EMWIS Flash, N°60, June 2008
Released | 02/07/2008 |
EMWIS Flash -
June 2008 |
In this issue N°60 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash60)
1- 5th Conference of the
Water Directors of the Euro-Mediterranean and South-eastern European Countries
2- EMWIS National Focal Points Coordination Meeting
3- Conclusions of the 2nd MEDA Water Regional Event on Local Water Management
4- Union for the Mediterranean: Proposals for the Water sector
5- EU to consult with Euro-Med Partners on a joint declaration for the Paris
6- Progress in the Horizon 2020 programme aiming at de-polluting the
Mediterranean Sea
7- EXPO Zaragoza 2008 - River Basin Management & Transboundary Cooperation
8- Indicators on water availability and abstraction
9- Regional Workshop for on IWRM Research in the Mediterranean region
10- A North Africa Water MDGs Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
11- MedWet Project Dialogue of Water in the MENA Region
12- European Parliament vote on water quality standards
13- Morocco: Agreement Signed With Catalonia on Agriculture
14- Algeria, Tunisia & Libya: GEO-AQUIFER
project supported by space
15- Israel - Syria: Turkish-mediated talks bring Golan Heights and water issues
back to the table
16- Israel-Palestine: Water project is a drop in the ocean on West Bank
17- Palestine: Palestinians get EC aid, but water and sanitation underfunded
18- Jordan: Stakeholders examine private sector participation in water sector
19- Jordan: Wastewater Treatment Plant to be Built in South Amman
20- ‘Business Friends of the Danube’ Pay Tribute
21- Recycling and reuse 'key' to water scarcity
22- Partnership needed to reduce drought and desertification risk
23- Managing water related information in support of WFD and IWRM implementation
1- The “5th Conference of the Water Directors of the Euro-Mediterranean and Southeastern
European Countries” will take place on 21 and 22 July 2008, in Athens, Greece.
The main objective of this conference is the technical preparation of the
special ad hoc Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water planned in
Jordan, on 29 October 2008 and the related civil society event on 28 October.
Thus, it will primarily focus on the first drafts thematic papers (Effective
Water Governance, Water and Climate Change Adaptation, Water Financing, Water
Demand Management and Efficiency and Non-Conventional Water Resources) and
background documents of the Ministerial, in line with the Conclusions of the 4th
Conference of the Water Directors (10-11 December 2007, Bled) and the
discussions at the Meeting of the Steering Committee for the preparation of the
Ministerial (30 April 2008, Marrakech). Further
information on
EMWIS website.
2- The last EMWIS NFP coordination seminar took place in Madrid from 24-26 June. This seminar focused on achievements so far and on NFPs sustainability as main national water information access points. The NFP agreed on the preparation of a booklet on water institutional framework of Med countries. Countries presented their progress on National Water Information Systems developments and the activities related to their harmonization were discussed including: guidelines on the harmonization with the Water information System for Europe - WISE-, and a Meta-data catalogue on the water data sources. The activities of the Med Joint Process working groups on water monitoring networks, waste water reuse and on the water scarcity and drought were also reviewed. Finally, the participation of EMWIS and its NFP in national meetings organsied by SMAP RMSU on Horizon2020 monitoring was reviewed. All the presentations of this meeting are available online. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- The conclusions and recommendations of the 2nd MEDA Water Regional Event on Local Water Management that took place in Marrakech (Morocco) at the end of April, are now availaible online. They are covering the main issues tackled by the MEDA-Water projects: local water management, irrigation water management, drought management, decision-making in rural water supply, sanitation and irrigation, water information, management of water supply and sanitation and the use of non-conventional water resources. The recommendations are specially targeted to the water authorities, the European Commission and the Ministers in charge of water. All the presentations and the material of the conference are available online. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- The Institut de Prospective Economique du Monde méditerranéen (institute of economic forecasting for the greater Mediterranean - IPEMed) with the support of experts, business leaders and public officials from both side of the Mediterranean has elaborated proposals for a Mediterranean policy on water sector to fuel the discussions for the forthcoming Mediterranean Summit that will be held in 13 July 2008 in Paris. These proposals are open for comments and available from the EMWIS website. Priority programmes are outlined to secure access to lean water and sanitation for all, to clean up the Mediterranean and to improve water efficiency. These programmes could be supported by institutional instruments such as a Mediterranean water agency and a water knowledge hub. Further information on EMWIS website.
