EMWIS Flash n°139 - July-August 2018
Released | 17/09/2018 |
July - August 2018 |
this issue N°139 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash139)
1- Progress towards a Shared
Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the Mediterranean
2- New steps towards a financial strategy for the UfM Water Agenda
3- Summit on the Mediterranean in Marseille in 2019 announced by French President Emmanuel Macron
4- EUROPE-INBO 2018, Seville, 17-20 October
5- UN-Water report: SDG6 on Water and Sanitation: lack of harmonised monitoring, doubts about reaching targets by 2030
6- EU seeks to
strengthen support for natural disasters
7- Mediterranean Water
and Journalism forum, 2018
8- Women, Water &
Youth: Perspectives from the MENA region’ conference, 26- 27 September
2018, Amman
9- Small and
Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants: prospects and
innovative solutions for all territories
10- SWIM-H2020 SM: Training on waste water reuse and Droughts Monitoring
11- VISCA: key reports on integrated smart climate applications for vineyards
12- Med Greenhouses debate at the Med' agri trade show on 16,17,18 October 2018 in Avignon, France
13- SWOS: Final conference and last user workshop to learn how to use earth observation products and tools, 5-7 November 2018 in Brussels
14- Life-ANADRY: The general director of Water visits Alguazas WWTP and LIFE ANADRY project
15- EU facing important water use challenges
16- Czech Republic: Increasing number of municipalities limit tapwater use
17- Cyprus: Agriculture minister promises action over water shortages
18- Lebanon: Private companies suspected of stealing Beirut Water
19- Israel: 5-year drought raises questions over Israel's water strategy
20- Citizen's Climate
case accepted by the European General Court
21- Morocco: Water among Major Priorities in 2019 Finance Plan
22- Morocco: King Mohammed VI Dissolves Secretariat of State in Charge of Water
23- Palestine: EU switches on the biggest solar energy field in the Gaza strip
24- Palestine: KfW Dev Bank to fund €10 million reuse scheme in Palestine
25- Algeria: 25.9 Millions DA to enhance drinking water supply in Biskra city
26-Tunisia: Water in Tunisia: Between scarcity and poor governance ... the crisis continues!
27- Tunisia: Massive investment against flood risks in Bizerte
28- Is Egypt Running Out of Water?
29- Spain : fined €12 million for failing to treat urban waste water
1- The ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism is organising 2
key meetings to progress with the implementation of effective Shared
Environmental Information Systems in the South Neighbourhood countries.
The 1st one is a Mechanism Regional Workshop on Infrastructure and Data
Management to be held on 4 – 5 October 2018, Rome, Italy. The workshop
will focus on data flow management, the InfoMAP regional platform, Med
POL information system and discussion on the action plan 2018-19. The
2nd one is the ENI SEIS II Steering Committee Meeting and 9th meeting
of the Horizon 2020 Review and Monitoring (RM) Group to be held on 6-7
November 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The aim is to review of progress
achieved with the implementation of review and monitoring of Horizon
2020 (Mediterranean Sea Pollution reduction) and implementation of SEIS
at national and regional levels. A particular emphasis will be given to
the indicator-based assessment and related data flows (Water, Waste and
Industrial Emissions) to prepare of possible UfM Ministerial
Environmental conference in early 2020. Further information on ENI SEIS II South
IN BRIEF (Full news)
2- The UfM organised the
second meeting of the Task Force on
Financial Strategy on water issues for enhancing investment and
sustainable development in the Mediterranean in Paris, 9 July 2018 at
the OECD premises. It allowed to review the first draft of the
Financial Strategy document, to agree on its final structure and
populate its content. The meeting started with a presentation of the
results of the questionnaires distributed by the UfM in May 2018 to UfM
member states and financial partners. The participants agreed on the
next steps for the development of the Financial Strategy. In the
concluding remarks Mr Almotaz Abadi, Managing Director at
the UfM, announced that the meeting had successfully achieved
its objectives as the Representative of the member states, IFIs, and
Development cooperation agencies agreed on the outline of the financial
strategy and the main actions to be taken in order to expand on the
strategy. The participants also agreed on a road map and a set of
meetings in order to present the concept for endorsement at political
level at the end of 2018. Further information on
EMWIS website
3- President Emmanuel Macron (France) announced on that a summit on 27 August, a Mediterranean summit will be held in “the early summer 2019” in Marseille, France, to “find the thread of a Mediterranean policy.” “Ten years after the launch of Union for the Mediterranean, we must define a different Mediterranean policy by learning from all of our successes and shortcomings and involving civil society to recreate a more inclusive Mediterranean policy” said the president during his annual speech to the ambassadors of France. Further information on EMWIS website
