EMWIS Flash N°48, June 2007
Released | 28/06/2007 |
EMWIS Flash - June 2007 |
In this issue N°48 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash48)
1- MEDWIP regional workshop, Water Monitoring WG 1st Meeting
2- EMWIS Steering Committee meeting
3- International Forum on Drought - MED EUWI Water Scarcity & Drought WG meeting
4- INBO 7th General World Assembly 2007: The Final Resolutions & the "Declaration of Debrecen"
5- Amman Principles on Local Water Governance
6- EC and EIB launch new instrument to finance research and innovation
7- EU: High marks to Austrian water quality
8- France: Missions, composition and work of the water institutions
9- Morocco: FAO Launching of an Important Project to Fight Drought
10- Algeria, Libya and Tunisia: Water project supported by space
11- Egypt: EU funds South Sinai Regional Development Programme
12- Egypt: EU €11 million RDI agreement & Cairo Declaration on Higher Education & Scientific Research
13- Jordan: River exhibition marks special focus on water during World Environment Day
14- Croatia gets 130 million-dollar water management loan
15- Middle East Commits USD120 billion for Water Projects
16- UNEP to monitor water usage in Arab cities
17- World Environment Day
18- Value of satellites highlighted at World Environment Day
19- ESA Water Mission Instrument Passes Test Program
20- DHI has won a contract with the ESA funded MarCoast Project
21- Developing country companies have become a driving force of private participation in water projects
22- Memstill: An efficient seawater desalination technology
1- The aim of the MEDWIP workshop that will take place in Madrid 3-4th July 2007, is to review the preliminary findings of the feasibility study related to a Mediterranean Water Observatory Mechanism with key stakeholders in order to define the basic principles that will be presented to the Euromed water directors at the end of 2007. Large parts of the workshop will be dedicated to working group sessions in order to give an opportunity to all the participants to express their opinions. Participants will include institutional representatives of the voluntary countries involved in the study as well as international organisations working on water data processing. Further information on EMWIS website. Taking the opportunity of this workshop, the 1st meeting of the water monitoring working group of the Mediterranean Joint Process between the EUWI and the WFD will be held the 3rd July. The objective of this short meeting is to define the scope, mandate and work plan of this working group on water monitoring. It will include a presentation of the WFD water monitoring concepts and activities in order to allow the Med Partner Countries to identify the topics on which they want to work and exchange experiences. Further information on EMWIS website.
IN BRIEF (Full news)
2- The MedWIP workshop will be followed by an EMWIS Steering Committee meeting on 5th July. One of the main points of discussion will be the organisation of a Euromed Ministerial conference focusing on water at the end of 2008 in order to give a new momentum on this key issue for the region almost 10 years after the Turin Declaration (1999) that is the basis of the regional MEDA-Water programme. The next meeting of the Euromed water directors planned at the end of 2007 will also be discussed as it will be a key step towards the Ministerial conference. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- The International Forum on Drought (June 17-20, Sevilla, Spain) gathered specialists in different fields focused on analysing the phenomenon of drought. During the four days of the Forum, experts from around the world shared and deliberated on appropriate measures to prevent, combat and ameliorate the effects of drought. Additionally, the event was used to promote public sensitivity to the issue and to get society involved in adopting water conservation behaviour. An advance of activities featured at Expo Zaragoza 2008 was presented during the International Forum on Drought. The Med working group on “water scarcity and droughts” of Joint Process organised a meeting simultaneously the 19th June. During this meeting that gathered the members of this WG, participants have discussed the results of the water scarcity and drought questionnaire sent to the water directors of the Mediterranean countries, and they gave the timeframe for the outputs of this WG, which is supposed to be a report dealing with the WS & D scope, monitoring, measures, and impact. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- The 7th World General Assembly of INBO -International Network of Basin organizations- took place in Debrecen in Hungary from 7 to 9 JUNE 2007. 217 delegates coming from 46 Countries, representatives of governmental administrations in charge of water management, of Basin Organizations, already existing or being created, and from interested bi and multilateral cooperation agencies, met to define, all together, the most suitable actions needed for achieving the objectives of integrated and participatory management of inland surface and ground water resources and of related coastal zones. The delegates reaffirmed that freshwater resources are limited and threatened all over the world and that their better governance, respectful of the environment, is one of the main keys to sustainable development: freshwater is essential to sustain life on our planet and ensure the health and socioeconomic progress of our societies. Integrated and sound water resources management is more than ever a priority if we do not want this scarce resource to become one of the limiting factors for sustainable development in many countries of the world. Further information on EMWIS website