5- The EU will conduct the necessary consultations with all Euro-Mediterranean partners with a view to preparing a joint declaration to be adopted at the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean on 13 July 2008, the heads of state or government say in their Conclusions adopted at the European Council on 20 June. Further information on EMWIS website.
6- Progress made in implementing the Horizon 2020 Road Map, which aims at de-polluting the Mediterranean Sea, was discussed at at the Horizon 2020 Steering Committee meeting held in Tunis on 16 June 2008 by delegates from the Environment Ministries of the Mediterranean Partner Countries and EU Members States, UNEP, financial institutions, EC services, and representatives from civil society. The meeting agreed on the next steps to be undertaken and the need to look for synergies with existing or new initiatives in the region. Further information on EMWIS website
7- The International Zaragoza 2008 Expo was launched in 14 June in Madrid titled "Water and Sustainable Development" with a considerable Arab and international participation from 124 countries. This international exhibition will continue until 14 September 2008 in Zaragoza (Spain). A « Water Tribune » is organized during the « Zaragoza 2008 » International exhibition to allow profitable exchanges of experiences and opinions between the professionals and decision makers of the water sector. The organizers of « the Water Tribune » have invited the International Network of Basin Organizations - INBO to hold a special session on « River Basin Management and Transboundary Cooperation in Europe and in the Mediterranean», jointly organized with the Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations - MENBO and the European Water Partnership - EWP next 8 July 2008 at the World Trade Center of Zaragoza. This session will be particularly devoted to the preparation of the 5th World Water Forum 2009 of Istanbul, with the participation of all our European and Mediterranean partners. The aim of INBO and its partners is to enable all the institutions and professionals interested in the management of national and transboundary river basins to meet in order to exchange their practical experiences and propose solutions to prepare the future. Further information on EMWIS website
8- In recent years, a growing concern has been expressed throughout the EU regarding water scarcity and drought (WS&D) events. The informal council of Environment Ministers discussed water scarcity and drought end August 2007 and the European Parliament had a public hearing on WS&D in April 2008. The assessment confirmed by the council conclusions also noted high data gaps and data uncertainty in estimating water availability, and water abstraction. Indeed, the Water Frame Directive allows valuable reporting on water quality issues but not on quantity and abstraction. In order to agree on reliable data and indicators related to WS&D, experts from EU member states are working together with the European Environment Agency, EuroStat and the DG Environment of the European Commission. A preliminary indicator framework for WS&D has been defined and an EU test on water quantity reporting has been carried out and discussed. The full framework is expected for late 2008. To get additional input in particular from non EU Mediterranean countries, the work in progress at EU level on the indicator framework could be presented at a meeting of the Med working group on WS&D. To complete this process, EMWIS will prepare an analysis of data availability in non EU Mediterranean countries. Further information on EMWIS website
9- The "Regional Workshop for collaborating on IWRM Research: Southern Europe and Mediterranean region" took place in Valencia (Spain) last 10-11 June 2008. Its conclusions are already available online. The discussions were useful and provided IWRM-net with a lot if information to take forward. The next stage for IWRM-net is to integrate these discussions with the other discussions around Europe on a website and Knowledge Management Tool. The strategic objective addressed by the IWRM ERA-Net project is developing long-term coordination among national / regional Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) related research programmes in Europe. The members of IWRM-net are national/regional programme managers, wishing to enhance good practices, both by transfer of knowledge, and by developing new tools and expertise in IWRM and research management. The workshop was one of a series of four to identify short-term research needs for water management, aiming to discuss the research needs within Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, and other Med countries. Further information on EMWIS website
10- During the 3rd session of the African Water Facility (AWF) Governing Council held in Cairo, Egypt, 25-26 June 2006, North African Ministers’ Council on Water (N-AMCOW) through the Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE), submitted a request to the AWF to support N-AMCOW in a proposal for sub regional MDGs M&E program called “A Water MDGs Monitoring and Evaluation Program in North Africa” (i.e. Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania). The overall objective of the proposed project is to assess the progress in achieving the African water Vision in the Northern African countries and enable a country-led M&E functions to produce monitoring data and evaluations that are credible, valid, comparable and useable as tested by internationally recognized monitoring and evaluation standards. To discuss this request, a Regional M&E Stakeholders Workshop has been organised last 15-17 June 2008 in CEDARE permises in Cairo (Egypt). The final project document will be submitted to the AWF at the end of August, and in case of its approval the project will begin in early 2009. Further information on EMWIS website.
