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Project Water Community Program to Promote Community Based Awareness

-In Israel, Palestine and Jordan, fresh water is a scarce and fragile resource widely exploited, unequally distributed and suffers from a lack of sustainable management policies.

-Depletion of the region main water sources is caused by:

    * Deterioration of the water quality
    * Limitations due to the region climate, geography and hydrology
    * Influence of the climate change.

-Because water does not recognise state borders and the water resources are shared, sustainable management of water resources must include a region-wide perspective and consider all people and communities in a fairly manner.

-Prevention of water resources from pollution, improvement in the local water supply and use in any given community will make more water available for communities across the boundaries. Crucial changes in behavioural patterns as well as simple technical solutions can best be established at community level. Surveying and better understanding the water resources in the area and striving to achieve sustainable use and a just regional water allocation, are essential conditions for the establishment of a good neighbourly relationship, beneficial to all people in the region.

- Good Water Neighbours (GWN) is the name of a regional project initiated by Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) in early 2002 to foster cross-boundary cooperation in sustainable water management and environmental issues between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.

Project number ME8/B7-4100/IB/99/0233-06
Geographical coverage Palestine, Israel, Jordan
Budget (in €) 703729
Programme SMAP
Web site
The principal objectives are:
-Promoting just and sustainable use of cross-boundary water resources by demonstrating the benefits of sparing water, fostering people-to-people information exchange, promoting common understanding on water resources both at public and policy levels, establishing dialog and cooperation on common water problem solving issues in Jordan, Palestine and Israel making thereby people of the region aware of their own water reality.

-Raise awareness at community level as to their water reality:
    * Promote trans-boundary cooperation between the neighboring Israeli/Palestinian/Jordanian pilot communities to seek to advance common water problem solving issues.
    * Encourage public participation in water use efficiency, waste-water re-use and water equity issues by launching a region wide public awareness and dissemination program based on the results/experience gathered from the Partnering Community Programs.

Results -Results related to the 1st Objective:

       * Neighbouring Pilot Communities in Israel (5), Palestine (5) and Jordan (1) identified and enrolled

       * In each pilot community, a group of “Water Trustees” lead by a Field Researcher established as the local advocates/activists for change.

     * Awareness of each Community in water management promoted

     * In each pilot community, public buildings transformed into model water wise buildings using low cost water saving technologies

     * Three workshops on wise water use and water equity issues targeted at community stakeholders organised in each community.


-Results related to the 2nd Objective:

     * Petitions concerning common cross-border water problems between each pair of neighbouring communities raised

     * Potential cooperative water projects between two sets of neighbouring pilot communities identified by way of conducting opportunity studies.


-Results related to the 3rd Objective:

     * A 6-member Regional Community Water Forum (RCWF) established public awareness and participation in water management and environmental issues increased at regional level

     * Information/Communication material produced and disseminated

     * Three study tours completed one in the USA, one in Canada and one in the EU.

     * Visits of EU and US experts to Pilot Communities and meetings with local authorities performed.

     * Presentations of the project at major international fora made


-Empowerment workshops targeted to local environmentalist activists in each country to address local and regional water problems conducted.

Period 22/12/2001


  • Friends of the Earth Middle-East (FoEME)
    Coordinator acts as project coordinator
    Country Israel
    Contact Mr BROMBERG Gidon,
    Phone/fax: +972.3.5605383, +972.3.5604693
  • Friends of the Earth Middle-East – Jordan
    Country Jordan
    Web site
    Contact Mr MEHYAR Munqeth,
    Phone/fax: +962 6 586 6602, +962 6 586 6604
  • Friends of the Earth Middle-East
    Country Palestine
    Web site
    Contact Mr. KHATEEB Nader AL,
    Phone/fax: ,
  • The European Environmental Bureau -
    Country Belgium
    Contact Mr. HONTELEZ John,
    Phone/fax: +32 2 289 1090, +32 2 289 1099

Funding sources

  • European Commission
    Source EC SMAP
    Programme SMAP
    Funding rate 79