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News Climate Induced Migration in Middle East North Africa - Research Workshop - Call for Papers

The first workshop on Climate Induced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa is organised by the World Bank and the Agence Française de Développement, in partnership with the United Nations University EHS and the International Organisation for Migration. It will take place on 15-16 June 2010 at the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) in Marseille, France.


The workshop will share knowledge of current research on climate induced migration and displacement carried out in and on the region, creating networks of researchers on these themes, and defining the agenda for future research.

Workshop Themes

The workshop will focus on different dimensions of internal and international climate-induced migration. Papers on internal (within country) migration and migration trends from Sub-Saharan Africa to MENA are particularly welcome, as are papers and contributions based on multi-disciplinary approaches and methodologies (qualitative, quantitative, and spatial). Papers should be focused on the themes addressed by the workshop.

- The methodological challenge: data, methods and approaches
- Quantifying past and future impacts of climate events on migration trends
- The role of migration in facilitating adaptation in sending communities
- The challenges of climate induced rural-urban migration for MENA Cities
- Rapid onset climate events and displacement: quantifying impacts, identifying consequences, managing risks
- Gender-related aspects of climate induced migration
- Implications of expected climate future migration on rural and urban development, with specific reference to infrastructure investments

Call for Papers

Researchers, academics and practitioners interested in presenting their work should submit a 300 words abstract by April 19, 2010 to Proposed papers should address the themes above, and be directly related to the region as a whole or to one or more countries in the region. Papers and presentation should be original contributions. Selected participants will be invited to present at the conference and reimbursed (travel, lodging and per diem).

For questions and additional information, please contact: Aditi Banerjee (; Sarah Lahmani (; and Andrea Liverani (

Contact information Aditi Banerjee ; Andrea Liverani and Sarah Lahmani (email: ; ;
News type CallForPaper
File link
Source of information Climate Change Info Mailing List
Keyword(s) climate induced migration
Geographical coverage MENA, France
News date 03/04/2010
Working language(s) ENGLISH