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Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration (Part 2)
Released | 09/07/2012 |
REMOTE SENSING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (Part 2) - In April, Douglas Nyolei asked, Could anyone be having a link to remote sensing products of Evapotranspiration especially around East African. I would greatly appreciate getting a link to these data, especially generated from Landsat Imagery. If a link doesn’t exist, I would also appreciate getting advice on a quick way of generating these products. For example which GIS/remote sensing software has this model built within it. Here is part one of some sites that may be of interest. If you know of others, please contact Douglas at dnyolei@YAHOO.COM
Immerzeel, W.W. et al. 2006. Remote Sensing and Evapotranspiration Mapping: State of the Art. NIVR Research paper no. 1. 37 p. http://www.futurewater.nl/downloads/2006_Immerzeel_FW55.pdf
Irmak. Ayse. 2012. Evapotranspiration - Remote Sensing and Modeling. 514 p. Book listing. http://www.intechopen.com/books/evapotranspiration-remote-sensing-and-modeling
Jin, X. et al. 2005. Research on evaporation of Taiyuan basin area by using remote sensing. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2: 209–227. http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci-discuss.net/2/209/2005/hessd-2-209-2005-print.pdf
Kinyanjui, Mwangi J n.d. Case Study 8: Case study on changes in NDVI values in the period 1998 – 2009: the case of Maasai Mau, Southwestern Mau and Eastern Mau. http://endeleo.vgt.vito.be/casestudy8.html
Lerer, Sara. 2008. Estimation of actual evapotranspiration using remote sensing data for the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Thesis. 109 p. http://www.env.dtu.dk/upload/institutter/dtu-miljoe+dtu-environment/nyheder+news/begivenheder+events/coldingaward-and-courceoftheyear/vindere+winners/files/msc%20thesis%20sara%20lerer.pdf
Li, Fuqin; Lyons, T. J. 1999: Estimation of Regional Evapotranspiration through Remote Sensing. J. Appl. Meteor., 38, 1644–1654. Abstract. http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/1520-0450(1999)038%3C1644%3AEORETR%3E2.0.CO%3B2
Lin, Shengpan et al. 2012. Evaluation of estimating daily maximum and minimum air temperature with MODIS data in east Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 18: 128–140. Abstract. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303243412000050
Liu, J., et al.2003. Mapping evapotranspiration based on remote sensing: An application to Canada’s landmass, Water Resour. Res., 39(7), 1189. 15 p. , http://www.unc.edu/courses/2007fall/geog/801/001/www/ET/Liu03-WRR.pdf
Maeda, Eduardo Eiji et al. 2011. Estimating reference evapotranspiration using remote sensing and empirical models in a region with limited ground data availability in Kenya. Applied Geography 31: 251-258. http://www.helsinki.fi/geo/research/publications/Taita_Hills_publications/Peer_reviewed_articles/Maeda_E_et_al_2011_Estimating%20reference%20evapotranspiration%20using%20remote%20sensing%20.pdf
Mendonça, José Carlos et al. 2009. Assessment of Evapotranspiration in North Fluminense Region, Brazil, Using Modis Products and Sebal Algorithm. 18 p. http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/26097/InTech-Assessment_of_evapotranspiration_in_north_fluminense_region_brazil_using_modis_products_and_sebal_algorithm.pdf
Mennis, J. 2001. Exploring relationships between ENSO and vegetation vigour in the south-east USA using AVHRR data. Int. J. Remote Sensing 22(16): 3077–3092. http://astro.temple.edu/~jmennis/pubs/mennis_ijrs01.pdf
Graham, Alan. 2011. The age and diversification of terrestrial New World ecosystems through Cretaceous and Cenozoic time. American Journal of Botany 98(3): 336-351. http://www.amjbot.org/content/98/3/336.full
John, Ranjeet et al. 2008. Predicting plant diversity based on remote sensing products in the semi-arid region of Inner Mongolia. Remote Sensing of Environment 112: 2018–2032. http://www.forestthreats.org/publications/raleigh/Predicting_plant_diversity.pdf
Kiage, L. M., et al. 2007. Recent land-cover/use change associated with land degradation in the Lake Baringo catchment, Kenya, East Africa: evidence from Landsat TM and ETM+. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(19): 4285 - 4309. http://www.oceanography.lsu.edu/faculty/liu/Paleoecology_Web/index_files/Kiage%20Recent%20land-cover%20use.pdf
Maathuis, B.H.P.; Mannaerts, C.M.M.2012. GEONETCast – DevCoCast Application Manual. ITC. Version 1. 212 p. ftp://ftp.itc.nl/pub/52n/gnc_devcocast_applications/description/devcocast_application_manual.pdf
KEEPING UP-TO-DATE – PRODUCTS, NEWSLETTERS, EMAIL LISTS, JOURNALS. See also http://botany.si.edu/puhttps://www.createspace.com/3489254bs/bcn/links.cfm, http://scholar.google.com/, and Directory of open access journals. http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=findJournals.
