EMWIS English Flash N°47, May 2007
Released | 31/05/2007 |
EMWIS Flash - May 2007 |
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In this issue N°47 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash47)
1- MEDWIP regional workshop
2- EMWIS Information Seminar in Cyprus
3- EMWIS Information Seminar in Palestine
4- EMWIS Information Seminar in Jordan
5- INBO: 7th General World Assembly 2007
6- EMPOWERS Regional Forum on Local Water Governance
7- 9th Cannes Water Symposium: Water and City
8- Hydrotop 2007: the Euro-Mediterranean Carrefour of Water
9- International Forum on Drought: Counteract Drought, Take actions.
10- EU: New Floods Directive adopted
11- EU critical of UN progress on sustainable development
12- EU Environment and Economic Policy: A new deal?
13- Tunisia: Tackling wastewater treatment in tanneries
14- Morocco: World Bank provides water supply and sanitation funding
15- Lebanon: World Bank gives grant to complete Bekaa valley water network
16- Lebanon: Qaraaoun Lake Pollution
17- Israel: Reform in the water network
18- Israel Water Authority, ministry: Petrol pollution could affect drinking water
19- France and Italy act to prevent drought problems
20- UK: Waterwise is launching a water efficiency campaign
21- Egypt: First earth observation satellite (Egyptsat-1) launched
22- Europe’s Space Policy becomes a reality today
23- Chinese space agency joins the International Charter ‘Space and Major Disasters’
24- MedWet project Dialogue on Water in the Middle East and North African (MENA) Region
25- Conclusions of COMPSUD 6 Meeting, 3-4 May 2007, Corfu island
26- Thirsty world needs higher water prices - OECD
27- Computer-based decision support system for river basin management
28- Memorandum of Understanding between the EIB and UNIMED
1- The aim of this workshop is to review the preliminary findings of the feasibility study related to a Mediterranean Water Observatory Mechanism with key stakeholders in order to define the basic principles that will be presented to the Euromed water directors at the end of 2007. Large parts of the workshop will be dedicated to working group sessions in order to give an opportunity to all the participants to express their opinions. Participants will include institutional representatives of the 8 voluntary countries involved in the study as well as international organisations working on water data processing. The workshop will take place in Madrid, 3-4th July 2007 and will be followed by an EMWIS Steering Committee meeting on 5th July. Further information on EMWIS website.
IN BRIEF (Full news)
2- The EMWIS information seminar held on 10th May in Nicosia brought together some 70 participants representing the main water stakeholders of Cyprus. It was an opportunity to involve a wider range of actors in the re-design of the National EMWIS website by the Water Development Department (Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environment in Cyprus) as well as preparing further development of National Water Information System (NWIS) based on the current CYMOS -Cyprus Monitoring System- developed for the EU WFD. The interest for a Med water observatory mechanism was validated. The solutions developed by the MedWa project for wastewater reuse were presented and relevant for Cyprus. The main other issues presented and discussed were: Cyprus progress towards water demand management, drought management. Further information and seminar documentation (agenda, presentations, photos, etc) on EMWIS website.
3- An information seminar aiming to raise awareness of the benefits of exchanging know-how and information among the main stakeholders of Palestine’s water sector took place on 13rdMay in Ramallah on the joint initiative of EMWIS and the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA). This was the first Seminar to Disseminate EMWIS and progress made with regard in Palestine, and push for a coordination between the different water actors under the umbrella of the PWA. Further information and seminar documentation (agenda, presentations, photos, etc) on EMWIS website.
4- An information seminar aiming to raise awareness of the benefits of exchanging know-how and information among the main stakeholders of Jordan’s water sector was held on 15th May in Amman (Jordan) on the joint initiative of EMWIS and the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in Jordan. This seminar brought together some 70 participants representing the main water stakeholders and water actors of Jordan. It was also an opportunity to launch officially the new Jordanian EMWIS web portal, and to discuss potential partnership agreements between EMWIS National Focal Point (NFP) and national data providers. Further information and seminar documentation (agenda, presentations, photos, etc) on EMWIS website.
