EMWIS Flash N°63, October 2008
Released | 21/10/2008 |
EMWIS Flash -
October 2008 |
In this issue N°63 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash63)
1- Barcelona Process: a Union
for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water, October 29, 2008 (Jordan)
2- Euro-Med Finance Ministers move forward on specific projects such as the
de-pollution of the Mediterranean
3- Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly adopted Recommendation on its role
in the Union for the Mediterranean
4- EU Ministers meet to take forward the European Space Policy
5- Water scarcity and droughts in the EU: Seeber report
6- Regular
monitoring of Horizon 2020 process
7- Great success for the 6th "EUROPE-INBO 2008" conference
8- Financing water and sanitation at local levels
9- Water issue in the Mediterranean decentralised cooperation
10- New USAID initiative for water governance in the MENA region
11- Turkish GAMA Energy set to launch huge water project in Jordan
12- France: Water prices became under the EU average
13- Israel, Cyprus & Jordan: Graywater recycling systems
14- Israel: Veolia Environnement on track for the Soreq desalination project
15- Europe needs to intensify actions to adapt to climate change impacts
16- The climate change and adaptation in the Maghreb
17- Arab NGOs Unite to Combat Climate Change
1- Within the context of the "Barcelona process: a Union for the
Mediterranean", a ministerial conference on the water , co-chaired by France,
Egypt and Jordan, will be held in Jordan the 29 October 2008 with a double
objective: i) to define the main lines of the water strategy for the
Mediterranean which should be approved by these same ministers in 2010 and
submitted if possible as soon as possible to the Heads of Governments at the
time of their second Summit; ii) to mobilise the governance authorities of this
Process to set priorities on the identification of infrastructure water related
projects in line with this strategy and on the mobilisation of financial
organisations in favour of these projects. On the eve of the ministerial
conference (28 October 2008), a day dedicated to civil society will be held
as well as events related to infrastructures projects.
New documents have been uploaded on the official conference website at :
http://www.medaquaministerial2008.net/. In order initiate the work on the
Mediterranean water strategy, an experts group meeting will be held 11 and 12
December in the
South of France. Further
information on
EMWIS website.
2- The Euro-Mediterranean finance ministers have moved forward on the financing of specific projects under the “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean” and affirmed their determination to continue their work in favour of economic growth despite the financial, energy and food crisis. According to a French EU Council Presidency press release, following a meeting in Luxembourg, the ministers particularly emphasised the role played by the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP) in three of the projects promoted under this process: the de-pollution of the Mediterranean, motorways of the sea and the Mediterranean solar plan. The ministers welcomed the FEMIP's new strategy, enabling it to step up its already significant efforts and stimulate investments, particularly from the private sector in favour of these three key projects. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- The Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) is recommending to the “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean” meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers that it formally declares it as the parliamentary institution of the process. It wishes to see “a legal basis created and a formal link established between the executive branch and the parliamentary branch of the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean”. The Recommendation, that defines what the EMPA should be doing as a consultative body, was adopted at the Assembly’s extraordinary plenary recently held in Jordan 12-13 October. It will be forwarded to the Foreign Ministers meeting, taking place 3-4 November, in France, along with a separate Declaration on the Middle East Peace process. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- Ministers in charge of space activities within ESA and European Union Member States met in Brussels for the fifth Space Council. Europe now has a stable foundation for its space activities, supported as they are by the three legs of the European Space Agency, the Europan Union and their respective Member States. This will be reinforced not only by this meeting but also by the ESA Council at ministerial level, which is due to take place on 25-26 November in The Hague. The Space Council identified the need to draw up a plan that provides for sustainable operational funding for Kopernikus (formerly known as GMES "Global Monitoring for Environment and Security") and welcomed the proposal by the European Commission to start this with a new preparatory action in the preliminary budgets for 2009. Four additional priority areas have been identified: space and climate change, contributions of space to the Lisbon Strategy, space and security and space exploration. The Space Council welcomed in particular the joint preparation by ESA and Eumetsat of an innovative programme proposal for Meteosat Third Generation, which will also contribute to Kopernikus, to the monitoring of climate and thus to the detection of global climate change. Further information on EMWIS website.
