EMWIS Flash n°148 - January - February 2020
Released | 05/03/2020 |
January - February 2020 |
issue N°148
1- Upcoming 11th UfM Water Expert Group Meeting, 30-31 March, Athens
2- 4th Mediterranean Water Forum, Malta from November 11 to 13
3-« EUROPE-INBO 2020 » 18th International Conference For The Implementation Of The European Water Directives
4- Crop production in Europe became less water intensive
5- FAO launches “Hydroponics and Aquaponics” water-saving systems in Jordan
6- Second Palestine International Water Forum 18- 21 July 2020, Ramallah
7- UN World Water Development Report (WWDR 2020): Water and Climate Change
8- Space contributions to water challenges, 8-10 June, Marseilles
9- EU invests more than €100 million in new LIFE Programme projects to promote a green and climate-neutral Europe
10- Sustain-coast 2nd Coordination Meeting & Stakeholders’ Workshop on groundwater governance, in Turkey
11- SUPROMED: Training and technical visit at Sidi Bouzid to improve agricultural practices
12- VISCA:
Production of decadal Climate projections for 3 different regions in
Europe to adapt vineyards
13- EdiCitNet:
City team meeting in Andernach "Planting concept of the living lab and
integration of young children"
14- HYDROUSA: Position regarding the revision of the Urban
Waste Water Treatment Directive
15- Circular City: Management meeting and workshop in Istanbul, Turkey
16- Libya:
Officials warn of water crisis in Tobruk say water system is
17- Albania: France
to Spent EUR 60 Million on Water and Sanitation Works in Durres
18- Jordan: Cabinet approves draft law merging Water Authority of Jordan with Ministry of Water & Irrigation
19- Egypt: The EU Bank finances the upgrade and expansion of Alexandria West WWTP
20- Tunisia:
receives 84m US dollars for water projects
21- Tunisia: Reusing
wastewater to irrigate green spaces
22- Morocco:
Twinning with EU to improve environmental protection
HM the King Presides over Signing Ceremony of Framework Agreement
for Implementation of 2020-2027 National Program for Drinking and
Irrigation Water Supply
Improvement of the public drinking water service
11th Water Expert Group (WEG) meeting will be held in Athens on 30
March, constitutes an important step in the implementation of
the UfM Water Agenda and its financial strategy with a dual
modality, further development of the Biannual work Plans 2020-2021
and as it aims at discussing progress and outcomes of the thematic
Task Forces and of the Financial Strategy process as well as their
next steps towards meeting objectives defined in the UfM Ministerial
Declaration on Water (Malta, April 2017) as well as to identify
additional input for the second UFM water investment forum
based on the achievement and success of the first UFM annual
conference on water investment held at the margin of the Med
Dialogue. Back to back with the WEG meeting, the first technical
coordination meeting of the 4th Mediterranean Water Forum will be
held on 31 March to prepare the Mediterranean contribution to the
next World Water Forum (Dakar, 2021). Further information on EMWIS
IN BRIEF (Full news)
2- Initiated in Marrakech in 2011, then
held in Murcia in 2014 and Cairo in 2018, the Mediterranean Water
Forum is intended to be a regional event that brings together the main
stakeholders in the Mediterranean water community. The 4th
Mediterranean Water Forum will be held in Malta from November 11 to
13, the event is coordinated by IME "The Mediterranean Water
Institute", the UfM secretariat and Malta Energy and Water Agency.
SEMIDE is part of the event steering committee. The Forum aims to
present the Mediterranean as a hub of innovative water management
solutions which have been locally developed or adapted to address the
prevailing challenges of the region. It will also outline how the
Mediterranean region is developing an integrated implementation
framework through the Union for the Mediterranean’s Water Agenda which
ensures that different water management actions reinforce each other
thereby providing a comprehensive solution. In so doing, the forum
will present the value of the Mediterranean region in the development,
adaptation and implementation of effective water management solutions,
and the replication potential of these solutions to address emerging
problems at a global scale. Further information on EMWIS
The EURO-INBO 2020 will take during
the same week, also in Malta, giving the opportunity the EU water
communities to network with the Mediterranean Neighboorhood countries.
