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APFM at Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction
Integrated Flood Management Training Workshop for Flood Hazard Mappin
Launching of the Publication Water Governance in OECD Countries : a Multilevel Approach
UNESCO-IHE Education and Training Guide 2012 online
Water issue of UNESCO’s World Heritage magazine
World Congress on Call for Papers: Water, Climate & Energy 2012
'Water for Life' UN-Water Best Practices Award
1er Plan national d'adaptation au changement climatique : « Anticiper pour protéger les Français »
AID POLICY: 10 facts and figures from the 2011 MDG report
ARIMNet Joint Call for Trasnational Research Proposals
Achieving equitable access to water and sanitation still requires action throughout the UNECE region, east and west
Aid agencies condemn Israeli destruction of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure
Alain Juppé veut relancer l'Union pour la Méditerranée
Announcement and Call for Papers: The IHP Symposium on Extreme Events "Meteorological, Hydrological and Tsunami Disasters: Social Adaptation and Future" (EXTREME2011)
Ashdod desalination plant gets financial approval
Beijing diverts water from neighbors to quench thirst
Bi-regional coordination of S&T cooperation including priority setting and definition of S&T cooperation policies - Activity INCO-NET
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grant Awarded to UNESCO-IHE and partners
CDC: Global access to clean drinking water on the rise
CGIAR CPWF seeks abstracts for attending the 3rd International Forum on Water and Food
CIWEM'S Youth Water Prize Winner to compete in international final
Call for Presentations: Water & Environment 2012: CIWEM’s Annual Conference
Call for project: ICT for efficient water resources management
Calls for Tenders related to the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation: "Study on research-funding foundations in the EU:quantitative and qualitative assessment, comparative analysis, trends and potential"
Citi's Top Economist Says The Water Market Will Soon Eclipse Oil
Compilation of recently approved LIFE Environment Policy & Governance projects
Compilation of recently approved LIFE Information & Communication projects
Darfur International Water Conference: Water for Sustainable Peace 2011
Desalination help published with WHO drinking water standards
Direct Potable Reuse: The Future
Direct Potable Reuse: The Future
Dow plans membrane plant in Saudi Arabia
Dryland regions unite to combat food security
EC proposes 40 per cent rise in neighbourhood policy funding
EMWIS & UNU-INWEH signed a cooperation agreement
EPSU Declaration on the occasion of the first anniversary of the UN recognition of water and sanitation as a human right
EU provides €4 million to help Palestinians face drought
Egypt: World Bank supports improved rural sanitation for 1.2 million people
Energy Savings in the Water Industry
Energy-Efficient Solutions to Global Water Challenges
Euphrates-Tigris: A View from Syria
European organisations celebrate the 1st anniversary of the UN resolution on the human right to water
FAO Conference Elects New Director-General
FAO: Major impacts of climate change on water for farming
First IPEMED water workshop in view of the World Water Forum 2012
G-WADI organizes Training Workshop on Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones
H2020 regional workshop: Learning to measure carbon and water footprints
Hazardous substances in Europe’s fresh and marine waters – an overview
Health policy: global assembly approves three WASH resolutions
Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Hydroinformatics Vision 2011
IDA issues Gulf environmental Blue Paper
IDA releases advance program for Perth congress
In Ethiopia, UNICEF helps meet water supply challenges in drought-hit Raya Azebo district
Information materials on the human right to water and sanitation produced for Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum
Integrating water with climate change adaptation plans
International Conference Dynamic Deltas 2012
Iraq launches groundwater database to reduce uncertainty in the country’s water supply
Israeli Data Company Makes a Splash in the Water Industry
Israeli wastewater-electricity startup uses microbial fuel cell
Job Vacancy-Society for the Protection of Prespa
Juppé à Barcelone pour l’installation de Youssef Amrani
KARIANET: Regional Network on Knowledge management and Knowledge sharing in rural development in MENA region
Kyoto World Water Grand Prize Call for applications - deadline extended
L'Europe lance un fonds de 265 M€ pour aider les projets d'efficacité énergétique
Lack of data on droughts hampers risk reduction efforts
Launch of International Energy & Water Training Institute (IEWTI)
