EMWIS Flash N°54- 55, December 2007- January 2008
Released | 17/01/2008 |
EMWIS Flash -
December 2007 & January 2008 |
L’Unité Technique du SEMIDE vous souhaite une très bonne année 2008
Happy New Year 2008 from EMWIS Technical Unit
الوحدة التقنية لسميد تتمنى لكم سنة جديدة 2008 سعيدة و سنة جديدة 1429 موفّقة، و كل عام و أنتم بخير
In this issue N°54 & 55 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash55)
1- Conclusions of the 4th Euromed & South-East European Water Directors
conference, Bled (Slovenia) 10-11 December 2007
2- Towards a Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism compatible with the
Water Information System for Europe (WISE)
3- Conclusions of the International Roundtable on Integrated Management of
Shared Groundwater in Southeastern Europe, 14-16 Nov 2007, Slovenia
4- Conclusions of SMAP RMSU Regional workshop on "environmental knowledge
and information exchange in the Mediterranean"- Rome 5,6 December 2007
5- The Mediterranean Union: Sarkozy, Zapatero and Prodi announce
Mediterranean Union Summit
6- The Mediterranean Union initiative views of the Mediterranean
7- "How to build the Mediterranean Union?" - It will begin with a Union of
8- Barcelona Convention: Mediterranean Ministers discuss climate change
impacts on the region
9- European Regional Coordination for the fifth World Water Forum
10- Africa: EU Water Facility update
11- AMCOW signs MoU with the African Civil Society Network on Water and
12- SIEE Pollutec 2008: International Exhibition of Equipment and services
for Water (Algiers, 19-22 May 2008)
13- Belgium: The EIB gives 400 millions euros for sanitation
14- Croatia: EBRD helps improve water and waste water systems by 60 million
15- Morocco : 130 millions dirhams for drinking water in Agadir
16- Algeria: drinking water for the south
17- Jordan & Syria collaborate on the water sector
18- The French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights adopted a
point of view on the right to water and sanitation
19- Asia Pacific Leaders support the right to water
1- The water directors of the Euro-Mediterranean and South-eastern
European countries who met in Bled, Slovenia, on 10-11 December 2007
approved the progress review of key regional water initiatives and set-up a
steering group for the preparation of the Ministerial conference to be held
next November 2008 under the French Presidency of the European Union. During
the session dedicated to water information, it was proposed that EMWIS
should include the networking of the MEDA-Water community and the
dissemination of the technical and managerial knowledge developed by this
community. The participants welcomed the results of the feasibility study on
a Mediterranean water observatory mechanism, specially its role of
facilitating and streamlining data collection processes and its emphasis to support
National Water Information Systems. They also recommended further
developments and reinforcement of Water Information Systems in the
Mediterranean and Southeastern European countries to be included as an
appropriate component for a potential future water strategy for the
Mediterranean to be decided by the forthcoming Ministerial Conference in
2008. Further information on EMWIS
2- Towards a Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism compatible with the Water Information System for Europe (WISE) is a new project led by EMWIS Technical Unit for the next 18 months and co-financed by the DG Environment of the European Commission. This project is based on a strong synergy with the European Environment Agency (EEA) for drafting guidelines for setting up National water information systems compatible with WISE in Med Partner Countries and collecting data to support the Med Joint Process working groups on "water scarcity and drought" and "water monitoring". Further information on EMWIS website.
3- The International Roundtable on “Integrated Management of Shared Groundwater in Southeastern Europe” took place in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, 14-16 November 2007, and aimed to promote cooperation for sustainable utilization, management and protection of shared groundwater resources in Southeastern Europe (SEE). Among others, linkages to the management of connected river basins, coastal areas and ecosystems as well as contribution of groundwater to economic development were addressed. The meeting built on related ongoing work in the region carried out by international organizations such as GEF, UNECE and UNESCO IHP. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- The SMAP RMSU team has published the conclusions of the Regional SMAP-RMSU Workshop on "Environmental Knowledge and Information Exchange in the Mediterranean" held at APAT Headquarters in Rome on 5-6 December 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
5- The French president Nicolas Sarkozy has received from the heads of the Spanish government, Jose Luis Zapatero and Italian Romano Prodi, a strong commitment to contribute to the success of the Mediterranean union project. This support was expressed in Rome through the call to the Mediterranean Union, launched by Sarkozy, Prodi and Zapatero and that they intend to implement at a conference on July 13 in Paris. They jointly confirmed this vision of a political union bringing "peace and development" between the two shores of the Mediterranean, with the same mind having presided over the 1957 Treaty of Rome that gave birth to the European Union. Further information on EMWIS website. It was also announced by Alain Le Roy, French ambassador in charge of the project for the Union for the Mediterranean. He declared during an interview last December, 28 that the July summit would result in a declaration in which the heads of state and government will launch projects and that the Mediterranean Union will be a union of projects. Further information on EMWIS website.