5- The 7th World General Assembly of INBO -International Network of Basin organizations- will take place in DEBRECEN in HUNGARY from 7 to 9 JUNE 2007. Four round tables will be organized during this World General Assembly in DEBRECEN to deal with the following large topics, which are strategic for the good implementation of river, lake and aquifer basin management: - Prevention and management of extreme climate phenomena of floods and droughts, - Transboundary basin management, - Monitoring, monitoring networks, reporting, inter-calibration, - Preparation of action plans for basin organizations and their financing, etc. - A special session will also deal with public and water users’ participation. Registration deadline: 5th May 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
6- Under the patronage of His Royal Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan, the EMPOWERS Partnership is holding a Regional Forum on Local Water Governance, entitled “Water is everybody’s business.” The Forum will take place in Amman, Jordan on June 6-7, 2007. The Forum will also bring together representatives of donor organizations, international and regional water networks, NGOs and academia. The Forum's principal objective is to promote a policy environment that is conducive to participatory stakeholder based approaches to planning and implementing water sector activities. It will explore modalities for embedding and scaling up these approaches in local and national planning for this sector in countries of the region. Further information on EMWIS website
7- The 9th International Symposium on Water will take place from Monday 25th to Friday 29th June of 2007 in Cannes. The theme of this year’s event is “Water, City and sustainable development”. Many foreign Ministers, officials of international institutions such as UNESCO, the International Rotary and the United Nations, experts and decision makers will bring their expertise, know – how, experience and credibility to enrich and enlighten this matter. The works of the 9th International Symposium on Water will found expression in a set of recommendations and decisions guiding the future of men and women over the planet. Further information on EMWIS website
8- Every two years, Hydrotop gathers together during three days the whole water & sanitation actors from the Mediterranean countries. Considered for the quality of the exchanges, this Euro-Mediterranean crossroads of water & sanitation comes to meet the need proven for information and to thus facilitate the gathering of the scientists, the industrialists, institutional and the operators. All together, by confronting the experiments and by sharing the results, try to bring some brief replies to water problems. Hydrotop 2007 will be held the days 26 -28, June 2007 at the Congress center (Chanot park) of Marseilles (France). Further information on EMWIS website
9- The International Forum on Drought (June 17-20, Sevilla, Spain) is a meeting place for specialists in different fields focused on analysing the phenomenon of drought. During the four days of the Forum, experts from around the world will share and deliberate on appropriate measures to prevent, combat and ameliorate the effects of drought. Additionally, the event will be used to promote public sensitivity to the issue and to get society involved in adopting water conservation behaviour. An advance of activities featured at Expo Zaragoza 2008 will be presented during the International Forum on Drought. The event links the last two Spanish cities to host a large exposition: Sevilla’s universal exposition and Zaragoza’s international exposition, centred on the theme of water." The Med working group on “water scarcity and droughts” of Joint Process will organise a meeting just one day after the end of thie Forum. Further information on EMWIS website
10- On 25/04/2007, the European Parliament adopted a set of compromise amendments agreed with the EU Council of Ministers on the proposal for a directive on the assessment and management of flood risks. The directive was proposed by the Commission in 2006 in order to prevent and limit floods and their damaging effects on human health, the environment, infrastructure and property. Since 1998, floods in Europe have caused some 700 deaths, the displacement of about half a million people and at least €25 billion in insured economic losses. The new Directive will require that Member States take a long-term planning approach to reducing flood risks. Further information on EMWIS website
11- The EU "deeply regrets" the failure of the United Nations (UN) Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) to agree at its last meeting (CSD 15) on its latest strategy text for delivering on sustainable- development commitments made at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Further information on EMWIS website
12- The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and the German League for Nature & Environment (DNR) welcomed last 14th May the German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel's initiative for a new European ecological industrial policy. According to the EEB and the DNR this initiative needs specific policy measures and institutional support in the form of strong EU conclusions on the Commission's Green Paper on Market Based Instruments, as well as political support from European economic and finance ministers. The two organisations see the need for both European-level initiatives and national commitment and implementation of these policies. Further information on EMWIS website
13- The main objective of the ongoing, “Eaucuir” LIFE-Third Countries project (LIFE04 TCY/TN/063) is to promote and improve the use of wastewater treatment technologies in the tannery industry in Tunisia. The leather sector is one of the most important economic sectors in Tunisia. Export to the EU has increased by 10 since 1997. However, the industrial processes involved in leather production have a very negative impact on the environment due to the high quantities of water and chemicals used, and wastewater treatment technologies are rarely applied in Tunisian tanneries. Further information on EMWIS website
14- The World Bank has announced it is to lend Morocco $100 million to help the country improve its water supply and sanitation sectors. The loan is the first part of a long-term programme to help Morocco implement sector reforms, increasing the level of efficiency and coordination between sectors, as well as dealing with governance issues. The aim of the programme is to provide sustainable and equitable water and sanitation solutions for poor urban and rural areas, while developing pollution control capabilities and making operators more competitive and accountable. Further information on EMWIS website
15- The World Bank and the Lebanese government have signed a $20 million grant agreement to enable the country to rehabilitate its electricity sector and complete a water network in the Bekaa valley, which suffered badly in the war with Israel last year. This part of the project will take around $15 million of the grant money, and will help to connect the valley’s pipe system to other networks in the country. Further information on EMWIS website
16- Amin Shaban and Nadine Nassif, of the National Council for Scientific Research, Beirut have contributed a paper that delineates the pollution sources at Lebanon's largest lake, Qaraaoun Lake. Further information on EMWIS website
