Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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Folder News for 2009/11

News tunisie-un-taux-dacces-leau-en-zones-rurales-de Item only translated in French
News mauritanie-bilan-de-la-politique-de-lue-en Item only translated in French
News selection-francaise-pour-le-stockholm-junior Item only translated in French
News france-lagence-de-leau-adour-garonne-47-m-pour Item only translated in French
News reunion-au-caire-pour-lelaboration-dune-position Item only translated in French
News remise-jean-louis-borloo-du-3eme-rapport-de Item only translated in French
News barcelone-les-negociateurs-donnent-rendez-vous Item only translated in French
News distribution-deau-25-de-pertes-entre-la-source-et Item only translated in French
News liban-nouveau-ministre-de-leau-et-de-lenergie Item only translated in French
News maroc-etude-relative-lelaboration-dune-vision Item only translated in French
News lambassade-de-leau-presente-les-projets-de-lunion Item only translated in French
News france-chantal-jouanno-lance-officiellement Item only translated in French
News marc-censi-premier-mediateur-de-leau Item only translated in French
News la-synthese-de-la-conference-eau-et-changement Item only translated in French
News 74-nouveaux-projets-ont-ete-selectionnes-par-le Item only translated in French
News ouvrage-ipemed-changement-climatique-une Item only translated in French
News maroc-appel-doffres-n40-2009-teledetection Item only translated in French
News les-geographies-de-leau-processus-dynamique-et Item only translated in French
News Policy Analyst - Environment and Sustainable Development
News "Water for All" Competition
News "Water for life – LIFE for water” Conference presentations online
News African Ministers Council on Water Summit put water at the top of the continent's agenda
News Arab experts to review climate change ahead of Copenhagen
News BALWOIS 2010 - Abstract Submission: New Deadline (15/11/2009)
News Become Founding Member of International Geospatial Society: Last Chance
News Better water management could improve global crop production
News Briefing Note on climate change adaptation and water
News Business frets about growing 'water gap'
News Call for Expression of Interest for participation in development of INSPIRE Data Specifications
News Call for abstracts for the 5th International Conference on the Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin, WATMED 5
News Call for abstracts: ISMAR7 - International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge
News Call for papers "All at Sea? Synergies between past and present coastal processes and ecology"
News Chief of Party, Water and Sanitation, Catholic Relief Services
News Climate Change Is Water Change — Water Experts React to Barcelona Negotiations
News Climate change illustrates need for better water management
News EU-FP7 Call for proposal: ERC Advanced Grant
News Egypt: EIB lends 120 million for clean electricity and water
News Emirates' ADFD fund grants Morocco MAD 62 mln loan
News European Commission to provide over €200 million for nearly 200 new LIFE+ projects
News Fellowship (hydrology, climatology, environm. sciences) in socio-ecological research group
News GWP Consulting Partners Meeting, Report and Evaluation
News Global campaign on right to water and sanitation in Palestine
News ICLEI Resilient Cities 2010 Congress - Call for contributions
News INPIM E-Newsletter 93 (October 2009 Issue)
News IUCN/WBCSD Calendar 2010: "Water - Opportunities and Risks" - Call for Sponsorship
News Interactive technology empowers Europeans to manage environmental change
News Israel negotiating importing water from Turkey
News Launch of the 2nd part of phase III of the NWSAS project « Concerted management of North-Western Sahara Aquifer System »
News Managing the Water Buffer for Development and Climate Change Adaptation: Groundwater Recharge, Retention, Reuse and Rainwater Storage
News Modern Water claims Oman success
News Morocco Launches the Largest Solar Energy Program Worldwide
News New Director General of IFPRI
News New Paper from IFPRI: Implications for food and agricultural policy of "green" and "blue" water accounting
News New Report Tackles Fundamental Topics for the Mediterranean: Climate Change, Water Resources, Biodiversity and Pollution - MAP Presents the State of the Environment and Development Report 2009
News New book from Earthscan: The Adaptive Water Resource Management Handbook
News Open shop for environmental data
News PhD Position in Groundwater Management, Technical University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
News Post-doc position – 12 months: "Which scenarios for water management: an analysis from literature review and interviews"
News Prince El Hassan of Jordan: Regional cooperation on water key to conflict prevention
News Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water
News Quantitative Benchmarks for Municipal Waste Prevention: A guide for Local & Regional Authorities in support of the new Waste Framework Directive
News Research on the WFD: "Ten years of the Water Framework Directive: an overview of multiple disciplines"
News SMOS satellite instrument comes alive
News Sasakura eyes large Middle East desalination units
News Sediment pollution should be included in water quality assessments
News Senior Water Resources and Climate Specialist, P-5, Economic Commission for Africa
News Sharing LIFE experience in water management
News Slovakia/UK New Water Management Partnership
News Soreq desalination tenders said to have low water price
News Spanish/Israeli JV awarded Ashdod desalination contract
News Syria: Drought response faces funding shortfall
News The Arab Water Academy appointed its first director
News The Atlas of Water: Mapping the World's Most Critical Resource
News The Cairo Message: Coping with climate change is managing water for life
News The EC LIFE Unit Reorganised
News The GWP Strategy 2009-2013 is also available in French, Spanish and Russian
News The Great Man-Made River International Water Prize for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones awarded to Dr. Chahbani
News The Mediterranean, a Hotspot for Climate Change? Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention convene in Marrakesh to agree on urgent adaptation measures
News UNESCO releases booklet on the human right to water
News UNICEF to install desalinization stations in Gaza
News United Nations General Assembly Special Event on Water: Presentations and Press Conference Webcast
News WEX 2010 call for abstracts: The Water and Energy Exchange "Improving Efficiency in Water Systems"
News Water Footprint: from awareness to policy
News Water evaporates from the climate change negotiating text
News World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change
5th Mediterranean Water Forum