Meda Water RMSU
Starting date: 2005/12/05 - Duration (months): 36
The RMSU (Regional Monitoring and Support Unit) is managed by a consortium lead by the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) from France, joined by the International Office for Water (OIEau), also from France and the Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE). The RMSU has its main office in Amman and a second office in Marseille for easier contact with the Maghreb region and institutions based in the EU. It is anticipated that the activities of the RMSU will last until autumn 2008.
The RMSU has a three-year mission, focusing on the monitoring, collection and dissimenation of results of projects financed by the MEDA Water programme.
Activity 1 - To monitor and evaluate the actions of the MEDA Water programme (follow-up, technical reviews, benchmarking, setting-up of sectoral workshops, dialogue, etc.)
Activity 2 - To assit beneficiaries of the MEDA Water programme in their reporting, financial and administrative management, presentation of results and their dissemination, in conformity with the standards of the European Commission (creation of a MEDA Water Internet site in liaison with EMWIS, organisation of MEDA events in the Mediterranean, etc.)
Activity 3 - To ensure liaison and support for MED-EUWI actors and participants with the MEDEUWI Secretariat, as well as contributing to themed meetings, etc.
Contact: Mr. Gert SOER; See MEDA-Water / RMSU website for further information.