5- Under the patronage of His Royal Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan, the EMPOWERS Partnership organised a Regional Forum on Local Water Governance, entitled “Water is everybody’s business.” The Forum took place in Amman, Jordan on June 6-7, 2007. Amman Principles on Local Water Governance have been adopted at the end of this forum: 1) Local water governance should be based upon the integrated participation of all stakeholders and end-users at all levels; 2) Local water governance requires that special efforts are made to include vulnerable groups; 3) Locally appropriate solutions and tools should be developed through the use of participatory research and action; 4) Capacities of stakeholders should be developed at different levels to enable them to participate in water resource planning and management; 5) Water information should be considered a public good; and access to information be enabled for all citizens; 6) Awareness must be developed for informed participation in water governance; 7) The efforts of all actors (government, partners in development, civil society) should be harmonized and contribute to achieving agreed and locally owned visions and strategies. Further information on EMWIS website
6- The European Commission & the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed last 5th June a cooperation agreement establishing the new risk-sharing finance facility (RSFF) to support research & innovation in Europe. This new instrument will help to make more financing available for promoters of research & innovation projects, which often face more difficulties than traditional business sectors in accessing finance, due to the relatively high levels of uncertainty & risk inherent to their activity. The RSFF, part of the EU's 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7) & EIB’s programme for Research & Innovation, will partially cover the financial risks assumed by the EIB when financing this type of activity. The contribution of €1 billion each from FP7 & the EIB will therefore unlock billions of additional financing in this area. Further information on EMWIS website
7- Austria’s lakes and rivers have been given a clean bill of health by the European Commission. In its latest report on water quality the commission said 99.3 percent of the water bodies fulfilled the criteria for safe bathing, an increase of several percent over the previous year. Further information on EMWIS website
8- France: Five decrees and two laws come to specify the application of the provisions related to the modification of the institutional system in the field of water. These provisions result from the law nº 2006-1772 of December 30, 2006 on water and the aquatic environments. These texts specify in particular the methods of composition and operation of three administrative authorities intervening in this field. Further information on EMWIS website
9- The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced that it would provide technical assistance for Morocco's National Irrigation Water Conservation Plan. The desert kingdom has suffered from water shortages for the past 20 years and the national government wants to make irrigation more efficient by upgrading infrastructure and introducing more water-saving methods. The FAO will help establish a pilot two-year project in the Doukkala-Abda region and the Spanish government will contribute to it financially. The project receives financial support from Spain, with funds from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA). Further information on EMWIS website
10- Algeria, Libya and Tunisia have kicked off an ambitious water project called GEO-AQUIFER that will use satellite imagery to support the monitoring and sustainable management of their common, transboundary groundwater resources, bettering the living conditions of their population. The Aquifer project was developed under ESA's Data User Element (DUE) programme and takes place as part of the TIGER Initiative, aimed at applying EO data to develop a technical, human and institutional capacity to bridge Africa's water information gap using satellite data. GEO-AQUIFER provides continuity with the ESA Aquifer project. Its principal aim is to provide information to decision makers and thus to strengthen the integrated water management practice. GEO-AQUIFER will use products and services based on satellite data, such as land-use and land-cover maps, change maps, surface water extent and dynamics, digital terrain models, and derive information on water consumption for irrigation. Further information on EMWIS website.
11- The EU has provided 64 million euros in funding for the South Sinai Regional Development Programme (SSRDP). The programme has two components. Component 1 involves the design and implementation of major infrastructure projects, for which 16 contracts have been signed and are being implemented. They include water supply for the villages of St Katherine and Wadi Feiran; wastewater system Improvements for El-Tur City and Wadi El-Tur; waste management systems for South Sinai; the supply of water tankers and tanks to rural communities near El Tur and Sharm El-Sheikh; the supply of boats, mooring systems, tracking and monitoring equipment; and sustainable tourism development planning for South Sinai. Another 21.5 million euros have been contracted under Component 2 for high priority development sectors in the areas of social development, local economic development, cultural heritage, capacity building, public awareness, and environmental and sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS website
12- On Monday 18 June, the European Union and Egypt signed a new €11 million grant financing agreement in support of the Egyptian government’s Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) initiatives. Signing of the agreement took place on the occasion of the Ministerial Conference on Higher Education and Scientific Research in Cairo (see Cairo Declaration on Higher Education and Scientific Research). This new four-year programme will facilitate the participation of Egypt in the European Research Area by encouraging and stimulating scientific linkages between Research Institutions and scientists from Egypt and the EU. In addition, a €6.5 million joint Egypt/EU Innovation Fund will be established under the programme to finance competitive innovative projects. Scientific co-operation is one of the main pillars of the Action Plan between Egypt and the EU under the European Neighbourhood Policy. Further information on EMWIS website.
