Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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News Relaunch of UfM Water expert group

The UfM secretariat together with the European Commission and Jordan, co-President of the Union for the Mediterranean organised the 5th meeting of the Water Expert Group on 23 and 24 November in Luxembourg. This date and location has been selected to allow the participation and exchanges with EU member states water directors that met the following days for their regular bi-annual meetings. The Euromed water directors reaffirmed the need of joining efforts to address the challenges and the need for cooperation in the region. They agree to elaborate a roadmap with objectives, actions and associated work plan that will be reviewed every 2 or 3 years. This roadmap will be prepared in 2016 for a potential approval mid 2017 during the Maltese Presidency of the EU. This gathering was also organised back to back with a meeting of the SWIM Steering Committee (25 November) that reviewed the last results of the support mechanism and demonstration projects, before the launch of a new phase in 2016. One week later on 1-2 December, H2020 (Depolluting the Mediterranean Sea) Steering Group members met in Brussels, where new developments for 2016 have also been announced, including a new phase of SEIS (Shared Environment Information System) initiative in the Mediterranean area. In 2016, both initiatives, SWIM and H2020 will have joint management, in particular thanks to a common support mechanism that will be led by LDK consultancy and bringing together 13 partners, including EMWIS (selected by the European Commission after a procurement process).



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News type Inbrief
File link
File link local 5thUfMWEGagenda-FINAL.pdf (PDF, 611 Kb)
Geographical coverage n/a
News date 25/11/2015
Working language(s) ENGLISH