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HTML Document Water and Environment in the EU/Tunisia Action Plan

Released 10/04/2006

Regional cooperation and initiatives

(10) Support the implementation of integration projects and initiatives within the region and between the Maghreb countries

  • Foster south-south economic and trade integration, notably within the Maghreb region;
  • support implementation of the Agadir Agreement;
  • step up and support regional initiatives in priority sectors such as energy, transport and information technology.


Sustainable development

(15) Promote sustainable development

  • Ensure implementation of the sustainable development provisions of the 10th Development Plan (2002-2006);
  • continue to integrate environmental considerations into other policy sectors: industry, energy, transport, agriculture and regional policies.



(67) Promote good environmental governance

  • Improve strategic planning of environment issues and strengthen national and local structures responsible for the environment, including by ensuring better coordination between the different actors;
  • support implementation of environment strategies and programmes at national and local level;
  • complete the regulatory framework and introduce procedures for access to information and public participation in the environment field;
  • increase the participation of the various stakeholders affected by environment issues (e.g. civil society and local authorities), in particular public participation in environmental impact assessment procedures;
  • adopt communication strategies on the environment and natural resource management;
  • exchange know-how and experience on environmental governance.


(68) Prevent and combat the deterioration of the environment, protect human health and promote the rational use of natural resources, in line with the Johannesburg Summit undertakings

  • Strengthen administrative capacity, including the issuing of permits and monitoring and inspection tasks;
  • support the necessary measures and means for protection of the environment and natural resources management, in particular: (i) step up implementation of the national waste management plan, particularly as regards collection, recovery, recycling and disposal of waste; (ii) implement the national plan for combating desertification and soil erosion; (iii) implement the national water resources plan;
  • introduce Euro-Mediterranean programmes for preventing and combating marine pollution, in particular pollution caused by shipping;
  • support industrial and tourism sector efforts in environmental upgrading



(69) Enhance and boost cooperation on environmental issues

  • Introduce practical arrangements for cooperation with the EU on implementation of the environment conventions and protocols, particularly as regards biodiversity, climate change, desertification and waste management: special attention will be paid to implementing the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, including CDM;
  • ratify the new Emergency Protocol of the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona Convention);
  • improve North-South dialogue and consultation on protecting the Mediterranean Sea;
  • identify possibilities to enhance regional cooperation with neighbouring countries, especially with regard to water and desertification problems;
  • possible participation in certain activities of the European Environment Agency;
  • promote cooperation at local level through environmental and sustainable development programmes, including actions involving municipalities in Tunisia and in the Member States;
  • promote transfers of environment technologies.