11- The Closing workshop of the MedWet Project Dialogue on Water in the MENA Region for Morocco took place on May 28 at the Wilaya of Kenitra, Morocco, more than 100 participants attended the National Workshop of the Menasra Dialogue including mayors, public administration representatives, farmers, national and international experts. After a brief introduction by the Wali of Kenitra, the four Presidents of the Rural Communities of Menasra, Souk El Had, Ouled Ayed and Sid Lahmar signed the final Agreement on the wise use of water resources of the Menasra basin. Further information on EMWIS website
12- The European Commission welcomes the European Parliament's second reading vote approving the agreement reached with the Council on the proposed directive on environmental quality standards in the field of water. The directive will better protect rivers, lakes and coastal waters against pollution from a range of chemical substances. The directive on environmental quality standards for water is the final major piece of legislation needed to support the Water Framework Directive (WFD),the cornerstone of EU water protection policy. The WFD requires that all EU waters should achieve 'good status' by 2015. It establishes a new regime for the prevention and control of chemical pollution of water. The new directive will repeal five existing directives and at the same time simplify water-related reporting within WISE, the newly created Water Information System for Europe. Further information on EMWIS website
13- Morocco has signed an agreement with the autonomous government of Catalonia on agriculture for greater cooperation in management of irrigation systems, efficient use of water resources, and fighting the effects of drought. The agreement focuses on setting up a network to exchange experiences and trainers between Morocco and Catalonia. It aims to strengthen cooperation ties between the two countries on agricultural research and information and technology transfer. Further information on EMWIS website
14- Algeria, Libya and Tunisia have kicked off an ambitious water project called GEO-AQUIFER that will use satellite imagery to support the monitoring and sustainable management of their common, transboundary groundwater resources, bettering the living conditions of their population. Geo-Aquifer is a follow-up of the Aquifer project developed under ESA's Data User Element (DUE) programme as part of the TIGER Initiative (Earth Observation data for technical, human and institutional capacity to bridge Africa's water information gap using satellite data). GEO-AQUIFER principal aim is to provide information to decision makers and thus to strengthen the integrated water management practice. The GEO-AQUIFER project is co-funded by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS, also project leader) and the African Water Facility (AWF). ESA and EMWIS are involved as members of the steering committee that held its 1st meeting on 4 and 5 June 2008 in Tunis. This shared groundwater resource is known as the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System (SASS based on its French acronym). The SASS covers an area of over one million square kilometres and is the key water resource in the region. Recognising the overexploitation of this shared resource, these three countries initiated a consultation mechanism in 1999 with the support of OSS. Since 1st June 2008, this mechanism has a dedicated full-time coordinator and its own budget. Further information on EMWIS website
15- Israel and Syria started holding indirect peace talks in Istanbul through Turkish mediators at the end of May 2008. While the first round of discussions were of a general nature, Arab media reports suggest that the round of talks starting in June 2008 would focus on the details of four separate issues of a possible peace accord: borders, security aspects, water and normalisation. Second most important issue is the water issue, because much of Israel's water sources are in a region of scarce water, and it's coming in from the Golan, and there's no question that Israel would want to negotiate a very serious water-sharing agreement or some sort of water agreement with Syria if the Golan Heights were to be returned as part of an agreement. Further information on EMWIS website
16- With the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Palestinian Water Authority, one town on the West Bank now has access to plentiful water, giving Samua's mayor and townspeople something to celebrate. A large reservoir and pipeline connecting it to a pumping station some 8km away are now in use. Estimates had put daily water use at between 10 and 25l per person on average, far below World Health Organization recommendations. That figure would now reach 40l or even 70l a day. Improving water services for the town's 22,000 people solves only a fraction of the problem, however. According to conservative estimates, about 200,000 Palestinians in the West Bank are not connected to water networks. The people must buy water and ship it in tanks or rely on cisterns and private wells. Environmentalists and water experts say some 90 percent of the territory's waste-water is not treated and the only solution is building more treatment plants. Further information on EMWIS website
17- The European Commission (EC) on 16 June announced a 24 million euro donation to humanitarian programmes in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). About half of the money would go to the West Bank and half to the Gaza Strip. This was the second half of the EC's humanitarian contribution to the oPt for 2008: in January 29 million euros were allocated for food aid and food security projects. Of the 53 million euro total, 54 percent went directly to meet the funding needs outlined in the multi-agency Consolidated Appeal (CAP) for 2008. Of the US$461.9 million asked for in the CAP, $42.9 million was for water and sanitation. Experts said CAP funding this year was good but water and sanitation had only received 4 percent of the requested amount. Further information on EMWIS website
