EMWIS English Flash N°46, April 2007
Released | 26/04/2007 |
EMWIS Flash - April 2007 |
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In this issue N°46 (http://www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash46)
1- The recommendations of the First MEDA WATER Partners Conference
2- EMWIS Information Seminar in Cyprus
3- EMWIS Information Seminar in Palestine
4- EMWIS Information Seminar in Jordan
5- INBO: Invitation to its 7th General World Assembly 2007
6- EU Water Conference presentations available online
7- EU faith in private water finance shows ignorance
8- New Waterbase datasets available for Rivers, Lakes and Groundwater
9- A Mediterranean Convention on drinking water
10- AfDB supports IWRM Capacity Enhancements in Libya
11- The EIB in the Water Sector: Supply and Sanitation Schemes
12- Review of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (CRIC 5)
13- World Water Assembly for Elected Representatives and Citizens
14- World Bank Calls for Investment in Water Infrastructure
15- Turkey: River Basin Management
16- France: Launch of the French Partnership for water (PFE)
17- Spain: Climate change and AGUA programme
18- Cyprus: Campaign to fine water wasters
19- Palestine: More Gazans at risk from new sewage flood
20- Palestine: Wastewater Treatment in Wadi Al-Nar
21- Morocco: Hydrous resources, pleading for alternative solutions
22- Israel: Serious Groundwater Pollution in Greater Tel Aviv Area
23- Scotland: Scottish unions fight privatisation of water
24- United Kingdom: Climate change and the future of the water environment
25- Netherlands: Koenders to launch Association of Water Boards projects
26- Bulgaria: Stara Zagora Water Investment Project (EBRD)
27- Norway abandons water privatisation scheme
28- Poland: Odra River Basin Flood Protection Project
29- Serbia: Irrigation and Drainage Rehabilitation Project
30- The right to water, an inevitable issue during World Water Day
31- Dutch Government in favour of the right to water
32- 2008 declared "International Year of Sanitation"
33- Arab states sign ten-year science development plan
34- Satellite images aid implementation of agricultural reforms
35- Snowmelt monitored in the Baltic Sea watershed region in near real time
36- Scientists meet to review Envisat results after 5 years of operations
1- The First MEDA Water Partners Conference (FMWPC) was held on 15 and 16 April 2007 in the Dead Sea (Jordan). The MEDA Water programme is the main instrument to implement the Action Plan of the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Local Water Management in Turin (1999). The Integrated Water Resources Management at local level has been analyzed following 3 main axes: 1. Institutional issues 2. Social and economic issues and 3. Review of technical/technological concepts adapted to local water management in MEDA countries. The participants have prepared recommendations for a sustainable water management and they strongly requested to make all efforts to identify administrative and financial solutions to support water cooperation at the Mediterranean level taking into consideration the foreseen inter alia: - European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument (ENPI), expected to become one of the major instruments contributing to the sustainable development of the countries of the region, could help to realize the potential of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Athens conclusions – November 2006) and - 'Horizon 2020’ Initiative for De-Polluting the Mediterranean Sea by the year 2020. Further information on EMWIS website.
IN BRIEF (Full news)
2- An information seminar aiming to raise awareness of the benefits of exchanging know-how and information among the main stakeholders of Cyprus’s water sector will be held on 10th May in Nicosia on the joint initiative of EMWIS and the Water Development Department (Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environment in Cyprus). This will also be an opportunity to present the state of the art of the development of the National Water Information System (NWIS) in Cyprus, and some other relevant issues such as the water demand management, water scarcity & drought, and wastewater reuse management. Further information on EMWIS website.
3- An information seminar aiming to raise awareness of the benefits of exchanging know-how and information among the main stakeholders of Palestine’s water sector will be held on 13rdMay in Ramallah on the joint initiative of EMWIS and the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA). This will be the first Seminar to Disseminate EMWIS and progress made with regard in Palestine. Further information on EMWIS website.
4- An information seminar aiming to raise awareness of the benefits of exchanging know-how and information among the main stakeholders of Jordan’s water sector will be held on 15th May in Amman (Jordan) on the joint initiative of EMWIS and the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in Jordan. This will also be an opportunity to launch officially the new Jordanian EMWIS web portal, and to discuss potential partnership agreements between EMWIS National Focal Point (NFP) and national data providers. Further information on EMWIS website.