17- Last 15th February 2007 the Israeli Minister of National Infrastructure gave his backing to the director of the new Water Authority Council and expressed his readiness to help. The Government Water and Sewage Authority aims at the uniting of the government’s jurisdiction in the areas of water and sewage under one authority. Until the authority’s establishment, this jurisdiction was spread among many ministries, such that it was quite difficult to set a unified government policy, and created many conflicts and collisions among the various bodies. The roles of the Water Authority Council are anchored mainly in the Water Law. It includes representatives of the ministries of Infrastructure, Interior, Agriculture, Environment and Finance, as well as two public representatives. Further information on EMWIS website
18- As the records of the Water Authority and the Environmental Protection Ministry demonstrate, pollution from petrol stations and storage facilities has in the past years constituted an increasing environmental concern. The Water Authority has recently released alarming data, suggesting the problem might affect Israel's drinking water. The good news, however, is that at the same time, the relevant parties have stepped up their efforts to contain the problem and counter pollution. The data, collected by the association's Water Quality Branch, pertained to 63 water reservoirs and sites. Forty-seven of them were found to contain varying levels of pollution. Last year, only 13 sites were surveyed. Ten were found to be polluted. Further information on EMWIS website
19- France and Italy have both taken measures to prevent water resource problems in what is feared will be another drought year. In France, water rationing has been imposed in seven of the country’s 96 mainland departments, mainly around Paris, which have had less rain than usual. Officials in Italy announced plans to store water, creating a reserve of 30 million cubic meters of water by reducing water use by electricity plants and agriculture. A TV advertising campaign will also encourage Italians to save water. Further information on EMWIS website
20- Waterwise launches a water efficiency campaign in the UK, including a new magazine called Summer Fun features many facts about water use and tips avoid wasting it. This publication is being provided in conjunction with 16 UK water companies. Further information on EMWIS website
21- An Egyptian satellite, Egyptsat-1, was successfully launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan last 17th April, the official news agency MENA reported. Egyptsat-1 will be devoted to scientific research and photography to support development in the fields of construction, cultivation and fighting desertification. The Egyptian satellite is one of the 14 foreign satellites carried in one rocket launched by the Russian Federal Space Agency. Further information on EMWIS website
22- The novel EU space policy designed to fit European interests and values: a stronger Europe in space, better equipped and better coordinated to face the future needs of its citizens. This wider strategic scope addresses new challenges, including the EU’s external relations. Further information on EMWIS website
23- The China National Space Administration has become the newest member of the International Charter 'Space and Major Disasters', a joint initiative that works to provide emergency response satellite data free of charge to those affected by disasters anywhere in the world. Further information on EMWIS website
24- Information on the project titled "Dialogue on Water in the Middle East and North African Region" is now available on the MedWet website. Implemented in the Menasra sub-basin, Oued Sebou (Morocco) and Al Azraq basin (Jordan), the project aims to create a dialogue process around the two wetland sites leading to an Aquifer contract (" Contrat de Nappe") between the water users in Morocco and a local action plan for Al Azraq to be presented at the national level in Jordan. Further information on EMWIS website
25- The 6th Meeting of the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development (COMPSUD) took place on 3-4 May 2007, in Corfu island, Greece, with the participation of 30 MPs from 15 countries and representatives of regional organisations. The discussions focused on possible ways to strengthen the dimensions of sustainable development and of IWRM in regional political processes such as the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the European Neighborhood Policy, the Horizon 2020, the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development etc and in particular on the role of MPs in promoting such processes, in cooperation with governmental and non-governmental partners. Moreover, the cooperation of COMPSUD with other parliamentary bodies in the region was in the focus, and particularly with the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and the Arab Parliament. Further information on EMWIS website
26- According to Angel Gurria, the Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development -OECD-, if governments charge higher rates for water, it will help reduce shortages by discouraging waste. In addition, he said, the increased revenues would allow greater investment in water technology and infrastructure. Further information on EMWIS website
27- The LIFE-Environment "RiverLife" project “A cost-effective decision support system for management of boreal river basins” (LIFE98 ENV/FIN/573) was developed to maintain or improve the clean status of Finnish rivers and to promote ecologically sustainable land-use, develop assessments of river status, and improve environmental awareness of the ecological impacts of land-derived loading on river ecosystems. The project drafted guidelines for general river basin management that would be useful to any authority planning land use or any body – including businesses – engaged in activities based on the good value of rivers as places of recreation or nature, particularly at local level. Further information on EMWIS website
28- On 3 May 2007, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding”. The cooperation agreement is established within the framework of the “EIB University Networks”, a system of partnerships of the EIB Group with University networks showing characteristics that are of particular relevance to support its objectives as the policy bank of the European Union. Further information on EMWIS website
29- Death of François Casal: François Casal is deceased last week of an internal bleeding, less than one week after the death of his wife taken by a long disease. The burial took place Wednesday May 23, 2007 in Loiret. While he was deputy Water Director within the French Ministry for Ecology and Sustainable Development, François CASAL has been one of the pillars of EMWIS development. He will remain in our memory as a strong supporter of the Mediterranean cooperation in the water sector. Further information on EMWIS website
30- Job Offer: Communication Manager at the World Water Council Headquarters. The World Water Council Headquarters seeks a Communication Manager for its office in Marseilles, France, in charge of the Council’s communication team and overall communication and promotional activities, including those related to the World Water Forum. Further information on EMWIS website
