Participate in defining a Circularity Assessment Framework - Multi-Sectoral Approach
A joint initiative from the HYDROUSA project (regenerative and nature based water solutions for circular economy) and the COST Action CA17133 on Circular City is looking at identifying, shortlisting, and validating key Circularity Performance Indicators (CPI’s) which can be used as metrics in a multi-sectoral circularity assessment framework.
A survey has been designed to take into consideration the vision of different types of stakeholders. The survey is anonymous. It proposes circularity criteria and try to identify the constraints in monitoring them in sector such as agriculture & livestock, food processing, building and construction, Energy, plastic industry, drinking water production, water and sanitation operators, wastewater treatment, domestic waste operators, Consultancy companies, regions and municipalities, Environmental agencies. By replying to the survey, you will be able to compare your current or future approach with already identified ones and if you wish (and provide your contact details) we will inform you on results and invited to a webinar where results will be discussed. Please use the following link to access the survey. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details or if you require any support (e.g. interview to fill-in the questionnaire).
Contact information | n/a |
News type | Inbrief |
File link | n/a |
Source of information | COST Action CA17133 on Circular City |
Geographical coverage | n/a |
News date | 02/11/2020 |
Working language(s) | ENGLISH |