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News RUAF magazine on water in urban agriculture N°20: Sustainable use of water in urban agriculture (July 2008)

The Urban Agriculture Magazine facilitates sharing of information on the impacts of urban agriculture, promotes the analysis and debate on critical issues for the development of the sector, and the publication of "best" or "good" practices in urban agriculture. The UA-Magazine is produced under the RUAF programme Cities Farming for the Future (CFF), funded by DGIS (the Netherlands) and IDRC (Canada).  

The main aim of the RUAF-CFF programme is to contribute to urban poverty reduction, urban food security, improved urban environmental management, empowerment of urban farmers and participatory city governance via capacity development of local stakeholders in urban agriculture and facilitating participatory and multi-stakeholder policy formulation and action planning on urban agriculture, including safe reuse of urban organic wastes and wastewater.

The Urban Agriculture Magazine (UA Magazine) is published two times a year on the RUAF-website ( and in hardcopy version. This English version is translated in Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, and Portuguese.

The UA-Magazine welcomes contributions on new initiatives at individual, neighbourhood, city and national levels. Attention is given to the technical socio-economic, institutional and policy aspects of sustainable urban food production, marketing, processing and distribution systems. Although articles on any related issue is welcome, and is considered for publication, each UA-Magazine focuses on a selected theme (for previous issues visit:

This issue is a collaborative effort of RUAF (, SWITCH ( and SuSANa (

Articles on urban agriculture should consist of approximately 2300 words (three pages), 1600 words (two pages), or 700 words (one page), preferably accompanied by an abstract, references (maximum of 5), figures and digital images or photographs of good quality. The articles should be written in a manner that is readily understood by a wide variety of stakeholders all over the world. We also invite you to submit information on recent publications, journals, videos, photographs, cartoons, letters, technology descriptions and assessments, workshops, training courses, conferences, networks, web-links, etc, especially those relating to this theme.

Deadline for Contributions: 15 March 2008.

Contact information The Editor UA Magazine: RUAF, ETC Foundation, PO Box 64, 3830 AB Leusden, The Netherlands (email:
News type CallForPaper
File link
Source of information RUAF Foundation
Geographical coverage International
News date 22/01/2008