SWOT (CLS/CNES), Toulouse, France Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/11/04 - 2014/11/06]
3rd pan-EU Drought Dialogue Forum of the FP7
DROUGHT-R&SPI project & the Water Framework Directive
SCG members meeting, Brussels, Belgium Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/11/03 - 2014/11/04]
COST Action TN1301 Third Meeting Management
Committee and Working Groups (MCM3), Lisbon, Portugal
[2014/11/02 - 2014/11/05]
MEWINA project: Regional Consultation workshop on
2012 Baseline SOW Reports in NA (North Africa), Cairo,
Egypt Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/10/28 - 2014/10/30]
2nd SC Meeting of the Mediterranean Preparatory
Process of the 7th World Water Forum, Athens,
Greece Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/10/24 - 2014/10/24]
Droughts and low flows, including groundwater -
International symposium, Maastricht, Netherlands Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/10/21 - 2014/10/23]
MED-3R project committee meeting, Byblos, Lebanon Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
[2014/10/20 - 2014/10/22]
WEAM4i project General Meeting, Lisbon, Portual Further
information on EMWIS
website Further
information on EMWIS
FP4-FP7, H2020, UfM, ENPI South, ENPI CBC Med, INTERREG, etc.)
5- Europe is adding efforts on the rational use of water and energy with
a smart network for the
management of irrigation. Agriculture sector is accountable for 30% of the total
water consumption in Europe, reaching up to 70% of total water consumption in
several European southern countries. In recent years, most of the efforts have
been focused on water efficiency, without taking into account energy aspects,
resulting in some cases on a significant increase in energy consumption. WEAM4i
(Water and Energy Advanced Management for Irrigation) is a Water Innovation project
of the 7th Framework Program for RTD is bringing together 17 partners from five European countries: Spain, Germany, Portugal, the
Netherlands and France. Between
the 20th-22ndOctober 2014, WEAM4i consortium will hold a meeting in Lisbon,
Portugal, where the participants will discuss the progress of the project and
its planned activities. In addition to the general meeting and work discussions,
the participants will visit water user associations and the Portuguese demo-sites in: ABORO (Ferreira do
Alentejo) and ABRoxo (Montes Velhos). The 2 other demo sites are located in
Aragon (Spain), Lower Saxony (Germany). EMWIS Technical Unit will present the
dissemination activities undertook and the project dissemination plan. Further information on EMWIS
33- King Hassan II Great World Water Prize DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 31 OCTOBER. The
King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, jointly established by the Government of
Morocco and the World Water Council, rewards excellence or innovation in “Cooperation
and sound management in the development and use of water resources.”
The specific topic of the 2015 edition is “Innovation for access to
water, energy and sanitation in the face of global changes”. The winner
will be granted an award of US$100,000. The Prize is presented every three years
in conjunction with the World Water Forum. It will be awarded for the fifth time
at the 7th World Water Forum. Nominations are
to be submitted to the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize Secretariat by 31
October 2014 at the latest.
Further information on EMWIS
53- World Water Congress 2015 - ‘Call for Papers’ Deadline on the 31st
of October 2014: The Scottish Government’s hosting of the XVth World
Water Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland on 25-29 May 2015. This is the first visit
to the UK of this leading international academic conference – with its unique
focus on academic research and policy leadership to further global water
resource management - and its return to Europe after 8 years. Scotland: The
Hydro Nation will provide a dynamic platform for this key event as a country
which has placed the responsible management of water resources at the heart of
its legislative agenda. Further information on EMWIS
[2014/12/13 - 2014/12/15]
Arab American Frontiers of Science, Engineering and
Medicine Symposium, Muscat, Oman
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/12/10 - 2014/12/11]
The 4th International Platform on Integrating Arab
e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment - e-AGE 2014,
Muscat, Oman
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/12/02 - 2014/12/03]
"Pharmaceuticals in wastewaters and surface waters under
multistressors situation: Fate, Adverse effects, Risks
and Removal Technologies", Barcelona, Spain