6- The Mediterranean Institute in Marseille (France) discussed the French presidency project on the Mediterranean Union to highlight the central dimensions of this process and the conditions for its success. To this end, a dozen of experts have auditioned in July 2007 personalities involved in the construction of the Mediterranean Union to bring about a dozen major topics considered in this ambition. The expert group's report was submitted on October 30, 2007. They identified ten themes that appear essential to the viability of the Mediterranean Union proposed by the French presidency. On the environmental front, the panel recommends the installation of an observation system on the Mediterranean environment and sustainable development. These guidelines could be based on three institutions, which are: "A Mediterranean Commission of Sustainable Development", "A Mediterranean Observatory of Sustainable Development", and "A Mediterranean Water Agency" responsible for cleaning the pollution of the Mediterranean, a better utilisation of water. Further information on EMWIS website.
7- An information mission of the Foreign Affairs Commission (France) presented its report on the theme "How to build the Mediterranean Union? " at the National Assembly on December 5, 2007. This information mission proposes that the Mediterranean Union relies primarily on riparian States on the basis of voluntary membership. The European Union and the Arab League would be ex officio members. However, the Mediterranean Union must be a process permanently open to all States that wish it, including other members of the European Union. The perimeter of the Mediterranean Union would be flexible depending on the projects. Among other things, the information mission proposes that the Mediterranean Union addresses as a priority the issues of water management, environment and know-how exchange. Further information on EMWIS website. (Report available only in French).
8- The 15th Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols has been convened at the invitation of the Executive Director of UNEP, Mr. Achim Steiner and is hosted by the Spanish Minister for the Environment. A Ministerial session is scheduled on the 16-17 January to discuss the Challenge of Climate Change in the Mediterranean. The 2008 Conference held in Almeria (Spain), 15-18th January, is also expected to adopt a series of decisions, including the new Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and will consider the adoption of the Almeria Ministerial Declaration setting up the MAP future initiatives in the field of climate change. Jointly organised by UNEP/MAP and the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, the Conference is bringing together Ministers and Senior Officials responsible for the environment and development in 21 Mediterranean countries and the European Community. Further information on EMWIS website.
9- In March 2009 the fifth World Water Forum will take place in Istanbul. Over the last 12 years, the World Water Fora have grown to be major events, connecting all stakeholders on water. In 2009, around 15000 people are expected to attend again, combining politicians, businesses and NGO’s to find solutions to attain sustainable water use under the overarching theme “Bridging divides for Water”. The programme of the Forum has been divided in six main themes - which are listed on the website of the Forum at http://www.worldwaterforum5.org/ – as well as a political process, which includes sessions on “Climate Change”, “Sanitation” and “Local Finance”. The programme is designed to culminate in a clear set of recommendations and commitments for action. To prepare for this Forum a thematic as well as a regional process is set up with related coordinators. The thematic coordinators will form consortia to develop their respective theme, topics and sessions. Seeing that issues differ across regions, the regional coordinators will develop these themes in their regional context and provide region-specific input into the Forum. Further information on EMWIS website
10- The EUWF (EU Water Facility) contract has finally been signed. The funding will be used to promote and improve the advocacy and participation capacities of the African Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and strengthen ANEW (African Civil Society Network on Water and Sanitation). Between January and March 2008, ANEW will recruit sub regional Coordinators and a bi-lingual (French and English) Information and Communications Officer. A start-up workshop is planned for April 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
11- African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the African Civil Society Network on Water and Sanitation (ANEW): This is a long awaited and important step for ANEW as they are now officially recognized by AMCOW and its partners as an organization which represents African Civil Society Organizations working on water and sanitation issues. On the other hand, AMCOW & the African Development Bank (AfDB) announced the organisation of the first African Water Week, to be held in Tunis (Tunisia) next 26-28 March 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