5- Richard SEEBER from the European Parliament puts forward an own-initiative report on water scarcity and droughts in the European Union. The Environment Committee urges the Commission and Member States to acknowledge that deforestation and unrestrained urban development are contributing to growing water scarcity. It stresses as well that any supply of water regardless of the purpose of its consumption must comply with the principle of fair water tarification, thereby encouraging companies especially to use water more efficiently. The report stresses that the cross-regional and trans-border nature of river basins can have a serious cross-border impact on upstream and downstream regions, and that it is thus indispensable for the Member States, as well as regional and local authorities, to cooperate on the issue of water scarcity and drought ensuring sustainable and fair use of water resources. Further information on EMWIS website.
6- The 1st meeting of the Review, Monitoring and Research sub-group took place in Athens (Greece) on 9-10 October 2008. This meeting, chaired by the European Environment Agency, brought together representatives from EU members states, Mediterranean Partner Countries, UNEP-MAP, MEDSTAT, GWP-Med, EMWIS, MIO-ECSDE, SMAP RMSU, the European Commission (DG Environment, Eurostat, JRC). The participants reviewed their expectations and discussed the way forward the preparation of a first report for the Environment Ministers meeting in 2009 and a more comprehensive reporting process including scorecards in the framework of a Med Shared Environment Information System. Further information on EMWIS website.
7- The annual "EUROPE-INBO 2008" conference of the European Basin Organizations on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) took place in Sibiu, Romania, from 1st to 3 October 2008, at the invitation of the Romanian Authorities. It gathered 195 participants coming from 26 countries. This conference was an important step before the World Water Forum of Istanbul. A workshop on the IWRM-Net (European network of research programmes on IWRM) project was organized as a side event. Three workshops presented many case studies and exchanges were particularly fruitful. The EU-non-member countries were very present, proof of their growing interest in the WFD. Further information on EMWIS website.
8- WaterAid carried out analyses in 12 developing countries in Africa and Asia to identify key blockages and systemic weaknesses that stand in the way of development finance reaching local authorities responsible for delivering water and sanitation services. The research showed that in spite of policy commitments to decentralisation, local governments are consistently by-passed by those financing development, resulting in a high risk of duplication and inequitable coverage. Recommendations are provided for the different stakeholders - national governments, donors, NGOs and local government - to improve financing and governance at the local level. Further information on EMWIS website
9- The degradation of water resources is a serious threat to the eco-systems. Climate change has increased the risk of flooding, landslides and mudflows. The increase in drought periods coincides with long-term water shortages that are not offset by levies. The expected rise in sea level will lead to a decrease in inhabited territories and lift salt in groundwater. Wetlands are essential for ecological balance, are in considerable decline. These are among the themes that will be debated at the MedCoop annual meeting on decentralised cooperation to be held next 28 November 2008 in Sophia Antipolis (France). Further information on EMWIS website
10- The International Resources Group and partners have just been awarded a USAID contract for water resources governance in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) Region. The project called "Regional Water Governance Benchmarking" (ReWaG) was launched in September 2008 to run for 18 months and is funded by the USAID Office of Middle East Programs (USAID/OMEP) at a level of $1.5 million. Implementing partners working with IRG include the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the Institute for Water and Watersheds at Oregon State University (OSU), Computer Assisted Development Incorporated (CADI), Nile Consultants of Egypt and ECO Consult of Jordan. Further information on EMWIS website
11- GAMA Energy will launch the $990 million plan to extract 100 million cubic meters of water a year from the 300,000-year-old Disi aquifer 325 kilometers (200 miles) south of Amman. Infrastructure work on the much-delayed project in the desert kingdom is expected to take around four years. This will include using 250,000 tons of steel and digging 55 wells to pump water from Disi to Amman, where per capita daily consumption of its 2.2-million population is 160 liters. Jordan's overall population of nearly six million is growing by almost 3.5 percent annually, and it is one of the worlds 10 most water-impoverished countries, relying mainly on rainfall to meet its needs. The demand for water is constantly rising in Jordan, which has seen an influx of around 750,000 Iraqi refugees since the U.S.-led invasion of its eastern neighbor in 2003. The water ministry says Jordan, where 92 percent of the land is desert, will need 1.6 billion cubic meters of water a year to meet its requirements by 2015. Further information on EMWIS website.
