'ISARM 2010' - International Conference on Challenges and new directions in Transboundary Aquifers Management
Recognizing that transboundary aquifer systems are important sources of fresh water in some regions of the world, particularly those with arid and semi-arid climatic conditions, the 14th Session of the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme, June 2000, adopted Resolution N° XIV-12. By this Resolution, the Council decided to launch an initiative to promote studies with regard to transboundary aquifers entitled the Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management programme (ISARM). Close cooperation for this project was established with UNECE, OAS, UNESCWA, FAO, IAH and other international institutions.
The first phase of the project focused on inventories of the main transboundary aquifers in different regions of the world
The UN general assembly has adopted in December 2008 the Resolution A/RES/63/124 on the ‘Law of transboundary aquifers'. With this Resolution, the UNG General Assembly ‘Encourages aquifers States to make appropriate bilateral or regional arrangements for the proper management of their transboundary aquifers, taking into account the provision s of these draft articles'.
Considering the importance of the legal and institutional aspects of the management of transboundary aquifer, the Conference aims to provide a platform for discussions and considerations on how to make the transition from the adoption of such policies to their implementation into practical, operational actions. The debate will also consider the steps that need to be taken, the positive political implications of taking such steps over ‘invisible' resources management, as well as how the users of such a resource can be assured of water security.
This event marks the end of the first Phase of the implementation by UNESCO-IHP of the International Shared Aquifer Resources Management Project (ISARM) within the Sixth Phase of IHP-VI and aims to look forward challenges and new directions towards the sustainable development of transboundary aquifers.
Objectives of the Conference
• Presentation and delivery of the results and outputs of the implementation of the first Phase of the ISARM project under IHP-VI and gathering from the participants feed-back on their applicability, gaps and possible extensions. These elements will also feed the design of the next ISARM phase.
• Bringing together leading international transboundary aquifer management experts to discuss new concepts, approaches and technologies for dealing with transboundary aquifer problems under various settings, covering both developed and developing countries.
• Exchange of ideas for new directions in transboundary aquifer management, as well as drawing recommendations for the formulation of new strategies and implementation elements such as guidelines and educational tools.
Call for participation and submission of the extended abstracts
A pluri-disciplinary approach is needed to tackle the management of transboundary systems. Researchers, academics, planners, designers (consultants), decision makers, governmental officers dealing with transboundary aquifers issues wishing to make a presentation in the Conference are invited to participate and submit abstracts. The abstracts should be in English, one page length, addressing a subject on one of the topics of the Conference. The Scientific Advisory Committee will select from the extended abstracts a number of authors who will be requested to prepare full-length papers. Proceedings will be published by UNESCO-IHP. The participants are kindly requested to submit their abstracts by 30 March 2010 to the following e-mail address:
Conference on Challenges and new directions in Transboundary Aquifers Management
Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO
1 rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15, FRANCE
Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 11
Venue, dates and organizational aspects
The Conference will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France) from 6-8 December 2010
The language of the Conference will be English.
There may be a limited number of travel grants for participants from developing countries with accepted papers.
Please contact the Conference Secretariat to ask for the different modalities of sponsoring this event.
Second announcement - Call for papers: June 2010
Submission of full length papers: 30 September 2010
Final Registration: 5 October 2010
The Second Circular will be issued in June 2010 and it will contain details concerning the programme.
Contact information |
Alice Aureli, Groundwater Resources, UNESCO-IHP
(email: ISARM2010@unesco.org ; m.rubio@unesco.org) Phone: Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 11 |
Event type | Conference |
File link |
http://www.isarm.net/ |
Source | UNESCO-IHP |
Relation | http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/news/isarm-2010-international-conference-challenges |
Geographical coverage | France |
Address | at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris |
Organizer | UNESCO-IHP: ISARM Programme, in cooperation with IAH, UNEP/CSLD, GEF, WWC, GWP, IAHS and NGWA |
Target audience | International |
Period | [06/12/2010 - 08/12/2010] |
Status | Confirmed |
Working language(s) | ENGLISH , FRENCH |