12- After the success of 2005 to 2007 editions, Reed Exhibitions France and Mediaedge, in partnership with the Algerian Ministry of Water Resources organise the 4th edition of SIEE Pollutec, "rendez-vous" for water professionals in Algeria. It will be held in Algiers from 19 to 22 May 2008. Pollutec 2008 SIEE gathers for the 4th consecutive year all the Algerian decision makers in the water sector - agencies and state enterprises - around the Algerian Ministry of Water Resources, the partner of the event, and major international operators and equipment suppliers and service providers in the areas of water treatment and wastewater treatment, water supply, the treatment of industrial pollution, analysis, measurement, control and the irrigation. Further information on EMWIS website
13- The European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU’s financing institution, is providing a long-term loan of EUR 400m to Société Publique de Gestion de l’Eau (SPGE) for wastewater treatment, the protection of water catchment areas and priority sewerage and drainage works. Recognising the need to preserve one of its natural resources, in 1999 the Walloon Region set up Société Publique de Gestion de l’Eau, whose main tasks are to provide public sewerage services and to protect catchment areas. With regard to the 1991 European Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, Belgium in general and the Walloon Region in particular were lagging well behind other areas. SPGE therefore mounted an ambitious investment programme of around EUR 2.5bn for the period up to 2010. Further information on EMWIS website.
14- The EBRD is lending €60 million to the Zagreb water company to help finance capital investments in the city’s water and sewer network in order to reduce water leakages and improve the service for a growing number of local residents. In addition, the Dutch government has provided €495,000 in technical cooperation. A total of €195,000 was used to assist the company prepare an investment programme in the water and sewer sector. The remaining grant funds will be used to assist the company with the development of a programme focusing on commercialisation and organisational improvements of Zagreb Holding. Further information on EMWIS website.
15- 130 million dirhams (just a little over 11 million euros) will be released to finance a programme to supply drinking water to the benefit of 115 villages "douars" and 3 urban centres of the Moroccan province "Idaoutanan - Agadir". The announcement was made by the governor of the province, Rashid Al Filaliqui, who said that the program will be headed by the Provincial Council, in partnership with the Interior Ministry and the National Office of Drinking Water (ONEP). The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has estimated the annual deficit in water in the region to 230 million cubic metres. Further information on EMWIS website.
16- In order to provide drinking water for southern Algerian wilaya of Tamanrasset, a large pipeline will be built on 700 km. President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has inaugurated and launched projects. These waters will be channelled through the transfer Tamanrasset-In Salah. This long-awaited project by local people, will solve out definitely the problem of drinking water. Further information on EMWIS website.
17- The New Water Minister in Jordan "Raed Abu Saud" visited Syria at the head of an official delegation in response to an invitation by Syrian Irrigation Minister Nader Al Buni. The visit was designed to complete bilateral talks on water issues, discuss means to protect their water rights in water basins and store water in Al Wihda Dam. The Wihda Dam is to supply Jordan with 80 million cubic meters of water per year — 50 million cubic meters for drinking water and 30 million cubic meters for irrigating in the Jordan Valley. Jordan and Syria held talks early last November and agreed to give priority to storing rain water in al Wihda dam during the current winter season. Further information on EMWIS website.
18- The French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) stresses that, for its total effectiveness, the right to water must be implemented by specific provisions of law, covering its various aspects, including access to water and sanitation for poor people in rural areas. The CNCDH hopes that the Council on Human Rights adopts a resolution by which access to safe drinking water and sanitation would be recognized as a fundamental right. The debate on the right to water will be held at the Council on Human Rights in March 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
19- At the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit, held in Beppu, Japan, on 3-4th December 2007, ten Heads of State and Government, 31 Ministers, and representatives from over 36 Asia-Pacific countries and regions endorsed unanimously the “Message from Beppu” which supports the right to water. Further information on EMWIS website.
20- Raed Abu Saud was nominated last November 26th New Minister of Water and Irrigation in Jordan in the new 27-member government headed by Nader Dahabi. Further information on EMWIS website.
21- Recruitment for ELP 2008: Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program (ELP), University of California, Berkeley is seeking applicants for the 2008 summer certificate course in Sustainable Environmental Management at the University of California, Berkeley. Applications must be received no later than February 1, 2008. A limited number of partial scholarships are available. Unfortunately, there are no full scholarships. Further information on EMWIS website.