Launch of new GEF project on "Groundwater Governance"
Launch of the 4th edition of WHO Drinking-water Quality Guidelines at Singapore International Water Week
Lebanon: Launching of a hydro-agricultural project
MEDRC-Palestine desalination/reuse scholarship program set up
MedPartnership expert meeting in Madrid
Morocco inaugurates EIB-financed Rabat-Sale tramway and Oujda wastewater treatment plant
Morocco inaugurates EIB-financed Rabat-Salé tramway and Oujda wastewater treatment plant
New Lords Inquiry into EU Freshwater Policy
Nouveau Président de l'IME / New President of IME
Office assistant vacancy, European Water Partnership office
Once fertile valley dries up as Jerichoans face drought and demolition
Ouverture du poste de Secrétaire exécutif de l’OSS
Palestine, Gaza: US artists raise awareness about water crisis
Palestine: Right to water and sanitation campaign launched
Palestinians fear for ancient water source in West Bank
Portuguese union fights privatisation of water
Position Announcement: Post-doctoral Fellowship in Socio-Hydrology
Programme, call for registration: Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene, 9-14 October, Mumbai, India
Project: "eLeanor - e-Learning and inNOvation in vocational training for wateR industries"
Publication: AWWA publishes ‘Utility Management for Water and Wastewater Operators’
Publication: Groundwater for Emergency situations: A Methodological Guide
Publication: Hydrological Predictions
Publication: Sustainable Water for the Future. Water Recycling versus Desalination
Registration now open for Eco Cities Forum
Registration now open for the Workshop on Water and Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector
Registration now open for: HYDRO 2011 - Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future Prague
Remote sensing and monitoring rice crops
Safe water and healthy water services in a changing environment
Sanitation innovation grants: USAID and Gates Foundation announce US$ 17 million WASH for Life programme
Siemens ED-CEDI desalination demo achieves 1.8 kWh/m³
Siemens successfully concluded R&D project on low-energy seawater desalination: technology ready for full-scale testing
Successful Aquatech China 2011
The 6th World Water Forum Thematic Targets now published
The European Water Association acknowledged Professor Peter Matthews ( UK ) with honorary member-ship
The KWB - Berlin Centre of Competence for Water June newsletter is available online
The Pollution Challenge
The President of the World Water Council and the President of the 6th World Water Forum at the Singapore International Water Week
The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean receives its new Secretary General
The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW)
The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW) | managing systems at risk
The new EWA President Prof Pertti Seuna has stepped into his duty
The “Desalination Facility for the Gaza Strip” Project unanimously obtains the UfM Label
Tianjin selected for 2013 IDA World Desalination Congress
Ttraining course on desalination for Palestinians, Israeli and Jordanians
UN publishes Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Report; sanitation still lagging
UN summit to address global water crisis
UN to commemorate 1st anniversary of historic human right to water resolution today
UN-Water invites you to nominate your best practice for the 2nd edition of the ‘Water for Life’ UN-Water Best Practices Award
UNESCO IHP holds an International Symposium on Modular Curriculum Development for Postgraduate and Technical Education in Integrated Water Resources Management
UNESCO-IHP and IAHS organize Symposium on "Water Quality: Current Trends and Expected Climate Change Impacts"
UNESCO: Groundwater for Emergency Situations
UNICEF concerned about impact of drought and food crisis on children in the Horn of Africa
UNICEF delivers crucial supplies as the situation in the Horn of Africa deteriorates
USAID supports MENA water network with US$ 1.5 million grant programme
Vacancy Announcement: (Senior) Lecturer in Water Supply Engineering – UNESCO-IHE
Vacancy Announcement: UNESCO seeks Director and Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
WASH Media Awards 2011-2012
Water crisis: world needs water leadership say former heads of government
Water for Future Generations
Water quality and wastewater treatment: WISE interactive maps updated
Water safety: adding phosphate reduces both lead and copper
Water, Life and Civilisation: Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley
Waterloss project: management of water losses in drinking water supply system
Watershed Research Calls for research proposals
`Super` sand could improve water filtration