12- The Professional Federation of Water Entreprises in France (FP2E) released the results of its annual survey on water prices in Europe. Produced by Nus Consulting firm, the 2008 edition shows that French individuals pay on average € 3.01 their cubic meter of water. € 1.51 is the part related to drinking water production and distribution. The remaining € 1.50 is spent on wastewater treatment. By comparing the price of water on 1 January 2008 in the five largest cities in ten member countries of the European Union, the study places France in the 5th position of the least expensive behind Finland, Sweden, Spain and Italy. In the 10 countries surveyed, the average is 3.40 € per m3 ranging from 0, 84 in Italy to € 6.18 € in Denmark. According to the FP2E, water prices in France should continue to increase in coming years. Large investments are still expected to complete upgrading of sewage treatment plants. Further information on EMWIS website
13- A start-up of less than a year, based in Haifa and supported by the Technion, announced that they are able to save 40% of household water. With a workforce of 4 people, the Water Arc company has developed a technology to treat and redirect the "gray water" from showers, toilets or washing machines. This water is cleaned and distributed to hunt food and water hoses. On the other hand, Cyprus has also initiated a subsidy program for households to install graywater reuse systems for domestic landscaping and toilet flushing. There is also documentation of graywater reuse at certain hotels. Dual plumbing systems have also been introduced to allow the reuse of graywater in toilet flushing with a conservation of drinking water from 35% - 40% of the per capita water consumption (Kambanellas 1999). In Jordan as well, there is a need to improve the efficiency of water use by customers. Examples of such ‘demand side management’ improvements include the use of low-water-use fittings (faucets, showers, toilets etc), improvement of plumbing codes to ensure better quality plumbing, and the reuse of graywater. The Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE) in Jordan has published a report on that. Further information on EMWIS website.
14- At least four or five consortia should respond to the tender for the construction and operation of the fourth desalination plant in Israel: Soreq Plant. This plant which will deal with 100 million cubic meters per year is expected to cost between 1.5 and 2 billion shekels. This project is planned for 2012. Among the consortia are found side by side in the Israeli market players and major international names such as American General Electric or French Veolia Environment. The Hebrew state should guarantee a minimum price of redemption of the water produced for a period of 25 years. Further information on EMWIS website
15- Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation, rising sea level, more intense and frequent extreme weather events and melting glaciers, ice sheets and Arctic sea ice are some of the challenges for Europe already triggered by global climate change, says a report released by the European Environment Agency, the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Further information on EMWIS website
16- The University of Marrakech and its partners (CDRT, Maroc Météo, NC DIVERSITAS Morocco, OSS), with the support of the Climate Change and Adaptation in Africa program (CCAA) will organise a two day international workshop to be held on 25 and 26 of November 2008 in Marrakech (Morocco). The title of the conference is "Climate change in the Maghreb: thresholds and limits to adaptation". The overall objective of this conference is to consider strategies for adapting to climate change, in particular to explore the potential barriers to adaptation that may limit the ability of societies in the Maghreb countries to adapt to climate change and to identify opportunities for overcoming these barriers. Further information on EMWIS website
17- The Arab world will be one of the most impacted regions by climate change, particularly with water resources growing scarcer and the agricultural sector becoming the victim of more weather extremes. As the international community faces the challenge of developing a new treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol after 2012, 15 NGOs from 9 different Arab countries unified their work on this process by forming the ‘Arab Climate Alliance (ACA)'. The objectives of the Alliance are to build the capacity of Arab civil society's institutions on climate science and policy (specifically on the Post-2012 Climate Agreement's negotiations), and to conduct regional activities and communication. The ACA calls on other civil society organizations to join the Alliance. On January 19 and 20, 2009, the Arab League will hold in Kuwait an extraordinary summit on economic and developmental issues, where climate change must be on its agenda. Further information on EMWIS website
18- Dr. Ghani Chehbouni has been nominated as the new representative of IRD Egypt, started from September 2008 but he will take up officially his post on the 1er of January 2009. Co-director of the international program Salsa and responsible for the space hydrology team within the UMR Cesbio. G. Chehbouni has also authority on all activities of the IRD in Jordan, Syria, Libya and Lebanon. Further information on EMWIS website
19- Spain: The General Board of FERAGUA has elected Margarita Bustamante Sainz (Seville, 1962) as new president of the association of irrigators communities, which is majority in Andalusian irrigation. Further information on EMWIS website
20- The deadline for submitting candidatures to the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, originally planned for 15 October 2008, has been extended to Friday 14 November 2008. This 3rd edition of the Prize will be held in Istanbul, in March 2009, on the occasion of the 5th World Water Forum. Further information on EMWIS website
21- Water Resources/Harvesting Specialist required to work with ICARDA in Aleppo (Syria):The appointee will work with ICARDA scientists from other disciplines, with national program partners, and with advanced research institutes to assess water resources in the dry areas, mainly in Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA), to design and implement research and capacity building programs on micro and macro catchment water harvesting systems and associated small structures for managing water resources. Closing Date: 30 October 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
22- SwissRe invites applications for the International ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management 2009: The Award worth USD 150 000 is an internationally recognized prize for leadership in implementing the principles of sustainability in watershed management, and is granted to one or several projects selected by an international jury. The prize money is open to NGOs, private, scientific and public institutions. As the world’s leading and most diversified global reinsurer, Swiss Re offers financial services products that enable risk taking essential to enterprise and progress. Deadline: 31 May 2009. Further information on EMWIS website
23- Water and
Environment Journal is welcoming applications from reviewers with suitable
expertise in a subject within the scope of water and environmental management.