22- The Swiss Mountain Water Award is an innovation competition for water-related projects, which has been held four times so far. It rewards water-related projects which provide a sustainable contribution to added value in the Swiss mountains. The deadline for submitting innovative projects is 15 April 2008. The total value of the prizes is 60,000 Swiss francs. Further information on EMWIS website.
23- Vacancy announcement: Regional programme coordinator/ IUCN Regional Office for West Asia/Middle East (WAME): The World Conservation Union (IUCN) is seeking a committed professional with experience in conservation, with strong leadership skills and a vision for sustainability in the West Asia/Middle East region, to join its Regional Office as Regional Programme Coordinator. The position is based at the Regional Office in Amman, Jordan and will involve periodic field missions and assignments. The Regional Programme Coordinator will be supervised technically and administratively by the Regional Director. Applications submission deadline is: January 21st, 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
24- EMWIS Technical Unit has published its 4th newsletter issue: This issue includes an introductory article of EMWIS president: Mr. Pascal Berteaud (French Water Director). It also summarizes EMWIS priorities for the period: 2008-2011 (Prevention & risk management for extreme phenomena, Non-conventional water resources, water monitoring, web portals, National water information systems, water observation mechanism and the Euro-Med water directors' forum). It gives scopes on EMWIS information seminars held in Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine, Tunisia and Jordan last year, and finally it provides the latest updates on EMWIS National Focal Points (NFP) websites. This newsletter is available in English and French (To get a hard copy, contact: Jauad El Kharraz). Further information on EMWIS website.
25- EU-CRUE Project - recommendations published on flood research: The CRUE ERA-NET has published a raft of recommendations aimed at improving the coordination of flood-related research programmes in Europe. ERA-NETs were designed to encourage the coordination of national and regional programmes. The CRUE ERA-NET was established to consolidate existing European flood research programmes, promote best practice and develop future joint activities in flood research. Further information on EMWIS website.
26- New UN-Water Report: Water Monitoring: Mapping Existing Global Systems & Initiatives, prepared by FAO on behalf of UN-Water. International coordination in monitoring the state of the world's water resources is needed, in order to guide future investments and efforts in achieving these goals. Governments and donors are increasingly called to put in place a uniform and consistent system to monitor the impacts of water-related initiatives. Further information on EMWIS website.
27- UNEP Final Draft of the Medium Term Strategy for the Period of 20-2013, and Medium Term Strategy 2010-2013, Presented by the Executive Director to the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) is now available online. Further information on EMWIS website
28- Decentralisation in the EC creates local funding opportunities: The European Commission is decentralising increasingly to its local delegation offices. Calls for proposals are now being published by the delegations rather at the Brussels level so look out for announcements on your local delegation website. Further information on EMWIS website
29- Water resources: "Scarcity prospective, International debate and
national specificities". The future of water resources and the current - or
latent - conflicts around the division of that essential resource for human
life represent one of the major issues of the coming decades, if not indeed
the next few years. Futuribles (FUT 336 - December 2007), includes an
article by Sébastien Treyer that provides many elements for a foresight
analysis with regard to the increasing scarcity of water resources. Further
information on EMWIS
30- New OpenWater Wiki: This is to invite all, and particularly those
interested in analytical methods related to water quality sampling, to visit
the new OpenWater Wiki, launched at the 8th Conference of the United Nations
Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group in Bangkok. The Wiki is at
http://www.ungiwg.org/openwater/ and is designed to share methodological
information, tips and tricks on the analysis of water quality
samples. Further information on EMWIS website
31- SMAP III autumn/winter 2007 bulletin on line: An article on
“Mediterranean Business Tackling Sustainable Development” features in the
autumn/winter 2007 bulletin of the EU-funded SMAP III programme. SMAP
Bulletin is now available for download in English, French and Arabic.
Further information on EMWIS website.
32- WWC (World Water council) News Update N.31 - La Lettre du CME
n.31: The WWC News Update, issue No.31 is now available. Further information
33- Last issue of OIEAU (the International Office of Water, France) newsletter is available now online. Further information on EMWIS website.
34- The Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD Journal) is a peer-reviewed academic publication based in New Delhi and London and jointly managed by the School of Law of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) – University of London and the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC). LEAD is published biannually. Further information on EMWIS website.