31- Nomination is opened for the 3rd Award 2006-2008 of the Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water: This international scientific prize is a significant contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the global water issues which represent one of the most pressing human, economic and political concerns worldwide. The Prize is intended to support water scientific research worldwide with a sense of appreciation extended to the concerned intellectual inventors with an aim to provide them with a suitable, moral, and financial atmosphere conducive of a free and vivid spirit of contest. Deadline for receiving nominations : 31 December 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
32- 8,000 Jobs for the Environment: From 22 May to 29 June 2007- The Third "Veolia Compétences" Campaign: For the third year running, Veolia Environnement is launching a recruitment campaign. As in 2006, a traveling exhibition in the form of four buses bearing the Veolia Environnement colors will be visiting the different French regions (West, Center, Paris Region, Mediterranean, East, South-West, Rhône Alpes Auvergne and North-West), stopping in over 100 towns and presenting Veolia Environnement's business lines and the jobs on offer to the public. Further information on EMWIS website
33- Patrick Lavarde, in the past general director of the CEMAGREF, was nominated General director of the National office of water and the aquatic environments - ONEMA- (Official Journal of April 28, 2007). The ONEMA is a publicly-owned establishment created by the new French law on the water and the aquatic environments of December 30, 2006 and its application decree of March 25, 2007. It takes and supports actions intended to support a global, sustainable and balanced management of water resources, ecosystems watery and pisciculture. Placed under the supervision of the minister in charge of environment, it collaborates with the State services and the water agencies. Further information on EMWIS website
34- The web portal of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment and Water Resources in Oman: www.mrmewr.gov.om won the prize of the best web portal in the Arab World during a ceremony celebrated recently in Dubai, with the presence of several governmental, public and private sector representatives from the whole Arabic countries.
Further information on EMWIS website
35- Establishing a network of experts in the area of environmental health: The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) is in the processes of establishing a regional network for Experts in various aspects of emergency response. The members of the network will be entitled to intensive trainings on environmental health issues in emergencies as well as a series of modular training courses on various aspects of Environmental Health. The network members after going through the basic needed trainings will be included in the pool of emergency experts in the region. Further information on EMWIS website
36- Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) was published in the official Journal on the 25th April 2007. The INSPIRE Directive entered into force since the 15th May 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
37- Follow-up of the MEDA Water Partners Conference - Dead Sea April 2007: all related final documents (conclusions, recommendations, pictures) are now available on the RMSU website. Further information on EMWIS website
38- A final 3-year "2003-2007" activity report describing the program "The Culture of Water" that was implemented under the Peres Center for Peace, has been published. Further information on EMWIS website
39- "Water sector strategy of the German Cooperation" is a recent report published by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. It provides guidance for NGOs on approaches and developments in German development cooperation and offers interested third parties information about the German government's support policy for cooperation with developing countries in the water sector. Further information on EMWIS website
40- INBO's Newsletter N°15: This newsletter is very successful and shows the mine of experiences and information available in the 160 member organizations and observers of the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) from more than 58 countries and their mobilization to write interesting articles, which contribute to the joint project: « Integrated water resource management at basins level ». Further information on EMWIS website
41- PoWER Newsletter April/May Issue (4/5): This e-newsletter is designed to enhance communication and keep you current on the latest activities of the partners in water education, research and training. This newsletter gives you, some news on what is happening in the PoWER partnership, as well as a quick overview on what keeps the partners busy in the field of water and sanitation. Further information on EMWIS website
42- The CRUE ERA-Net launched a powerful new information resource (CRUISE) that gives users instant access to the results of flooding research programmes worth more than €430 million. CRUISE (CRUe Information System Europe) provides a web-based starting point for users interested in finding out more about European flood-related research, both at the research programme level and ultimately the individual project level. Currently, the database comprises detailed information about more than 30 research programmes (worth more than €430 million), 60 funding bodies and about 300 organisations involved with flood risk management research. Further information on EMWIS website
43- Summary of the new LIFE+ Regulation (2007-2013): The LIFE+ Regulation is expected to be adopted in the 26th June Environment Council meeting without substantial changes. The overall objective of LIFE+ is to support the development and implementation of EU environmental policy and legislation, including the integration of environmental policy into other policies, as well implementation of the 6th Environmental Action Programme. Further information on EMWIS website
44- LIFE project thematic summaries updated: Twelve of the thematic summaries of LIFE projects have been updated on the LIFE website with examples of 2006 projects. Further information on EMWIS website
45- At the "European Funding for Nature Conservation" workshop in Warsaw, Poland, on 25 April 2007, Mr Owen (Head of LIFE Unit, European Commission) revealed the latest information about LIFE+ and the next call for proposals, focusing on the LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity component. Further information on EMWIS website
46- EC FP7 Programme: Finance Helpdesk Newsletter #10: Critical information for those applying to FP7. Especially SMEs who will find the 60% flat rate is not so easy to get. Further information on EMWIS website
47- Ramsar Handbook on "River basin management" launched in a bilingual Croatian-English version on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the publication of the decree which created Croatia's Lonjkso Polje Nature Park and Ramsar site, on 20 March 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
48- The GEWAMED project has just published the Issue n°4 of the GEWAMED Newsletter (Mainstreaming Gender Dimensions Into Water Resources Development and Management in the Mediterranean Region). Further information on EMWIS website