Euro INBO 2020 is organised by the International Network of Basin
Organisations and will be held on 8-13 November 2020. It will feature
a workshop on "greening the Common Agriculture Policy: challenges and
solutions" plus four sessions: 1. involving basin stakeholders in the
assessment and design of future water directives, 2. Economic tools
for river basin management: how to integrate biodiversity and
environment in cost recovery; 3. sustainable water resources
management; 4. international cooperation and transboundary management.
Further information on the event will be available soon on INBO
4- According to the European environment
agency the crop production in Europe became 12% less water intensive
between 2005 and 2016. The total water input to crops under rainfed
and irrigated conditions for each unit of gross value added generated
from crop production, excluding subsidies, decreased from 5 m3 to 4.4
m3 over the period. Western Europe demonstrated the lowest water
intensity of crop production over the period, with 3.5 m3 of total
water input for each unit of gross value added generated. However,
there was no significant change in the trend between 2005 and 2016. In
eastern Europe, crop production became 31 % less water intensive
between 2005 and 2016. The total water input to crops fell from 7.3 m3
to 5.0 m3 for each unit of gross value added generated over the
period. Crop production also became 13 % and 11% less water intensive
in northern Europe and southern Europe, respectively between 2005 and
2016. In northern Europe, total water input to crops fell from 11.2 m3
to 9.7 m3 over the period, while in southern Europe it fell from 4.2
m3 to 3.8 m3. Further information on EMWIS
5- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) launched on 10 February a pioneering project to provide capacity building and technical support for the Integrated Agri-Aquaculture (IAA) farming systems in Jordan. In line with a technical cooperation agreement signed between the two parties in early January, FAO conducted an inception workshop to acquaint stakeholders and programme partners with the scope and outlines of the project entitled: “Introduction of Aquaponics and Hydroponics in Support of Effective Use of Water.” The workshop was under the patronage of his Excellency Eng. Ibrahim Shahahdeh , Minister of Agriculture and was attended by a group of stakeholders and government partners. Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants in water without soil, while Aquaponics combines it with fish production in the same water for the plants. Further information on EMWIS website
6- Under the theme “Water Security in
Dynamic Environments…Together We Can”, the 2nd Palestine Water Forum,
Ramallah 18-21 July 2020, will provide a unique multi-stakeholder
platform where water experts, policy creators and decision makers from
around the world can work together to find joint solutions for
challenges affecting the ability of nations to achieve water security.
It will be an opportunity to discuss the diverse facets of water
security in dynamic environments and its relation to climate change,
sustainable development and water technological progress. The main
objective of the forum activities is to collect efforts toward
achieving water security for life and development for future
generations. The forum’s sessions will focus on developing water
resources management and achieving sustainable development goals. The
sessions will also address the non-conventional water resources on a
wide spectrum to highlight the role of these resources in bridging the
water demand gap in addition to showcasing advanced innovation and
technologies effecting the environment, ecosystems and sustainable
development. The forum will provide a vicinity to focus on youth and
creativity through special activities. A special exhibition will be
organized, in parallel with the Forum to allow for a unique occasion
for all specialized companies and institutions to display their latest
technologies, products, and services, in the field of water and
sanitation as well as water and energy nexus. Moreover, several
excursions to Palestinian historical and cultural sites as well as
water projects will be organized. Please note that a call for paper is
opened till the 10th of March. Further information on EMWIS
7- The 2020 edition of the UN World Water Development Report (WWDR 2020) titled ‘Water and Climate Change’ will be launched during the celebrations of World Water Day in Geneva on 23 March 2020. The Report focuses on the challenges, opportunities and potential responses to climate change, in terms of adaptation, mitigation and improved resilience that can be addressed through improving water management. Combining climate change adaptation and mitigation, through water, is a win-win proposal, improving the provision of water supply and sanitation services and combating both the causes and impacts of climate change, including disaster risk reduction. Further information on EMWIS website
8- The French National Center for Space
Studies (CNES) together with the French Hydrotechnic Society (SFH) are
organising a 3-days symposium on Space
contributions to water challenges, in Marseilles from 8-10 June. The aim is to explore integrated approaches
bringing together space technologies, drones and in-situ measurements
for the management of natural resources and environment. The event is
organised around 4 topics: 1. water cycle and quantitative water
resource management; 2. Coastal water and shoreline management; 3.