Reviewers enjoy free online access to WEJ for one year and a 20% discount on
Blackwell books. For more information or to submit your CV please contact Joanna
Cooper, jcooper@ciwem.org. Deadline: 31 May 2009. Further information on
EMWIS website
24- EMWIS has just published its 5th newsletter issue: This issue includes an editorial by EMWIS Steering Committee President, articles about the Mediterranean resources and knowledge network, the water shortage crisis in the Mediterranean countries, the Mediterranean water observation system, the success of the 6th "Europe-INBO 2008" conference, information systems on water and soil resources in Tunisia, a brief on EMWIS last coordination committee meeting, and the new EMWIS cybercard. Further information on EMWIS website.
25- "The water of the Mediterraneans. Situation and Prospects": This book by Jean Margat, a scientist of international renown, vice president of Blue Plan and adviser of the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM), highlights through a systemic analysis and exploration of possible futures, the stakes for the future of water in the Mediterranean in 2025. Further information on EMWIS website
26- "Water as a human right for the Middle East and North Africa": This book systematically and comprehensively analyses the legal development of the concept of water as a human right: Implications for national governments, and international and national organisations, Progress made on this front in different Middle East and North African countries, and Obstacles to universal access to water-related services and how they can be overcome. Further information on EMWIS website
27- Key middle-eastern countries (Jordan, Israel, Palestine and "sometimes" Syria) share the Jordan River -- a river that is stressed by drought and over-allocation. In this article, a directory of EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East (region's multi-national organization) describes EcoPeace's two-pronged strategy to "save" the Jordan River. Further information on EMWIS website
28- The Mediterranean Institute of Water (IME) has just published its Newsletter of September 2008 (available only in French). Further information on EMWIS website
29- pS-Eau newsletter n. 57: "A new European policy on water and sanitation
in the Mediterranean?"