35- New ISO standards to improve quality of water services to consumers: A suite of new ISO standards offer the international community practical tools to address the global challenge of effectively managing limited water resources in order to provide access to safe drinking waterand sanitation for the world’s population. ISO has just published three standards providing guidelines for service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater sewerage systems. Further information on EMWIS website.
36- The special issue of Hydrological Sciences Journal, which has just been released (number 6, December 2007) is dedicated to "Dryland hydrology in Mediterranean Regions", edited by C. Cudennec and C. Leduc. Further information on EMWIS website.
37- "Policy Brief on Intelligent Water Strategies for Adapting to Climate Change": Published in September 2007, this brief suggests that the best approach to manage the impact of climate change on water is one guided by the philosophy and methodology of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). In addressing climate change Mike Muller, the principal author, emphasizes, "If energy is the focus for mitigation, adaptation must focus on water!". Further information on EMWIS website.
38- EuropeAid call for proposals: Environment and Sustainable
Management of Natural Resources including
Energy(EuropeAid/126201/C/ACT/Multi). The deadline for submissions on this
call is 21st February 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
39- IWRM-NET launches its First Joint Call for trans-national
research projects: Towards Effective River Basin Plans
IWRM-NET's first joint call is a trans-national initiative
funded by IWRM-NET partners who have agreed on a common research
programme dealing with Integrated water Resource Management within the
context of the Water Framework Directive implementation. The focus of this
call is applied research to support development of the 2015 river basin
plans. The research period is limited to a maximum of 24 months between 2008
and 2010. Closing date: February 28, 2008. Further information on EMWIS
40- The call FP7-INCO-2007-3 for Activities of International Cooperation-ERA-NET and ERA-NET PLUS has been published. The objective is to increase the cooperation and coordination of research programmes carried out at national or regional level in the Member States and Associated States and which target one third country or several third countries in a given region. ERA-NET actions allow Member States and Associated states to avoid overlap between their programmes and to develop expertise from mutual learning. ERA-NET actions will result in concrete co-operation between research programmes, such as their networking, their mutual opening and the development and implementation of joint programmes and activities. Budget: € 11 M. Deadline: February 12, 2008 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time). Further information on EMWIS website.
41- EU-FP7 Call for proposal - ERA-NET / ERA-NET PLUS Call 2008: Call identifier: FP7-ERANET-2008-RTD, Indicative budget: 29.3 M€. This call for Coordination and Support Actions covers a.o. Environment topics (including Climate Change). Deadline for application: August 12, 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
42- EU-FP7 Call for proposals: Environment "including Climate Change": Call identifier: FP7-ENV-2008-1, Indicative budget: 212 M€. This call for Collaborative projects and Coordination and support actions. Deadline for application: February 25, 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
43- Call for proposals for the EU Partnership for Peace: The European Commission has published an Open Call for Proposals (Reference: EuropeAid/126231/L/ACT/PS) under the EU Partnership for Peace programme which aims at strengthening civil society actions in peace building and conflict transformation in the Middle East. Deadline for receipt of applications: Thursday, 7th February, 2008 at 16:00. Further information on EMWIS website.
44- New Academic Alliances Between Canada and Developing Countries: The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Canada Research Chairs Program are launching an initiative to pair leading researchers from universities in Canada with those in developing countries to collaborate on issues of mutual concern. Each team will receive up to CA $1 million over five years to address key development challenges while mentoring a new generation of scholars and practitioners in four areas: 1) Environment and natural resource management, 2) Information and communication technologies for development, 3) The impact of science, technology and innovation policies on development, & 4) Social and economic policy related to poverty reduction, growth, health and human rights. Further information on EMWIS website.
45- New WISIONS call on Water for Energy and Energy for Water: WISIONS is an initiative of the German Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, on behalf of the Swiss Foundation ProEvolution. One action field is called PREP, the Promotion of Resource Efficiency Projects. WISIONS launched its new PREP-call on the topic ‘Water for Energy and Energy for Water’. Up to 5 good practice projects will be chosen for publication and will receive a grant of 500 Euros. The application deadline is on February 16th, 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
46- The Water, Sanitation and Health (WSH) Programme of the World Health Organization periodically invites proposals for various work packages related to water, sanitation and hygiene interventions. Deadline for proposals: 28 January 2008, 11:00 hours, Central European Time. Note that, in response to several requests, this is the re-opening of a previous request for proposal process. As such, those that have already submitted bids are welcome to submit revised versions of their bids. Further information on EMWIS website.