49- Principles of Water Law and Administration, National and International: 2nd edition, by Caponera & Nanni: A multidisciplinary text, considering both general issues and principles of water law and administration at national and international level, dealing with current legal and institutional aspects of water resources management. Further information on EMWIS website
50- Debris Flow: Mechanics, Prediction and Countermeasures; by Tamotsu Takahashi. A comprehensive account, treating both theoretical and applied aspects of debris flow. Further information on EMWIS website
51- Underwater Embankments on Soft Soil: A Case History, by Van Impe & Verástegui Flores. This publication illustrates a challenging example, sited in the Port of Antwerp, Belgium, of the design and construction of a large underwater embankment on very soft soil. This text will be a valuable reference case history for the geotechnical engineer, both from the academic's as well as from the practitioner’s point of view. Further information on EMWIS website
52- Water Environment Federation Launches New Peer-Reviewed Journal Aimed at Water Practitioners: focusing on issues pertinent to water professionals including water monitoring, facility operations and maintenance, management, and policy. The journal publishes on a monthly to bi-monthly basis and is available online only. Further information on EMWIS website
53- 2nd issue of Water & Stability newsletter. Further information on EMWIS website
54- The presentations of the UN/Morocco/ESA International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Sustainable Development, 25 - 27 April 2007 are available on the UNOOSA website: The importance of the workshop was its effort to assess and identify further actions that would contribute to the use of space technology to support sustainable development. The participants defined ways and means to implement the projects in the identified fields. Further information on EMWIS website
55- “Water status in France”: Consequences of an unreasoned exploitation. The author takes partly the reader while insisting on perishable nature of this resource to preserve at all costs. One of the headlight elements of the book consists in showing how a common good succeeded in becoming consumer goods like the others, privatized by some great groups, with all the dangers that that implies. The work thus wants to be “committed”, to denounce the misdeeds of a bad management as well on the level of the public policies as to that of our daily consumption. Further information on EMWIS website (In French)
56- "Water, a shared stake" by Mr. Jean-François Donzier (OIEAU General Director) in an interview for Enviro2B: The integrated water resources management becomes a priority if one do not want that this rare resource does not become one of the limiting factors of the development of many countries of the world. The delay taken becomes worrying and a mobilization without precedent becomes essential. The problem is initially political and it is necessary that all the governments take it into account, so that humanity gains the battle of water and prepares the future. Further information on EMWIS website (In French)
57- "Policies of water: Great principles and realities" by A. Brun & F. Lasserre. This book gathers the contributions of geographers, journalists & engineers, etc. It is addressed to the public students, researchers, managers or to associative persons sensitive to the evolution of the questioning on water policies and the sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS website (In French)
58- LIFE+ future decided: European Commission welcomes final political agreement on LIFE+. The overall budget foreseen for LIFE+ is just under € 1.9 billion for the period 2007-2013. 78% of the budget is dedicated to project action grants and at least 50% of this has been reserved for spending on the "nature and biodiversity" part of the Programme. The LIFE+ regulation is expected to enter into force by September 2007. Currently, the Commission is preparing the information package for LIFE+ applicants (Application guide, Application forms, Evaluation guide, Model Grant Agreement and Common Provisions). The first call for proposals will most probably be opened in autumn 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
59- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - International Reintegration Grants (IRG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-3-IRG, Indicative budget: 14.5 M€. This action consists of financial support during at least 2 and up to 4 years for professional (re)integration projects in the research area in a host organisation in a Member State or Associated country. The project can, amongst other things, address research activities, training, teaching, transfer of knowledge, commercial exploitation, diffusion, development of co-operation with the scientific and / or industrial sector of the third country from which the researcher is returning. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
60- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant: Call identifier: ERC-2007-StG, Indicative budget: 289 M€. The objective of these grants offered by the European Research Council (ERC) is to provide adequate support to the independent careers of excellent researchers, whatever their nationality, located in or moving to the EU and associated countries, who are at the stage of establishing and leading their first research team or programme. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and September 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
61- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - Marie Curie Initial Training Networks: Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN, Indicative budget: 240 M€. The action will be implemented by supporting competitively selected networks of organisations from different countries engaged in research training. The networks will be built on a joint research training programme, responding to well identified training needs in defined scientific or technological areas, with appropriate references to interdisciplinary and newly emerging supra-disciplinary fields. Deadline for application: May 07, 2007 and September 25, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
62- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “WATER” from Czech Republic environmental research partners. These offers may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Czech Republic to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
63- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “WATER” from Hungarian environmental research partners. These offers may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Hungary to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
64- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “WATER” from Polish environmental research partners. This catalogue may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Poland to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
65- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “CLIMATE” from Polish environmental research partners. This catalogue may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Poland to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
66- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - ERA-NET Plus Call 2007: Call identifier: FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD, Indicative budget: 28.9 M€.