5- The 7th World General Assembly of INBO -International Network of Basin organizations- will take place in DEBRECEN in HUNGARY from 7 to 9 JUNE 2007. Four round tables will be organized during this World General Assembly in DEBRECEN to deal with the following large topics, which are strategic for the good implementation of river, lake and aquifer basin management: - Prevention and management of extreme climate phenomena of floods and droughts, - Transboundary basin management, - Monitoring, monitoring networks, reporting, inter-calibration, - Preparation of action plans for basin organizations and their financing, etc. - A special session will also deal with public and water users’ participation. Registration deadline: 5th May 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
6- All the presentations of the EU Water Conference are now available electronically through the WFD CIRCA library. Moreover, it is now possible to review the webstreaming and to access the documents of the 1st and the 2nd day. These links will stay available until World Water Day 2008 (22 March 2008). Finally, the implementation report and other related documents can be downloaded online. Further information on EMWIS website
7- In response to recent criticism of EU water aid policy, commission officials said it is "essential" to get the private sector involved due to its "huge spending power." This shows an alarming ignorance of the reality, David Hall, a University of Greenwhich expert writes. Further information on EMWIS website
8- Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA's databases on the status and quality of Europe's rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and on the quantity of Europe's water resources. Waterbase contains timely, reliable and policy-relevant data collected from EEA member countries through the Eionet-Water (formerly known as Eurowaternet) process. Eionet-Water selects validated monitoring data from national databases and adds information on the physical characteristics of the water bodies being monitored and on the pressures potentially affecting water quality. The added value of Waterbase is that data collected through the Eionet-Water process are from statistically stratified monitoring stations and groundwater bodies and are comparable at the European level. Further information on EMWIS website
9- The development of a Mediterranean Convention affirming the right to water for all was proposed during the meeting of the Mediterranean Bar Association of Lawyers, which took place on 23 and 24 March 2007 in Marrakech (Morocco) around the theme “The Right to Water and Water Law.” Approximately 200 participants from Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Italy, Spain and France, discussed existing legislation for water and sanitation. The Mediterranean Bar also proposed the creation of a website dedicated to the right to water and water law, as well as a series of conferences to be organised in 2008 by each member of the Mediterranean Bar. Mrs Houria Tazi Sadeq, WWC Governor, called upon the Moroccan Government to include the Right to Water in its legislation. The Mediterranean Bar Association expect to bring its actions to the 5th Forum of Istanbul in 2009. Further information on EMWIS website
10- The African Development Bank (AfDB), jointly with UNEP through its Collaborating Centre on Water and Environment (UCC-Water), and the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) organized on 11-12 April in Tripoli, Libya, a Regional Workshop on “Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Libya- Current Status and the Way Forward Demonstrated by National, Regional and International Experiences”. See the final summary of this workshop. Further information on EMWIS website.
11- The reason why the EIB finances water supply and sanitation projects is mainly environmental. Moreover, these projects often support the achievement of other Bank priority objectives as well. Within the EU-25 and the Enlargement Countries, EIB-financed water supply and sanitation projects not only to protect and safeguard the natural environment, contribute to people’s welfare, reduce health risks associated with water-borne diseases, protect fragile ecosystems and the diversity of freshwater species, but to also support regional development and economic and social cohesion in areas where the lack of infrastructure is a constraint to development. Primarily, the EIB seeks to finance investment projects and capital expenditure programmes. This is often undertaken jointly with the European Commission (EC), which manages various EU grants. This is done in order to ensure adequate resources for such heavy investments as well as compliance with EU legislation on water. Further information on EMWIS website.
12- The fifth session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC-5) of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) convened in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 12-21 March 2007, to review implementation of the Convention in affected country parties in regions other than Africa. Accordingly, the Committee discussed national reports and the results of regional meetings in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern Europe. The meeting also addressed how to improve information communication and national reporting, reviewed the 2006 International Year for Deserts and Desertification (IYDD), and conducted a Global Interactive Dialogue with stakeholders, among other activities. Further information on EMWIS website
13- The WWACE brought together trade unions, civil society organizations, and citizens dedicated to water-related issues so as to share knowledge about promoting water as a common good; civil participation in the government of water; the public financing of water; and how to implement access to water as a human right. Participants and speakers made commitments to make progress in these areas and to improve access to water. Further information on EMWIS website
14- The World Bank marked World Water Day March 22 by calling for increased investments from private and public sources in order to enhance water security in developing countries, which are projected to suffer the most because of water scarcity. It is estimated that 4 billion people – one half of the world’s population – will live under conditions of severe water stress in 2025, with conditions particularly severe in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. Current investment in new water infrastructure in developing and emerging economies is roughly $80 billion per year. In order to spur economic growth and create water security, investment will have to more than double over the next 20 – 25 years, to around $180 billion per year. The World Bank is the largest external financier in the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector in developing countries. Its current WSS project portfolio is nearly $7 billion. Further information on EMWIS website
15- The International Congress on River Basin Management organized by General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) in collaboration with the World Water Council (WWC) was held from 22 to 24 March, 2007 in Antalya (Turkey). The main purpose of this Congress was to contribute to the regional preparations for the 5th World Water Forum that will be held in Istanbul, Turkey in 2009. The aim of the congress was to exchange experiences information on methodologies and techniques used in the river basin management. 700 participants from 60 different countries participated in the congress.
