EMWIS Flash N°51, September 2007
Released | 01/10/2007 |
EMWIS Flash -
September 2007 |
In this issue N°51 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash51)
1- Europe-INBO 2007: International conference on the implementation of the
European WFD
2- EMWIS 7th NFP Coordination Seminar outputs
3- The 4th Euromed & South-East European Water Directors conference,
10-11 December 2007
4- The 2nd MEDA Water Regional Event on Local Water Management
5- Resolutions of the Informal Meeting of EU Environment Ministers
6- European Parliament and Council reach agreement on the new Floods
7- Aquafit4All proposal very well received by European Commission
8- Farewell to EMPOWERS & a Welcome to the ETG
9- Four Multilateral Institutions coordinate efforts in the
10- Turkey: No chickening out to drought
11- Turkey: Green light for the construction of the second biggest
12- Greece: Farmers work to conserve water
13- Stockholm: “it is time to do better on global poverty, sanitation,
water scarcity & climate change”
14- UNESCO Launched Networks on Sustainable Water Resources Management In
The Arab World
15- Canadian Space Agency -Water Sector Survey
16- 8th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to
Combat Desertification
17- World Bank Urges Countries to Fight Desertification
18- Sahel: The cost of desertification
1- The «EUROPE-INBO 2007» meeting will be organized simultaneously
with the General Assembly of the Mediterranean Network of Basin
Organizations (MENBO), in Rome (Italy) (08 - 10/11/2007). The meeting will
be organized around the main current topics on the Framework Directive
implementation in the European River Basin Districts in 2007, specific to
water management in the Mediterranean region. Further information on EMWIS website
2- The Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (EMWIS) held its 7th National Focal Point (NFP) Coordination Seminar in Istanbul, Turkey on September 10-11. The progress of National Focal Points was reviewed and activities were planned for 2007-2008. A large part of the seminar was dedicated to exchange of experiences related to National Water Information Systems (NWIS), including existing systems, technical models, stakeholders’ cooperation framework and potential funding. The indicative National and Regional programmes of the European Neighbourhood & Partnership Instrument (ENPI) were also presented and the water sector perspective analysed. Further information on EMWIS website
3- The next Euromed and South-East European water Directors conference will be held next 10-11 December 2007. Following the Conference held on November 2006 in Athens, the main objective of the 2007 Conference, will be the preparation of the Euromed water ministers' conference in 2008, including: - Progress review of key regional water initiatives and recommendations for further action; - updated mandate for the Euro-Mediterranean and SEE Directors Forum taking into account recent developments; - Identification of the topics and main products (declaration, plan of action, etc) of the Ministerial Conference; - Action plan for the preparation of the Ministerial Meeting. Further information on EMWIS website
4- The Second MEDA Water Regional Event on Local Water Management will be held in Marrakech (Morocco) (28-30 April 2008). It aims to: optimize the impact of the MEDA Water Projects results by exchanging experiences and know-how gained towards the different local, national & regional water actors, to discuss the MEDA Water Projects results and the need and possibilities for the continuation of similar initiatives in the future, in coherence with EU Water Initiative, Horizon 2020 and ENPI; and finally to give the opportunity for the local and regional practitioners working in the field of local water management to participate actively. Further information on EMWIS website
5- The Informal Meeting of EU Environment Ministers was held in Lisbon (Portugal) last 31-08/ 02-09. It addressed the challenge of water scarcity and droughts and its impact in the European Union, discussed the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. The need to pay special attention on adapting agriculture policies to contribute to sustainable water management was emphasized by the Ministers. They insisted on the necessity of adopting a common approach for drought risk assessment and drought management plans, and that drought management plans should include cross-border coordination, public participation and warning systems. The arrangements to set up a European Drought Observatory is considered an important measure, setting the conditions to increase knowledge and improve the preparedness to tackle drought events. This observatory should provide a platform for data collection and research activities, and contribute to a wide exchange of experiences on this issue. Finally, the EC was requested to present the conclusions of this conference to the Council and to propose if needed additional measures. Further information on EMWIS website
6- On 18/9/2007 the Council finally adopted a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on the assessment and management of flood risks. Its aim is to reduce and manage the risks that floods pose to human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity. The Directive requires Member States to first carry out a preliminary assessment by 2011 to identify the river basins and associated coastal areas at risk of flooding. For such zones they would then need to draw up flood risk maps by 2013 and establish flood risk management plans focused on prevention, protection and preparedness by 2015. All assessments, maps and plans prepared shall be made available to the public. Further information on EMWIS website