4- The 16th "EUROPE-INBO 2018"
International Conference will be held, from Wednesday 17 to
Saturday 20 October 2018, at the invitation of the Spanish Authorities,
in Seville – Spain. "EUROPE-INBO 2018" is addressing national as well
as basin water authorities from EU countries as well as from Eastern
Europe, the Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia and of the Mediterranean
Basin. It will feature a workshop on Invasive Alien Species: Prevention
and Management Solutions" and 4 round tables, respectively on
“Prevention of Drought: Adaptation Planning at the Basin Level, Reuse
and Desalination”; “Efficiency and Multiple Benefits: The Interest of
Combining Hydraulic Infrastructure and Nature-Based Solutions to face
the challenges of climate change in a scarcity environment”;
“International Cooperation: Twinning and Peer-to-Peer Exchanges,
Neighborhood Area, Transboundary Waters”; “Revision of the Water
Framework Directive (WFD): Improving Coordination with other European
Directives (MarineSFD, Flood, Renewable Energy Directives.)”.
Simultaneous translation will be provided into English, Spanish and
French. Further information on INBO website
5- UN-Water has released a new report on Water and Sanitation ahead of the High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development (HLPF) which presents, for each target, the latest data available for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 global indicators. The report seeks to inform discussions among Member States in particular during the HLPF (9 July -18 July 2018) in New York. The HLPF Forum reviewed progress especially on G6, G7, G11, G12, G15 and G17. The key message of this report is that the world will miss the SDG6 targets by 2030 at current rates of progress. It also highlights that only 50 percent of countries have comparable baseline estimates for most SDG 6 global indicators, making it difficult to track progress. It is essential to “harmonize methods and standards”, and establish a common understanding of how to assess Means of Implementation (MoI) across SDG 6. In addition to this report, UN-Water has also set up a webpage with examples of countries sharing their experiences. Further information on EMWIS website
6- The European Solidarity Mechanism has been activated eighteen times in 2017, a year full of fires and floods. Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Spain ... Since the beginning of the summer, devastating and deadly fires have raged from south-east to northern Europe. Already in 2017, more than a million hectares of forests - half of them in Portugal - had gone up in smoke, and more than 200 people died in the natural disasters that affected the European Union. Further information on EMWIS website
7- AMWAJ Forum 2018 is a full two
day programme conceived to promote knowledge exchange, enable
challenging discussions, strengthen partnerships and broaden network
for social entrepreneurs, researchers and journalists of the
Mediterranean region. AMWAJ brings together the private and public
sectors, leaders in environmental sustainability, social entrepreneurs
and media to create a socially-responsible, water and energy conscious
community based on sharing natural resources to drive positive change.
The program is structured as follows: Day 1 - SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP,
take place on 29-30 October 2018 in Palau Reial de Pedralbes,
Barcelona. Further information on EMWIS
8- The Arab International Women’s
Forum (AIWF) and the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) are
hosting a high-level conference on Women, Water & Youth, which will
take place in Amman, Jordan on 26 – 27 September 2018. The conference
will demonstrate the intrinsic link between the challenges of water
scarcity, women’s economic empowerment, and youth unemployment,
providing fertile ground for participants and panel lists to come up
with new solutions to increasingly urgent problems through
technological innovation, education and youth engagement, and a renewed
effort to promote water governance measures. The conference aims to
bring women – who are most affected by water challenges, food
insecurity, armed conflict and displacement, and reduced economic
opportunity – into the conversation. It will also bring vital youth
voices to the table to explore ways in which women-led / targeted, and
youth-led / targeted initiatives might solve environmental and
sustainability challenges whilst simultaneously promoting women’s
economic participation and leadership and addressing the crisis of
youth unemployment in the region. Maha Al Salehi, young water
professional from EMWIS Technical Unit will take part in round table on
water scarcity, sustainability, environmental and development
challenges in the MENA region. Further
information and free registration here.