Further information on EMWIS website
16- The ‘French Partnership for Water’ (PFE) and Nelly OLIN, Minister for Ecology and Sustainable Development, wished to mark the World Water Day, last March 22nd, by signing the constitutive charter of the Partnership. The partnership groups all the French actors involved in the water sector abroad: the state, the French Development Agency, local authorities, water boards, businesses, NGOs, research institutes. It will enable France to participate with greater coordination and efficiency in international meetings and debates on water. The PFE has the role to make progress in the interventions of the international community towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Further information on EMWIS website
17- For Spanish agriculture, water and its good management are crucial. Indeed, even if the average pluviometry of the country is not negligible, precipitations are very badly distributed. This bad allocation of resources generates strong competitions, on all the levels: local (between the various users), regional (between autonomous Communities of the same catchment area), and national. Through the program AGUA, the current Spanish government promotes a water management based on the one hand, on water saving and the development of new resources (primarily by the desalination of sea water) and, on the other hand, on the internalisation of the external costs dependent for the use of water. On his side, the policy aiming to the application of the principle pollutant/payer, according to the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE), comes to reach a crucial stage with the presentation of the project of revision of the “Ley de Aguas” (literally, “law of water”). This preliminary draft envisages in particular the integration of the costs of generation and distribution at the price of water and appreciably increases the fines in case of water pollution. However, the debates are not closed since this project meets the opposition of the Federation of the irrigators, the FENACORE, which estimates between 25 and 30 million euros the overcost for Spanish agriculture. Further information on EMWIS website
18- DAM CAPACITY across the island is only 26 per cent, with the Cypriot Agriculture Minister warning that wasting water will no longer be tolerated. On the occasion of World Water Day, a senior technician at the Water Development Department told the Mail that the dams are currently holding 72 million cubic metres of water, compared with 135 million cubic metres (49.5%) at this time last year. Phedros Roussis blamed the rainfall shortage for the problem, adding that inflow is currently 150,000 cubic metres, with the total inflow so far this year standing at 28.9 million cubic metres. The Ministry of Agriculture announced last 22nd March a campaign where people found to be wasting water will be fined, is due to begin in the following few days. Minister Photis Photiou explained that the as yet unspecified fines will be issued by municipalities, police and Ministry officials. Further information on EMWIS website
19- A further 800 Palestinian homes could be swamped by raw sewage in northern Gaza if the side of a lake containing sewage is not shored up immediately, the United Nations has warned. The Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) said that within two months it hoped to begin pumping water from the larger Beit Lahiya basin to the first two of nine new basins to the east of Gaza City. This would be part of the North Gaza Waste Water Project, which has been delayed for two years. In the meantime, the PWA is attempting to pump some of the water between local basins. The Israelis said they hoped the Palestinians would eventually build advanced sewage treatment plants. Further information on EMWIS website
20- The governor of the Bethlehem district Salah Al-Ta'maree discussed the establishment of a wastewater treatment plant for Wadi Al-Nar. He talked about the importance of solving the sewage and wastewater crisis stressing that the outcome of this meeting should be concrete recommendations for the implementation of projects addressing this issue. He added that this meeting came about as a response to the initiative of the Jerusalem municipality who will take the lead in this project, asking the participants to move towards Palestinian implementation of the project in the near future. Eng. Nader Khatib, the General Director of the Water & Environmental Development Organization, thanked the governor for this initiative, and pointed to the water and environmental problems, explaining that the current situation will influence the groundwater wells. Further information on EMWIS website
21- Mr. Rachid Balafrej, adviser of the Moroccan Minister of Regional planning, water and environment pled for alternative solutions to tackle the crisis of the hydrous resources in the countries of the MENA region, including Morocco. He recently declared that the economy of water, through financial incentives of the consumer, is an essential means for the safeguarding of this vital resource, considering it necessary to activate a rational use of water in all the fields. Abundant in the same direction, Mr. Balafrej insisted on the requirement to encourage the use of the modern means to avoid wasting water, financially supporting the projects aiming at saving water being used for the irrigation and reconsidering the agricultural processes. Further information on EMWIS website
22- A recently completed research study indicates that the problem of serious groundwater contamination is widespread throughout the greater Tel Aviv region and covers huge areas of Gush Dan, with several contamination sites. A long-term study, conducted in conjunction with researchers from Ben-Gurion University and the Agricultural Research Organization of Israel, revealed that poisonous gases and groundwater have reached the surface. The research found 156 contamination sources, including metals plants, four IMI facilities, glue factories, drugmakers, electronics plants and dry cleaners. As a result of the contamination, several wells in the Gush Dan area were closed after they were found to contain high concentrations of contaminants such as chrome or the solvent trichloroethylene. Further information on EMWIS website
23- The Scottish parts of Unison, Amicus, GMB and TGWU have joined hands to stop the privatisation of Scottish Water. They have proposed plans on how to develop public water and waste services for the future. The unions also oppose the option of so-called mutualisation which is a way to hand over the water system to international financial equity groups. The unions argue for a democratisation of the company and compare with international models. Further information on EMWIS website
24- Following a year when many of the water industry's achievements were drowned under critical headlines about drought order applications, high profile hosepipe bans and consumer concern over leakage rates, the industry needs to renew its efforts to set the agenda for a more sustainable water environment. It is clear that global political pressure and action is now focused on addressing both the causes and effects of global climate change. Climate change is already affecting the water industry throughout its value chain from availability of resources and infrastructure through operations and demand to finances. Pamela Taylor, chief executive of Water UK suggested: "Water and wastewater services will become unsustainable if we do not take full account of climate change effects in our planning and investment." Further information on EMWIS website
25- On 22 March, World Water Day, Dutch development minister Bert Koenders gave the starting signal for the first three international water projects to be run by the Association of Water Boards. The projects are being launched in Nicaragua, South Africa and Hungary with the aim of ensuring better water management and greater access to clean drinking water and sanitation. Further information on EMWIS website
26- The Stara Zagora Regional Water Company has applied for a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “Bank”) and intends using the proceeds for a project to renovate the Stara Zagora Water Supply and Sewerage Company’s (“Stara Zagora Regional Water Company” or the “Company”) water distribution network. The proposed project will be implemented in two phases – phase one in 2007 and phase two in 2008. The proposed project has a total estimated cost of EUR 11.6 million equivalent for goods, works and consultancy services, proposed to be financed by the Bank and the Company. Further information on EMWIS website