13- Pollution and water exploitation of the Zarqa River in Jordan has come to a point where urgent restoration action is needed. “Past, Present & Future Perspective” is the theme of the Zarqa River Photo Exhibition that was inaugurated on June 3rd, 2007 on the occasion of World Environment Day in the Jordanian capital, Amman. The aim is not only to draw attention to water quality deterioration but its effect on community health, livelihoods and agriculture in this already dry and vulnerable region. The World Conservation Union – IUCN through its West Asia, Central Asia & North Africa (WESCANA) Regional Office in partnership with the Jordanian Ministry of Environment took the lead in organizing this event, which is funded by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Jordan, as part of their mutual cooperation in the field of Zarqa River Restoration. Further information on EMWIS website.
14- The World Bank signed a 100 million-euro (131 million-dollar) loan agreement with Croatia to help the Adriatic country manage its water resources. The funds would "support government efforts to improve water supply and water collection and treatment services, as well as flood protection measures," the bank said in a statement. It said the project would help provide safe drinking water as well as collect and treat waste water in the country's Sava, Drava and Danube river basins. The government and the World Bank will coordinate the activities of the Inland Waters Project with the European Union, which will help Croatia in harmonising environmental protection directives. Croatia opened membership talks with the EU in 2005 and is hoping to become the bloc's 28th member by the end of the decade. Since 1993, the World Bank has given Croatia 34 loans worth 1.64 billion euros and approved 48 grants with a total value of 39 million euros. Further information on EMWIS website
15- Middle East governments are committed to increasing investment in water and waste water treatment projects by 59% between 2005 and 2015 as they plan to invest US$120.1 billion. The average increase in demand for water in Arab countries is 6% per annum compared to the global average of 3%. At present around 70% of the UAE's water comes from desalination plants. The Saudi Arabian water industry needs US$200bn over the next 20 years. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest producers of desalinated water, with 30% of the global production GCC countries will adopt Public-Private Partnerships to keep a pace with the demand for water over the next 20 years. A sustainable water supply is seen as one of the Middle East's biggest economic, social and environmental challenges Water conservation is a top priority across the region. Further information on EMWIS website
16- The Arab cities will face a water shortage of 100 to 133 billion cubic meters per year by 2030 - an incident which will be the biggest economic, social and environmental challenge faced by Arab countries, said the UAE minister of Environment and Water. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed lat 23rd May between the Environment Centre for Arab Towns (Ecat) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). As part of the MoU, the environmental impact of the major cities in the Arab world will be monitored to give UNEP a city-specific outlook on what is happening in the 22 countries in the region. Water, and the lack of it, is high up on the political agenda in many countries and part of the MoU's task is to find solution to fast depleting water resources. Further information on EMWIS website
17- On the occasion of World Environment Day on 5 June 2007, a series of events took place at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, Germany, addressing the theme “Biodiversity, Climate Change and Community Action: A Message for Our Future.” The events focused on the twin challenges of climate change and biodiversity conservation for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) target to achieve a significant reduction of the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. Further information on EMWIS website
18- The United Nations chose to mark World Environment Day 2007 in Tromsoe, Norway, to stress the global environmental impact of melting ice and snow. Earth-observing satellites were recognised for their role in identifying and analysing long-term climatic trends and changes in polar regions. Further information on EMWIS website
19- After successfully undergoing a rigorous three-month testing programme, the innovative SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) payload is about to make its journey from ESA's Test Centre in the Netherlands to France, where it will join the platform to form the satellite in preparation for launch next year. After more than 10 years of research and development, the SMOS mission is adopting a completely new approach in the field of remote sensing by employing a novel instrument called MIRAS (Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis). By capturing images of microwave radiation emitted from the surface of the Earth at a specific wavelength, this novel instrument is capable of observing both the moisture in soil and salt in the oceans. Further information on EMWIS website
20- MarCoast (Marine & Coastal Environmental Information Services) is a three year GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) with the aim of establishing a durable network of marine and coastal information services. Marcoast project was initiated in November 2005. DHI has, along with GRAS and ORBICON, won an extension service activity under the MarCoast umbrella with the aim to further utilizing earth observation and in-situ measurements for assimilation and validation in the existing Water Forecast service in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Danish Waters. A HAB risk forecasting facility will be developed for the Danish Waters. The project will run until November 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
