3rd International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE 2013: "Connect, Access, Innovate“
Under the patronage of His Excellency, Prof. Moncef Ben Salem Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research of Tunisia
3rd International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE 2013
12-13 December 2013, El Mouradi Hotel, Gammarath, Tunis, Tunisia
"Connect, Access, Innovate“
Connect: Facilitate connectivity through a high-speed network to allow scientists to communicate, collaborate, exchange, and run both data and computational-intensive scientific applications and services. The objective is to scale up broadband dedicated networks with a growing focus on cross-border connections and regional peering. Several initiatives can be introduced to support reforms, e-Infrastructure sharing, and open access models.
Access: Enable seamless access to data, services, applications, and resources related to science and education. e-AGE 2013 will be a platform to explore access opportunities and services that can be provided to research communities in a federated context. Case studies and best practices will be demonstrated on federated access, science gateway, cloud and grid computing, data repositories, and other related resources and services.
Innovate: High-speed networks and wide access represent enabling environments for students, researchers and scientists to innovate for greater competitiveness across industries towards wealth creation through knowledge economy.
Event Main Interveners
Opening, Inauguration & Welcoming remarks:
- HE Dr. Moncef Bin Salem, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Tunisia
- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of ASREN, Jordan
- HE Dr. Faeqa AlSaleh, Directorate of Education and Research, League of Arab States, Egypt (TBC)
- HE Dr. Sultan Abu-Orabi, Secretary General Association of Arab Universities, Jordan
- EC Representative (TBC)
- Dr. SH. Eshaa Al-Khalifa, Advisor to the President for eLearning & Information Technology, University of Bahrain, Bahrain
- Dr. Khédija Ghariani, Secretary-General, AICTO, Tunisia
- Dae Young KIM, CHAIR, APAN, Korea
- Tim Marshal, CEO, JANET, UK (TBC)
- Mohamed Jemni, General Manager, CCK, Tunisia
- John Dyer, Business and Technology Strategist, TERENA, the Netherlands
- Alberto Pérez Gómez, Red.es, Spain
- Robert Klapisch, Chairman, Sharing Knowledge Foundation, Switzerland
- Samia Melhem, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, Chair, e-Development, World Bank, USA (TBC)
- Greg Cole, PI, Director, University of Tennessee and US National Science Foundation’s GLORAD project, USA (TBC)
Topics of interest
- Research collaboration in a variety of disciplines including: energy, environment, education, health, climate, water, agriculture, biology, economy, and other pressing global issues and problems
- Cloud and grid computing as well as e-Science applications
- Education challenges and open access paradigm
- Research repositories, libraries, and contents
- Case studies on research and education
- Regional collaborative projects
- National research organizations and research and education funding
- Perspectives on national research and education networking
- The role of regional organizations like EC, World Bank, UNDP, and other development projects and foundations
- Connectivity options, services, cables, circuits
- Industry offerings to develop research and education
Purpose of this Call
1. Call for Papers
To invite scientists, researchers and educators to submit papers to be presented in this conference in special sessions for research papers. Paper contributions are accepted in English. Papers should be submitted with no more than 8 to 10 papers, and no more than 8000 words. Each paper should include (1) Abstract with no more than 500 words and 7 keywords that refers to the key subjects and concepts that have been developed in the paper (2) Author(s) biography: First name, Last name, Institution, Full address, Fax, Email, and short CV.
Papers should be sent in Adobe PDF or MS-Word to: Salem Al-Agtash, alagtash@ASRENOrg.net, or Mohamed Jemni, Mohamed.jemni@fst.rnu.tn before 15 October 2013. After submission all contributions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee to evaluate the pertinence of each submitted paper and the authors will be informed whether their contribution has been selected for presentation at the conference.
2. Call for Presentations
To invite renowned speakers and experts to give presentations and participate in panel discussions on latest developments of e-Infrastructures and applications, different aspects of R&E networks, Telecommunication technologies, Industry and Research, Internet, R&E funding and topics of interest above. Presentation and participation requests to be sent to Yousef Torman torman@asrenorg.net.
3. Call for Particpation
To invite representation from academia, research, industry, telecom and networking organizations, NRENs, governments and all people interested in the developments of R&E networks and e-Infrastructures to join the conference and to share experience and exchange knowledge in relevant aspects. Interested participants can register at http://eage2013.asrenorg.net
Events and Activities
ASREN is becoming more visible and more active in the region and beyond. It has developed a new shareholder scheme with more Arab NRENs joining as well as more supporting organizations. Following on the success of e-AGE in 2011 and 2012, e-AGE 2013 will include main event in 12-13 December and will be preceded with several workshops, tutorials and meetings on 10-12 December 2013.
- The 6th Event on Euro-Mediterranean e-Infrastructure
- The 3rd annual meeting of ASREN
- CHAIN-REDS Workshop on e-Infrastructures
- EUMEDCONENCT3 Project Meeting
- The 5th AROQA Annual Conference
- Technical Workshops on R&E networking (to be announced)
Moreover, special sessions will be dedicated to specific domains, mainly focusing on experiences in connectivity and e-Infrastructure, applications and services in variety of scientific domains, and case studies with impact indicators and measures. It is also important to show the benefits of research infrastructure to communities and collaboration. It is still critical to show how research connectivity can promote collaboration and innovation. Different discussions will be stimulated during e-AGE to drive outcomes and concrete results on practical steps towards developing a regional e-Infrastructure.