27- Norway is withdrawing from a controversial scheme that promotes public-private partnerships in public services, including water, in developing countries, after a critical report by Britain's World Development Movement (WDM) and the Norwegian Association of International Water Studies (FIVAS). Further information on EMWIS website
28- US$184 million to provide protection to more than 2.5 million people against flooding in several major towns and settlements in the ‘voivodships’ of Slaskie, Opolskie and Dolnoslaskie. It will also support enhancement of the “ecological corridor” in the Odra Valley that provides a habitat for many species, including migratory fish and serves as an important north-south migration route for many bird species as well as for certain mammals. Further information on EMWIS website
29- The project will support policy and sector reform, by financing selected high priority activities which promote a social and economic sustainability, especially for irrigation and drainage systems. Additionally, the project will continue strengthen the strategic capacities of DoW in this area by providing technical assistance and stimulating a dialogue with the international community to increase commitment toward a better balanced and participatory management of water resources. Further information on EMWIS website
30- World Water Day gave rise to many declarations and promises for action in favour of the Right to Water: Pope Benedict XVI, in a message addressed to the Director of the FAO, recalled that the right to water is a universal and inalienable right. The French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD) organised a debate on “The Right to Water and How to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals”. Helvetas, a large Swiss development assistance organisation, launched “PourBoire 2007” (22-29 March). The right to water was also one of the main themes of the World Assembly of Elected Officials and Citizens for Water (AMECE), which was held at the European Parliament in Brussels. The participants set the objective of gaining recognition for this right at the international level. Further information on EMWIS website
31- In a speech delivered on World Water Day, 22 March 2007, the new Minister for Development Cooperation of the Netherlands, Bert Koenders, announced that he wants the Netherlands to play a prominent role in getting the right to water recognised as a human right. Koenders said that this is necessary to make water a political priority. He also wants Dutch embassies to push for the right to water at country level. The Netherlands is contributing to this through its programme to give 50 million people access to safe water and sanitation by 2015. So far contracts have been signed for projects that provide safe water to 32 million people and sanitation to 25 million. Further information on EMWIS website
32- The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2008 as the "International Year of Sanitation". The U.N Department of Economic and Social Affairs will serve as the focal point for the Year and develop proposals on activities, and sources of funding. Further information on EMWIS website
33- In a bid to narrow the science and technology divide between Arab states and industrialised nations, Arab leaders have approved a ten-year plan for scientific research and development. This plan was signed off at a two-day summit of the 22 member nations of the Arab League in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia last 28-29th March. It calls on Arab countries to spend 2.5 per cent of their gross domestic product (GDP) on research and development over the next ten years. Further information on EMWIS website
34- An ESA-backed project has demonstrated how Earth observation satellites can assist in the cross compliance measures – a set of environmental and animal welfare standards that farmers have to respect to receive full funding from the European Union – included in the 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy. This project was funded by ESA’s Earth Observation Market Development (EOMD) programme, aimed at fostering the development of EO data within business practices, and carried out by EUROSENSE, a company that specialises in remote sensing. Further information on EMWIS website.
35- As spring melt of winter snow is underway in the Baltic Sea watershed region, satellites are monitoring and mapping the snow melting process to help local authorities manage water supplies and predict and prepare for floods. Remote sensing is the only technique capable of providing a comprehensive view over such a large area. Within the context of ESA’s Polar View programme, funded through the Earthwatch GMES Service Element (GSE), the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) is using images from Earth observation satellites to provide snow maps of Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and parts of Western Russia and Belarus from the beginning of March until the end of May. Further information on EMWIS website
36- From 23 to 27 April in Montreux, Switzerland, over 900 scientists from around the world will attend the Envisat Symposium 2007 to review and present results of the European Space Agency’s Earth Observation satellites and in particular Envisat. The Symposium will provide a session dedicated to the use of Earth Observation in support of International Environmental Conventions in close collaboration with UN agencies, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and other key international and European institutional actors, such as the European Environment Agency (EEA). A special session is planned on the GMES Programme on Thursday 26 April to present the status of the EU-led GMES Programme and the ESA-managed Space Component. Further information on EMWIS website
37- After having served as Head of GRDC since July 2000, Dr Thomas Maurer has been promoted Head of BfG's Department M2 (Water Balance, Forecasting and Predictions). The new Head ofthe Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC)is Mr Ulrich Looser, who until recently was responsible for the management of the South African National Water Quality Database at the Department of Water Affaires and Forestry. Further information on EMWIS website
38- Swiss Re ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management: The International ReSource Award is worth USD 150 000 in total and is granted to one or several projects selected by an international jury. Launched in 2002, the ReSource Award is a prize for leadership in implementing the principles of sustainability in watershed management. The prize money is awarded exclusively for project implementation activities and not for building-up or strengthening the organizations that are submitting an application. 31 May 2007 (Deadline for submission). Further information on EMWIS website
39- Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance: The book provides a compilation of over 5000 terms, organizations and acronyms, drawn from hundreds of official sources. Further information on EMWIS website
40- The World Bank Independent Evaluation Group has released a new report entitled 'The Development Potential of Regional Programs', the most comprehensive assessment of regional programs to date. The report finds that cross-border development programs can deliver strong results, such as providing reliable energy, managing shared water resources, enhancing environmental protection and combating the spread of communicable diseases. Existing programs have done well, but overall support for regional cooperation remains limited and the programs have often lacked sufficient planning to make them sustainable. During the past decade, only about 3 percent of all international development aid went to regional programs. Further information on EMWIS website
41- Flood hazard for developing world's urban dwellers: A study to be published in the journal Environment and Urbanization next month found that populations are most vulnerable to flooding in Asia, where many people live on the flood plains of major rivers and in cyclone-prone coastal regions. The study calls for action to limit the effects of climate change, to help people migrate away from risk areas and to modify urban settlements to reduce their vulnerability. Further information on EMWIS website
42- Blue Gold, European Water Partnership Blog: A platform for exchanging views, finding solutions for water challenges in wider Europe and stimulating cooperation and partnerships, launched by the European Water Partnership. It also is a platform for journalists reporting on water issues to reach a community truly interested in water issues. Blue Gold welcomes contributions from all. Blue Gold invites and urges contributors to see the blog as much more than a simple bulletin board.
