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News Science Officer, ICSU, Paris, France

The International Councilfor Science (ICSU) is seekinga Science Officer to assist with the planning and implementation ofICSU’s initiatives.
The Science Officer will assist with the planning and implementationofICSU’s initiatives, with a focus on sustainability research includingglobal environmental change. Examples of work tasks include support to ICSUcommittees, interaction with ICSU partners and members, and coordination ofinternational research programmes. The ICSU Secretariat, located in Paris,France, is a small international team of 16 people and the ability to workin close cooperation with others is important.

ICSU is seeking candidates with the following:
• An advanced scientific degree (preferably Doctorate) in a relevantnatural or social science discipline and a further 5 years research orscience management experience; and a broad interest in science.
• Demonstrated experience in science project/programme developmentand coordination.
• Excellent knowledge of English and preferably some knowledge ofFrench and/or other languages.
• Good working knowledge of MS Office systems, and of electronicdatabases and Web sites.

• Ability to draft reports and summarize scientific information.
• Good organisational skills and the capacity to deliver on allocatedtasks and respond in a timely manner to deadlines.
• Positive and constructive attitude.
• Action-orientated and responsible.
• Creative and willing to take initiative.
• Good interpersonal skills and readiness to work within a teamenvironment.
The salary (Euros 40,000–55,000 net per year before income tax) willbe dependent on the experience and qualifications of the candidate.Applicants are requested to address the above description and qualificationsin a cover letter and attach a curriculum vitae with the name and contactdetails of three referees. They are invited to indicate how serving in thisposition would support their own future science career objectives.Applications, with ‘Science Officer’ in the subject line,should be sent via email to ProfessorDeliang Chen , Executive Director, International Council for Science(ICSU).

Closing date for applications is August 16, 2010.

Contact information Professor Deliang Chen (email:
News type Vacancies
File link
Source of information International Council for Science
Keyword(s) natural and social science, management, sustainability
Geographical coverage France
News date 06/07/2010
Working language(s) ENGLISH