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News Speech of the Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt in the Opening Session of the World Water Week

No matter if you speak about health, energy, industry, farming, forestry, transports, environment or tourism water plays a vital role. This makes it necessary to combine actions in different sectors to make a difference in order to give more people on our planet access to clean water. It will need investments in renewable energy sources and bio-fuel. It will need efficiency and modernisation of farming. It will need aid to give more people access to essential sanitation. And perhaps most crucial - it will need a security and peacekeeping perspective in order to bring security and peace to areas were conflicts exists or may arise over the access to water.

In all of this, as well as in seeking solutions to questions concerning global warming, lies the challenge concerning the water on our planet. I want Sweden to take active part in these challenges.

Contact information Swedish Government Offices, SE-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 405 10 00
News type Inbrief
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Source of information Swedish Government Offices
Geographical coverage Sweden
News date 20/08/2007
Working language(s) ENGLISH