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News Lebanon : Severe water shortages compound desperate situation

Severe water shortages compound desperate situation for children and families in Beirut

BEIRUT, 28 AUGUST 2020 – 300,000 people in Beirut continue to face a lack of access to critical safe water and sanitation services, UNICEF warned today, more than three weeks after the huge explosion tore through Lebanon’s capital.

While public water infrastructure thankfully sustained only minor damage and remains mostly functional, the explosions compounded an already precarious situation in terms of access to safe water and sanitation in the greater Beirut area, with a significant number of water tanks and plumbing systems in buildings near the blast being damaged. An estimated 130 buildings in the affected area have been completely disconnected from the main water network and the water systems of more than 500 occupied buildings have been damaged.

“As COVID-19 cases continue to surge, it is more critical than ever to ensure that children and families whose lives were turned upside down by the explosion have access to safe water and sanitation,” said UNICEF Lebanon Representative Yukie Mokuo. “When communities don’t have access to this critical necessity, the risk of water-borne diseases, as well as COVID-19, can skyrocket,” she added. UNICEF is working to provide training and resources to equip thousands more young people across Lebanon with the skills they need to be part of the effort to rebuild their country, including training on repairs and maintenance on critical water and sanitation infrastructure.

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Geographical coverage Lebanon
News date 02/09/2020
Working language(s) ENGLISH