21- Since 2002 developing country companies have been the main sponsors in a growing number of water projects. In the charts, the main private sponsor is the sponsor with the largest share in a project (while sponsors in the PPI database are private entities with an equity participation of at least 15 percent). By investment commitments, however, developing country companies accounted for a small share of private activity, except in some large Asian water utility concessions such as the ones in Manila in 1997, Johor in 2000, and Syabas in 2004. Further discussions on the current status of public-private partnerships in the water supply and sanitation sector can be found at OECD Global Forum on “Public-Private Partnerships in Water Supply and Sanitation – Recent Trends and New Opportunities”. Further information on EMWIS website
22- Memstill technology, invented by engineer Jan Henk Hanemaaijer, makes it possible to demineralise sea water efficiently. The Organization of Industrial research in the Netherlands (TNO) tested it successfully at the Maasvlakte station close to Rotterdam. This installation could play a major part in the drinking water supply on a worldwide scale. Further information on EMWIS website
23- Programme Officer for Sustainable Development appointed at UNEP/MAP: Mr. Spyros Kouvelis, a Greek national, was the successful candidate following the vacancy announcement for Programme Officer for Sustainable Development at UNEP/MAP. Further information on EMWIS website
24- At the Council Meeting of EWA on 26 April 2007, the outgoing President Jiri Wanner handed over to Peter Cook (UK). Part of the water industry for 40 years, Peter has a sound commercial knowledge of engineering consultancy, construction and of water services delivery both in the United Kingdom and overseas. Jean Philippe Torterotot (FR) was appointed Vice President. Dr. Jean Philippe Torterotot is Head of the Department of Water Resources, Uses and Risks in Cemagref. Furthermore, the Management Committee gained two new members - Dr. Werner Flögl (AT) and Mr. Gamaliel Martinez (ES). Further information on EMWIS website
25- Job Offer: Communication Manager at the World Water Council Headquarters. The World Water Council Headquarters seeks a Communication Manager for its office in Marseilles, France, in charge of the Council’s communication team and overall communication and promotional activities, including those related to the World Water Forum. Further information on EMWIS website.
26- Call for application: Mobility grants "European Sustainable Water Goals", Belluno, Italy, 8-12 October 2007. It is required Qualified PhD, Master Students, post-Docs and professionals who would like to study in the fields of Environmental Sciences and get a Mobility Grant to participate to the conference "Managing Water Resources in European Mountain Environments" which will be held in Belluno (Italy), 8-12 October 2007. Deadline: July 30th 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
27- DHI Women's Water Fund - advancing career opportunities in water management: The objective of the DHI Women's Water Fund is to support women in developing countries in advancing their career opportunities in the development and management of water resources. The first call for applications earlier this year yielded a number of highly qualified candidates. In the selection process the Board gave priority to applicants with some years of practical experience in water resources management, rather than applicants with mainly academic or strictly technical backgrounds. The Board also prioritized applicants with a current leadership or management position in government, NGO or private sector with a potential to develop further in this role through support to career development. Based on the above criteria the Board decided to award five grants to women from Iran , India and Armenia. Next call for applicants is expected early 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
28- Nomination is opened for the 3rd Award 2006-2008 of the Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water: This international scientific prize is a significant contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the global water issues which represent one of the most pressing human, economic and political concerns worldwide. The Prize is intended to support water scientific research worldwide with a sense of appreciation extended to the concerned intellectual inventors with an aim to provide them with a suitable, moral, and financial atmosphere conducive of a free and vivid spirit of contest. Deadline for receiving nominations : 31 December 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
29- EuroMed Info Centre - Redesigned Website: The essential site for Euro-Mediterranean news and information. The EuroMed Info Centre announced that its newly-redesigned and enhanced website is now online at www.euromedinfo.eu
A main objective of the new user-friendly website is for it to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for anyone interested in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, regional and bilateral projects, the European Neighbourhood Policy and a great deal of information that is, at present, spread inconveniently across a large number of different websites. The EuroMed Info Centre is a project financed by the MEDA Regional Information and Communication programme. It promotes the visibility of the partnership between the EU and its Mediterranean neighbours to the general public and opinion leaders (political, institutional, business, industrial, in civil society and the media) in all areas covered by the partnership. Further information on EMWIS website.