7- The European “Water Industry” (technology suppliers and end-users) requires knowledge and technologies to address and secure the identified needs based on the work of the WSSTP (Water Supply & Sanitation Technology Platform). Although Europe has extensive knowledge and experience of developing solutions in the field of water, the fragmented character of the European water sector strongly limits its potential. Therefore the Aquafit4All project aims to develop a new management system including new approaches, tools, methods, and technologies focusing on the four sectors with highest water consumption. Further information on EMWIS website
8- EMPOWERS (Euro-Med Participatory Water Resources Scenarios), a four-year EU-funded regional programme working in Egypt, Jordan and West Bank and Gaza, officially ended on 31 August, 2007. It was one of ten projects belonging to the MEDA Water Programme. Due to the success of the project in achieving integrated water resource development and management at both the community and district level, several EMPOWERS Partners have decided to form the EMPOWERS Thematic Group (ETG) to build on and continue developing the methodologies and tools that were developed from 2003-2007 by the original project. The ETG will be launching its new website shortly, to which all the content of the existing EMPOWERS website will be transferred. Further information on EMWIS website
9- IFC,
International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group,
recently joined a partnership comprising the European Investment Bank, the
European Commission and the World Bank, to help create a favourable private
sector environment in the Middle East and North Africa. The four
multilateral institutions have agreed to share knowledge and training
opportunities in innovation and new technologies, as well as urban
development to promote private sector development.
This initiative aligns with the strategy of the Facility for
Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP), EIB’s instrument
dedicated to the Euro-Mediterranean area, to stimulate the private sector in
the Mediterranean partner countries.
Further information on EMWIS website
10- A new strain of chickpea developed in Turkey has proven itself to be remarkably drought-resistant, said genetic expert Rajinder Malhotra of the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), based in Aleppo, Syria. This will be a boon to farmers in arid regions as global warming threatens their livelihoods. The new chickpea, called Gokce, has been successfully grown in field trials in Pakistan, Mexico, and Syria and survived this year's acute drought in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey when wheat, barley, and other crops failed. Further information on EMWIS website
11- An international consortium has just granted to Turkey a loan of 1,2 billion euros for the construction of a controversial dam, "Ilisu" dam, in the south-east of the country. The consortium gathers companies from Turkey, Germany, Austria and Switzerland - among it the companies Stucky Ltd, Alstom, Maggia Engineering and Codenco Power Engineering. The construction of the dam, in Dargecit (on the Tiger, 45 km far from the Syrian border), begun in August 2006 and should be completed in 2014. It will generate 3,8 billion kWh annually and could create 10.000 jobs. Further information on EMWIS website
12- Farmers on northern Greece's Thessaloniki Plain added water-conservation drives of their own to regional water restrictions over the past five months and saved 100 million cubic meters of water, a feat praised by Nikos Tsotsolis, head of the Water Department of Central Makedonia. The amount saved by irrigators in Thessaloniki, Pella, and Imathia prefectures was enough to supply a city the size of Athens for three months. Further information on EMWIS website
13- The conclusion drawn from the 2007 World Water Week (WWW) in Stockholm was that progress was being made, “but in the face of global poverty, critical lack of sanitation, water scarcity and climate change, we all need to do much better”. The annual event attracted 2,500 participants from 140 countries, and there were 140 co-convening organisations. Further information on EMWIS website
14- UNESCO through
it regional office for Arab States in Cairo has been active in launching and
operating 3 water thematic networks to promote sustainable and integrated
water management through research, capacity building and transfer of
relevant knowledge. These networks are: 1. The Arab Network on Wadi
Hydrology which is coordinated by ACSAD, Syria. This network promotes the
concept of integrated water resources management in arid areas; 2. The Arab
Network on Groundwater Protection which is coordinated by the Groundwater
Research Institute in Egypt; and 3. The Arab Network on Water Use
Ethics which is coordinated by the regional Center for water use ethics in
Egypt. Further information on EMWIS website
15- A Water Sector Survey commissioned by the Canadian Space Agency
