Overview RWKN
The Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management (RWKN) is a 3 year regional project to be implemented in 5 countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon and Palestine and funded by the European Union under the programme: Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development (Development Cooperation Instrument) and Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument).
The project aspires to create a Regional
Water Knowledge Network (RWKN) that will assist in strengthening the
application of systematic approaches to water management in 5 countries (
- Creating a Regional Water Knowledge Network (RWKN): The main goal of the RWKN is to promote systemic approaches to integrated water resource management throughout the region; among researchers, experts, practitioners and other stakeholders with an interest in this domain. This network will make use of already existing national and regional networks and integrate these networks into a well organized cluster with the specific objective to extract and disseminate shared knowledge, lessons learnt and experience.
- Increasing knowledge, insights and awareness on systemic approaches to sustainable water resource management in the region. This will be made possible by collecting available knowledge on Systemic Approaches to Integrated Water Resources Management and sharing it with targeted experts; which by doing so reflects positively on increasing integrated water management in the region.
- Encouraging the application of systemic approaches to water management: Water management approaches that include; ground water and surface water resources, oases and large river systems. Through strengthening these tools, a set of lessons learnt will be collected and disseminated.
- Developing and disseminating guiding papers on systemic approaches that could be applied to Natural Resources Management
- Strengthening the capacity of local authorities to use these systemic approaches. Without practical implementation and actual training; local authorities will not be encouraged to use these new techniques. Therefore much support will be provided in increasing the capacity of the local authorities in these matters.
Overall Objective & Approaches:
The Network is thought to be developed having a common space in which all partner institutions can participate and having a core area that exists of the central management structure of RWKN and a number of sub-networks that concentrate on different thematic areas or knowledge fields. The basic setup of the Network is shown in the graph below. The dissemination events are another way of sharing information with Network partners and other parties that are interested in systemic approaches in water management. The Project has limited resources to carry out such events and will have to carefully select the subject of dissemination and the relevant target groups in order to maximize the impact of such events.