![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 1 - Project Homepage |
Objectives: The aim of the project's website is to
provide a strategically important mechanism for establishing the
effective means of communication and to disseminate information, aims and
results of the project to the scientific community. |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 2 - STAR Stream Types and Sampling
Sites |
Objectives: Aim of this report is to document the
process of sampling site selection (Workpackage 5), which is the
preposition for the “core Workpackages” 7 (core stream types) and 8 (additional stream types)
of STAR. Furthermore, first tables of the sites to be sampled in STAR are
presented. |
Internet Version |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable2.pdf, 396
KB) |
Stream Types |
Stream Types |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 3 - Assessment Methods for Lotic
Waterbodies with Various Taxonomic Groups |
Objectives: Aim of the Review is to compile an
overview of data on reference conditions and existing assessment methods
using benthic invertebrates, fish, phytobenthos, macrophytes and river
habitat surveys, national standards on sampling, analysis and quality
evaluation, related national projects and existing databases. |
waterview database (see also
Review) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 4 - Database selection and overview -
Acquisition of existing data |
Objectives: To obtain readily available existing
data, of sufficient quality, reliability and methodological
compatibility, in order to enhance the achievement of the project
objectives. To maintain good lines of communication and co-operation with
all other relevant European and national sampling and assessment
programmes and standardisation approaches. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable4.pdf, 177
KB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 5 - Part A
Sampling workshops - an overview |
Objectives: The aim of the sampling workshops, which
constituted the main component of Workpackage 6, was to ensure that all
the project's participants had a clear and common understanding of the
sampling and laboratory protocols, in particular that there were no
differences in interpretation of the written protocols. The workshops
were also to be used to collect replicate samples of diatoms and
macro-invertebrates by every partner in order to quantify, compare and
inter-calibrate sampling variation in each form of macro-invertebrate and
diatom sampling method applied in the project. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable5a.pdf,
289 KB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 5 - Part B
Results of the La Bresse diatom sampling and analysis
workshop |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable5b.pdf,
259 KB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 6 - Results of the sampling
programme |
Objectives: The aims of this report are to outline
the procedures for the collection of new data for the purposes of the
STAR project and to provide the European Commission with accessible sets
of the biological and supporting environmental data collected during the
project in order to meet its general and specific objectives. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable6.pdf, 2.6
MB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 7 - Audit of Performance
(incorporating results of the La Bresse sampling and analysis
workshop) |
Objectives: The deliverable covers the sub-sampling
audit for STAR-AQEM samples and audit of laboratory sorting and
identification of diatom and invertebrate samples. The aim of the report
is to describe the variance in metric values caused by sub-sampling
STAR-AQEM samples together and its contribution to their overall variance
between replicate field samples. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable7.pdf, 780
KB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 8 - Inter-calibration and
harmonisation of "invertebrate methods" |
Objectives: The aims of this report are to compare
and intercalibrate the results of proven assessment methods that already
comply with CEN standards (since these methods are not likely to be
discarded by their respective Member States), to compare and
inter-calibrate the results of different invertebrate methods
(particularly in terms of errors, precision, relation to reference
conditions) and to investigate the cost-effectiveness of different
approaches to the collection and processing of macroinvertebrate samples
involving varying levels of resource intensity. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable8.pdf, 4
MB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 9 - Error module
Objectives: The STARBUGS software program has been
written to provide a general means of using simulations to assess
uncertainty in estimates of ecological status class for river sites based
on either single metrics or a combination of metrics, multi-metric
indices (MMIs) and multi-metric rules. |
STARBUGS software |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 10 - Project databases |
Objectives: Aim was to create a user-friendly but
multi-functional central data base to store all data collected/collated
in Workpackages 5 to 9. The data storage software is a available for the
public. |
STAR software page |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 11 - Matrix of possible class
boundaries of grades of 'Ecological Status' associated with different
methods and stressors
Contribution of the STAR Project to the European CIS Intercalibration
process |
Objectives: Among other important aims, the STAR
project worked to make stream assessment methods and results in all of
Europe comparable in order to achieve equivalent river quality in future.
Deliverable 11 deals with the inter-calibration of assessment methods in
terms of harminization of their resulting classification (i.e. class
boundaries). |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable11.pdf,
3.3 MB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 12 - Strategy paper for the
suitability of the individual organism groups |
Objectives: The deliverable outlines the theory
behind the use of multiple organism groups (or metrics) in bioassessment
to more effectively detect ecological change if/when change occurs. The
approach is applicable for all types of variables normally used in
ecological assessment (i.e. both biotic and abiotic), however focus here
is on bioassessment and hence biological quality elements (e.g. fish,
invertebrates and aquatic flora) are discussed. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable12.pdf,
103 KB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 13 - Outlines of European
Standards |
Two potential standards, recommended by STAR are currently under
consideration by the Comité Europeen de Normalisation (CEN) for adoption
as official CEN work items.
These are:
- prEN Multihabitat: "Water quality - Guidance on pro-rata
Multi-Habitat-Sampling of benthic invertebrates from wadeable
- prEN Multimetric: "Water Quality - Guidance standard on the design
of Multimetric Indices"
A third, un-numbered potential standard: " Water Quality - Guidance
standard on the use of multiple organism groups in bio-assessment" has
been presented to CEN.
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable 14 - Decision Support System
Objectives: MONSTAR is a software product that
provides guidance in the design of monitoring programmes necessary to
meet the terms and objectives of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
MONSTAR uses expert opinion and the results from the STAR project to
provide the user with information. Information from MONSTAR gives users
the opportunity to make objective decisions related to the design of
monitoring programmes based on scientific research. MONSTAR gives insight
in the consequences of different choices in terms of costs and results
which enable the user to optimize his monitoring program. |
MONSTAR software |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable N1 - Comparison of (cost)
effectiveness between various macroinvertebrate field and laboratory
protocols |
Objectives: The objectives of this deliverable was
to study the results of different macroinvertebrate field and laboratory
methods particularly in terms of errors, precision, and effectiveness in
relation to the assessment/management objective. To investigate the cost
effectiveness of different approaches to the collection and processing of
macroinvertebrate samples involving varying levels of resource
intensity. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable_N1.pdf,
564 KB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable N2 - Species traits
analysis |
Objectives: The primary objective of this
deliverable was to test/quantify the applicability of a species trait
analysis as a unifying theme for the derivation of functionally-based
reference conditions, ecological quality status assessment, and as a
consequence the functional classification of running waters. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable_N2.pdf,
7.1 MB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable N3 - Spatial scale study |
Objectives: The aim of the deliverable is to
contribute to an understanding of different spatial scale stream
biodiversity and use of different taxonomic groups for the assessment of
ecological status of streams and how that can be used in implementing the
WFD. For this purpose key issues are an identification of factors driving
local and regional biodiversity as well as ecological scales that are
relevant to both driver and response variables. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable_N3.pdf,
2.1 MB) |
![](http://www.eu-star.at/imag/stern.gif) |
Deliverable N4 - Calibrating different biological
survey results against ecological quality classifications |
Objectives: The objectives of this Deliverable were:
(1) to estimate the different types of possible variability and/or errors
that occur in macrophyte and hydromorphological assessment, (2) to
support quality control of collected data and (3) to minimise the impact
of errors on final result. |
Full pdf-Version (Deliverable_N3.pdf,
1.3 MB)