(CSA) to improve the application of remote sensing for Water Resource
Management was announced. The survey will inform the CSA on the needs
and opportunities for future development of remote sensing products,
services, and applications to support operational Water Resource
Further information on EMWIS
16- The eighth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 8) to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) convened in Madrid, Spain, from 3-14 September 2007. The importance of satellites for combating desertification was regonised, and Climate change and desertification were considered as two sides of the same coin and must be tackled together, according to participants. Further information on EMWIS website
17- The World Bank called for sustained and collective action by the international community to address land degradation and desertification, adding that for these efforts to succeed, action must be guided and defined at the country level. Between fiscal years 2001 and 2006, the Bank committed US $1.4 billion for projects in natural resources management, with US $701 million specifically aimed at sustainable land management. Further information on EMWIS website
18- Desertification threatens the survival of 50 million inhabitants of northern Africa, according to the Permanent Inter-state Committee to Fight Drought in the Sahel (CILSS). The CILSS has nine member countries, coordinates scientific and technological efforts to control soil erosion and deforestation in the Sahel region. Since the 1970s, droughts have grown more frequent and the summer rainy season has essentially ended in some sub-Saharan countries, at the cost of millions of lives. The president noted that 62% of the Sahel's population lived under the poverty threshold and that soil degradation not only caused economic insecurity and hunger, it also provoked the migration of young people out of the region. Further information on EMWIS website
19- DSI (General Directorate Of State Hydraulic Works) Former Director General Prof. Eroglu became the Minister of Environment and Forestry in te new government of Turkey, and now DSI is under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment. After being the academic member of the Environmental Department in Istanbul Technical University, Prof. Dr. Veysel EROGLU has acted as the Director General of State Hydraulic Works since the year of 2003. Further information on EMWIS website
20- Prof. Mohammad Shatanawi has been nominated Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation in Jordan. Prof. Mohammad Shatanawi is a University Professor in Water Resources and Irrigation. He has coordinated many research projects funded by EU and UNESCO. Dr. Shatanawi was the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture (1999-2003), GEWAMED Jordan National Coordinator, and the director of Water and Environment Research and Study Centre for 7 years (1992-1999). He worked as FAO expert in the North Western Coastal Zone of Egypt in water resources management. Further information on EMWIS website
21- Tomás Duplá del Moral has been appointed as the new Director of Directorate F (Near and Middle East, South Mediterranean) of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for External Relations (DG RELEX). He takes up his new post on 1 October 2007, and he will replace Mr. Hugues Mingarelli. Further information on EMWIS website
22- Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water introduces 3rd round: A special new Creativity Prize, worth 1 million Saudi Riyals (SR) (approximately USD$266,000), has been added to the awards available to researchers in the Water Resources sector under the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water 2006-2008. The Creativity Prize, will be awarded to original work (research, invention, technique, etc.), which is considered a breakthrough in any water-related field. The work must be practically applicable, economically feasible and environmentally friendly. Further information on EMWIS website
23- Deputy to the Executive Secretary Vacancy: The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is looking for an enthusiastic Deputy to the Executive Secretary to help us in building on the achievements and experiences of the first decade. This means carrying out work which is successful and effective in pursuing equity, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability, through improved water resources management at all relevant levels. GWP offers a two year contract with possibility of extension. The deadline for applications submission is 14th October 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
The Final Technical Report on
Mediterranean Water Scarcity and Drought management in the Mediterranean and
the Water Framework Directive published: Thie report is based on the EU
document produced in June 2006. It has been prepared by the Mediterranean
WS&D WG, in the framework of the MED-EU Water Initiative / Water
Framework Directive Joint Process.
The main objective of this report is to present the Mediterranean
specificities regarding water scarcity situations and droughts events and
the role of the WFD. Examples of strategies and measures taken in the
Mediterranean region for addressing WS&D illustrate the different
sections of the reports. In addition, the specificities of the WFD
implementation related to WS&D are identified for non-EU countries.
