Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Sharing Information for better transboundary cooperation, Tuesday 20/03, 16h30

We cannot manage that we cannot measure! This is even more important in transboundary basins where information, data and knowledge exchanges must be organized and harmonized between the riparian countries in order to elaborate common diagnosis, take joint decisions and monitor their effects. Or in many situations, the knowledge available is insufficient, inadequate, partial, difficult to inter operate, poorly funded or even regressive…. The first step to achieve transboundary cooperation is to develop data and information sharing and better science policy interfaces which can facilitate dialogue and trust. This session will allow for a sharing of experiences from different continents on how to reinforce data, information and knowledge exchange between riparian countries, States and provinces, the scientific community and water stakeholders and how monitoring and assessment can support cooperation.



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PDF Agenda session 9.b.2 Download
URL Dinara Ziganshina, Deputy Director, SIC- Central Asia
URL Franck Chow-Toun, Deputy Director General, French Guiana Water Office
URL Jean-Luc François, Selma Cherchali (CNES), Philippe Escudier (AFD) : Satellite Observation
URL Keynote by Paul Haener - Handbook on Water Information Systems
URL Keynote by Robert Argent, World Water Data Initiative
5th Mediterranean Water Forum