Water quality and biodiversity preservation; 4. Advantages of
multi-source information sharing. Further information on EMWIS website
9- The European Commission announced on
17 February an investment of €101.2 million for the latest projects
under the LIFE programme for the Environment and Climate Action. The
funding will support 10 large-scale environment and climate integrated
projects in nine Member States, helping Europe's transition to a
sustainable economy and climate neutrality. The large-scale projects
will support the European Green Deal and the EU's ambition of becoming
the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. They are related
to nature conservation (Ireland, Cyprus, Estonia), water management
(Ireland -surface water quality), climate change adaptation (France
-Nature based adaptation, Latvia, Spain), waste (Greece -waste in
circular economy), air quality (Slovakia, Czechia) and sustainable
finance (France). Further information on EMWIS
10- Organised by Mersin
university, partner of Sustain-Coast project, the 2nd
coordination meeting was held on 4th-6th February 2020 in Turkey.
Sustain-Coast is a PRIMA project focusing groundwater governance. One
day was dedicated to workshops with local stakeholders, including a
dedicated meeting with the mayor of Erdimli Municipality, and
with potential actors from the Turkish demosite. During the 2nd
coordination meeting, the partners presented the current status of the
project and the achieved milestones during the previous 9 months. They
presented the preliminary results of the living lab organised in
Tunisia, and defined the next steps for the development of the
project, in particular data collection for modelling. See here the
meeting video.
Further information on Sustain-COAST
11- SUPROMED project organised a
technical visit and training session in Tunisia on 25-27 February
2020. SUPROMED (Sustainable Production in water limited environments
of Mediterranean agro-ecosystem) is a PRIMA project that aims to to
enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of Mediterranean
farming systems through a more efficient management of water, energy
and fertilizers. The project coordinator (UCLM) was present with the
Tunisian partners (INGC and INRGREF) during the 3 days meeting in
Tunisia. During the first day a training session was organized for 20
people (Students, Researchers from INRGREF and Engineers from INGC) at
“Cité des Sciences of Tunis” on irrigation software (MOPECO, PRESUS,
DOPIR and IREY), moderated by Mr. Alfonso Dominguez, Mr. José María
from UCLM and Mr. Radhouan Nciri from INGC. On the second day the
Tunisian partners and the project coordinator visited SUPROMED plots
in Sidi Bouzid (pistachio orchard, oat plots, onion plot and olive
orchard). During the third day, the partners visited SUPROMED plot of
durum wheat and meet with stakeholders in Sidi Bouzid (CRDA: Regional
Commissariat for Agricultural Development and URAP: Regional Union of
Agriculture and Fisheries). Further
information on SUPROMED website.
12- Delivering climate information at
decadal time scale for the 3 demonstration sites of the project: Spain
(Costers del Segre), Italy (Campania region) and Portugal (Douro
Valley) is part of VISCA activities under the tasks ‘Climatic &
Agricultural Data’. Such information will be needed by the end-users
for strategic planning and adaptation decisions, for example giving
hints on the potential geographical shift of viticultural regions. In
order to produce the decadal climatic prediction for the 20-30 years’
time-scale considered, a set of climate models data are analized to
provide regional climate scenarios over the areas of interest.
The conclusions of these projections are illustrated in ‘Decadal
projection performance report’ delivered by VISCA project coordinator
METEOSIM. Further information on VISCA
13- In the framework of EdiCitNet project
-Edible Cities Network- a City Team was organised on 15 January 2020
in Andernach, Germany (one of the Front runner cities of the
project). The City Team was focused on the planting concept
for the living lab and the integration of young children (age 4-10
years). Participants include representatives of kindergartens and
primary schools, the Perspektive gGmbH (farmer and organizer),
representative of a NGO and the city team chair. The city team
designed a planting concept regarding the annual Topic “biodiversity”.