18- Representatives from Jordan's water institutions, the private sector and the donor community convened last 11 June to consider public and private sector cooperation in water distribution. According to the GTZ, that have been working on behalf of the German government in Jordan for more than 30 years, the Kingdom's water sector offers a vast number of opportunities for private sector participation. Pressured by increasing public deficits, governments across the world often struggle to cope with the costs of operating and managing their water networks. Future plans between the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), GTZ and private companies include replicating the Madaba experience in other governorates such as Balqa, as well as introducing new pumping stations, improving household connections and repairing networks. Further information on EMWIS website
19- A multimillion-dollar wastewater treatment plant will be established in south Amman to serve area residents. Under an agreement between the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) and the South Korean government, the Export-Import Bank of Korea will provide $24 million for the $46 million project. The treatment plant, to be built by the South Korean company Kolon, will have an initial daily capacity of 31,000 cubic metres of wastewater, with the treated water to go towards agricultural uses. Construction of the plant is expected to be completed in two years. Minister of Water and Irrigation Raed Abu Saud expressed hope that the project will be finalised ahead of schedule to meet the pressing needs in the area, which is witnessing a continuous growth in population. The project will also benefit the agriculture sector as the treated water will be used to irrigate fodder crops cultivated in the surrounding areas. Further information on EMWIS website
20- Renowned Austrian and international companies agreed to support the ICDPR (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube Rive) to protect the vulnerable Danube River. In the presence of Austrian Federal Minister Josef Proell, Coca-Cola Hellenic and The Coca-Cola Company, main players of this long-term project as well as the ORF, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, added its support to ICPDR on 2 June 2008. Can the Danube still be saved? With the presentation of the ‘Business Friends of the Danube’, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River responded with a “clear yes” to this specific question. Further information on EMWIS website
21- More and more communities are facing acute water scarcity issues - but this can be addressed through better recycling and reuse according to a white paper published by one of the world's biggest companies. GE Water and Process Technologies, part of General Electric, highlighted the successful policies being used in water scarce regions around the world. Addressing Water Scarcity Through Recycling and Reuse said policies fall into four main categories - education, barrier removal, incentives and mandates - which policymakers can choose from to use in their own areas. These include awards schemes, lifting tough inspection requirements on recycled water and providing direct subsidies. GE has also announced its own commitment to reduce its fresh water use by 20% by 2012. GE said it is also using the same water-saving solutions to help reduce municipal, industrial and agricultural customers' "water footprints". Further information on EMWIS website
22- The Chair’s summary of the 16th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (5-16 May) noted that drought management, resilience building, early warning systems, and adaptation measures were even more urgently required, given current climate change projections. A side event was held on ‘Building partnerships to reduce risk of drought and desertification’ on 8 May, where, against the backdrop of the international crisis over food security, participants drew attention to the need to build effective partnerships at all levels to reduce drought risk. The event built on preparations for a Global Drought Risk Reduction and Preparedness Network, which is expected to assist in identifying drought risk reduction priorities, coordinating global support initiatives, developing guidance, and supporting regional drought risk reduction networks. Further information on EMWIS website
23- SPI-Water project funded by the European Commission aims at ‘Science-Policy Interfacing in support of the Water Framework Directive implementation’. This project will organise its final conference in Brussels (Belgium) next 30-31 October 2008. This conference aims to: Bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and water policy implementation, Presenting the enhanced WISE-RTD Web Portal as a tool for sharing water related research information and operational practices, and Facilitating the transfer of WFD and IWRM experiences. A unique insight will be provided in the future plans of the EC with respect to the Water Information System Europe (WISE), the use and role of WISE-RTD, the organization of IWRM support to non-EU countries, the twinning processes, etc. The conference will close with a round table discussion on the availability, sharing and linking of water related information. The sustainability and safeguarding of the available European Water Management Information will be an important issue here. Further information on EMWIS website
24- New National Focal Points (NFPs)
coordinators of EMWIS have been nominated in France, Lebanon and Jordan:
France: Ms. Stéphanie LARONDE, who is also the Director of Water data in
the International Office for Water (OIEAU) in Limoges (France), replacing Mr.
Jean Antoine FABY.
Lebanon: Mr. Mahmoud BAROUD, who is also
acting General Director of
Exploitation in the Ministry of Energy and Water, replacing Mr. Hassan HASHEM who went into retirement.