Further information on EMWIS website
25- OOSKAnews: news and analysis from the water sector in the Middle East and Africa. OOSKAnews currently produces two highly-regarded publications, "OOSKAnews Weekly Water Report, Middle East and Africa" and "OOSKAnews Weekly Water Report, Southern and Eastern Asia". These Reports are distributed to subscribers weekly by email. The weekly email Report is designed to meet the information needs of senior strategic decision makers with interest in the sector in these regions. OOSKAnews has invited EMWIS readers to contact them directly if they would be interested in receiving some complimentary copies of this Report, with a view to consideration of subscription. Members interested in this offer should email David Duncan, and mention "EMWIS", or call him. Further information on EMWIS website
26- INBO Newsletter n°34 is available now in English, French & Arabic. Further information on EMWIS website
27- SedNet Newsletter issue for September 2007: Through the E-newsletter service SedNet keeps you regularly updated on SedNet and any other sediment related, latest policy or management developments, EC news, events, publications etc. Further information on EMWIS website
28- The journal “Sustainable Water Management”, is an initiative of the project “Sustainable Concepts towards a Zero Outflow Municipality (Zer0-M). The project is part of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional Programme For LocalWater Management (MEDA-Water). The latest issue is available online. Further information on EMWIS website
29- Global Water Tool for sustainable water use management in companies: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has launched a free & easy-to-use tool for companies and organisations to map their water use and assess risks relative to their operations and supply chains in various countries. After entering the company’s water use figures, the tool automatically provides outputs, such as graphics and metric charts indicating the efficiency of water use at different sites as well as information on the corresponding water availability. These datasets provide details on the status quo of the actual water consumption and serve as a basis for further action towards sustainable water use strategies. Further information on the tool can be found online. Further information on EMWIS website
30- Technical Bulletin on Greywater Treatment and Reuse in MENA: This technical bulletin introduces greywater as a water demand management tool that could alleviate water scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The bulletin captures local knowledge on greywater treatment and reuse gained as a result of research projects in MENA funded and coordinated by IDRC. It is intended to highlight the future courses of action required to balance the increasing challenges of water scarcity, food security, and sustainable development. It also sheds light on the Aqaba declaration born of the greywater experts meeting held back in February 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
31- New International Newsletter: Water Asset Management International. The focus of the newsletter is on the strategic aspects of this developing field, providing utilities with international perspectives on infrastructure planning and maintenance as they seek to deliver cost-effective services to their customers. Each issue of Water Asset Management International contains submitted papers from around the world, along with news, details of events and publications, and perspectives from water utility CEOs. Submissions of papers of likely interest to an international audience and presented so as to be accessible to the general asset management community are welcomed. Further information on EMWIS website
32- SCENES project Newsletter No. 2: The Newsletter will be published a few times per year over the project lifetime (2006-2010). It is oriented to reach not only scientist working for SCENES, but a wider audience of river basin managers, policy makers and stakeholders working with water issues at national and international level.The SCENES project 'Water Scenarios for Europe and for Neighbouring States' is a 4-year research project that started in late 2006. The aim is to develop and analyse a set of comprehensive scenarios of Europe’s freshwater futures up to 2025. Further information on EMWIS website
33- Third issue of the UserLink "Inside Preview & Risk-Eos": The UserLink "Inside Preview & Risk-Eos" is published by the French Civil Protection (French Ministry of the Interior - DDSC / MRI) with the proactive contribution of the Italian Civil Protection (Dipartimento della Protezione Civile - DPC) and the Swedish Rescue Service Agency (SRSA). The UserLink is the reference information source for End-Users on Preview and Risk-Eos projects and their initiatives in the field of Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES). This service updates you on the latest information about Preview (funded by the European Commission - FP6) and Risk-Eos (funded by the European Space Agency) developments in Europe and beyond, as well as on upcoming Preview-and-Risk-Eos-related events. This bulletin contains a large scope of information for members of the Risk Management Users' Communities across Europe. Further information on EMWIS website
34- eFlowNet has launched its website. The website: www.eflownet.org, has now been launched. The website is still at is infancy and some parts of the website are still under construction. It is expected to be fully operational by the end of the year 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
35- New book on Water Resources in the Middle East discusses climate change impacts in the past and future: A new major book has been published by: Hillel Shuval, Israel; Hassan Dweik, Palestine (Eds.). This book provides valuable source material for understanding, developing, managing and protecting the scarce shared water resources of the Middle East and for the promotion of "Water for Life" for the benefit of all the nations of the region. Further information on EMWIS website