The concept is based on the following aims: Demonstration of
biodiversity in plant varieties /Demonstration the positive effect of
supporting plant partners/ Demonstration of biotope diversity/
Demonstrating the impact of plants on microclimate/ Demonstrating
different food processing steps. The city team decided how to
integrate kindergartens and primary schools into the planting season.
Dates for different planting activities in spring and early summer
were identified and special events were designed. The city team
decided that special events should be also available for the public.
Hence such events were split into two parts, one part designed for
pedagogic institutions in the mornings and the other part designed for
the public in the afternoon. The next city team meeting regarding
planting activities will be on 24.06.2020 in order to plan the
planting/harvest activities in late summer and autumn. Further
information on EdiCitNet
14- In view of the upcoming revision of
the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (European Commission
evaluation available here), the HYDROUSA consortium developed its
position regarding the changes which need to be implemented within the
Directive which are also most relevant to the project. Following
extensive discussion within the consortium a policy brief was
developed as the “HYDROUSA position” which was sent to the EC to
support the consultation procedure of the Directive. It is focused on
the Individual and Appropriate Systems (IAS) within the EU Member
States and the urgent need for framing or specifically defining the
application of IAS, implementing technical standards for eligible IAS
technologies, setting minimum requirements for their design, structure
and performance. Further information is found on HYDROUSA
15- Nature Based Solutions for Cities,
the Cost Action Circular City (CA17133) community is holding its
Management Committee and thematic workshops 4-6 March 2020 in
Istanbul, Turkey. The aim of this COST Action is to build an
interdisciplinary platform for connecting city planners, architects,
system designers, circular economists, engineers and researchers from
social and natural sciences that develop systems allowing cities to
cope with the current challenges. State of the art papers have been
recently published by the Action on the IWA Journal "Blue green systems". A Greenwalls
cluster has been launched last Wednesday during the meeting opening.
You can follow the Action on Social Media channels, i.e. Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, all accessible from Circular
City website
16- The director of the Seawater
Desalination Plant in Tobruk in Libya, Mohamed Rizk has warned of a
water crisis in the city because of the obsolescence of the current
equipment. Rizk urged authorities to support the plant and prevent a
water crisis in the city. "The Seawater Desalination Plant in Tobruk
has been working for over 20 years and its equipment are outdated.
Spare part should be made available for the system to operate
efficiently," Rizk explained in a press statement. He warned if the
plant is to stop it will entail a major water crisis, given that the
station is the only water source in the city, according to Rizk.
Further information on EMWIS
17- France has pledged a
contribution of EUR 1 million in donations and at least EUR 60 million
to rehabilitate the water and sanitation network in Durres, following
the 26 November earthquake in Albania. The French Minister for
Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian participated at the
Donors Conference held on 17 February and met with Prime
Minister Edi Rama. The two officials signed an agreement that will be
implemented by the French Development Agency, Proparco and Expertise
France in Albania. According to a press release from the French
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the agreement falls within
the framework of the French strategy for the Western Balkans and
signals France’s heightened commitment to Albania to support its
economic and social development, as well as helping to forge closer
ties with Europe. Further information on EMWIS
18- In its session on 16 February headed
by Jordanian Prime Minister Omar Razzaz, the Cabinet approved a draft
law amending the Law on Restructuring Governmental Institutions and
Departments for the year 2020. The amendment aims to merge the Water
Authority of Jordan and transfer its functions to the Ministry of
Water and Irrigation, in implementation of what was stated in the
second package of the government's economic programme related to
administrative reform, with the aim of raising the level of
performance and rationalising expenditures. The amendment also aims to
reorganise the water sector and standardise decision-making at the
Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the Jordan Valley Authority, as
well as prevent overlap, reduce costs and institutionalise work, the
Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. According to the draft law, the
Ministry of Water and Irrigation will exercise all the functions and
powers of the Water Authority and its board of directors as stipulated
in the Water Authority Law. Further information on EMWIS
19- The European Investment Bank (EIB)
has signed a financing agreement of EUR 120 million with the Arab
Republic of Egypt to support the expansion and upgrade of the
Alexandria West Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). The financing will
contribute to improving sanitation services for people in Alexandria.