Further information on
EMWIS website
30- UNESCO Water Portal Bi-monthly Newsletter No. 209: Water and natural disasters in celebration of International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction. Further information on EMWIS website
31- The Issue No 10 of the GEWAMED Newsletter (Mainstreaming Gender Dimensions Into Water Resources Development and Management in the Mediterranean Region) is published. This issue covers among other topics: the "Gender & Water: Women's Access and Participation in Water Resources Management" workshop held in Morocco last july, the participation of GEWAMED in the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water to be held in Jordan (29 October 2008), and the Expert Group Meeting on Gender Disaggregated Data in Water and Sanitation, New York, 1-2 December 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
32- The 1st volume (Issue 2) of the Water Alternatives Journal (WaA) has been published. WaA is an interdisciplinary journal addressing the full range of issues that water raises in contemporary societies. WaA welcomes contributions that address any dimension of water resources development, management and use, and their relations with society and the environment. Further information on EMWIS website
33- The book "Water in its rural environment ...", by Jacques BORDET, is organized into three parts around problems that may need to manage local officials: the water cycle, characteristics of drinking water and sanitation systems. Further information on EMWIS website
34- "Participatory water monitoring: a guide for preventing and managing conflict": This advisory note provides hands-on guidance for implementing successful participatory water monitoring programmes. It gives examples of practical models to achieve participation in different environmental, financial and governance contexts. The guide opens in chapter 1 with a discussion of the need for participatory monitoring. Chapters 2-5 describe the four components of an effective participatory monitoring programme. Further information on EMWIS website
35- "Flow the Film - Documentary on Global Water Crisis in Theaters": Flow the Film documents the global water crisis, from how a few corporations took control of global water supplies, to how we are quickly running out of water, ultimately asking the question "Can Anyone Really Own Water?". The documentary contains interviews with scientists and community activists, as well as beautifully captures the role that water plays in each of our lives. Further information on EMWIS website
36- A new EC brochure "EU Research for the Environment 2007-2013: This brochure summarises environmental research funded by the European Union and is divided in two parts. The first provides the context of environmental research - the historical roots and the political framework as well as an introduction to environmental research in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), under the "Environment (including climate change)" theme, an ambitious research programme. The second part gives an overview of the 10 research priorities within the "Environment (including climate change)" research theme, and highlights some of the most successful projects in environmental research. Further information on EMWIS website
37- Sba review 53 focuses on desertification: In this new issue, the
thematic dossier deals with the desertification phenomenon. This issue
states a global situation scheme, describing the mechanisms and effects
of the desertification, and then it explains the process of the main
international convention on this particular subject. Finally, It
introduces an amazing land restoration success story and give different
solutions to act against soil degradation.
Further information on
EMWIS website
38- UNICEF handbook on water quality: This handbook provides an introduction to all aspects of water quality, with a particular focus on the areas most relevant to professional staff members working in developing countries. The handbook focuses on real-world problems faced by poor people, and on community- and household-based, low-cost solutions. The handbook is designed as a resource for field staff members from UNICEF and its partners involved in the water, environment and sanitation (WES) sector. Further information on EMWIS website
39- To follow up with the "Urban sanitation" workshop held in Paris in June 2008, a french version of the proceedings is available online. Further information on EMWIS website
40- ISDR Highlights September 2008: This monthly bulletin, issued as a complement to our regional news bulletins, aims to facilitate the exchange of information about activities in the field of disaster risk reduction. Further information on EMWIS website
41- The Global Water Partnership has launched a new look IWRM ToolBox website. Further information on EMWIS website
42- Best LIFE Environment Projects 2007-2008: This publication presents 21 LIFE selected projects addressing environmental including aater management. Further information on EMWIS website
LIFE+ new call for proposals to be launched: publication of the Regulation in
the Official Journal L149 of 9 June 2007. This
second call for proposals for LIFE+ has been published in the Official Journal
(2008/C 178/20) on 15 July 2008. The Deadline for the submission of proposals to the Member States is 21 November
2008. A total amount of €207,5 million is available for the 2008 call for
proposals. Further information on
EMWIS website
44- The European Commission has published a number calls for proposals under the specific programmes Cooperation and Capacities of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Related to the water community, see the call on Environment (including Climate inducing changes in water resources in southern Europe and neighbouring countries as a threat to security) - FP7-ENV-2009-1. Deadline for application: January 8, 2009 (17:00hrs Brussels local time). Further information on EMWIS website
45- FP7 - Environmental research - First & Second Call: A catalogue of water related projects is available: The catalogue "Water Research" briefly presents the related projects resulting from the FP7-ENV-2007-1 and FP7-2008-2 calls, including a short abstract, the partners involved and the overall grant proposed by the Commission. So far, it represents about 19 projects totalling €62,6 million out of the EC funding for the Collaboration 'Environment (including Climatic Change)' theme. The projects proposed for funding that resulted from the FP7-ENV-NMP-2008-2 call, organised jointly by the Environment theme and the Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production technologies themes, are presented in the catalogue "Nanotechnologies for water treatment". Further information on EMWIS website
46- A Call for expressions of interest (Reference Nr EuropeAid/ 123304/C/SER/TPS) for the "Provision of training on various subjects related to the implementation of projects financed from the EU General Budget in the context of external actions" is open until 4 February 2009. The activities for this Call may be related to distance learning, or pedagogical methods such as on-the-job training or case studies. The sub-fields are including Knowledge Management projects and Information systems. Further information on EMWIS website.
