The EU Water Framework Directive is the result of several years of consultations between the Member States on a common integrated water management policy. The Framework Directive aims to:
- protect all waters - rivers, lakes, coastal waters, and ground waters
- set ambitious objectives to ensure that all waters meet good status by 2015
- set up a system of management within river basins that recognises that water systems do not stop at political borders
- encourage cross-border cooperation between countries and all involved parties
- ensure active participation of all stakeholders, including NGOs and local communities, in water management activities
- ensure reduction and control of pollution from all sources, such as agriculture, industrial activity, and urban areas, etc.
- establish water pricing policies and ensure that the polluter pays.
One of the main objectives
- the protection of aquatic bodies and of water resources.
- to reach the good status of surface waters (ecological and chemical) and groundwaters (chemical and quantitative)
- to avoid their deterioration
Objective to reach in protected areas
- to suppress the discharges of prioritary dangerous substances in 20 years and and to reduce emissions of prioritary substances.