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News UNEP: updated water policy and strategy adopted

At its 24th session on 9 February 2007 in Nairobi, the Governing Council (GC) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) adopted the updated water policy and strategy for 2007-2012. Various minor amendments, such as the removal of references to payments for ecosystem services, proposed by Argentina, were included. In relation to regional and subregional cooperation mechanisms, language was added on creating or strengthening capacity to evaluate, manage and coordinate the environmental management aspects of transboundary resources.

The GC requested the UNEP Executive Director to implement the water policy and strategy by intensifying partnerships with civil society, including the private sector. It also called for increased support to developing countries for integrated water resources management.

The overall goal of UNEP´s water policy and strategy is to contribute substantively to environmental sustainability in the management of water resources, based on ecosystems-based approaches, sound economic and social considerations, and risk assessment. The methods to be used to implement the policy include building capacity, partnerships and stakeholder participation.


Contact information Earth Negotiations Bulletin, IISD (email:
News type Inbrief
File link
Source of information UNEP
Keyword(s) UNEP-MAP, transboundary resources, civil society, risk assessment
Relation thematicdirs/events/sev456903
Geographical coverage International
News date 19/02/2007
Working language(s) ENGLISH