Water and Environment in the EU/Jordan Action Plan
Released | 10/04/2006 |
Geographical coverage | Jordan |
Abstract of the Jordan Action Plan set up in the framework of the European Neighbourhood policy.
In terms of Regional co-operation
(29) Support the development of policies promoting regional integration.
- Promote the development of regional projects in the environment, energy, telecommunications and transport.
For the Environment sector, priority actions are:
(57) Take steps to ensure that conditions for good environmental governance are set and start implementing them
- Enhance administrative structures and procedures to ensure strategic and financial planning as well as implementation, including strengthening of the Ministry of Environment.
- Review the National Environment Action Plan NEAP.
- Complete the adoption of the Environment Protection Law; take steps to Adopt by-laws on environment
- Implement priority actions of the National Environmental Education, Awareness and Communication Strategy.
- Prepare a state-of-the environment report by the end of 2006, drawing on from support and experience by UNEP and European Environment Agency, where appropriate;
(58) Take active action for prevention of deterioration of the environment, protection of human health, and achievement of rational use of natural resources, in line with the commitments of the
Medium term:
- Seek incentives to promote environmentally sound production patterns within Jordanian industries.
- Take steps towards adoption of specific programmes/plans on selected priority sectors
(59) Enhance co-operation on environmental issues
- Identify possibilities for enhanced regional co-operation, in particular in relation to water issues
- Possible participation in selected European Environment Agency (EEA) activities
- Work towards the implementation of the provisions under the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Medium term
- Implement provisions under the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
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