30- Euro-Mediterranean Statistics, 2006: The first bulletin issued by the MEDSTAT II statistical cooperation programme. The bulletin on Euro-Mediterranean Statistics 2006 has been released in trilingual version. The bulletin covers the period up to 2005; more than eighty tables and figures gather statistical data of the ten Mediterranean partner countries (MPC) alongside those of the 25 European Union Member States and of three EFTA countries. Further information on EMWIS website.
31- The recommendations and the results of the Regional Workshop on Water demand management in the Mediterranean, progress and policies, that has been held in Zaragoza (Spain), 19-21/03/2007, are available now online at the website of the Blue Plan (you can find also all the presentations). The results have been presented to the Mediterranean Commission of Sustainable Development (MCSD). Further information on EMWIS website.
32- The ENPI e-bulletin is released: The first issue of the new electronic publication called ENPI e-bulletin, featuring news about the relationship of the EU with its neighbours, has just been launched. The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) specially tailored for our Eastern and Southern partner countries came into force on 1 January 2007 and replaces the previous MEDA and TACIS instruments. ENPI is a flexible, policy-driven instrument designed to target sustainable development and approximation to EU policies and standards taking place in its neighbouring countries. For the next budgetary period (2007-2013), approximately €12 billion in EC funding will be available to support our partners' reforms, an increase of 32% in real terms. The ENPI e-bulletin follows on the previous Euromed Synopsis in a more expanded and upgraded format. It has a new graphic design, will be produced on a weekly basis by EuropeAid Cooperation Office with contributions from DG External relations and Delegations in our partner countries. It will be published in English and French. The e-bulletin contains brief information on the EU activities in ENPI South and East, with a special focus on regional issues. There are three main sections: Political news, a digest of the most relevant political developments in the ENPI during the week; Programmes and Projects, featuring information about EC funded activities in our neighbourhood; and a last section on publications and events.
Further information on EMWIS website.
33- ENP statistical leaflet goes online/ The European Neighbourhood Policy: Key indicators - a comparison with the European Union. A leaflet published in February of this year by MEDSTAT containing Key indicators for 2005 for the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy has now been made available online. Basic statistical data for Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine, plus similar data for the 27 member countries of the European Union, is provided on eight subjects: National accounts and key indicators, Exports, Demography, External trade, Imports, Unemployment, Agriculture and fisheries, and Tourism. Further information on EMWIS website
34- Doing Dams Right: This book, which is subtitled “The Challenges of Lao Nam Theun 2,” describes how skillful management, effective communications, and technical expertise helped to reach consensus and nurtured private-public partnerships, engaged stakeholders, strengthened the country's development framework and poverty reduction efforts, and addressed the project's environmental and social impacts. Further information on EMWIS website
35- Journal Special Issue: Options for including agriculture and forestry activities in a post-2012 international climate agreement. A Special Issue of the Journal Environmental Science and Policy has just been published: Options for including agriculture and forestry activities in a post-2012 international climate agreement. Further information on EMWIS website
36- ENMaR Newsletter 2/2007: The ENMaR (European Network of Municipalities and Rivers) project partly financed by the EU under the INTERREG IIIC programme, published its 10th newsletter issue. Further information on EMWIS website.
37- April/May (4/5) issue of PoWER Newsletter, the e-newsletter designed to enhance communication and keep you current on the latest activities of the partners in water education, research and training. This newsletter gives you, some news on what is happening in the PoWER partnership, as well as a quick overview on what keeps the partners busy in the field of water and sanitation. Further information on EMWIS website.
38- Special Issue "Gender, Environment, Conflict": This newsletter is part-financed by the German Federal Environmental Agency and the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety. Further information on EMWIS website.
39- IHA World Congress on Advancing Sustainable Hydropower Bulletin - Vol. 139 No. 1: The International Hydropower Association (IHA) World Congress on Advancing Sustainable Hydropower convened at the Talya Convention Centre, Antalya, Turkey, from 29-31 May 2007. The event was the IHA's inaugural international congress, providing a forum for dialogue between hydropower companies, investment and development banks, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders involved in the development and operation of hydropower projects for discussion of: technical hydropower innovation; social and environmental performance; the role of the public and private sectors; social responsibility; and certification of good practice in the hydropower sector. This report consists of a brief history of the IHA and multilateral energy initiatives, and a summary of congress proceedings. Further information on EMWIS website.