The project involves increasing the capacity of the Alexandria West
WWTP to match needs up to the year 2050 and upgrade the level of
treatment at the WWTP from primary to secondary to improve the quality
of effluent from the plant and contribute to the depollution of Lake
Maryout as well as the Mediterranean Sea thus contributing also to the
objectives of the Clean Oceans Initiative. Further information on EMWIS
20- Tunisian State has received 84m US dollars loan from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the
German development agency, to finance several solar and water
management projects in the country. Out of the total, 24m US dollars has been allocated to the National Sanitation Office
(ONAS), intended for the implementation of 2nd phase of the
Industrial Areas Remediation Programme. The programme will see
collection and treatment of wastewater discharged by plants to prevent
it from discharging into wetlands and Mediterranean coasts. This will
benefit industrial areas of Moknine, Ben Arous, Utica, Bizerte, Sfax,
Enfidha, Oued El Bey, Monastir and Medjez El Bab. KfW accompanied its
loan with a grant of 788,000 US
dollars for technical
assistance in the treatment and disposal of settling sludge from
wastewater treatment. Part of the funds will enable ONAS to carry out
awareness campaigns for farmers on the recycling of sludge in
agriculture. This waste can be used to produce biogas, a highly
purified gas that can be used for cooking or heating. The Ministry of
Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries received funds for the Bou
Heurtma dam elevation project and for the modernisation of the
Medjerda canal. It is located in the governorate of Jendouba, in the
northwest of the country. 6m US
dollars will be used
to protect the Sousse-El Kantaoui coastline from erosion and other
effects of climate change. Further information on EMWIS
21- Wastewater from the Tunisian capital
will soon be reused. It is the main focus of the agreement that was
recently signed between Tunisia’s National Sanitation Office (ONAS)
and the Tunis Bay Project Company, the company created for the
implementation of a major real estate project in Tunis. The project
involves the construction of a new city 35 minutes from the
centre of the Tunisian capital. The new city will include green spaces
and a golf course, residential and commercial units, a business
centre, a private hospital, a university and a technology centre. The
agreement signed between Tunis Bay Project Company and ONAS provides
for the use of treated wastewater for watering the green spaces and
the golf course of Tunis Bay, which will have 18 holes. The wastewater
treated for reuse by the city of Tunis Bay will come from wastewater
treatment plants in the northern area of Greater Tunis. Among these
facilities, the Charguia wastewater treatment plant will have a
capacity of 60,000 m³ of water per day. The Tunisian government is
also planning to rehabilitate the pumping station for the return
sludge from the Charguia wastewater treatment plant. Further
information on EMWIS
22- Morocco is committed to work in
partnership with the European Union in the context of environmental
protection. A twinning agreement has therefore been signed between the
two parties and aims, among other things, to bring Moroccan
regulations on environmental protection into line with those of the
EU. The project that was initiated and signed between the Moroccan
government and the EU delegation is entitled “Support for the
implementation of the National Charter for the Environment and
Sustainable Development in Morocco (CNEDD)”. Twinning will thus enable
Morocco to lay the foundations for better pursuit of the sustainable
development objectives it has set itself. A number of reforms will be
implemented, including the adoption of the CNEDD, in accordance with
the international treaties that this North African country has signed
and ratified. The twinning act was formalised during a working session
that brought together the Minister for Energy, Mines and the
Environment, Aziz Rebbah for the Moroccan side and the EU Ambassador
to Morocco, Claudia Wiedey, as well as other international partners
(including the Austrian Ambassador to Morocco, Klaus Kögeler, and the
Head of Mission of the French Embassy in Morocco, Raphaël Martin de
Lagarde). Further information on EMWIS
23- HM King Mohammed VI, accompanied by
HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, presided, on 13 January at the
Royal Palace in Rabat, over the signing ceremony of the framework
agreement for the implementation of the 2020-2027 National Program for