9- The 5th International Conference on Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants (SWAT5) took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from August 26 to August 29, 2018. The conference presented the best drinking water, wastewater and sludge treatment techniques targeting small and medium size municipalities, rural communities, hotels or industrial plants, with environmental, financial, technical and social evaluation. Cases from Lebanon and Palestine were presented. EMWIS was involved in 3 topics: the Mediterranean sustainable cities platform, dry anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge for agricultural reuse and energy production and the regenerative & nature based water solutions of HYDROUSA project. Further information on SWAT5 website
10- The SWIM-H2020 SM EU-funded Project organised a regional training session on “Technical, Regulatory and Cultural Aspects of Treated Wastewater Reuse” in Athens, 23-24 July (click-here for details on the event) and a National Training session on Drought Monitoring and Early Warning System in Amman-Zarqa Basin, 23-26 July 2018. The former event was dedicated to representatives of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, who are directly involved in drought management/ water resources management and planning, hydrological and water balance modeling were able to improve their existing drought monitoring practices, run the Drought Monitoring System (DMS) and calculate the drought indicators in other basins/areas. Further information on EMWIS website
11- VISCA has recently published three key reports for the development of integrated smart climate applications for vineyards. The first report us 'seasonal forecasts quality assessment' where results show that there is some degree of predictability in the three demo-sites in different variables that can provide value beyond the customary use of climatology. Moreover, the verification / bias-correction / down-scaling workflow developed in this task provides the basics of all future refinements that will be conducted during the remaining two years of the project, e. g. through the exploration of new seasonal prediction systems and/or downscaling techniques. The second reports focuses on 'weather forecast of extreme events' which presents a detailed description of the weather models and processes applied to develop the weather forecast products for vineyards. Two sub-products are delivered: short-term weather forecasts and mid-term weather forecast. While the third report describes ‘the performance of phenological model' concerning the principles of bud break and berry models for the seasonal forecast of the key grapevine phenological stages. The document also includes the description of the LEAF model as well as the calibration and validation analysis performed to test the availability of the models to predict the different phenological events. For further information, check VISCA website.
12- In the framework of Medgreenhouses project (improving eco-innovation capacities of public and private actors in the greenhouse/agriculture sector), EMWIS will organize a workshop on the morning of 17 October, during the med’agri 2018 that will take place from 16 to 18 October 2018 in Avignon, France. It will focus on the needs and expectations of farmers from the French PACA region for green house innovation, the potential of Geothermal energy and solar energy, the development of bio-industry based on greenhouses, and the financial tools available for innovative Eco technologies. Contributions from ADEME, BRGM, greenhouses industry and farmers associations are expected. Med greenhouses "Green Growth through the capitalization of innovative Greenhouses" is a capitalization project co-founded under the intrerreg-MED program for a period of 18 months. The project is mainly capitalizing results of LIFE+ "Adapt2change" project by promoting, disseminating & transferring Greenhouses innovations in the MED area, minimizing water & energy demand. Further information on MEDgreenhouses website
13- On 5-6 November 2018 a workshop on SWOS and the SWOS portal in which participants can familiarise themselves with the various aspects of SWOS in an interactive and dynamic ‘World Cafe’ format will be organised in Brussels. The purpose of the training workshop is to teach users how to apply and work with satellite data for wetland monitoring, restoration and management, how to use the SWOS service components (maps and indicators, software tools and the portal) and to demonstrate how to integrate SWOS products into selected service cases (e.g. Ramsar or SDG 6.6.1 reporting). The workshop will offer different training sessions according to participants’ different levels of pre-existing knowledge and tasks that the participants have to fulfil within their user organisation. The workshop will offer several sessions, from how to find satellite data to training on indicators and use cases, including nomenclatures, metadata, software and user portal functions. It will be followed by the SWOS final conference (7 November) on threads and trends affecting wetlands and fact-based evidence provided by SWOS for appropriate policy responses. For further information, check SWOS website.
