SPLASH ERA-Net e-conference: "Towards better water policies: how can increasing the uptake of research findings help?" - subscribe now
This e-conference is to be conducted in both French and English simultaneously, and discussion summaries translated. This enables both English and French speakers to participate.
Background to the SPLASH e-conference:
This e-conference is an activity of the SPLASH Project. The SPLASH Project is the name of the European Union Water Initiative European Research Area Network (EUWI Era-Net), which aims to improve the effectiveness of European funded research on water for development and to develop the capacity of local organizations to coordinate and communicate their research activities. For further information contact: splash@lboro.ac.uk or go to: http://splash-era.net/
The aim of the e-conference:
It is assumed that when knowledge resulting from research is available to decision makers and is incorporated into decision making processes, then better policies are developed. The aim of the e-conference is to explore these linkages between research findings and policy. To achieve this aim, the e-conference has the broad objective of finding out about where research has been successfully (and unsuccessfully) incorporated into policy and what the mechanisms for success are. Examples of good and bad practice, along with any factors which facilitate or constrain this, can inform guidelines to ensure that research findings are easily accessible to policy makers, in terms of appropriate content, format and dissemination method.
Discussion themes:
• Theme 1 (Week 1: 3-9 March)
Where are we now and where do we want to get to? (in terms of effective linking of research and policy development) We hope to collect examples of good and bad practice relating to policy development linked to research in the fields of water resources, water supply and sanitation.
• Theme 2 (Weeks 2 and 3: 10-21 March)
How do we get there? (to effective linking of research and policy development) We hope to explore questions such as what researchers, funders and policy makers can do to achieve this in terms of defining the research agenda, carrying out the research process, and communicating research.
Expected outputs:
Those who register for the e-conference will receive a short background paper prior to the conference which outlines the main themes and some of the issues and questions we would like to explore. Weekly summaries of the discussion will also be provided. The final output will be a full synthesis of the proceedings.
What do I do next?
Your next step is to register (details below) then simply wait until you are sent the background paper by email.
1. How do I register for the e-conference?
a. By email: Send an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk with the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe SPLASH FIRSTNAME LASTNAME (replacing FIRST NAME LAST NAME with your own FIRST NAME and LAST NAME) or b. On the website: Go to the homepage of the SPLASH e-conference at http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SPLASH Click on ‘Join or leave list (or change settings)’, enter your email address and name, and then click ‘Join SPLASH’.
2. How do I send a message to the e-conference?
a. By email: Send your message to splash@jiscmail.ac.uk or b. On the website: Go to http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SPLASH and click the ‘Post to the list’ link.
All messages come to the listowner (Julie Fisher) for moderation before they are sent to the list.
3. How do I access the list message archive?
The SPLASH list appears on the web at: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SPLASH. The archives are indexed by month. Click onto the month required.
4. How do I leave the list?
a. By email: Send an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk with the following text in the body of the message:
unsubscribe SPLASH FIRSTNAME LASTNAME (replacing FIRST NAME LAST NAME with your own FIRST NAME and LAST NAME) or b. On the website: Go to http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SPLASH Click on ‘Join or leave list (or change settings)’ and click on Leave SPLASH.
Contact information |
Dr. Julie Fisher SPLASH Listowner, The European Water Initiative European Research Area Network
(email: j.fisher1@lboro.ac.uk) |
Event type | Econference |
File link |
http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SPLASH |
Source | The European Water Initiative European Research Area Network |
Relation | http://www.semide.net/initiatives/fol060732/proj798482 |
Geographical coverage | Online |
Address | Online |
Organizer | The European Water Initiative European Research Area Network |
Target audience | Regional |
Period | [03/03/2008 - 21/03/2008] |
Status | Confirmed |
Working language(s) | ENGLISH |