drinking and irrigation water supply, worth around 115.4 billion MAD
(about 11 billion Euro). This agreement specifies the conditions and
methods of implementing and financing this program which aims at
consolidating and diversifying the sources of drinking water supply,
supporting demand for this invaluable source, guaranteeing water
security and combating the effects of climate change. On this
occasion, Minister of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water
Abdelkader Amara gave a speech before HM the King in which he stressed
that this integrated program, developed pursuant to the royal
directives and in consideration of the water situation in the Kingdom
and studies on this issue, touches on five main issues. According to
the Minister, the program concerns improving water supply, notably by
building dams (61 bln MAD), managing demand and developing water
mainly in the agricultural sector (25,1 bln MAD), strengthening
drinking water supply in rural areas (26.9 bln MAD), reusing treated
wastewater in the irrigation of green areas (2.3 bln MAD), and
boosting communication and awareness-raising concerning the importance
of preserving water resources and rationalizing their use (50 million
MAD). Further information on EMWIS
24- The Algerian Minister of Water
Resources, Arezki Berraki, affirmed, on January 27, 2020 during a
management meeting of SEAAL (water utility of Algiers and Tipaza),
that improving access to drinking water and sanitation is a key
priority for the new government, stressing that the public authorities
will ensure the satisfaction of citizens consumers and users. He
declared that the delegation of public services for drinking water and
sanitation in the metropolitan areas of Algiers, Tipasa, Constantine
and Oran is producing good results. But some gaps still need to be
filled such as over production, non revenue water, delays in leakages
repair and slow improvement of network efficiency. Further information
25- Appointment of the permanent
technical secretary of Mediterranean Network of Basin Organisations
-MENBO: In accordance with Article 25 of the Statutes of The
Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations (MENBO), signed by the
members of the Network on 10 November 2003, stating that “The
Associated Body of the Secretariat will appoint the natural person
whom will represent the Association and participate in the meetings of
both the Bureau and the General Assembly ”, Mr. Manuel Alcalde Sánchez
President of the Jucar River Basin Authority nominated on 24 February
2020 in Valencia Mr. MIGUEL POLO CEBELLÁN as Permanent Technical
Secretary of MENBO. Mr. Polo is currently the Water Commissioner
(Comisario de Aguas) of the the Júcar River Basin Authority, he joined
the River basin authority in 2004. Further information on EMWIS
26- Raymond Ghajar New Minister of energy and water of Lebanon. Named by the Free Patriotic Movement, Ghajar is an academic who had previously served as dean of the faculty of engineering at the Lebanese American University (LAU). A graduate from the University of Ottawa, he was also vice-president for human resources at LAU and former adviser to the Ministry of Energy, when held by the Free Patriotic Movement.Further information on EMWIS website
21 January 2020, the Spanish Council of Ministers appoints as Director
General of Water the engineer Teodoro Estrela Monreal. He succeeds to
Manuel Menéndez Prieto. Until now Dr. Teodoro Estrela Monreal was head
of the Hydrological Planning Office of the Júcar Hydrographic
Confederation (CHJ) and Permanent Technical Secretary of MENBO, the
Mediterranean Network of Basin Organisations. Further information on EMWIS
28- Mr. Osama Kheriji was
appointed on February 27, 2020 Minister of Agriculture, Water
Resources and Fisheries in the government of Elyes Fakhfakh in
Tunisia. He is the president of the Order of Tunisian Engineers , a
position he has held since 2015 before being re-elected in 2019. He is
also Director General of the INGC (National Institute for Field Crops)
since 2013 and before that he was Deputy Director at the Ministry of
Agriculture between 2009 and 2013. Osama Kheriji is an
engineer graduate from the National Agronomic Institute of
Tunisia (INAT). Further information on EMWIS
29- Appointment of new Secretary of
State to the Minister of Agriculture of Tunisia, responsible for water
resources in 27 February 2020: Mrs. Akissa Bahri,
an agricultural engineer by training, has worked in water research in
the fields of water resources development and management, agricultural
use of marginal waters and biosolids, and their impacts on the
environment with a focus on water quality and water use efficiency.