14- The Alguazas waste
water treatment plant (Murcia, Spain) is now ready to provide 1,200
cubic hectometres of reclaimed water to the irrigators in the region
(to irrigate about ??1,521 hectares). The general director of Water of
Murcia region, Sebastián Delgado, visited the facility and reported
that "the reclaimed water is of excellent quality, the plant, built in
2014 with tertiary treatment and a capacity
to serve a population of 162,000 inhabitants." 200,000 euros have been
invested to increase its energy efficiency. In addition, the Ministry
of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries will allocate 2 million
euros until 2019 in actions in 20 municipalities "with the aim of
saving energy costs in the operation of each plant." In Alguazas WWTP,
Life-Anadry project is developed as an alternative for the management
and treatment of sludge which is co-financed by the European
Union within the Life program. The technology is based on a
pre-industrial scale design composed of a 20 cubic meter cylindrical
reactor with capacity to treat up to three tons per day of sewage
sludge. During the project, different temperature conditions
(mesophilic and thermophilic) are studied and the performance in terms
of stabilization, sanitation and biogas production is being currently
determined. For further information, check
life-ANADRY website.
15- The EEA report on water use in EU, is challenging decision makers to act more for water efficiency. Europeans use billions of cubic metres of water every year not only for drinking water, but also for use in farming, manufacturing, heating and cooling, tourism and other service sectors. With thousands of freshwater lakes, rivers and underground water sources available, the supply of water in Europe may seem limitless. But population growth, urbanisation, pollution and the effects of climate change, such as persistent droughts, are putting a huge strain on Europe’s water supplies and on its quality. Water use by most economic sectors has decreased in Europe since the 1990s, thanks to many measures taken to improve efficiency, such as better water pricing or technological improvements in appliances and machines. but climate change is expected to aggravate this water deficit further. Given this, we all have to use water much more efficiently. Moreover, saving water will also help us save other resources and help conserve nature. Further information on EMWIS website
16- The Czech Republic, like most of Europe, continues to face serious problems related to the drawn-out period of drought. Nearly 60 municipalities around the country have already introduced measures restricting the use of drinking water. The cabinet addressed the issue at its first session after the summer holidays. According to the government report on drought, debated in the lower house of Parliament on 15 August, the critical situation is likely to continue at least until the end of the summer holidays. According to the document, July was two degrees warmer than in the past 30 years, while rainfall levels dropped by over 50 percent below average. Hydrological drought, meaning abnormally low levels of water flow, has been declared on more than 50 percent of the country’s water streams. Further information on EMWIS website
17- Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis of Cyprus said on 23rd of July, that new measures to tackle long-term drought should be introduced in September including more desalination plants and possibly a solar desalination unit. During a visit at the Famagusta district to discuss with the farmers the problems they are facing with water shortages, Kadis said that the installation of a solar desalination unit by an Austrian company was possible. He said that feedback from farmers was very important. “We want to be directly involved in the challenges they face and, through dialogue, to find the most appropriate solutions to the problems they face, mainly on water and how to best handle to the continued drought” Kadis said. Further information on EMWIS website
18- Citizens from the Lebanese capital, Beirutis have for some time undergone total and permanent water cuts. This led them to multiply calls to the green line, to complain about the lack of water. Some subscribers have outright reported abuse, theft of water from the reservoirs of the Water Establishment of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, and diversion of this water to resell it to private tanks. Complaints that aroused the suspicions of the MP Roula Tabch Jaroudi to the point of alerting the Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, who gave his instructions. Further information on EMWIS website