36- 'Water for Food, Water for Life’: All 16 Chapters from the book ‘Water for Food, Water for Life’ is now available for downloading and printing from the website of the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture (CA). Further information on EMWIS website
37- "Water reuse : an international
survey". The emphasis of this book is on technical details, rather than just
theoretical and backed up with 12 case studies from around the world. It is
an expansive work presenting a comprehensive picture on the state of art and
the current situation in global water reuse. It covers all the regions of
the world including the Middle East and North Africa; and the Northern
Mediterranean. It includes technical issues related to reuse, such as:
technology, public participation, water rights, and legislation and coverage
of water reuse issues from the stakeholders’ point of view, with chapters on
water reuse in agriculture and urban agriculture, municipal water reuse and
industrial water reuse. Further information on EMWIS website
38- "New Policy Brief on Intelligent Water Strategies for Adapting to
Climate Change": A Policy Brief, Climate Change Adaptation and Integrated
Water Resources Management, released by the Global Water Partnership (GWP)
suggests that the best approach to manage the impact of climate change on
water is one guided by the philosophy and methodology of Integrated Water
Resources Management (IWRM). And it suggests that water will have to be
placed at the centre of adaptation efforts. Further information on EMWIS website
39- Planning urban sanitation and wastewater management improvements: It offers a step-by-step guide for surveying the existing sanitation situation in the project city; analyzing the survey results; analyzing all the plausible technical & institutional options; formulating responsive city government policy and ordinances; and setting project investment priorities. The material is work-in-progress and can be adapted for particular project circumstances. The appendices include lessons learned from case studies, and urban sanitation references. Further information on EMWIS website
40- Point-of-use water treatment bibliography: Environmental Health at USAID (2007). This annotated bibliography contains citations and abstracts to 29 studies and reports published from January through July 2007. Links are provided to the full-text if available. Further information on EMWIS website
41- New publication: TreePeople, "Rainwater as a Resource": The newly published report Rainwater as a Resource shares the details of utilizing these concepts and sheds light on the many opportunities to implement the wide array of available technologies. We encourage you to peruse this report to learn more about using these principles as a means of moving cities closer to sustainability. Further information on EMWIS website
42- "Water for the recovery of the climate – A new water paradigm" presents some fresh ideas about the relation of the water cycle and climate change. This publication originated through partner cooperation between the People and Water NGO, the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia, the community help society ENKI and the Foundation for the Support of Civic Activities. Further information on EMWIS website
43- Practical Wastewater Treatment: This book serves as both a textbook for the working professional and a guide for the student to learn about the elements of wastewater treatment. The book presents a straightforward discussion of what one needs to know in order to handle various types of industrial wastes and how to design a wastewater treatment plant. Industrial wastewater treatment is no longer taught in either the Civil or Chemical Engineering Curricula. Further information on EMWIS website
44- LIFE+ draft application guidelines just published by the European
Commission, to help project applicants begin work on their project
proposals, ahead of the submission deadline of the first LIFE+ call for
proposals (30/11/2007). The final application guidelines will be
published together with the formal call of proposals in the second half of
September. Further information on EMWIS
45- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - International Reintegration Grants (IRG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-3-IRG, Indicative budget: 14.5 M€. This action consists of financial support during at least 2 and up to 4 years for professional (re)integration projects in the research area in a host organisation in a Member State or Associated country. The project can, amongst other things, address research activities, training, teaching, transfer of knowledge, commercial exploitation, diffusion, development of co-operation with the scientific and / or industrial sector of the third country from which the researcher is returning. Deadline for application: October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
46- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - European Reintegration Grants (ERG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-2-ERG, Indicative budget: 9.5 M€. The action offers the opportunity to experienced researchers from Member States or Associated countries, to capitalise on their trans-national mobility period after having participated in a Marie Curie action either under the Seventh or the previous Framework Programme. The mechanism will assist the professional (re)integration of the eligible researchers in a research organisation in a Member State or Associated country, including in their country nationality. Deadline for application: October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
47- Call for contributions for the 5th International Conference Conference
on Solid waste, Sewage and Air emissions management. This conference will be
held in Kharkiv (Ukraine) in 03-04 April 2008. Its objective is to
support and promote the transfer and exchange of best practices and
experience, and the development of environmentally sound waste management
business; to present new developments, equipment and services; to establish
and strengthen contacts between the interested parties; to attract attention
of investors, industry managers, business community, public groups,
government officials and mass media to the issue of waste management.