47- Study on Updating the National Water Plan in Algeria: The aim of this contract is to carry out a study on updating the national water plan (to achieve uniformity of methodology, to adapt sector priorities taking into account reforms to refocus the administration on State functions and to introduce regulation and concession systems). Closing date: 15 February 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
48- Institutional Capacity Building of the Egyptian Water Regulatory Authority (EWRA): To support the EWRA in establishing the required organizational structure, regulatory systems, and management and human resource processes, by providing strong technical assistance with the emphasis on assisting EWRA directly in the implementation of its regulatory functions. Deadline for receipt of applications: 4 February 2008 – 16h00 Cairo time. Further information on EMWIS website.
49- Consultancy Services and Technical Assistance for Regional Public Water Bodies, the National Litani Office and the Ministry of Energy and Water in Lebanon: Technical assistance and training related to the development of tools for managing water services. Closing date: 29 February 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
50- Mitigating Flood Risk in Flooded Areas in the GAP region in Turkey: The global objective of this assignment is to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the 'Mitigating flood risk in flooded areas in the GAP region' project. Closing date: 19 December 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
51- Supervision of the Design and Build Construction of Infrastructure (96 hectares) and Waste Water Treatment Plant of Şanlıurfa OIZ 2 (Organized Industrial Zone) in Turkey. Deadline for receipt of applications: 08 February 2008, Friday, at 10:00 (Local). Further information on EMWIS website.
52- Call for contributions to a University review: "Horizons
maghrébins-the right to memory -2008 Alimentation & population in the
Maghreb & the Middle East". The thematic scope is: Self-sufficiency or
food dependence, agro-alimentary Policies, Food Quality, Revival of country
agriculture and experiments of agro-ecology, urban Agriculture, Water
Management & Farm prices. Deadline for contributions: March 31,
2008. Further information on EMWIS website
53- Call for Papers: Journal of Flood Risk Management: This online-only global journal will provide an international platform for knowledge and information sharing in all areas relating to flood risk management. This is a great opportunity to be involved in the work of the institution and be the first to read exciting new research. Further information on EMWIS website.
54- Call for papers: Use of Space Technology for Water Management.
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA), United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Prince
Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW) are co-organizing
the above Conference to promote the use of space technology for
benefits of the developing countries. Deadline to send application forms is
21 January 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
55- Call for papers: The 4th thematic NORMAN workshop "Integrated
chemical and bio-monitoring strategies for risk assessment of emerging
substances" will be organised by Cemagref - Agricultural and Environmental
Engineering Research Institute - and it will take place in Lyon, France on
17-18 March 2007. The workshop Deadline for abstracts is 1st February
2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
56- The World Water Week in Stockholm is the leading annual global
meeting place for capacity-building, partnership-building and follow-up on
the implementation of international processes and programmes in water and
development. The 2008 World Water Week in Stockholm will take place August
17-23, 2008. The First Announcement and Call for Papers is now available.
The theme of the week is "Progress and Prospects on Water: For a Clean and
Healthy World", including a Special Focus on Sanitation. The deadline for
workshop paper proposals is February 1, 2008. Further information on
57- Master of Science Program in Environmental Technology and
Management: An International Program for Jordan and the Arab Countries, Held
at Princess Sumaya University for Technology and Royal Scientific Society.
This aims to prepare future technical staff and decision-makers in both
public and private sectors for analyzing and acting in an environmentally
proactive manner in relation with policies, production processes and
resources utilization. The program is open to participants form the Arab
region, it will be held in four semesters (2 – year program) starting
February 3, 2008 (Duration: 2 years). Further information on EMWIS
58- International Training Course Announcement: Good governance for sustainable and pro poor Wash services: IRC has announced its upcoming international training course: Good governance for sustainable and pro poor water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services. This eight day course, including a field trip during one weekend day, will be held in Delft, The Netherlands between the 4th and 13th of February 2008. A Certificate of Completion in Good Governance for Sustainable Pro-Poor WASH Services will be awarded to those who successfully complete the course. Further information on EMWIS website.
