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News Water Integrity Network (WIN) Assistant Coordinator: Thematic Platform Development, Monitoring and Evaluation

The Water Integrity Network (WIN) is an action oriented coalition of individuals and organizations that are able and willing to support the cause of increasing Water Integrity benefiting poor people in helping to prevent or reduce corruption in IWRM, Drinking water and environmental sanitation, water for food and water for energy, basin management and flood protection. The majority of WIN’s partners and members are active in the water sector.

The overall objectives of WIN are (1) Promoting pro-poor Water Integrity practice to prevent and/or reduce corruption in the water sector, and (2) Building coalitions at local, regional and global levels to jointly improve Water Integrity (WI).

The network brings together water sector and governance actors, particularly among the CSO constituencies who will in future play a key catalytic role, not only with improving the performance of public sector institutions in the water sector by promoting transparency, integrity, accountability and stakeholder participation but also to help to stimulate better enforcement of legal and regulatory provisions, for example by the incorporation of anti-corruption measures in arrangements with communities and the private sector.

The overall approach of WIN comprises five main components:

  • Advocacy and communication to raise awareness, stimulate WI action and share information
  • Joint learning and sharing experience among network members and strategic partners and sharing results on Website
  • Mobilizing and facilitating coalitions of WIN members and strategic partner to maximize impact particularly at country level.
  • Facilitating, encouraging and building capacity for the development of Country Based WI Scans and WI Action Programmes
  • Monitoring and reporting on progress.

The WIN secretariat is a lean entity relying on expertise of members and partners, including the International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Stockholm International Water Institute, Transparency International, AQUAFED and regional organizations.

Job Description

Main function: Assistant Coordinator Thematic Platforms Development/Monitoring & Evaluation

Staff level: Assistant Programme Coordinator;

Reporting lines: Reports to Director of the WIN Secretariat or his nominee;

Contract: 12 months; part time 70% or 28 hrs/w; negotiable

Starting date: 1 October 2010

Location: Berlin, Germany

Salary: Salary ranges are posted at; All salaries before German taxes.

Benefits: TI-S provides accident and travel health insurance, and according to the German labour law pays about 50% of contributions to the social security, including health insurance. TI-S also contributes to relocation costs.

The position / assignment:

In the context of WIN’s strategy 2009-2015, the year plan for 2010 as well as the upcoming Strategic Evaluation that WIN will be undergoing as well as its follow-up, the assistant coordinator thematic platform development and evaluation will have the following tasks:

  • Facilitate the establishment of a thematic platform or partnership concerning water, corruption, and adaptation to climate change.
  • Assist in developing the draft annual plan 2011 with a view to the WIN-ISC meeting early November 2010, with particular focus on thematic platforms and partnerships.
  • Support the process of the strategic evaluation planned to take place between October 2010 and January 2011. This includes assisting the consultants in establishing contact with WIN’s members and partner constituencies, country initiatives in English speaking
  • In cooperation with the other members of WIN-S team and selected WIN-ISC members, development of two to four short concept notes concerning strategic challenges ahead.
  • Contribute to WIN’s annual reports for 2010.
  • Coordinate the preparation and organization of a strategic planning workshop capitalizing on evaluation results to be held in February 2011.
  • Advising the WIN manager on issues in her/his areas of responsibility
  • In general contribute to a team effort to maximize the effectiveness of the WIN secretariat including logistic and administrative tasks which are shared within the team.

Required attitude, education, experience and skills:

  • Self-motivated entrepreneurial attitude: Initiative;
  • Able to make a flexible work plan for the contract period.
  • Holding a Master’s degree with technical or scientific orientation relevant for water and climate change adaptation issues;
  • Professionally driven by integrity values and principles;
  • Experience in relation to working on water integrity issues and climate change adaptation;
  • Fluent in English as well as Spanish or French. German language skills can be an advantage.

Other information about the post and duty station:

With its base within Transparency International and its global network, WIN offers an inspiring work environment with real learning opportunities.

Berlin is an attractive metropolitan city with relatively low cost of living.

To apply:

Qualified candidates should submit an application in English (including a cover letter, CV and the names and contact details of 2 referees), via email,

The subject line should include your full name and the job title “WIN Assistant Coordinator”.

Green Recruitment

Transparency International supports principles of Green Recruitment. Therefore, we are asking all applicants to observe the following requirements for applications:

A cover / motivation letter as well as all additional information on salary expectations and referees should be included in the body of the email. No need to attach it separately. Please reduce attachments to CV only. Applications without a cover / motivation letter will not be considered.

The closing date for this position is 15 September 2010. Applications received by this date will take priority; however, late applications will be considered if the position has not been filled.

Transparency International is an equal opportunity employer.

To learn more about WIN and Transparency International, visit our website at and

Contact information Email:
News type n/a
File link
Geographical coverage Germany,
News date 24/08/2010
Working language(s) ENGLISH , FRENCH , GERMAN , SPANISH