This call from the ERA-NET scheme (European Research Area) covers a.o. conferences and other support actions.
Deadline for application: 31 July 2007 at 17:00 (Brussels local time). Further information on EMWIS website.
67- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - European Reintegration Grants (ERG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-2-ERG, Indicative budget: 9.5 M€. The action offers the opportunity to experienced researchers from Member States or Associated countries, to capitalise on their trans-national mobility period after having participated in a Marie Curie action either under the Seventh or the previous Framework Programme. The mechanism will assist the professional (re)integration of the eligible researchers in a research organisation in a Member State or Associated country, including in their country nationality. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
68- 2nd Announcement of the 13th World Water Congress: The 13th World Water Congress will be held in Montpellier (France) in 01-04 September 2008. The main theme of this congress will be ‘Global Changes and Water Resources: Confronting the Expanding and Diversifying Pressures.’ The congress aims to enhance knowledge and raise global consciousness of the impact of global changes on water resources. New deadline for submission of abstracts is: 31 August 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
69- Call for papers for the First International Conference on Water Resources Modeling and Simulation in the 21st Century:
The Egyptian Water Resources Association, EWRA invite you to participate in the First International Conference on Water Resources Monitoring, Modeling and Simulation from 25-27 December 2007, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt. Papers are invited on the topics outlined above and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted by mail, fax, and email or via our website as soon as possible. Further information at EMWIS website.
70- Call for Contributions to the World Conservation Congress open: the event will take place in Barcelona, Spain from 5-14 October 2008. The first half of the Congress will be the World Conservation Forum, from 6-9 October. This will be the place to debate pressing environmental issues and solutions for sustainable development. The Forum seeks to reach agreements, share solutions and create new partnerships for a diverse and sustainable world. Building on IUCN’s long history of bringing together diverse stakeholders and providing scientific leadership. The deadline for proposals submission is: 1st June 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
71- Invitation to submit papers to the Arab Journal of Water: The Arab Journal of Water is a scientific refereed Journal published twice a year by the Arab Water Council. The mission of the Journal is to contribute in solving Arab and Regional water issues by publishing scientific papers in the areas of integrated water resources management, water policies, trans-boundary water issues, water conflict and diplomacy. In addition, the Journal addresses traditional water issues in different sectors, namely; urban, industrial, agricultural and transportation. Further information on EMWIS website.
72- Submit your recent research results to HESS: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Journal is an online and open access international journal published by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) for the dissemination of original research in hydrology. HESS complies with the EGU concept of "Public Peer Review" and "Interactive Public Discussions". The page charges of HESS are reduced 35% for the period 1 May 2007 - 31 December 2007. Please consider this opportunity to submit your recent research results to HESS. Further information on EMWIS website
73- Second announcement Final Harmoni-CA Conference; invitation for proposals and pre-registration: At this conference to be held in Brussels (Belgium) in 27-29 September 2007, water managers and their supporting technical staff will be informed about documents, guidelines and tools originating from European research, and how these are available for direct use in their actual situation. The call for proposals is open till June 5, 2007. Harmoni-CA is a research project supported by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action "Sustainable Management and Quality of Water" within the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. Contract no: EVK1-2001-00192. Further information on EMWIS website
74- 1st announcement: International Symposium on Sediment Management (I2SM): The symposium will review recent advances on sediments management related research and focus on engineering aspects. The organising committee cordially invites you to attend I2SM, which will be held on July 10 -12th 2008 in Lille, France. Should you wish to present a communication please send your abstract to the organizing committee by June, 27, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
75-The international Congress: "Water and Waste" has announced a call for papers to be due in 15 September 2007. This congress which will take place in Oujda (Morocco) the 22 and 23 November, 2007, will be an occasion, for the researchers and the various operators in the field of the management of solid waste and liquids, to discuss priority strategic axes and shared objectives to work out on a strategy aiming at reinforcing the exchange of the know how between the Moroccan and foreign research teams. Further information on EMWIS website
76- The first workshop within the framework of the MELIA project “Water culture and water conflict in the Mediterranean area” will be celebrated in Tunisia from the 22nd to the 26th of November 2007. A specific focus will be put on the historical, economical and social point of view, and the possible application of the principles of the Water Framework Directive. Further information on EMWIS website