Deadline for abstracts is 1 December 2007. Further information on EMWIS
48- 1st announcement of the 3rd International Scientific Conference BALWOIS 2008: After the great success of BALWOIS 2004 and BALWOIS 2006 - more than 300 participants from 30 countries with 249 papers in 2004 and 304 in 2006 all available on www.balwois.net - the Third International Scientific Conference BALWOIS 2008, traditionally will be organized in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia from 27th to 31st May 2008. The main topics of BALWOIS 2008 are : 1 - Climate and Environment, 2 - Hydrological regimes and water balances, 3 - Droughts and Floods, 4 - Integrated Water Resources Management, 5 - Water bodies protection and Ecohydrology, 6 - Lakes and wetlands, 7 - Hydrological modelling, & 8 - Information systems. Deadline for abstracts submission is: October 15th, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
49- Call for contributions to a University review: "Horizons maghrébins-the right to memory -2008 Alimentation & population in the Maghreb & the Middle East". The thematic scope is: Self-sufficiency or food dependence, agro-alimentary Policies, Food Quality, Revival of country agriculture and experiments of agro-ecology, urban Agriculture, Water Management & Farm prices. Deadline for contributions: 31 March 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
50- Water Resources Research and Management Training Course: The Royal
Scientific Society (RSS) of Jordan and InterAcademy Panel (IAP) on
International Issues are arranging the regional training course titled
“Water Resources Research and Management” to be held during the period
November 18-20, 2007 at the premises of the Royal Scientific Society in
Amman-Jordan. The course aims to provide knowledge and develop understanding
about the water research and water management in the national, regional and
international levels. It provides the skills to assess, plan, execute and
implement the actions in water resources research and management. Further
information on EMWIS
[2007/10/30 - 2007/11/01] WATEC Israel 2007 - the
4th International Water & Environmental Technology Exhibition &
Convention, Tel Aviv, Israël.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/29 - 2007/10/30] ProMembrane project: Regional Fair in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/29 - 2007/10/29] 7th Aachen Conference Water and Membranes: "MBR Network Workshop", Aachen, Germany
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/26 - 2007/10/28] "La IVe édition de la Foire internationale des énergies renouvelables et des techniques de l’eau (Fierte)", Rabat, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/26 - 2007/10/26] Membrane Desalination Technologies in Practice, Maspalomas -Gran Canaria, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/26 - 2007/10/26] General Assembly of "Échanges Mediterranéens pour l'eau, la forêt et le développement" Association, Montpellier, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/25 - 2007/10/25] Nostrum-DSS & INECO Joint Meeting: IWRM through coordination, dissemination, and exploitation of research outcomes, Larnaca, Cyprus
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/25 - 2007/10/26] The workshop Water monitoring technologies: Harmonised approach to performance demonstration, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/24 - 2007/10/27] Aquaculture Europe 2007: "Competing Claims", Istanbul, Turkey.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/23 - 2007/10/26] 7ème édition du forum EURAFRIC-PARTNERS: "Eau et Energie en Afrique: Financements internationaux – Transferts de technologies – Partenariats PME/PMI", Lyon, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/23 - 2007/10/25] International Workshop "Changements Climatiques et Adaptation en Afrique: Le Rôle des Technologies Spatiales", Algiers, Algeria.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/23 - 2007/10/24] 3rd National Water Meetings, Aix-les-Bains, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/22 -
2007/10/23] 8ème Rencontres d’affaires Euro Méditerranéennes: «Innovation
pour un développement économique durable en méditerranée», Napoli,
Further information on EMWIS
[2007/10/22 - 2007/10/23] Conference on “Horizon 2020” and Private Investor Involvement, Athens, Greece
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/22 - 2007/10/22] General Assembly of GWP-Med Members, Athens, Greece
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/22 - 2007/10/22] Preparatory Meeting for a coordinated Mediterranean intervention at the 5th World Water Forum 2009, Athens, Greece
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/21 - 2007/10/26] IDA World Congress On Desalination and Water Reuse 2007 - Desalination: Quenching a Thirst, Maspalomas- Gran Canaria, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/21 - 2007/10/30] The INPIM’s Third International Capacity Building Program (ICBP) on Participatory Irrigation Management, Izmir, Turkey