Further information on EMWIS website
43- WWC Newsletter N°23, March 2007 is available online. The WWC Headquarters publishes a newsletter featuring reports of activity, meeting announcements and various members information. Further information on EMWIS website
44- Edie Special Report - Water and Wastewater: This latest monthly special report features a preview of the British water industries' biggest trade show, the International Water and Effluent Exhibition (IWEX), set to open at the NEC in Birmingham on May 1st. Further information on EMWIS website
45- Berghahn Books have, in association with UNESCO, published two titles that are of particular relevance to World Water Day. The first Water Development Report – Water for People – Water for Life (2003) was created from the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. This was followed by Water – A Shared Responsibility (2006) which continued to build and develop on the conclusions of the first Report. Further information on EMWIS website
46- Global Change and Ecosystems: how FP6 projects are tackling sustainable development: The Sixth Framework Programme for Research (FP6) which commenced in 2002 contributes to our growing understanding of environmental change and sustainable development. Its thematic sub-priority, "Global Change and Ecosystems" (GCE), brings together international partners from around the world in some 280 projects. Research focuses on the mechanisms and impacts of global environmental change as well as practical strategies and tools for sustainable development. Further information on EMWIS website
47- Newsletter 15 Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin: This is a publication of the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin, KWB), which is a public-private partnership company. The KWB stands as a network node to strengthen the position of Berlin as an international centre in the field of water economy and technology. Further information on EMWIS website
48- UNEP’s GEMS/Water Launches Water Quality Outlook: Water Quality Outlook, launched as part of World water day’s observance, provides a snapshot of key water quality issues as they relate to achieving the international goals on water, sanitation and biodiversity. It notes that there are significant emerging threats to water quality, ranging from climate change to invasive species, and from waterborne pathogens to chemical contaminants. Water Quality Outlook is available in English in PDF format at http://www.gemswater.org/. Further information on EMWIS website
49- New UKWIR publication: Acceptability of Water to Customers: An approach to formulating interventions and seeking funding to address aesthetic aspects of drinking water quality is considered. These aspects include discolouration and particles; taste and odour; and hardness. The report includes the outcome of consultation with Regulators and a survey of the industry with regard to aspirations and current practice. Further information on EMWIS website
50- Groundwater resources sustainability indicators: Development of groundwater indicators has been taken up by UNESCO under the Sixth Phase of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP), Theme 2: Integrated Watershed and Aquifer Dynamics. The groundwater indicators working group (WG) has thoroughly reviewed the issues raised in the first World Water development Report (WWDR) and, at the outset, maintained the need for taking a longer term horizon for groundwater indicator development. The indicators proposed in this report, although simple, are both scientifically-based and policy-relevant. The set of groundwater indicators presented in this report is a short-list derived from over one hundred conceptual water related indicators. Further information on EMWIS website
51- Pay – Establishing Payments for Watershed Services: IUCN launched this report on World Water Day, 22 March 2007. It sets out how water market and incentive schemes should be designed to maintain water resources, providing examples of systems already in place. Further information on EMWIS website
52- Recharge Systems for Protecting and enhancing Groundwater Resources: With the editorial support of KWB, the ISMAR5 conference proceedings were completed at the end of 2006. On 1000 pages, more than 60 authors from 44 countries provide a comprehensive overview on the state-of-the-art in the field of the management of groundwater recharge systems. The report is subdivided into 7 main topics: recharge systems, geochemistry during infiltration and flow, modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics, health aspects, clogging effects, case studies, sustainability of managing recharge systems. Further information on EMWIS website
53- UNEP updates water policy and strategy 2007-2012: The new policy mentions, among its conceptual principles, social and economic development and poverty reduction issues and recommends that, where privatization of water services is adopted, regulatory, legal and institutional frameworks are put in place to ensure the protection of natural resources and that the poor are not negatively affected. Further information on EMWIS website
54- Proposal for the establishment of an IHP regional centre for the scientific study on management of shared groundwater resources under the auspices of UNESCO and WMO in Tripoli, Libya. Further information on EMWIS website
55- The issue n°68 of the Remote Sensing Bulletin: "Bulletin Télédétection - Reseautd" has been published. Further information on EMWIS website
56- SOGREAH: International letter n° 15 March, 2007: Among the topics of this issue: - Qatar: National strategy of Management and Development of the Water Resources. - Algeria: Study of inventory and Development of Small and Medium Hydraulics (PMH). Further information on EMWIS website
57- LIFE+ future decided: European Commission welcomes final political agreement on LIFE+. The overall budget foreseen for LIFE+ is just under € 1.9 billion for the period 2007-2013. 78% of the budget is dedicated to project action grants and at least 50% of this has been reserved for spending on the "nature and biodiversity" part of the Programme. The LIFE+ regulation is expected to enter into force by September 2007. Currently, the Commission is preparing the information package for LIFE+ applicants (Application guide, Application forms, Evaluation guide, Model Grant Agreement and Common Provisions). The first call for proposals will most probably be opened in autumn 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
58- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - International Reintegration Grants (IRG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-3-IRG, Indicative budget: 14.5 M€. This action consists of financial support during at least 2 and up to 4 years for professional (re)integration projects in the research area in a host organisation in a Member State or Associated country. The project can, amongst other things, address research activities, training, teaching, transfer of knowledge, commercial exploitation, diffusion, development of co-operation with the scientific and / or industrial sector of the third country from which the researcher is returning. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
59- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology (General Call 1): Call identifier: FP7-KBBE-2007-1, Indicative budget: 192 M€. This call includes a.o. the following topics: - Activity 2.1: Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments. Deadline for application: May 2, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
60- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant: Call identifier: ERC-2007-StG, Indicative budget: 289 M€. The objective of these grants offered by the European Research Council (ERC) is to provide adequate support to the independent careers of excellent researchers, whatever their nationality, located in or moving to the EU and associated countries, who are at the stage of establishing and leading their first research team or programme. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and September 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
61- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - Marie Curie Initial Training Networks: Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN, Indicative budget: 240 M€. The action will be implemented by supporting competitively selected networks of organisations from different countries engaged in research training. The networks will be built on a joint research training programme, responding to well identified training needs in defined scientific or technological areas, with appropriate references to interdisciplinary and newly emerging supra-disciplinary fields. Deadline for application: May 07, 2007 and September 25, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
62- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - Environment (including Climate Change): Call identifier: FP7-ENV-2007-1, Indicative budget: 200 M€. Deadline for application: May 2, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
63- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “WATER” from Czech Republic environmental research partners. These offers may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Czech Republic to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
64- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “WATER” from Hungarian environmental research partners. These offers may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Hungary to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
65- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “WATER” from Polish environmental research partners. This catalogue may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Poland to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
66- Catalogue of offers for collaboration in the research related to “CLIMATE” from Polish environmental research partners. This catalogue may interest all the research groups looking for partners in Poland to present proposals for the FP7 calls. Further information on EMWIS website.
67- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - ERA-NET Plus Call 2007: Call identifier: FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD, Indicative budget: 28.9 M€.
This call from the ERA-NET scheme (European Research Area) covers a.o. conferences and other support actions.
Deadline for application: 31 July 2007 at 17:00 (Brussels local time). Further information on EMWIS website.
68- EU-FP7 Call for proposals - European Reintegration Grants (ERG): Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-2-ERG, Indicative budget: 9.5 M€. The action offers the opportunity to experienced researchers from Member States or Associated countries, to capitalise on their trans-national mobility period after having participated in a Marie Curie action either under the Seventh or the previous Framework Programme. The mechanism will assist the professional (re)integration of the eligible researchers in a research organisation in a Member State or Associated country, including in their country nationality. Deadline for application: April 25, 2007 and October 17, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
69- World Bank MENA water report: Discussion of the report's findings. The World Bank Middle East and North Africa Region launched in Cairo last 11st March the Regional Report on Water: Making the Most of Scarcity. This is the fifth report in a series that highlights key challenges facing the region. The World Bank report discusses how water management solutions need to be considered as part of the wider economic policies of the countries of the region. A discussion on this report finding is open. Please feel free to submit your feedback here in this forum (by logging in the portal after creating an account) and a copy to Julia Bucknall (World Bank), who will respond to individual posts and/or summarise at the end. Further information on EMWIS forum.
70- Call For papers for the Special Issue on: “Integrated Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas”: The purpose of this special issue is to better understand the key aspects of the sustainable management of water resources in arid and semi-arid area, to construct new mathematical and physical models using modern instruments of system engineering, management science, and information technologies, and to attempt to determine what is needed to improve effective water resources management in arid and semi-arid areas. Articles for consideration are invited for submissions; manuscripts may be technical, conceptual, case-studies, policy or practice oriented and can range from original research to overviews, assessments, and reviews. Deadline for Submission: 15 May 2007. Further information at EMWIS website.
71- Call for papers for the First International Conference on Water Resources Modeling and Simulation in the 21st Century:
The Egyptian Water Resources Association, EWRA invite you to participate in the First International Conference on Water Resources Monitoring, Modeling and Simulation from 25-27 December 2007, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt. Papers are invited on the topics outlined above and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted by mail, fax, and email or via our website as soon as possible. Further information at EMWIS website.