77- Call for contributions to a University review: "Horizons maghrébins-the right to memory -2008 Alimentation & population in the Maghreb & the Middle East". The thematic scope is: Self-sufficiency or food dependence, agro-alimentary Policies, Food Quality, Revival of country agriculture and experiments of agro-ecology, urban Agriculture, Water Management & Farm prices. Deadline for contributions: 31 March 2008. Further information on EMWIS website
78- The “first regional meetings of the transboundary co-operation, the sustainable development, the territories and the decentralized co-operation in Balkans” will be held on July 5, 2007 in Thessaloniki (Greece). Coordinated by the French Embassy n Athens with the support of the Delegation for the external action of the local communities of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and of "Cités Unies" (France), these regional meetings will support the territorial multi-actors approaches in order to make possible the concretization of projects of decentralized co-operation. These Meetings aim to allow the French territorial communities, on the one hand to meet their counterparts of Southern east Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia) and of Turkey and on the other hand, to be able to implement bilateral and regional projects of co-operation within the framework of relevant sets of themes for the local authorities: governance, transboundary co-operation, training of the local councilors, the sustainable development, the rural development and the inheritance. Further information on EMWIS website
79- EMWater 4th Regional Training Course: The training to be held in Bologna (Italy) in the period: 10-22 June 2007, offers an advanced course for professionals in wastewater management and treatment from Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Turkey. It aims: To improve know-how transfer, To approach low-cost and easy-to-manage technologies from a theoretical and practical point of view, and To train WWTPs operation and management, with focus on strategy planning and trouble shooting. Further information on EMWIS website.
80- UNU Workshop on Environmental Security in MENA: Leadership for Water and Energy Security in the Middle East and North Africa. The Course to be held in 27-28 June 2007 in Amman (Jordan), will look at energy and water conflicts and investigate the leadership challenges behind solving those conflicts. Target group: The target group of the workshop are existing and emerging leaders in renewable energy in developing countries, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe who have an interest in advancing renewable energy for desalination projects in the region. There is a limited amount of funding available for early registrations. Further information on EMWIS website
EVENTS (Full Agenda)
[2007/06/27 - 2007/06/28] UNU Workshop on Environmental Security in MENA: Leadership for Water and Energy Security in the Middle East and North Africa, Amman, Jordan.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/27 - 2007/06/28] European Forum Water 2007, Vienna, Austria
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/26 - 2007/06/28] “Hydrotop 2007” the Euro-Mediterranean Carrefour of Water, Marseille, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/26 - 2007/06/28] Le VI è Symposium International sur l'Environnement, Catalyse et Génie des procédés, Marseille, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/26 - 2007/06/28] Eighth Meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com8), Rome, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/25 - 2007/06/29] 9th Cannes Water Symposium: Water and City, Cannes, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/25 - 2007/06/28] NOVATECH 2007, 6ème conférence internationale sur les techniques et stratégies durables pour la gestion des eaux urbaines par temps de pluie, Lyon, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/25 - 2007/06/27] International Workshop "Changements Climatiques et Adaptation en Afrique: Le Rôle des Technologies Spatiales", Algiers, Algeria.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/21 - 2007/06/24] 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, Recycling and Environmental Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/21 - 2007/06/21] "L'imagerie Satellitaire pour la gestion des risques", Sophia Antipolis, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/20 - 2007/06/22] 4th European Conference on Contaminated Sediments, Antwerp, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/19 - 2007/06/22] XII Dam Monitoring International Conference: the hazard resulting from hydrotechnical structure operating, recognition, monitoring and prevention, Stare Jabłonki, Poland
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/19 - 2007/06/19] Med working group on “water scarcity and droughts” of Joint Process, Seville, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/18 - 2007/06/21] International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamics for Water Resources, Zaragoza, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/18 - 2007/06/21] Algérie: l'eau, un défi, un salon : SIEE-Pollutec 2007, Algiers, Algeria.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/18 - 2007/06/22] Aguasan Workshop 23: "Opportunities and Challenges for the Water and Sanitation Sector in a Decentralized Context", Gwatt, Switzerland
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/18 - 2007/06/22] SAGEO 2007 : Colloque International de Géomatique et d’Analyse Spatiale, Clermont-Ferrand (18-20 juin) Saint-Etienne (21-22 juin), France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/18 - 2007/06/19] 11th Euro-Mediterranean Economic Transition Conference: "Mediterranean Economies facing the immediate environmental challenge", Brussels, Belgium.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/17 - 2007/06/20] 5th IWA Specialised Conference: MICROPOL & ECOHAZARD 2007, Frankfurt, Germany.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/17 - 2007/06/20] International Forum on Drought: Counteract Drought, Take actions, Seville, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/14 - 2007/06/14] Mobility and Environment European Policy Summit & Horizon 2020: Bridging the EU-US divide on biofuels and climate change (Two Atlantic Rendez-Vous satellite debates between Brussels and Washington DC), Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/14 - 2007/06/16] 1st IWA Utilities Conference Customer Connection, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/14 - 2007/06/15] The 1st Stakeholder Workshop and the 2nd Annual Steering Committee Meeting of INECO project, Beirut, Lebanon