47- Serbia: "Duboko Solid Waste Water Management Project". Tenders must be delivered to the office before 27 October 2008 at 14:00 hrs CET Belgrade local time. Further information on EMWIS
48- Mitigating Flood Risk in Flooded Areas in the GAP region in Turkey: The global objective of this assignment is to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the 'Mitigating flood risk in flooded areas in the GAP region' project. Closing date: 19 December 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
49- This 7th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation will be held in Berlin (Germany) in 4-5 May 2009. You are invited to contribute a paper for presentation at the symposium. The one-page, single-spaced abstract of no less than 300 and no more than 500 words must be received by 31 October, 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
50- The Department of Environmental Engineering of Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) organizes two parallel conferences: 1. 2nd International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics, and Finance Alexandroupolis, Thrace - Greece, 3-5 July 2009 for which full manuscript submissions deadline is 30 November 2008, and 2. Asset Management of Medium and Small Wastewater Utilities, Alexandroupolis, Thrace - Greece 3 - 4 July 2009, for which full manuscript submissions deadline is 05 December 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
51- RRC 10th Annual Network Conference - First Call for Paper and Poster Abstracts: This conference will be held at the Nottingham University the 1th & 2nd of April 2009. Deadline for abstracts submissions is: 7th November 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
52- IOWater Days in 2008: The
International Office for Water (IOwater) organises the following
series of training:
October 23 - Paris: Purification processes planted on macrophyte:
news and feedback
Nov. 25 - Paris: Programming and financial management of investments
in water and sanitation services
December 09 - Paris: Impact of Water Law on Management of Water and
Sanitation Services
Further information on EMWIS website
53- [2008/11/24 - 2008/11/28] Advanced Course on “Risk Management in Mediterranean Agriculture: Agricultural Insurance”
Further information on EMWIS website
54- [2008/11/04 - 2008/11/05] Innovative Monitoring, Optimization & Fouling Management of Membrane Desalination Plants
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/28 - 2008/11/28] 8èmes Rencontres Annuelles de la Coopération en Méditerranée: "Eau et coopération décentralisée", Sophia Antipolis, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/27 - 2008/11/28] EWA/BWA Workshop on Capacity Development in the Water Sector, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/26 - 2008/11/30] The 3rd International Symposium GEOTUNIS 2008: "Natural resource management and Impact of climate change : Bringing the technology of Geographic Information", Tunis, Tunisia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/26 - 2008/11/28] The international symposium on the water-energy nexus, Paris, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/26 - 2008/11/27] Le congrès sur les effluents d'Hôpitaux: "Les effluents liquides des établissements de santé : Etat des lieux et perspectives de gestion", Chambéry, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/25 - 2008/11/26] International Workshop on "Climate change in the Maghreb: thresholds and limits to adaptation", Marrakech, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/25 - 2008/11/25] « JOURNEES de l'OIEau » sur la gestion des
Services d’Eau Potable et d’Assainissement: « Programmation et de la
gestion financière des investissements dans les services eau et
assainissement », Paris, France
Further information on
EMWIS website
[2008/11/24 - 2008/11/25] MENA Infrastructure Finance Forum: Insights on massive financing requirements of the booming power & water sector - Making PPP work in the water industry, Dubai, UAE
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/24 - 2008/11/25] Conference: "Water scarcity and management under Mediterranean climate", Girona, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/24 - 2008/11/24] Consultation Meeting on Integrated Management of the extended Drin River Basin, Tirana, Albania
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/23 - 2008/11/24] The Second International Meeting on Environmental Economics: “Transport, territories & environment”, Annaba, Algeria
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/19 - 2008/11/21] IRC symposium 2008: Governance and partnerships for sanitation of urban poor, Delft, the Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/18 - 2008/11/19] Congrès Prévisions Hydrométeorologiques, Lyon, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/17 - 2008/11/19] Final NeWater Conference 2008: Adaptive Integrated Water Resources Management under Uncertainty - Results from the NeWater Project, Seville, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/17 - 2008/11/19] Colloque International: "Terre et Eau 2008", Annaba, Algeria
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/16 - 2008/11/19] The 3rd International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments (2008) and the 1st Arab Water Forum, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/15 - 2008/11/19] International Conference on Water and Urban Development Paradigms: Towards an integration of engineering, design and management approaches, Leuven, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/13 - 2008/11/15] 2nd European Groundwater Conference, Paris, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/13 - 2008/11/14] WFD Workshop on "How to implement the Water Framework Directive on Public Participation: Sharing European Experiences", Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud (49), France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/13 - 2008/11/13] Conférence Internationale: L'Eau pour la Paix, La paix pour l'Eau, Paris, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/11 - 2008/11/11] Changes in Water Economy: Water Object of Cultural Value, Berlin, Germany