40- Proceedings of the European Symposium of Spatial Planning Approaches towards Sustainable River Basin Management, May 14-15.2007, Rovaniemi, Finland. On behalf of the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B project Watersketch partners, the organising committee organised its final event European Symposium on Spatial Planning Approaches to Sustainable River Basin Management. The overall aim of the symposium was to present and discuss some of the cross-cutting issues on spatial planning approaches to sustainable river basin management and to present the results of the Watersketch project. Further information on EMWIS website.
41- The Culture of Water: Final Report of the First Stage 2003-2007. With the scarcity of water on the rise in the Mid-East Region, there is a continuous need for the provision of new water resources. Non-traditional approaches, however, have to be deployed in order to provide such resources. Water savings and increased efficient use of water, including wastewater, is one such approach. To reach optimal levels of water savings, it is necessary to involve the different sectors of the community from the affected countries. Such approach creates a larger sense of awareness and belonging toward a common problem. Once such attitude is attained, the water problem will become a vital part of the daily lives of the peoples of the region, thus furnishing grounds for a sustainable “Culture of Water”. This project contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the problem, whilst suggesting practical solutions. Further information on EMWIS website.
42- "Gender & Water: Mainstreaming gender equality in water, hygiene and sanitation interventions". This document aims to support SDC project staff and partners such as national programme officers and water organizations to mainstream gender equality into SDC water, hygiene and sanitation interventions. It will illustrate how to «put gender on the agenda» in terms of gender strategies and gender-sensitive water policies and ensure that people are engaged and remain committed. Further information on EMWIS website.
43- "Water sector strategy of the German Cooperation": The present strategy is the binding guideline for the formulation of German development cooperation (DC) on the water sector. It also explains the importance of the water sector for development cooperation. The sector Strategy serves as the basis and provides a set of criteria for sector dialogue with partners and other donors, for the BMZ's priority area strategy papers, for the planning and implementation of German development projects, and as a benchmark for the assesssment of European and multilateral development cooperation in the water sector. The Sector Strategy provides guidance for non-governmental organisations on approaches and developments in German development cooperation and offers interested third parties information about the German government's support policy for cooperation with developing countries in the water sector. Further information on EMWIS website.
44- LIFE+ future decided: European Commission welcomes final political agreement on LIFE+. The overall budget foreseen for LIFE+ is just under € 1.9 billion for the period 2007-2013. 78% of the budget is dedicated to project action grants and at least 50% of this has been reserved for spending on the "nature and biodiversity" part of the Programme. The LIFE+ regulation is expected to enter into force by September 2007. Currently, the Commission is preparing the information package for LIFE+ applicants (Application guide, Application forms, Evaluation guide, Model Grant Agreement and Common Provisions). The first call for proposals will most probably be opened in autumn 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
45- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - International Reintegration Grants (IRG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-3-IRG, Indicative budget: 14.5 M€. This action consists of financial support during at least 2 and up to 4 years for professional (re)integration projects in the research area in a host organisation in a Member State or Associated country. The project can, amongst other things, address research activities, training, teaching, transfer of knowledge, commercial exploitation, diffusion, development of co-operation with the scientific and / or industrial sector of the third country from which the researcher is returning. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
46- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant: Call identifier: ERC-2007-StG, Indicative budget: 289 M€. The objective of these grants offered by the European Research Council (ERC) is to provide adequate support to the independent careers of excellent researchers, whatever their nationality, located in or moving to the EU and associated countries, who are at the stage of establishing and leading their first research team or programme. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and September 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
47- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - Marie Curie Initial Training Networks: Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN, Indicative budget: 240 M€. The action will be implemented by supporting competitively selected networks of organisations from different countries engaged in research training. The networks will be built on a joint research training programme, responding to well identified training needs in defined scientific or technological areas, with appropriate references to interdisciplinary and newly emerging supra-disciplinary fields. Deadline for application: May 07, 2007 and September 25, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
48- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - ERA-NET Plus Call 2007: Call identifier: FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD, Indicative budget: 28.9 M€.
This call from the ERA-NET scheme (European Research Area) covers a.o. conferences and other support actions.
Deadline for application: 31 July 2007 at 17:00 (Brussels local time). Further information on EMWIS website.
49- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - European Reintegration Grants (ERG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-2-ERG, Indicative budget: 9.5 M€. The action offers the opportunity to experienced researchers from Member States or Associated countries, to capitalise on their trans-national mobility period after having participated in a Marie Curie action either under the Seventh or the previous Framework Programme. The mechanism will assist the professional (re)integration of the eligible researchers in a research organisation in a Member State or Associated country, including in their country nationality. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
50- The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the University of Oslo, with the support of the Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS) project, announced a two day international conference to be held on 7 and 8 of February 2008 at the Royal Geographical Society in London on the subject of “Living with climate change: are there limits to adaptation?”