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/19 - 2007/10/19] An ICID research workshop - Water governance: emerging theory and practice, London, UK
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/18 - 2007/10/19] ENMaR final conference, Riga, Latvia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/18 - 2007/10/18] "LES JOURNEES DE L'OIEau": « Procédés d’epuration plantes de macrophytes : NOUVEAUTES ET RETOURS D'EXPERIENCE », Limoges, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/18 - 2007/10/18] Formation sur les «procédés d’épuration plantés de macrophytes », Limoges, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/17 - 2007/10/18] Colloque sur la "Social &
Economic Water Management: How to deal with the demand?", Paris,
Further information on EMWIS
[2007/10/16 - 2007/10/19] International Meeting on Technology of Seawater Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers (TIAC’07) and International Symposium on Coastal Aquifers and Desalination Plants (SIACODE’07), Almeria, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/15 - 2007/10/19] Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment Workshop, Porto, Portugal.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/15 - 2007/10/17] HYDRO 2007- New Approaches for a New Era, Granada, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/15 - 2007/10/16] Desalination & Power in the Middle East, October 2007, Dubai, UAE
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/10 - 2007/10/12] The sixth Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe”, Belgrade, Serbia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/10 - 2007/10/10] WWRS2007- 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability: "Water reclamation for Safe Aquifer Recharge", Antwerp, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/10 - 2007/10/12] Council Conclusions on the preparations for the Environment for Europe Sixth Ministerial Conference, Belgrade, Serbia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/09 - 2007/10/11] CIWEM Annual Conference 2007, London, UK
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/09 - 2007/10/12] 6th IWA Conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability (WRRS 2007), Antwerp, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/09 - 2007/10/09] WWRS2007- 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability: "Priority compounds and water reuse",Antwerp, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/08 - 2007/10/12] First Conference - European Sustainable Water Goals (ESWG): 2007-2010, Belluno, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/08 - 2007/10/11] INNOVA-MED Course on "Innovative processes and practices for wastewater treatment and re-use": Water treatment and reuse in Mediterranean countries, Ankara, Turkey
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/08 - 2007/10/08] EWP workshop on LIFE+ Project Proposals, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/05 - 2007/10/05] Risks of climate change to water management and utilities - from impact analysis to adaptation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/10/03 -
2007/10/04] Rainwater : "Enjeux de la gestion à la source en environnement
construit": 1st National Forumon rainwater sustainable management, Douai,
Further information on EMWIS
EMWIS (Priorities, Activities, Objectives, Structure, Funding, Team)
WEBSITES: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg
MULTILINGUAL THESAURUS (Available in English, French, Arabic,
Spanish & Italian)- Water glossaries
DOCUMENTATION (EMWIS meetings, Documentary database,
Funding for water, Key
documents, Water Legislation)
DOES WHAT IN THE WATER SECTOR (By contacts, organisations
& information sources)
scarcity, groundwater, wastewater
reuse, desalination, satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to:
14454 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription, click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water
sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions,
Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You
will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the
Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the
previous issues in our
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to
improve it Contact the EMWIS
Technical Unit.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European
Commission. The content can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the
European Union. This disclaimer is not intended to contravene any
requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude liability
for matters which may not be excluded under that law.