[2014/12/03 - 2014/12/04] 1st National Water Information
System Seminar, Rabat, Morocco
[2014/12/02 - 2014/12/04]
New soil databases for North Africa and the Sahara,
Belgium, Tunisia, Algeria
[2014/12/01 - 2014/12/02]
Sustainable Integrated Wastewater Treatment & Reuse in
the Mediterranean, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
[2014/11/26 - 2014/11/27]
Workshop on Water Mnagement and Knowledge Sharing UNEP-GEMS/Water
and Eye on Water Security / R-KNOW: Water Management and
Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in the Arab
Region, Dead Sea, Jordan
[2014/11/26 - 2014/11/28]
World Sustainable Energy Forum - EnerSol WSEF Tunisia
2014 - ENERSOL WSEF 2014, Tunis, Tunisia
[2014/11/26 - 2014/11/28]
International Scientific Symposium of Water Management
and Desertification, Istanbul, Turkey
Further information on EMWIS
Further information on EMWIS
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/11/24 - 2014/11/27]
International Symposium on "Water Pollution and
Environmental Impacts in the Mediterranean Basin",
Sousse, Tunisia
[2014/11/23 - 2014/11/25]
The 1st International Conference on Materials for Energy
& Environmental Engineering (ICM3E’14),
Algiers, Algeria
[2014/11/19 - 2014/11/20]
IWRM Karlsruhe 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany
[2014/11/18 - 2014/11/20]
Franco Jordanian Forum on Water Sustainability, Amman,
[2014/11/18 - 2014/11/20]
SICMED International Workshop, Gammarth, Tunisia
[2014/11/18 - 2014/11/19]
3rd National Conference of Research on polluted sites
and soils - National Technical Symposium, Paris, France
[2014/11/17 - 2014/11/18]
Preparatory Committee, second session of the Third UN
World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva,
[2014/11/12 - 2014/11/15]
12th International Conference "EUROPE-INBO 2014" on the
implementation of the Water Framework Directive,
Bucharest, Romania
[2014/11/12 - 2014/11/14]
2014 Conference on Big Data From Space (BiDS'14),
Frascati, Italy
[2014/11/10 - 2014/11/12]
International Conference on Sustainable Development in
the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, Jordan
[2014/11/10 - 2014/11/12]
2nd European Resources Forum (ERF 2014) & the National
Resources Forum, Berlin, Germany
[2014/11/05 - 2014/11/06]
EIP Water Conference 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/11/04 - 2014/11/06]
European Utility Week 2014 - Smart Water track,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Further information on TN1301
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/10/28 - 2014/10/30]
Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water
Sector - 1st Regional Conference, Athens, Greece
[2014/10/27 - 2014/10/29]
DBP 2014: Disinfection By-products in drinking water,
Mülheim, Germany
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/10/23 - 2014/10/26]
Agrosym 2014: V International Agricultural Symposium,
Jahorina, Bosnia-Herzegovina
[2014/10/22 - 2014/10/24]
IWA WATERIDEAS2014 Conference on Intelligent
Distribution for Efficient and Affordable Supplies,
Bologna, Italy
[2014/10/22 - 2014/10/23]
United Nations/Mexico Symposium on Basic Space
Technology "Making Space Technology Accessible and
Affordable", Mexico
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/10/21 - 2014/10/23]
3rd International Conference Water–Climate’2014:
SYNERGIES NORTH – SOUTH, Hammamet, Tunisia
[2014/10/21 - 2014/10/22]
Water PPP conference MENA-Europe, Geneva, Switzerland
Further information on EMWIS
[2014/10/20 - 2014/10/21]
Final SCARCE International Conference: "RIVER
quantity and quality in Iberian Rivers under global
change", Tarragona, Spain
[2014/10/20 - 2014/10/23]
7th Global FRIEND-Water Conference (FRIEND-Water2014),
Montpellier, France
PROJECTS (Projects
ABOUT EMWIS (Priorities,
Key dates,
Neighbourhood Policy)
Arabic, Spanish & Italian)-
Water glossaries
Documentary database,
Funding for water,
Key emwis-flash-ndeg100-may-2012-1uments,
Water Legislation)
contacts, organisations & information sources)
Union for the Mediterranean) &
Mediterranean Water
Information Mechanism
Water scarcity,
wastewater reuse,
satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to:
23113 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription,
click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector
in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions,
Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will
also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med
Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the
previous issues in
our website.
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to
improve it Contact
the EMWIS Technical Unit.