The overall objective of this conference is to consider strategies for adapting to climate change, in particular to explore the potential barriers to adaptation that may limit the ability of societies to adapt to climate change and to identify opportunities for overcoming these barriers. The conference is aimed at researchers and practitioners with an interest in understanding how societies adapt to climate change. Abstracts are invited to be submitted by 10th August 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
51- 1st announcement of the 3rd International Scientific Conference BALWOIS 2008: After the great success of BALWOIS 2004 and BALWOIS 2006 - more than 300 participants from 30 countries with 249 papers in 2004 and 304 in 2006 all available on www.balwois.net - the Third International Scientific Conference BALWOIS 2008, traditionally will be organized in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia from 27th to 31st May 2008. The main topics of BALWOIS 2008 are : 1 - Climate and Environment; 2 - Hydrological regimes and water balances; 3 - Droughts and Floods; 4 - Integrated Water Resources Management; 5 - Water bodies protection and Ecohydrology; 6 - Lakes and wetlands; 7 - Hydrological modelling; 8 - Information systems. Deadline for the abstracts : 15 October 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
52- 2nd Announcement of the 13th World Water Congress: The 13th World Water Congress will be held in Montpellier (France) in 01-04 September 2008. The main theme of this congress will be ‘Global Changes and Water Resources: Confronting the Expanding and Diversifying Pressures.’ The congress aims to enhance knowledge and raise global consciousness of the impact of global changes on water resources. New deadline for submission of abstracts is: 31 August 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
53- Call for papers for the First International Conference on Water Resources Modeling and Simulation in the 21st Century:
The Egyptian Water Resources Association, EWRA invite you to participate in the First International Conference on Water Resources Monitoring, Modeling and Simulation from 25-27 December 2007, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt. Papers are invited on the topics outlined above and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted by mail, fax, and email or via our website as soon as possible. Further information at EMWIS website.
54- EWA publishes new e-journal “E-WAter”: “European Water Management Online” (EWMO). The Management Committee of EWA resolved upon a refresh of the EWA electronic journal “European Water Management Online” (EWMO) and decides to emphasise this by renaming the journal now into “E-WAter”. Authors are invited to utilize this modern media platform for publications. Papers on any issue related to any branch of the water cycle - including the urban cycle - to be known by about 50 thousand European practitioners, experts and scientists can be published in the electronic journal E-WAter. E-WAter can be downloaded from the EWA homepage - http://www.ewaonline.de/journal/online.htm - where Instructions for authors can be found. Further information on EMWIS website
55-The international Congress: "Water and Waste" has announced a call for papers to be due in 15 September 2007. This congress which will take place in Oujda (Morocco) the 22 and 23 November, 2007, will be an occasion, for the researchers and the various operators in the field of the management of solid waste and liquids, to discuss priority strategic axes and shared objectives to work out on a strategy aiming at reinforcing the exchange of the know how between the Moroccan and foreign research teams. Further information on EMWIS website
56- The first workshop within the framework of the MELIA project “Water culture and water conflict in the Mediterranean area” will be celebrated in Tunisia from the 22nd to the 26th of November 2007. A specific focus will be put on the historical, economical and social point of view, and the possible application of the principles of the Water Framework Directive. Further information on EMWIS website
57- Call for contributions to a University review: "Horizons maghrébins-the right to memory -2008 Alimentation & population in the Maghreb & the Middle East". The thematic scope is: Self-sufficiency or food dependence, agro-alimentary Policies, Food Quality, Revival of country agriculture and experiments of agro-ecology, urban Agriculture, Water Management & Farm prices. Deadline for contributions: 31 March 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
58- International Short Course in Decentralized Water Supply & Sanitation, organised by UNESCO-IHE, will be held in Delft (The Netherlands) in the period: [10/07/2007 - 28/07/2007]. The aim of this course is to provide theoretical background and practical expertise in the field of low-cost decentralised water supply and sanitation alternatives specifically suitable for the small towns, peri-urban areas and urban slums, small island communities, tourist resorts etc. Further information on EMWIS website
59- International Short Course in Watershed and River Basin Management, organised by UNESCO-IHE, will be held in Delft (The Netherlands) in the period: [09/07/2007 - 27/07/2007]. This course provides a theoretical background and develops practical skills of participants for the management of watersheds - taking into account developmental, food, environmental and institutional aspects and placing this in the context of Integral River Basin Management. Further information on EMWIS website