BCN - Biological Conservation Newsletter - July 2012 - Issue No. 331 now available at http://botany.si.edu/pubs/bcn/issue/latest.htm
InfoSylva – No 12/2012 now available at http://www.fao.org/forestry/33249-07fba86e5f58b22e8c5de0145c481c3fd.pdf
NWFP – The latest issue and sadly the final issue of FAO’s Non-wood Forest Products newsletter at www.fao.org/forestry/site/12980/en/ Our friend, Tina Etherington is retiring from FAO after 34 years. We wish all the best in her new ‘vocation.’
People and Forest E-News – the July 2012 issue is now available at http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a79eee76ce1869204bc04a12d&id=e052a89c02&e=73f2043cf8
WORKING SMARTER - WORKSHOPS, MEETINGS, EVENTS, ETC. – See also: http://www.gfis.net, http://www.iufro.org/events/calendar/ and http://www.iufro.org/discover/noticeboard/.
22-26 April 2013. Earth Observation and Global Environmental Change - 50 Years of Remote Sensing: Progress and Prospects. 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE35), Beijing, China. Call for papers is now open. For details see http://www.isrse35.org/. From Artur Gil, Applied GIS-RS list.
15-20 October 2012. 2012 Advanced training in land remote sensing. Beijing, P.R. China. Details at . http://earth.eo.esa.int/trainingcourses/LandTrainingCourse2012/. From Artur Gil, Applied GIS RS List.
MOVING AHEAD – OPPORTUNITIES – See also: Scholarships-Positions - http://scholarship-positions.com/ , Forestry, Arboriculture, Agriculture, Agronomy & Natural Resource Management Jobs at http://www.earthworks-jobs.com/forest.htm, Riley Guide to Agriculture, Forestry, & Farming Jobs http://www.rileyguide.com/agric.html, Finding Your Dream Job in Natural Resources http://www.cyber-sierra.com/nrjobs/, http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/index.html The Job Seekers Guide for International and Environmental Careers http://timresch.net/ejobs/index.htm and Scholarship Listing http://www.scholarshiplisting.com/.
Ph.D. position in the area of permafrost modelling with remote sensing. Modelling permafrost extension and occurrence from satellite-derived vegetation and surficial geology maps. A funded graduate position (at the level of a NSERC scholarship) is available in the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick. The project is funded by the Canadian Space Agency and is undertaken in collaboration with the Canadian Centre of Remote Sensing and Parks Canada. The applicant will integrate vegetation and surficial geology maps within a model designed to understand and forecast the long-term implications of climate change for the permafrost extent. The maps will be derived from optical and SAR imagery. Details on the model can be found in http://www.agu.org/journals/jd/jd0322/2002JD003354/2002JD003354.pdf. The project is best suited to a Ph.D. student, although exceptional M.Sc. applicants will be considered. The successful applicant will need to acquire skills in programming environments like MS Visual C++; thus, candidates with experiences in simulation modelling and computing language will be at significant advantage. Otherwise, the main qualifications for this position are strong quantitative skills and an interest in physical modelling and remote sensing. A working knowledge of GIS would also be an asset. The applicant will have the opportunity to travel to the Northwest Territories and northern Ontario for field work. Holders of NSERC PGS or other scholarships are obviously encouraged to apply. A large portion of the time spent willl be at CCRS in Ottawa. Applicants should submit by email a short statement of interest, a current CV, transcripts and the names of three references. The position must commence no later than September 2012. To apply, or for further information, contact Professor Brigitte Leblon, UNB, (bleblon@unb.ca). From Artur Gil, Applied GIS-RS List.
Research associate – knowledge management in the context of climate change. Institute for Applied Remote Sensing. Bolzano, Italy. See: http://www.eurac.edu/en/research/institutes/remotesensing/Jobs/Researchassociate_27.06.2012.html. From Artur Gil, Applied GIS-RS List.