Jordan: Mr. Jamal HIJAZI, who is also the new head of Information
Communication Technology in the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, replacing Mr.
Further information on
EMWIS website
25- SwissRe invites
applications for the International ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed
Management 2009: The Award worth USD 150 000 is an internationally recognized
prize for leadership in implementing the principles of sustainability in
watershed management, and is granted to one or several projects selected by an
international jury. The prize money is open to NGOs, private, scientific and
public institutions. As the world’s leading and most diversified global
reinsurer, Swiss Re offers financial services products that enable risk taking
essential to enterprise and progress. Deadline: 31 May 2009.
Further information on
EMWIS website
26- The Mediterranean Water scarcity and
drought Working Group (MED-EUWI Water scarcity and drought WG) is one of
the three thematic groups launched for the Phase I (2004-2006) in the
framework of the Mediterranean Joint Process between the EU Water
Framework Directive (WFD) and the Mediterranean Component of the EU
Water Initiative. This WG is leaded by EMWIS, MENBO (Mediterranean
Network of Basins Organisations), Morocco and the EC. This WG has
provided the final Report, which gives a good overview of the
information available so far in the Mediterranean Region. The
conclusions of the report point out the issues that need to be further
addressed in order to progress towards a Mediterranean system of
information on water scarcity and droughts. Further information on
EMWIS website
27- The World Bank web site on climate change in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) has been launched. The site contains information on ongoing and planned World Bank activities aimed at helping MENA countries enhance their resilience to Climate Change, and move to a low carbon development path. Further information on EMWIS website
28- The study “Putting the Mediterranean Union in Perspective” seeks to enhance the present debate by providing an overview of the different views emerging in the main zones of the Euro-Med. A comparison of the four distinct expert perspectives outlined – namely from Southern Europe, Germany, North Africa and Israel – highlights the main issues of contention, but also those around which consensus has rallied. This paper takes stock of the EU’s past and current policy for the Mediterranean in order to determine its future potential within the UfM framework. Now that this project is in full-fledged development, such region-specific assessments should hopefully contribute towards the establishment of an inclusive, responsive, relevant and effective Union for the Mediterranean. Further information on EMWIS website
29- Pollution of rivers, lakes, and aquifers exceeds recommended limits for drinking water in farming areas in many OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, according to a new OECD report. Environmental Performance of Agriculture in OECD Countries since 1990 shows that excess levels of nitrates, phosphorus or pesticides were found in more than one out of 10 monitoring sites in 13 OECD countries. Treating pesticide- and nutrient-contaminated water to bring it up to drinking standards is costly. In the United Kingdom, for example, the cost imposed by water pollution from agriculture is estimated at around EUR 345 million annually. Farm chemical contamination of coastal waters is also a major problem in most regions as nutrients cause rapid growth of algae and damage marine life. Further information on EMWIS website
30- Publication: Flood risk management and
floodplain restoration in Europe: recent policy developments at EU level.
Against the background of an increased number of flood events and the
dependency of their impacts on how the surrounding land is used, it has
become evident that technical solutions have only a limited effect. New
approaches to flood management, including the restoration of rivers'
natural flood zones have become indispensable. Further information on
EMWIS website
31- Distilling or diluting? Negotiating the water research-policy
interface: This paper examines some of the tensions in the generation of
knowledge about water governance and poverty, and the translation of
this knowledge into policy (and practice).
Further information on
EMWIS website
32- Young Geo-Professional Magazine Initiative: The geomatics and hydrographics field is experiencing a shortage of personnel. Companies and governments simply cannot attract sufficient qualified personnel to get all the work done. Furthermore, universities and educational institutions all over the world are suffering from a lack of new students. How can we turn the tide? How can we interest people in starting a career in, for example, land surveying, electronic charting, remote sensing, positioning or hydrographic surveying? Reed Business Geo has taken the initiative to publish a magazine and associated website focussed on young people who are about to make a study choice. The magazine and website will be available for students at the start of the study year (September 2008). Further information on EMWIS website
33- "WATER ... an unusual story", by Prof. Raoul
Caruba. This book answers to 157 questions essential to know and
understand the "Water". Further
information on
EMWIS website (Only in french)
34- EU-FP7 Call for
proposal - ERA-NET / ERA-NET PLUS Call 2008: Call identifier:
FP7-ERANET-2008-RTD, Indicative budget: 29,3 M€. This call for Coordination and
Support Actions covers a.o. Environment topics (including Climate Change).