Arabic and English
Conference venue
Hotel EL MOURADI GAMMARTH 5*, Gammarath, Tunis, Tunisia
Organizers and sponsors
The Platform will be organized by Arab States Research and Education Network GmbH, in cooperation with:
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia
- The Computing Center Al Khwarizmi (CCK)
- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization
- Association of Arab Universities
- Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Ltd (DANTE)
- Euro-Mediterranean Connect project (EumedConnect3)
- US Internet2 Special Interest Group Middle East
- German Jordanian University
- Co-ordination & Harmonization of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research & Education Data Sharing (CHAIN - REDS)
Program Committee
- Mohamed Jemni, The Computing Center Al Khwarizmi (CCK), Tunisia
- Eshaa Mohamed Alkhalifa, University of Bahrain, Bahrain
- David West, Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe, UK
- Ahmed Dabbagh, Ankabut, UAE
- Salem Al-Agtash, German Jordanian University and Arab States Research and Education Network, Jordan
- Federico Ruggieri, The Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Italy
- Johnathon Chapman, Internet2 SIG Middle East, Georgetown University, Qatar
- Helga Spitaler, Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe, UK
- Federica Tanlongo, GARR Consortium, Italy
- Heithem Abbes, Research Laboratory LaTICE, Tunisia
- Yousef Torman, Arab States Research and Education Network, Germany
Organizing Committee
- Yousef Torman, Arab States Research and Education Network, Jordan
- Heithem Abbes, Research Laboratory LaTICE, Tunisia
- Fathi Abu Nimeh, TAGOrg, Tunisia
- Mondher Belaid, The Computing Center Al Khwarizmi (CCK), Tunisia
- Ali Labyadh, The Computing Center Al Khwarizmi (CCK), Tunisia
- Alaa Laabidi, The Computing Center Al Khwarizmi (CCK), Tunisia
- Oussama Elghoul, Research Laboratory LaTICE, Tunisia
- Sara Al-Eisawi, Arab States Research and Education Network, Jordan
- Ola Samara, Arab States Research and Education Network, Jordan
Scientific Committee
- Mohammad Jemni, Khwarizmi Computing Center, Tunisia
- Eshaa Mohamed Alkhalifa, University of Bahrain, Bahrain
- Ahmed Dabbagh, Ankabut, UAE
- Salem Al-Agtash, German Jordanian University and Arab States Research and Education Network, Jordan
- Federico Ruggieri, The Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Italy
- Roberto Barbera, University of Catania, Italy
- Rainer Herpers, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Important dates
November 1, 2013 Submission deadline
November 20, 2013 Notification of acceptance
December 5, 2012 Camera ready due
December 12-13, 2013 e-AGE
Registration fees
Conference 12-13 December 2013
- Authors/ Speakers Free
- ASREN Members 150 Euro
- ASREN non-members 250 Euro
Workshops 10-11 December 2013
- Tutors / Speakers Free
- ASREN Members 150 Euro
- ASREN Non Members 250 Euro
Full event (Conference and Workshops) 10-13 December 2013
- Tutors / Speakers Free
- ASREN Members 250 Euro
- ASREN Non Members 400 Euro
Special arrangements will be made for sponsors, partners, keynote speakers, panelists, and EUMED/Internet2 group members
For more information, please contact
Paper submission:
- Salem Al-Agtash, alagtash@ASRENOrg.net
- Federico Ruggieri, Federico.Ruggieri@roma3.infn.it
- Mohamed Jemni, mohamed.jemni@fst.rnu.tn
Proposals, Presentations and Program:
- Yousef Torman, torman@asrenorg.net
Registration, payment, reservations and others:
- Sara Al-Eisawi, office@ASRENOrg.net
- Ola Samara, info@ASRENOrg.net
Phone: +962 6 5100900 ext. 2403 or 4304
To register, please click HERE
Contact information |
Salem Al-Agtash, or Mohamed Jemni ; Yousef Torman ; Federico Ruggieri ; Ola Samara
(email: alagtash@ASRENOrg.net ; Mohamed.jemni@fst.rnu.tn ; torman@asrenorg.net ; Federico.Ruggieri@roma3.infn.it ; info@ASRENOrg.net ) Phone: +962 6 5100900 ext. 2403 or 4304 |
Event type | Conference |
File link |
http://eage2013.ASRENOrg.net/ |
Source | ASRENORG |
Relation | http://www.asrenorg.net/eage2013/en/content/registration-form |
Geographical coverage | Tunisia |
Address | El Mouradi Hotel, Gammarath, Tunis |
Organizer | ASRENORG |
Target audience | International |
Period | [12/12/2013 - 13/12/2013] |
Status | Confirmed |
Working language(s) | ENGLISH , FRENCH |