60- International Short Course in Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector, organised by UNESCO-IHE, will be held in Delft (The Netherlands) in the period: [09/07/2007 - 27/07/2007]. This short course familiarizes water sector managers and development professionals with key issues in strategic management. Further information on EMWIS website
EVENTS (Full Agenda)
[2007/07/23 - 2007/07/26] Course on Thermal Desalination Processes and Economics, L’Aquila, Italy.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/23 - 2007/07/27] IEEE/IGARSS 2007: Sensing and Understanding our Planet, Barcelona, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/23 - 2007/07/28] ECO-IMAGINE Training Course: Geospatial technologies, Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/18 - 2007/07/20] Fourth International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MULTITEMP-2007), Leuven, Belgium.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/12 - 2007/07/15] Workshop International: Géologie environnementale et géo-éco-Tourisme au service de l'Initiative Nationale pour le développement humain (INDH), Ifran, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/10 - 2007/07/28] International Short Course in Decentralized Water Supply & Sanitation, Delft, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/09 - 2007/07/27] Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector, Delft, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/09 - 2007/09/27] Watershed and River Basin Management, Delft, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/08 - 2007/07/12] The 7th World congress of IALE: “25 years Landscape Ecology: Scientific Principles in Practice”, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/05 - 2007/07/06] Les « Premières rencontres régionales de la coopération transfrontalière, du développement durable, des territoires et de la coopération décentralisée dans les Balkans », Thessalonique, Greece.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/05 - 2007/07/06] 2007 UKRO Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/05 - 2007/07/05] 5th Meeting of the Network of EU Environmental Lawyers, Lisbon, Portugal.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/05 - 2007/07/05] 11st EMWIS Steering Committee meeting, Madrid, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/04 - 2007/07/05] Water Environment and Society Seminar Series - Water environment and society: What happens when you change the scale? - Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/03 - 2007/07/04] MEDWIP Experts workshop, Madrid, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/03 - 2007/07/03] The 1st meeting of the water monitoring working group of the Mediterranean Joint Process between the EUWI and the WFD, Madrid, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/02 - 2007/07/13] XXIVe Assemblée générale de l'UGGI, Perugia, Italy.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/02 - 2007/07/08] 4th Workshop and Short Intensive Course - Wetland Water, Biebrza, Poland.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/01 - 2007/07/06] 32nd IAHR Congress: Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics, Venice, Italy.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/07/01 - 2007/07/04] International Training Course on “Qanats: A Multidisciplinary Approach“, Yazd, Iran.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/27 - 2007/06/28] UNU Workshop on Environmental Security in MENA: Leadership for Water and Energy Security in the Middle East and North Africa, Amman, Jordan.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/27 - 2007/06/28] European Forum Water 2007, Vienna, Austria
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/26 - 2007/06/28] Le VI è Symposium International sur l'Environnement, Catalyse et Génie des procédés, Marseille, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/27 - 2007/06/27] Éliminer les principales sources de pollution en Méditerranée : l’Initiative européenne HORIZON 2020, Marseille, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/26 - 2007/06/28] Eighth Meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com8), Rome, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/25 - 2007/06/29] 9th Cannes Water Symposium: Water and City, Cannes, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/25 - 2007/06/28] NOVATECH 2007, 6ème conférence internationale sur les techniques et stratégies durables pour la gestion des eaux urbaines par temps de pluie, Lyon, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/25 - 2007/06/27] International Workshop "Changements Climatiques et Adaptation en Afrique: Le Rôle des Technologies Spatiales", Algiers, Algeria.
Further information on EMWIS website
ABOUT EMWIS (Priorities, Activities, Objectives, Structure, Funding, Team)
WATER in the EURO-MED PARTNERSHIP (MEDA programme, Key dates)
EMWIS NATIONAL WEBSITES: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg
EMWIS WATER MULTILINGUAL THESAURUS (Available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish & Italian)- Water glossaries
DOCUMENTATION (EMWIS meetings, Documentary database, Funding for water, Key documents, Water Legislation)
WHO DOES WHAT IN THE WATER SECTOR (By contacts, organisations & information sources)
FORUM ; FAQ ; TOPICS (MedWIP, Water scarcity, groundwater, wastewater reuse, desalination, satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to: 14124 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription, click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the previous issues in our website.
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to improve it Contact the EMWIS Technical Unit.
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