Deadline for application: August 12, 2008. Further information on
EMWIS website.
35- GSDI Small Grants Program Call for proposals: The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association announced its Small Grants Program for the year 2008. The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association is dedicated to international cooperation and collaboration in support of local, national, and international spatial data infrastructure developments that would allow nations to better address social, economic, and environmental issues of pressing importance. Priority will be given to projects in developing nations and countries with economies in transition. Grants can be awarded to SDI coordinating bodies (councils, committees) and GIS user groups, but the GSDI Association asks that one institution take responsibility for receiving/depositing the funds. Grants will not cover organization overhead expenses. Application deadline of 30 August 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
36- Mitigating Flood Risk in Flooded Areas in the GAP region in Turkey: The global objective of this assignment is to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the 'Mitigating flood risk in flooded areas in the GAP region' project. Closing date: 19 December 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
37- The Call for Tender for the “Information and Communication campaign support in the ENPI countries and territories” has been announced by EuropeAid (Reference: EuropeAid/126683/C/SER/Multi). This is a restricted tender for a fee-based contract, from the European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument (ENPI) financial cooperation with the Mediterranean countries and Eastern Europe. The indicative budget for the contract is 5,5 million euros. The contractor is expected to assist the European Commission (Headquarters and Delegations) to prepare and implement information and communication campaigns in the ENPI countries and territories during the next 3 years. This includes the provision of strategic, analytical and operation support to their communication activities, monitoring and analysis of EU media coverage in the region and the production and distribution of communication and information material, as well as launching of information campaigns. The Call is open to all legal persons or groupings of such persons (consortia), established in an EU member state or country or territory covered by the ENPI. The deadline for the receipt of applications is 25 July 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
38- - CIWEM Annual Conference 2009 (29-30 April 2009, UK) Call for papers: This conference is organised on an academic model, like the Defra Flood Risk Management conference, where there is a call for papers and speakers will be selected on that basis by the conference organising committee. All the speakers will pay the conference fee and this will be broadly in line with current CIWEM one day events. Submission Deadline: August 15th 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
39- The International Conference ‘Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle – XENOWAC 2009’, that will be held in Paphos (Cyprus) in March 11-13, 2009, has published its first announcement. Deadline for abstracts submission: July 15, 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
40- [2008/07/09 - 2008/07/19] NeWater - GWSP Summer School 2008 Program: “Managing Change: Tools and Methods for Adaptive River Basin Management”, Königswinter, Germany
Further information on EMWIS website
41- [2008/07/07 - 2008/07/25] Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector, Delft, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
42- [2008/07/07 - 2008/07/17] Youth training course on “Protecting the Mediterranean environment”, Greek Islands, Greece
Further information on EMWIS website
43- [2008/07/01 - 2008/07/04] VESTA-GIS workshop: "Training on Geographical Information, a challenge in a new European context", Salzburg, Austria
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/28 - 2008/08/01] Expo Zaragoza 2008, Thematic Week Seven: Water Economics and Financing - Water Markets - Financial Solutions for Emerging Countries, Zaragoza, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/21 - 2008/07/22] 5th Conference of the Water Directors of the Euro-Mediterranean and Southeastern European Countries, Athens, Greece
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/16 - 2008/07/19] Capacity Building Workshop on Integrated Management of Shared Lakes Basins, Ohrid Lake, Macedonia (TFYR of Macedonia)
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/15 - 2008/07/15] Seminar on "Water and Sanitation in EU External Aid" in Expo Zaragoza 2008, Zaragoza, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/13 - 2008/07/13] Mediterranean Union Summit, 13 July 2008, Paris, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/09 - 2008/07/11] International Symposium on Sediment Management (I2SM), Lille, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/09 - 2008/07/12] The First REWARD Regional Dialogue Meeting on Ground Water Management, Egypt.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/08 - 2008/07/09] Second meeting European Regional Process for the fifth World Water Forum: MENBO-INBO-EWP Session, Zaragoza, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/06 - 2008/07/11] 10th International Drainage Workshop of ICID Working Group on Drainage, Helsinki, Finland
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/06 - 2008/07/10] International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software with a session on “Integrated Catchment Management: How can modelling tools and techniques help?”, Barcelona, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/02 - 2008/07/03] Flood Recovery Innovation and Response (FRIAR) 2008, London, United Kingdom
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/01 - 2008/07/04] World Business Summit on Water 2008, Zaragoza, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/07/01 - 2008/07/02] Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
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