From 1987 to 2005, she was responsible at the National Research
Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water, and Forestry, Ministry
of Agriculture and Water Resources in Tunisia, as Director for Africa
at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) from 2005-2010,
as Coordinator of the African Water Facility (AWF) at the African
Development Bank from 2010-2015. She joined the National Research
Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water, and Forestry (INRGREF)
in July 2016 and the National Agricultural Institute of Tunisia (INAT)
in February 2017, Tunis, Tunisia, as Professor. Further information on
30- IOWater published an interactive
and educational book, to make known the mechanisms of protection of
drinking water catchments. The book is available on IOWater website in
English and French. Furthur information on EMWIS
31- The International Office for Water (IOWater) offers, through the "Water and Economy" section on its website, a look at the importance of the economy in the management of water and its environment. A new newsletter on the economy applied to the management of water and aquatic environments and on biodiversity is available on IOWater website. The section includes different pages on the following aspects: the presentation of major issues relating to the economy in the water sector; water pricing and sanitation; assessment of the environmental value of aquatic environments; saving and allocating resources for different uses; economics and decision-making related to water management; economic monitoring of public water and sanitation services; expenditure on water and aquatic environments. Furthur information on EMWIS website
32- Water Accounting in the Litani River Basin: This report provides the water accounting study for Litani River basin in Lebanon carried out by IHE Delft using the Water Productivity (WaPOR) data portal of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Furthur information on EMWIS website
of the calls PRIMA 2020: On the 11th February 2020, new call for
proposals were lunched under Prima, the Partnership for Research
and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area. The overall objective of
the PRIMA programme is to build research and innovation capacities
and to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions for
agro-food systems, to make them sustainable, and for integrated
water provision and management in the Mediterranean area, to make
those systems and that provision and management more climate
resilient, efficient, cost-effective and environmentally and
socially sustainable, and to contribute to solving water scarcity,
food security, nutrition, health, well-being and migration
problems upstream. Furthur information on EMWIS
34- Call for
Abstracts: 11th International Agriculture Symposium AGROSYM 2020, Jahorina (East Sarajevo), 8-11 October
2020, Bosnia and Herzegovin
– Deadline: April 20th : The University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of
Agriculture (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Belgrade, Faculty
of Agriculture (Serbia) and CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute
of Bari (CIHEAM Bari, Italy), in collaboration with 35 Research and
Academia Institutions organize the 11th International Agriculture
Symposium “AGROSYM 2020”, that will be held Olympic Jahorina mountain
(near Sarajevo) on 8-11 October 2020. Further
information on EMWIS
35- Call for papers: risk of runoff, diagnosis and solutions Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (E N S) November 30 - December 2, 2020, Reception of abstracts: 1 March 2020 / Selection of abstracts: April 10, 2020. Further information on EMWIS website
for papers: 5th
Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA 2020). The Fifth
International Conference on Smart City Applications is a
multidisciplinary forum co-organized by the Faculty of Engineering,
Computer Engineering Department Karabuk University (KBÜ) in
partnership with Mediterranean Association of Sciences and
Technologies (Medi-AST) . SCA will take place in Karabuk, Turkey
from 07-09 October 2020, and aims to bring together research
scientists and industrial engineers to discuss and exchange both
experimental and theoretical results, novel designs, case studies,
and trend-setting ideas in the area of smart cities. The conference
covers any topic with an intersection with smart cities, including
education, healthcare, economy and digital business, building and
home automation, environment and agriculture, and information
technology and computer science. Paper Submission deadline March 15,
2020. Further
information on EMWIS
workshops 2020: from projects to action. The Agency for Sustainable
Mediterranean Cities and Territories (AViTeM), the Center for
Mediterranean Integration (CMI) and the French Development Agency
(AFD) have been partnering for the organization of the "Metropolitan
Workshops"; a series of three immersive and interactive training
sessions targeting urban practitioners, urban planners, local
government representatives, and other relevant stakeholders. In
2020, the workshops will take place in Bologna (March), Casablanca
(June), Marseilles (November). Further information on EMWIS website
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit
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