19- For years, public service announcements warned Israelis to save water: take shorter showers, plant resilient gardens, conserve water, .... Then Israel invested heavily in desalination technology and professed to have solved the problem by tapping into the abundant waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The once ubiquitous conservation warnings vanished. Now, a five-year drought is now challenging that strategy, as farmers struggle and the country's most important bodies of water shrink. It's a confounding situation for a country that places itself on the forefront of desalination technology in an arid region, where water is a key geostrategic issue that has its own clauses in peace agreements. "Nobody expected five years of drought in a row, so despite our desalination capacity, it's still a very, very grave situation," said Yuval Steinitz, Israel's minister of energy. The drought “will be solved, there is no question,” Steinitz, the energy minister, said. “This area is not new for us. We simply resume our historic tradition to focus and find developing water solutions.” Further information on EMWIS website
20- In May 2018 families
from Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Kenya, Fiji and the
Swedish Saami Youth Association Sáminuorra sued the European Parliament
and the Council of the European Union for the inadequate climate target
for 2030. The lawsuit claims that the European Union’s climate target
fails to protect their human rights. The European General Court has
accepted the case and, is published in the Official Journal of the
European Union today. This is an important first step in the proceeding
of the People’s Climate Case. The European Parliament and the Council
of the European Union are expected to react within two months. This
news comes at a moment when most Europeans are still suffering from
heat waves, droughts and wildfires. These extreme weather events which
scientists associate with climate change directly affect the plaintiffs
of the case. Further information on EMWIS
21- Head of Moroccan Government Saad Eddine El Othmani published an explanatory note to the 2019 Finance Bill on Wednesday, August 15, in which he listed major sectors and programs that will be central in Morocco’s budget in 2019. According to El Othmani’s explanatory note, the government will provide conditions to promote the economy and support investment and entrepreneurship. The government plans to carry out industrialization by increasing the industrial sector’s contribution to gross domestic product, attracting foreign investment, and reducing the trade deficit. The government will also select projects to improve living conditions for the population, especially those in remote areas. In this regard, the government will complete the preparation of the national water plan and take measures to deal with emergency situations, in particular the shortage of drinking water. The government also hopes to develop alternative energies. Further information on EMWIS website
22- King Mohammed VI has removed the State Secretariat in charge of Water, headed by Charafat Afilal, following the proposal of the head of government, Saad Eddine El Othmani. The secretariat has been incorporated into the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, and Logistics, with the aim to improve the management of water-related projects in the kingdom. The King claimed water issues are of “high importance” to him. The decision was also made to “enhance integration and consistency between all the bodies concerned with water management in the ministry,” according to the communique of the Royal Palace released on Monday, August 20. Further information on EMWIS website
23- In July , the biggest
photovoltaic solar field in Gaza was completed. It will
provide 0.5 Megawatts of electricity per day to fuel the Southern Gaza
Desalination Plant. The EU-funded Southern Gaza Desalination Plant
currently provides drinking water to 75,000 inhabitants in the Khan
Younis and Rafah governorates. With the new energy field and new
investments foreseen it will eventually reach 250,000 people in
Southern Gaza by 2020. The EU is investing in long-term water
infrastructure across Palestine with an emphasis on the Gaza Strip. In
Gaza 97% of the water is unfit for human consumption. The very high
population density in Gaza is putting huge strain on the ailing
infrastructure, which is crumbling as a result of repeated conflicts,
over ten years of Israeli closure, and the intra-Palestinian split.