72- Water special issue of 'Development' journal: CFP. Development is the flagship journal of the Society for International Development (SID) (www.sidint.org/development) published quarterly by Palgrave Macmillan, London. It has a wide and varied international audience of activist researchers, academics, policy makers, members of community based and non-governmental organisations and the general public interested and working on development. Development is also interested in publishing short summaries (250 words) of networks and institutes working on water for the Window on the World Section and also short reviews of books (5–600 words) on water, case examples of community-based initiatives of water management and stories of water activism from around the world, and interviews with water activists. Abstract and brief biopic: 4 May 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
73- Invitation to submit papers to the Arab Journal of Water: The Arab Journal of Water is a scientific refereed Journal published twice a year by the Arab Water Council. The mission of the Journal is to contribute in solving Arab and Regional water issues by publishing scientific papers in the areas of integrated water resources management, water policies, trans-boundary water issues, water conflict and diplomacy. In addition, the Journal addresses traditional water issues in different sectors, namely; urban, industrial, agricultural and transportation. Further information on EMWIS website.
74- Call for Papers - Submit your abstract to POWER-GEN Middle East 2008: POWER-GEN Middle East 2008 will be held the days 4-6 February 2008, in Bahrain International Exhibition Centre, Manama (Bahrain), under the Patronage of His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Advisory Committee of POWER-GEN Middle East – the leading conference & exhibition for the Middle East Power, T&D and Water industries – is now accepting paper abstracts for the POWER-GEN Middle East 2008 Conference. Interested people are invited to submit an abstract for POWER-GEN Middle East 2008 and share their knowledge, experience and ideas with technical and strategic decision-makers and strategists. Abstract submission deadline: 18th May 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
75- Call for papers for the 1st IWA Utilities Conference Customer Connection: The customer connection is the central topic at the first IWA European Utility Conference for the water supply and sanitation sector. This conference will be held in Maastricht the days 14-16 June 2007. Papers will presented on customer satisfaction, cost and regulation, benchmarking, new technologies, risk management and public acceptance, marketing and customer aid. Submissions of papers are welcome till 15 May 2007. If selected, a full manuscript must be submitted on schedule for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
A selected number of papers and posters will be reviewed for publication in the IWA Journal Water Science and Technology.
Further information on EMWIS website
76- Call for papers for the conference: "Can Water Resources Be Sustained in Drylands? Challenges: Present and Future": This conference to be held in Amman (Jordan) the days: 10-12 December 2007, seeks to highlight the efforts of research in developing integrated regional water resources management and tools to quantify transborder impacts of water use and disposal, economic-ecologic models, regional perspective of water governance, opportunities for cooperation, challenges, and priorities, and the role of stakeholders. Abstract submission deadline: April 27, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
77- Scoping study: Water ecosystems, poverty & climate change: The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is undertaking a scoping study for the UK Department for International Development (DFID) on Water Ecosystem Services and Poverty Reduction in the context of Climate Change. The work aims to identify key research areas and delivery mechanisms. It will do this by seeking views from stakeholders internationally. This provides an opportunity to usefully shape a programme of research and delivery to achieve optimum impact. Closing date: 30 April 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
78- New deadline for submission of abstracts for the 13th World Water Congress is: 31 August 2007. This congress will be held in Montpellier (France) the days 01-04 September 2008. The main theme of this congress will be ‘Global Changes and Water Resources: Confronting the Expanding and Diversifying Pressures.’ The congress aims to enhance knowledge and raise global consciousness of the impact of global changes on water resources. Further information on EMWIS website
79- 1st announcement: International Symposium on Sediment Management (I2SM): The symposium will review recent advances on sediments management related research and focus on engineering aspects. It will provide a unique opportunity for experts and engineers all over the world to meet and share their experience. The organising committee cordially invites you to attend I2SM, which will be held on July 10 -12th 2008 in Lille, France. Should you wish to present a communication please send your abstract to the organizing committee by June, 27, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
80-The international Congress: "Water and Waste" has announced a call for papers to be due in 15 September 2007. This congress which will take place in Oujda (Morocco) the 22 and 23 November, 2007, will be an occasion, for the researchers and the various operators in the field of the management of solid waste and liquids (university, decision makers, planners, building owners, laboratories, contractors, engineering and design departments, etc.), to discuss priority strategic axes and shared objectives to work out on a strategy aiming at reinforcing the exchange of the know how between the Moroccan and foreign research teams. Further information on EMWIS website
81-Call for paper for the Conference: "Solid transport and management of the sediments in natural and urban environments". The SHF organizes this conference the 28 - 29 November 2007 in Lyon. Deadline for submission of the abstracts: May 14th, 2007. Further information on EMWIS website
82- The first workshop within the framework of the MELIA project “Water culture and water conflict in the Mediterranean area” will be celebrated in Tunisia from the 22nd to the 26th of November. The 1st announcement has been launched. The Workshop intends to pull together scientists, decision –and policy- makers, water users, relevant NGOs and Organisations from all the Mediterranean countries for discussing and sharing views and experiences on Water Culture and Prevention of Water Conflicts, considering terms from the historical, economical and social point of view, and the possible application of the principles of the Water Framework Directive. Further information on EMWIS website
83- EMWater 4th Regional Training Course: The training to be held in Bologna (Italy) in the period: 10-22 June 2007, offers an advanced course for professionals in wastewater management and treatment from Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Turkey. It aims: To improve know-how transfer, To approach low-cost and easy-to-manage technologies from a theoretical and practical point of view, and To train WWTPs operation and management, with focus on strategy planning and trouble shooting. Further information on EMWIS website.