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/13 - 2007/06/15] World Canals Conference 2007, Liverpool, UK.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/13 - 2007/06/17] 5th IWHA Conference ‘Pasts and Futures of Water’, Tampere, Finland
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/13 - 2007/06/15] Symposium on the occasion of UNESCO-IHE's 50th anniversary: 'Water in a changing world: Enhancing local knowledge and capacity', Delft, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/13 - 2007/06/15] 5th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality 2007, Enschede, The Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/13 - 2007/06/14] Final FLAPP conference: "Challenges for an integrated river basin management in Europe" - Improving flood management across borders, Zaragoza, Spain
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/13 - 2007/06/13] Water, Climate and Environment - Solutions and the Bottom Line: A CIWEM - CMS Conference, London, UK.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/12 - 2007/06/15] Green Week 2007 ? Lessons from the past, challenges for the future, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/12 - 2007/06/12] Formation CNFME - Les indicateurs de performances : bilan des retours d'expériences, Paris, France
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/11 - 2007/06/13] Conception des bases de données dans un SIG, Rabat, Morocco
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/10 - 2007/06/22] EMWater 4th Regional Training Course, Bologna, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/07 - 2007/06/09] INBO: Invitation to its 7th General World Assembly 2007, Debrecen, Hungary
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/07 - 2007/06/09] Groundwater Management in the Danube River Basin and other Large River Basins Conference, Belgrade, Serbia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/07 - 2007/06/08] 3rd European Conference on MTBE and other Fuel Oxygenates, Antwerp, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/07 - 2007/06/07] A High Level European Policy Summit on "Water Security: Does Europe Have a Strategy?", Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/06 - 2007/06/07] 2nd International Conference on Water Resources, Technologies and Services - BULAQUA, Sofia, Bulgaria
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/06 - 2007/06/07] Regional Forum on Local Water Governance: “Water is everybody’s business.”, Amman, Jordan.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/05 - 2007/06/08] The 7th biennial international conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics: "ESEE 2007: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences for Sustainability", Leipzig, Germany
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/05 - 2007/06/07] The Ninth Water Information Summit (WIS9): "Information in an Age of Water Insecurity: the Roles of Networking, Education, and Technology", West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/05 - 2007/06/05] The EU Sustainable Development Strategy (EUSDS) Business Response – Contact Group kick off event" : “An Ambitious Business Response in support to the EU Sustainable Development Strategy”, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/05 - 2007/06/05] Technology for safe drinking water in Southern Europe, 2nd Regional Technology Platform, Lisbon, Portugal.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/04 - 2007/06/06] IWA Conference "Membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse" and “Membrane-based concepts for decentralised municipal wastewater treatment“ Workshop, Berlin, Germany
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/06/04 - 2007/06/07] 86e congrès de l’ASTEE: « Conséquences des changements climatiques sur les services publics d’eau potable, d’assainissement, de déchets et sur les ressources en eau et les milieux aquatiques », Barcelone, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/31 - 2007/05/31] EARSC Workshop on Earth observation in the framework of GMES and GEOSS, Brussels, Belgium
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/31 - 2007/05/31] Formation CNFME: Les procédés de traitement des boues adaptés aux petites collectivités, Lyon, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/31 - 2007/06/01] Forum sur « facteurs de résistances aux légionelles : nouvelles connaissances scientifiques sur la bactérie », Poitiers, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/29 - 2007/06/01] 5th International Trade Fair and Congress on Waste Management: WasteTech-2007, Moscow, Russia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/29 - 2007/05/31] World Congress on Advancing Sustainable Hydropower, Antalya, Turkey.
Further information on EMWIS website
ABOUT EMWIS (Priorities, Activities, Objectives, Structure, Funding, Team)
WATER in the EURO-MED PARTNERSHIP (MEDA programme, Key dates)
EMWIS NATIONAL WEBSITES: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg
EMWIS WATER MULTILINGUAL THESAURUS (Available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish & Italian)- Water glossaries
DOCUMENTATION (EMWIS meetings, Documentary database, Funding for water, Key documents, Water Legislation)
WHO DOES WHAT IN THE WATER SECTOR (By contacts, organisations & information sources)
FORUM ; FAQ ; TOPICS (MedWIP, Water scarcity, groundwater, wastewater reuse, desalination, satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to: 14047 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription, click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the previous issues in our website.
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to improve it Contact the EMWIS Technical Unit.
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