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/10 - 2008/11/12] Workshop International sur la Gestion des Catastrophes: « L'Outil Spatial au Service de la Gestion des Catastrophes et des Situations d'Urgence en Afrique - Aspects Techniques, Organisationnels et Juridiques », Rabat, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/09 - 2008/11/13] EUROMED 2008: Desalination Cooperation among Mediterranean Countries of Europe and the MENA Region, Dead Sea, Jordan
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/06 - 2008/11/12] La 10ème Edition des Universités de Pays: Vallée du Draa 2008, Zagora, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/06 - 2008/11/06] ICID/UEA International Seminar - Towards a political ecology of irrigation & water use efficiency and productivity, London, UK
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/05 - 2008/11/07] The 7th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Water Supply and Sewerage Association of Albania, Tirana, Albania
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/05 - 2008/11/05] The European Policy Summit on Water, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/04 - 2008/11/04] 4th EWA Brussels Conference on the Economic Aspects of the Water Framework Directive, Belgium, Brussels
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/03 - 2008/11/04] FloodFighters: 2008, Cheltenham, UK
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/03 - 2008/11/07] WATCH General Assembly meeting and Work Block meetings, Bratislava, Slovakia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/11/02 - 2008/11/04] The First International Conference on Water Resources and Climate Change in the MENA Region, Muscat, Oman
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/30 - 2008/10/31] Final Conference of the SPI-Water project: Managing water related information in support, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/29 - 2008/11/02] MELIA 2nd Workshop on Technological Perspectives for Rational Use of water resources in the Mediterranean region, Marrakech, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/29 - 2008/10/31] Complex Systems and Changes: Water and Life, Taormina, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/29 - 2008/10/30] The 1st
World Summit of Regions on Climate Change, Saint-Malo (Brittany), France
Further information on
EMWIS website
[2008/10/28 - 2008/10/29] Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water, Dead Sea, Jordan
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/28 - 2008/10/29] Le 31e Symposium sur les eaux usées et le 20e Atelier sur l'eau potable : un rendez-vous incontournable des professionnels du domaine de l’eau! Saint-Hyacinthe, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/28 - 2008/10/30] The 4th Algeria Electricity and Water Expo 2008, Algiers, Algeria
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[2008/10/27 - 2008/10/31] MWWD 2008 - 5th International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges and Coastal Environment, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/27 - 2008/10/30] SOWAMED
Regional workshop on methodology exchanges «Regional workshop on water
and land use planning», Rabat, Morocco
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EMWIS website
[2008/10/27 - 2008/10/28] The 2nd EU Interregional Cooperation Forum: Sharing good practice in the fields of innovation and environment, Lille, France
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[2008/10/26 - 2008/10/27] Global Water Congress, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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[2008/10/25 - 2008/10/30] The 5th Conference on Scientific Research Outlook & Technology Development in the Arab World (SRO5): “Path to Innovation: Transforming Research into Value", Fez, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/23 - 2008/10/24] III International Conference on Municipal Waste - “The European Recycling Society from the New Waste Framework Directive” , Porto, Portugal
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[2008/10/23 - 2008/10/23] An information meeting 2009 Call for Proposals under LIFE+, Brussels, Belgium
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[2008/10/23 - 2008/10/23] SLUDGE 2008 : Conférence sur les technologies pour la réduction des boues d'épuration, Angers, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/22 - 2008/10/24] Second high-level preparatory meeting for the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Madrid, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/21 - 2008/10/24] 8e Forum EURAFRIC PARTNERS - Eau & Energie in Africa, Lyon, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/10/20 - 2008/10/22] Membranes in Drinking Water Production and Waste Water Treatment, Toulouse, France
Further information on EMWIS website
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- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector
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Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will
also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med
Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
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