84- The Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland is offering a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) on "Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in the context of Developing and Transition Countries". The class instructions take place during the last week of August and the first week of September 2007, respectively 2008. Registration deadline: 31 May 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
85- IOWater (OIEau) Days: “Sludges treatment processes adapted to the small communities” is a one-day training organised by the International Office of Water (OIEau, France) through its National Training Centre for Water (CNFME). This one-day training will take place in Lyon (France) next 31st May 2007. Further information on EMWIS website.
EVENTS (Full Agenda)
[2007/05/31 - 2007/05/31] EARSC Workshop on Earth observation in the framework of GMES and GEOSS, Brussels, Belgium.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/29 - 2007/05/31] World Congress on Advancing Sustainable Hydropower, Antalya, Turkey.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/29 - 2007/06/01] 5th International Trade Fair and Congress on Waste Management: WasteTech-2007, Moscow, Russia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/28 - 2007/05/30] 15th Nitrogen Workshop, Lleida, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/24 - 2007/05/25] 2nd International Short Course: Advances in Knowledge of Urban Drainage from the Catchment to the Receiving Water, Rende, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/24 - 2007/05/26] International Conference on Technologies for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region, Jerba, Tunisia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/24 - 2007/05/26] The 2007 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Earth System Governance, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/23 - 2007/05/25] Fourth International Conference on River Basin Management, Kos, Greece
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/21 - 2007/05/23] 4th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management, Kos, Greece.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/21 - 2007/05/23] Environment 2007 conference & exhibition: The 5th International Conference & Exhibition for Environmental Technologies, Management & Funding, Cairo, Egypt.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/21 - 2007/05/22] Workshop on Transboundary Water Pollution, Liability and Compensation: Challenges and Opportunities, Budapest, Hungary
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/18 - 2007/05/19] CMU workshop on Water Management in the Mediterranean, Valencia, Spain.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/17 - 2007/05/18] 1st Thematic Workshop of the EU Coordination Action RISKBASE: (Monitoring and assessment of river pollutants: a step towards the implementation of risk based management plans. Case studies of Portuguese river basins), Lisbon, Portugal.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/15 - 2007/05/15] EMWIS National information seminar in Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/15 - 2007/05/17] The 4th International Water Association Conference on Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Harrogate, United Kingdom.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/14 - 2008/05/18] Workshop on the Physics of Tsunami, Hazard Assessment: Methods and Disaster Risk Management, Trieste, Italy
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/14 - 2007/05/15] WATERSKETCH Final event: European Symposium on Spatial Planning Approaches to Sustainable River Basin Management, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/13 - 2007/05/13] EMWIS National Information Seminar in Palestine, Ramallah, Palestine.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/10 - 2007/05/10] EMWIS National information seminar in Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/08 - 2007/05/11] 10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Aalborg, Denmark.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/07 - 2007/05/08] ADST2007: Third International Conference and Exhibition: Desalination Technologies and Water Reuse, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/07 - 2007/05/07] The 1st meeting of Working Group F on Floods, Brussels, Belgium.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/03 - 2007/05/04] The 6th Meeting of the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development, Corfu island, Greece.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/02 - 2007/05/04] Workshop "How can economics best support water policy decision making? Taking stocks of the first years of WFD implementation", Ungersheim in Alsace, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/05/01 - 2007/05/03] IWEX 2007, part of Sustainabilitylive: the UK's largest forum for water and waste water professionals, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/04/27 - 2007/04/29] WSDWTF 2007: The 8th China Int’l Water Supply& Drainage and Water Treatment Exhibition, Shanghai, China
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/04/26 - 2007/04/27] 2nd EMCO workshop on Emerging Contaminants in Wastewaters: Monitoring tools and treatment technologies, Belgrade, Serbia
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/04/26 - 2007/04/26] EU Water Initiative multi-stakeholder meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/04/25 - 2007/04/27] 2nd International EWA Conference ‘Waters in Protected Areas’, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/04/25 - 2007/04/27] United Nations/Morocco/European Space Agency International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Sustainable Development, Rabat, Morocco.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/04/24 - 2007/04/27] 6th World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists: ‘Urban waters: resource or risk’, Vitry sur Seine, France.
Further information on EMWIS website
[2007/04/23 - 2007/04/27] Envisat Symposium 2007, Montreux, Switzerland
Further information on EMWIS website
ABOUT EMWIS (Priorities, Activities, Objectives, Structure, Funding, Team)
WATER in the EURO-MED PARTNERSHIP (MEDA programme, Key dates)
EMWIS NATIONAL WEBSITES: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg
EMWIS WATER MULTILINGUAL THESAURUS (Available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish & Italian)- Water glossaries
DOCUMENTATION (EMWIS meetings, Documentary database, Funding for water, Key documents)
WHO DOES WHAT IN THE WATER SECTOR (By contacts, organisations & information sources)
FORUM ; FAQ ; TOPICS (MedWIP, Water scarcity, groundwater, wastewater reuse, desalination, satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to: 13946 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription, click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the previous issues in our website.
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to improve it Contact the EMWIS Technical Unit.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Commission. The content can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. This disclaimer is not intended to contravene any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.