This infrastructure strain has led to critical water insecurity in the
Strip. The EU budget mobilised between 2006 and 2017 alone was €128
million. €21 million has been allocated in 2018. The goal is to secure
self-sufficient, equitable, affordable and sustainable access to
energy, safe drinking water and sanitation services for all. Further
information on
EMWIS website
24- Germany's KfW Development Bank is to fund a new water reuse scheme for agricultural irrigation in Nablus, on the northern West Bank, Palestine. The financing agreement worth €10 million was signed by KfW Development Bank, Palestine’s ministry of finance and planning, Nablus municipality, and the Palestinian Water Authority. The funds will be used to add new treatment processes to the existing Nablus West wastewater treatment plant, and to build a reservoir, transmission lines, and irrigation systems; as well as to boost operational skills and capacity. The project is the first large scale reuse scheme in the West Bank, and follows on from two successful pilot projects. The agreement was constructed within the framework of the German-Palestinian Development Cooperation.Further information on EMWIS website
25- An amount of 25.9 million
dinars has been allocated for the improvement of drinking water supply
in the city of Biskra (Algeria), announced the local director of
Water Resources, Belaid Mzarket. The multiple operations planned for
this purpose aim at renewing the drinking water networks of four (4)
housing groups located in the northern part of the Ziban capital: the
neighborhoods of El Fadjr, Merzoug, Houhou and Ouled. Ogab. Funded in
the framework of the communal development
plan of 2018, this project
will extend various channels on a distance of 6,300 linear meters,
including 1200 meters for the main water supply pipe. This
operation will improve the water supply for the benefit of 5,600
people in addition to reducing losses and repairing faults observed on
the network. All works are planned to be completed by the end of 2018.
Further information on
EMWIS website
26- Several Tunisian cities have been threatened with total water deprivation since the beginning of the summer of 2018. Years after years, the worst-case scenario is approaching. On 1 August, the Secretary of State for Hydraulic Resources reported that Tunisia suffers from a shortage of water. Several neighborhoods have already been deprived of water for days and residents are looking for solution during this scorching period. Further information on EMWIS website
27- To fight against flood risk
(last event in August 2018 resulted in 42 persons evacuated, roads
cuts, and houses inundated), the 2nd phase of Bizerte city flood
protection project will start end September 2018 with a budget of 11 M
Dinars (about 3.4 MEuros). A storm water network will be installed. Mr.
Nejib Ben Chikha, Urban Hydraulic director from the Ministry of
Equipment announced that the total cost of the project is 50 MDinars
(about 15.5 MEuros)., including a completed 1st phase (3,5 MD).
Further information on EMWIS
28- For the last couple of years,
Egypt has been the focus of climate various reports which have
adamantly secured Egypt’s placement as a country in high-risk of water
problems in the near future due to water scarcity. The UN
predicts that Egypt will be approaching a state of “absolute water
crisis” by 2025. Egypt’s standing is below the level of water poverty
and the country is suffering from water scarcity stated Egypt’s
Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Ezz Eddin Abo Setit.
Indeed, the country suffers a shortage of water that reaches 54 billion
cubic meters, and it needs a total of 114 billion cubic meters in order
to cover its needs from water for agricultural, industrial and
households needs. Egypt’s current resources only provide about 60
billion cubic meters. Further information on
EMWIS website
29- The European Court of Justice on Wednesday 25 July ordered Spain to pay a €12 million fine for prolonged failure to comply with a European directive on urban waste water collection and treatment. In an earlier judgment issued in 2011, this court had found that there were still 43 agglomerations with a population of 15,000 or more that failed to meet EU standards, even though member states were supposed to have adequate collection and treatment systems in place since 2001. Spain was given a 2013 deadline to comply, but the deadline expired and 17 localities were still discharging their waste water without proper treatment. Further information on EMWIS website
30- After the departure of the French
Ministry in charge of Environment, Nicolas Hulot on 28 August, the
French Government announced, on 4 September, the nomination of
François de RUGY as State Minister in charge of Environment. Mr. de
RUGY was head of the French National Assembly and former green
lawmaker. Further information on EMWIS
31- Vacancy: WWF Mediterranean North Africa Communication and Partnership Officer in Tunisia. Further information on EMWIS Website
32- Vacancy programme management officer at the UN: This post is located in Ecosystem Division at the Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan - Barcelona Convention Secretariat (MAP) in the Athens duty station. The incumbent will be responsible for the support and development of the 2023 Mediterranean Quality Status Report to demonstrate the progress made towards Good Environmental Status and its related targets. Deadline submission: 29 September 2018. Further information on EMWIS Website