59- Training course by MedWet on tools for wetland inventorying, monitoring and assessment: A training course by MedWet on tools for wetland inventorying, monitoring and assesment took place on 18-21 December 2007, in Florence, Italy. This is the second training course organised in the framework of the MedWet/CODDE project. Further information on EMWIS website.
60- International Specialized Course: Operation & Control of activated sludge processes by microscopic analysis. This Course is the 19th in this series offered by Environmental Study Center «Luigi Bazzucchi». The Course is designed for operators and designers of municipal and industrial biological wastewater treatment plants and researchers and graduate students studying the activated sludge process. It will be held in Perugia (Italy) in 16-20 June 2008. Further information on EMWIS website.
[2008/02/27 - 2008/02/28] Intensive courses on Desalination Engineering: Seawater Desalination and Marine Environment, L’Aquila, Italy.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/26 - 2008/02/28] 5th session of Agriculture and Land and
Water Commission for the Near East (ALWUC), Cairo, Egypt.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/25 - 2008/02/26] Intensive courses on Desalination Engineering: Electromembrane Processes: Principles and Practical Applications, L’Aquila, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/19 - 2008/02/20] Desalination & Power in the Middle East, February 2008, Dubai, UAE
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/19 - 2008/02/19] SPI-Water workshop, Fez, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/19 - 2008/02/22] Living Lakes Eastern European, Tartu, Estonia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/19 - 2008/02/20] 5th INTERGEO EAST, Belgrade, Serbia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/18 - 2008/02/22] Transboundary Water Management for the MENA Region, Stockholm, Sweden.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/18 - 2008/02/21] Intensive courses on Desalination Engineering: Fouling and Scaling in Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, Ultra- and Microfiltration: Theory and Practice, L’Aquila, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/17 - 2008/02/20] RecShow '08: Middle East Recycling, Waste & Environmental Management Exhibition & Congress- Environmental Education - Short Courses on Environmental Pollution Control, Dead Sea, Jordan
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/11 - 2008/02/14] Intensive courses on Desalination Engineering: RO, MF and Membrane Filtration Technology for Potable Applications, L’Aquila, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/07 - 2008/02/08] 4th International Workshop on "Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for screening and trace level quantitation in environmental and food samples", Barcelona, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/04 - 2008/02/06] POWER-GEN Middle East 2008, Manama, Bahrain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/04 - 2008/02/13] International Training Course: "Good governance for sustainable and pro poor Wash services", Delft, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/04 - 2008/02/07] Intensive courses on Desalination Engineering: Thermal Desalination Processes. Management and Economics, L’Aquila, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/04 - 2008/02/07] Water Quality Data Management & Modeling (WQDM): Applications using AquaChem and HydroGeo Analyst, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/02/01 - 2010/02/28] Master of Science Program in Environmental Technology and Management, Amman, Jordan.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/01/31 -
2008/02/01] 4th European Forum on Eco-Innovation: ‘Unlocking Global Market
Opportunities’, Vienna, Austria.
Further information on EMWIS
[2008/01/29 - 2008/01/29] High-Level Policy Dialogue on "EU Sanitation Policies and Practices in the 2008 International Year of Sanitation", Brussels, Belgium.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/01/28 - 2008/02/01] Water Loss Seminar and Workshop 2008, Marbella, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/01/24 - 2008/01/24] Scientific-Technical Pannel on Water
Policy Monitoring, Sevilla, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2008/01/17 - 2008/01/17] Derniers développements dans les barrages
en beton compacte au rouleau, Rabat, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website.
[2008/01/15 - 2008/01/18] The 15th Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, Almeria, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
(Priorities, Activities, Objectives, Structure, Funding, Team)
dates, European Neighbourhood
WEBSITES: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg
MULTILINGUAL THESAURUS (Available in English, French, Arabic,
Spanish & Italian)- Water glossaries
DOCUMENTATION (EMWIS meetings, Documentary database,
Funding for water, Key
documents, Water Legislation)
DOES WHAT IN THE WATER SECTOR (By contacts, organisations
& information sources)
scarcity, groundwater, wastewater
reuse, desalination, satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to:
15301 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription, click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water
sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions,
Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You
will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the
Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the
previous issues in our
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to
improve it Contact the EMWIS
Technical Unit.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European
Commission. The content can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the
European Union. This disclaimer is not intended to contravene any
requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude liability
for matters which may not be excluded under that law.