33- Vacancies: Programme Managers - Environment - Clean Energy and Sustainable Development. The Centre on Green Finance and Investment at OCDE seeks two Programme Managers, each to lead a new multi-year initiative. Further information on EMWIS Website
34- Launch of the OECD Report Reshaping Decentralised Development Co-operation: The Key Role of Cities and Regions for the 2030 Agenda. The report was launched at the EU Partnership Forum 2018. Further information on EMWIS Website
35- The State of the World's Forests
2018 (SOFO). Published By the FAO, the report illustrate the
status of forests, recent major policy and institutional developments
and key issues concerning the forest sector. It makes current, reliable
and policy-relevant information widely available to facilitate informed
discussion and decision-making with regard to the world's
forests.Further information on
EMWIS Website
36- Call for applicants: production of policy factsheets on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean. In the framework of the Interreg MED Project BleuTourMed – Maritime and Coastal Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean four calls for experts on the topic of Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean have been launched. The objective of these calls for applicants is to select four experts (one for each identified issue) to draft a policy factsheet. Further information on EMWIS website
37- The SwitchMed training Programme is looking for green entrepreneurs, either individuals or in a group, who can start-up and develop economic projects that will create ecological and social value. Thaking part in the training programme is free of charge. Would you like to transform your green product idea and/or service to be lunched onto the market? Do you wish to launch a business that is capable to generationg added value at all levels- economic, envoronmental and social ? Country concerned Tunisia- Algeria -Jordan- palestine- Israel- Lebanon- Morocco- Egypt. Further information on EMWIS website
38- EcoPeace Workshop on Middle East Water Security and Environmental Peacebuilding: The workshop will be held from 10 to 15 December in Jordan, with the possibility to continue on a 2 day trip in Israel/Palestine, on 16-17 December. Participation is open to civil society organizations from around the world, especially those working in conflict areas. Civil society organizations from Jordan, Israel and Palestine are not eligible. Limited space is also available for individuals from academia, think tanks, development agencies and foundations interested in our unique methodology. Civil society organizations coming from conflict areas may be eligible for financial support. The deadline to submit your APPLICATION FORM is September 30th. Further information on EMWIS website
39- The ESA (European Space Agency) is organising a user consultation
meeting from 11-13 December in ESA Frascati (near Rome, IT) to define a
roadmap for a Mediterranean initiative within ESA's EO Science for
Society Programme Element, encompassing topics such as atmosphere,
oceanography, climate, water and land research and applications.
Deadline for submitting articles: 15/9/2018. Further information on EMWIS
[12/11/2018 - 15/11/2018] International training course for the Design of Resilient Farming Systems in face of climate change in Dry Regions. These courses aimed to prepare young scientists for the analysis and assessment of the sustainability of farming systems thanks to integrated approaches. Important dates: 1 October 2018: closing candidature. 15 October 2018 for the initial e-learning stage. 12 November 2018 for the on-site training stage in Morocco Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/12/06 - 2018/12/07] Integrated water management: issues between society and nature EMWIS website
[2018/12/04 - 2018/12/06] The Fourth International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/11/27 - 2018/11/30] Industrial Water 2018, 27 - 30 November 2018. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/11/12 - 2018/11/15] International training course for the Design of Resilient Farming Systems in face of climate change in Dry Regions. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/29 - 2018/10/30] A Mediterranean Water And Journalism forum for sustainable development "Amwaj" 29-30 OCTOBER 2018. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/24 - 2018/10/27] Watec Italy 2018 – water
technologies and more. Further information on EMWIS
[2018/10/16 - 2018/10/18] International Conference Water Science for Impact. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/14 - 2018/10/18] Cairo Water
Week 2018. Further information on conference website
[2018/10/04 - 2018/10/07] IX International Agriculture Symposium
"AGROSYM 2018, Jahorina, 4-7 October 2018, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Further information on EMWIS
[2018/10/02 - 2018/10/03] The 3rd International Conference on Water and Climate. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/10/02 - 2018/10/02 ] The human and social sciences and water issues. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/09/30 - 2018/10/03] Fifth International Symposium on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy, Skiathos island, Greece, from September 30 to October 03, 2018. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/09/20 - 2018/09/20] Water in Smart Cities. Further information on EMWIS website
[2018/09/20 - 2018/09/21] 5th EU Water Conference: EU Water Legislation. Further information on EMWIS website
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